- New option to connect to a database instead of using RAM, recommended for 50+ voice channels (Currently hard-coded for MySQL)
- New permissions level MOD_ROLE_ID for more harmless commands
- Command delay to get the bots ping and lfg message delay (5 message avg.)
- Command listblocked to list all the currently blocked regexs
- Feature/Command message to post the same message in different channels (e.g. LFG How-to command)
- Command where to get the name and invite link to the users current voice chat
- Version will now display the newest full release available on GitHub and is in an embed
- The way voice channels get logged so where also works for non-lfg voice channels
- Command to check version
- Option to display a compact version of the invite message
- Wordfilter to not create invite messages if a blocked word is found (regex)
- Option for invite expiration time (in seconds)