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Daniel Stephenson edited this page Aug 31, 2021 · 12 revisions

Wild Pets Guide

Taming an Entity

To begin taming, type /wp tame. Then, right click an entity. This will inform you of the item needed to tame the entity and how much of the item (if the entity's configuration is enabled). Once you have the necessary items, you can right click the entity again (you may have to type /wp tame again). Every entity has its own "chance to tame", so you may not succeed on the first try. To cancel taming, type /wp tame cancel.

Selecting a Pet

You can select a pet by name by typing "/wp select (petName)". If the config option "rightClickToSelect" is enabled, then right clicking a pet will always select that pet. If it is disabled, then you can type /wp select to enter selecting mode and you can right click a pet to select them.


You can rename your pet by typing /wp rename (new name).

Movement States

There are three movement states: Wandering, Staying and Following.


In this state, the pet will wander around.


In this state, the pet will be teleported to a location repeatedly.


In this state, the pet will be teleported to its owner each time its owner enters a new chunk.

Locating your pet.

You can see your pet's last known location by selecting the pet and typing /wp locate.

Setting Pets Free

If you no longer wish to keep an entity as a pet, you can select it and type /wp setfree to set it free.


When tamed, an entity is set to persist. Pets shouldn't despawn.


Pets are protected from most forms of damage.

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