Asynchronous full-duplex Remote Procedure Call based on WebSocket and targets high performance systems.
- .NET Standard 2.0+
- .NET Core 3.1+
public interface IChat
Task<string> EchoAsync(string message);
static async Task Main()
var client = new VRpcClient("localhost", port: 1234, ssl: false, allowAutoConnect: true);
var proxy = client.GetProxy<IChat>();
string response = await proxy.EchoAsync("Hello");
var listener = new VRpcListener(IPAddress.Any, 1234);
class ChatController : RpcController
public string Echo(string msg) => msg;
- asynchronous and synchronous execution is supported for both parties - the client and the server
- asynchronous requests can be either Task or ValueTask
- 'Async' postfix in method name ignored
- notification requests are preferred when response from the other side is not needed
- arguments are bound by their index and not by their name
- interfaces should be pubblic unlike controllers that can be internal
- default serializers is Text.Json
- DI support
A notification is similar to a request except no response will be returned. ValueTask is most suitable for notifications.
public interface IChat
ValueTask Message(string message);
Server and client are considered equal parties and can make calls to each other.
class CallbackController : RpcController
string MessageFromServer(string msg) => msg;
public interface ICallback
string MessageFromServer(string msg);
class ChatController : RpcController
public string Echo(string msg)
return Context.GetProxy<ICallback>().MessageFromServer(msg);
Client and server behave the same about DI.
listener.ConfigureService(s => s.AddScoped<MyService, IMyService>());
class ChatController : RpcController
private readonly IMyService _myService;
private readonly ICallback _clientCallback;
public ChatController(IMyService myService, IProxy<ICallback> callback)
_myService = myService;
_clientCallback = callback.Proxy; // Alternative of Context.GetProxy<>
Graceful closing is advised for both sides.
CloseReason result = client.Shutdown(disconnectTimeout: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), "We're done here");
listener.Shutdown(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), "Server is stopping");
Authentication applies to the transport layer.
public interface IAccount
BearerToken GetToken(string userName, string password);
string GetUserName();
var proxy = client.GetProxy<IAccount>();
BearerToken token = proxy.GetToken("user1", "p@$$word");
await client.SignInAsync(token.AccessToken);
string myName = proxy.GetUserName();
class AccountController : ServerController
public ActionResult<BearerToken> GetToken(string userName, string password)
if (userName == "user1" && password == "pa$$word")
var nameClaim = new Claim(ClaimsIdentity.DefaultNameClaimType, "John Doe");
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity("Basic");
BearerToken token = CreateAccessToken(new ClaimsPrincipal(identity), validTime: TimeSpan.FromDays(1));
return token;
return BadRequest("Invalid username or password");
public string GetUserName() => User.Identity.Name;
string response = chat.GetUserName(-1);
catch (VRpcBadRequestException ex)
Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); // "Invalid userId"
class ChatController : ServerController
// An easier way.
public string GetUserName(int userId)
if (userId < 0)
throw new VRpcBadRequestException("Invalid userId");
// ...
return "John Doe";
// More preferable way.
public ActionResult<string> GetUserName(int userId)
if (userId < 0)
return BadRequest("Invalid userId");
// ...
return "John Doe";
To maintain a long-live connections to the server, it is better to use overload that does not cause exceptions.
var client = new VRpcClient("localhost", port: 1234, ssl: false, allowAutoConnect: false);
// Exception-free keep-alive loop.
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(async delegate
while (true)
ConnectResult result = await client.ConnectExAsync();
if (result.State == ConnectionState.Connected)
var closeReason = await client.Completion;
else if (result.State == ConnectionState.SocketError)
await Task.Delay(30_000);
else if (result.State == ConnectionState.ShutdownRequest)
Console.WriteLine("Another thread requested Shutdown");
catch (VRpcConnectException ex)
// An exception may occur in rare cases.
await Task.Delay(30_000);
You can achieve less latency and more throughput by turning off the Nagle algorithm for specific requests.
public interface IChat
[TcpNoDelay] // For quickest sending.
string GetUrgentStatus();
class ChatController : RpcController
[TcpNoDelay] // For quickest reply.
public string GetUrgentStatus() => "OK";
class ChatController : RpcController
[ProducesProtoBuf] // May speed up serialization of complex types.
public MyClass GetData() => new MyClass();