diff --git a/FinalFantasylization.lua b/FinalFantasylization.lua
index a3e11a2..10ba201 100644
--- a/FinalFantasylization.lua
+++ b/FinalFantasylization.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-- FinalFantasylization by Hellfox and Darken5
--- Version
+-- Version 3.2.0
-- FinalFantasylization requires this version of FFZlib:
@@ -11,10 +11,13 @@ local FinalFantasylization_UpdateInterval = 1.0
-- LibBabble Zone and SubZone code --
local BZ = LibStub("LibBabble-Zone-3.0")
local BSZ = LibStub("LibBabble-SubZone-3.0")
+local BF = LibStub("LibBabble-Faction-3.0")
local Z = BZ:GetLookupTable()
local ZR = BZ:GetReverseLookupTable()
local SZ = BSZ:GetLookupTable()
local SZR = BSZ:GetReverseLookupTable()
+local F = BF:GetLookupTable()
+local FR = BF:GetReverseLookupTable()
@@ -582,7 +585,7 @@ function FinalFantasylization_Command(Command)
areaID = GetCurrentMapAreaID()
local realm = GetRealmName();
local factionEnglish, factionLocale = UnitFactionGroup("player"); --'Horde, Alliance
- local pvpType, isFFA, faction = GetZonePVPInfo(); --'("friendly";"contested";"hostile";"sanctuary") (1;nil) (Alliance_Variable;Horde_Variable)
+ local pvpType, isFFA, faction = GetZonePVPInfo(); --'("friendly";"contested";"hostile";"sanctuary") (1;nil) (F["Alliance"];F["Horde"])
ZoneText = GetZoneText()
local inInstance, instanceType = IsInInstance();
local classification = UnitClassification("target"); --'classification: "worldboss", "rareelite", "elite", "rare", "normal" or "trivial"
@@ -760,7 +763,7 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
SubZoneName = GetSubZoneText()
local factionEnglish, factionLocale = UnitFactionGroup("player"); --'Horde, Alliance
local classification = UnitClassification("target"); --'classification: "worldboss", "rareelite", "elite", "rare", "normal" or "trivial"
- local pvpType, isFFA, faction = GetZonePVPInfo(); --'("friendly";"contested";"hostile";"sanctuary") (1;nil) (Alliance_Variable;Horde_Variable)
+ local pvpType, isFFA, faction = GetZonePVPInfo(); --'("friendly";"contested";"hostile";"sanctuary") (1;nil) (F["Alliance"];F["Horde"])
ZoneText = GetZoneText()
@@ -822,16 +825,16 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' World event: Player is On Taxi "Horde and Alliance Varyiant"
- if ( UnitOnTaxi("player") ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Flight == true then
+ if ( UnitOnTaxi("player") ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Flight == true then
if FinalFantasylization_PlayerIsTaxi == false then
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. Horde_Variable .. " " .. Taxi)
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. F["Horde"] .. " " .. Taxi)
FinalFantasylization_HordeTaxi() -- music call for Taxi. ...
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_PlayerIsTaxi = true
- elseif ( UnitOnTaxi("player") ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Flight == true then
+ elseif ( UnitOnTaxi("player") ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Flight == true then
if FinalFantasylization_PlayerIsTaxi == false then
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. Alliance_Variable .. " " .. Taxi)
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. F["Alliance"] .. " " .. Taxi)
FinalFantasylization_AllianceTaxi() -- music call for Taxi. ...
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
@@ -920,16 +923,16 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' World event: Player in Flying Mount
- if IsFlying() and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Flight == true then
+ if IsFlying() and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Flight == true then
if FinalFantasylization_PlayerIsFlying == false then
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. Flying .. "(" .. Horde_Variable .. ")")
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. Flying .. "(" .. F["Horde"] .. ")")
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_PlayerIsFlying = true
- elseif IsFlying() and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Flight == true then
+ elseif IsFlying() and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Flight == true then
if FinalFantasylization_PlayerIsFlying == false then
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. Flying .. "(" .. Alliance_Variable .. ")")
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. Flying .. "(" .. F["Alliance"] .. ")")
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
@@ -1076,14 +1079,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Starting Areas: Sunstrider Isle, Eversong Woods ( Blood Elf Starting Area )
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sunstrider Isle"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sunstrider Isle"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaSunstriderIsle == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaSunstriderIsle = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sunstrider Isle"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sunstrider Isle"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaSunstriderIsle == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1098,14 +1101,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Starting Areas: Deathknell, Tirisfal Glades ( Undead Starting Area )
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Deathknell"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadow Grave"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Deathknell"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadow Grave"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaDeathknell == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaDeathknell = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Deathknell"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadow Grave"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Deathknell"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadow Grave"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaDeathknell == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1120,14 +1123,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Starting Areas: Valley of Trials, Durotar ( Orc and Troll Starting Area )
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valley of Trials"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valley of Trials"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaValleyOfTrials == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaValleyOfTrials = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valley of Trials"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valley of Trials"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaValleyOfTrials == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1142,14 +1145,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Starting Areas: Camp Narache, Mulgore ( Tauren Starting Area )
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Narache"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Narache"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaCampNarache == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaCampNarache = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Narache"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Narache"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaCampNarache == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1164,14 +1167,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Starting Areas: Coldridge Valley, Dun Morogh ( Dwarf and Gnome Starting Area )
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Coldridge Valley"] ) or ( MinimapZoneName == Z["Anvilmar"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Coldridge Valley"] ) or ( MinimapZoneName == Z["Anvilmar"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaColdridgeValley == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaColdridgeValley = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Coldridge Valley"] ) or ( MinimapZoneName == Z["Anvilmar"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Coldridge Valley"] ) or ( MinimapZoneName == Z["Anvilmar"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaColdridgeValley == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1186,14 +1189,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Starting Areas: Northshire Valley, Elwynn Forest ( Human Starting Area )
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Northshire Valley"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Northshire Abbey"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Echo Ridge Mine"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Northshire Valley"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Northshire Abbey"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Echo Ridge Mine"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaNorthshireValley == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaNorthshireValley = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Northshire Valley"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Northshire Abbey"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Echo Ridge Mine"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Northshire Valley"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Northshire Abbey"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Echo Ridge Mine"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaNorthshireValley == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1208,14 +1211,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Starting Areas: Ammen Vale, Azuremyst Isle ( Draenei Starting Area )
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ammen Vale"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ammen Fields"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Crash Site"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ammen Vale"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ammen Fields"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Crash Site"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaAmmenVale == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaAmmenVale = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ammen Vale"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ammen Fields"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Crash Site"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ammen Vale"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ammen Fields"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Crash Site"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaAmmenVale == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1230,14 +1233,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Starting Areas: Shadowglen, Teldrassil ( Night Elf Starting Area )
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowglen"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Aldrassil"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowglen"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Aldrassil"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaShadowglen == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaShadowglen = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowglen"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Aldrassil"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowglen"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Aldrassil"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InStarterAreaShadowglen == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1288,14 +1291,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Capital Cities: Orgrimmar
- if ( ZoneName == Z["Orgrimmar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if ( ZoneName == Z["Orgrimmar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityOrgrimmar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InCityOrgrimmar = true
- elseif ( ZoneName == Z["Orgrimmar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( ZoneName == Z["Orgrimmar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityOrgrimmar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileCity .. ZoneName .. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1309,14 +1312,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Capital Cities: Silvermoon City
- if ( ( ZoneName == Z["Silvermoon City"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Shepherd's Gate"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if ( ( ZoneName == Z["Silvermoon City"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Shepherd's Gate"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCitySilvermoonCity == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InCitySilvermoonCity = true
- elseif ( ( ZoneName == Z["Silvermoon City"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Shepherd's Gate"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( ( ZoneName == Z["Silvermoon City"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Shepherd's Gate"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCitySilvermoonCity == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileCity .. ZoneName .. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1330,14 +1333,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Capital Cities: Thunder Bluff
- if ( ZoneName == Z["Thunder Bluff"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if ( ZoneName == Z["Thunder Bluff"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityThunderBluff == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InCityThunderBluff = true
- elseif ( ZoneName == Z["Thunder Bluff"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( ZoneName == Z["Thunder Bluff"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityThunderBluff == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileCity .. ZoneName .. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1351,14 +1354,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Capital Cities: Undercity
- if ( ( ZoneName == Z["Undercity"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ruins of Lordaeron"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if ( ( ZoneName == Z["Undercity"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ruins of Lordaeron"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityUndercity == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InCityUndercity = true
- elseif ( ( ZoneName == Z["Undercity"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ruins of Lordaeron"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( ( ZoneName == Z["Undercity"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ruins of Lordaeron"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityUndercity == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileCity .. ZoneName .. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1380,14 +1383,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Capital Cities: Darnassus
- if ( ZoneName == Z["Darnassus"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if ( ZoneName == Z["Darnassus"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityDarnassus == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InCityDarnassus = true
- elseif ( ZoneName == Z["Darnassus"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( ZoneName == Z["Darnassus"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityDarnassus == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileCity .. ZoneName .. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1401,14 +1404,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Capital Cities: Ironforge
- if ( ( ZoneName == Z["Ironforge"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Gates of Ironforge"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if ( ( ZoneName == Z["Ironforge"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Gates of Ironforge"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityIronforge == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InCityIronforge = true
- elseif ( ( ZoneName == Z["Ironforge"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Gates of Ironforge"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( ( ZoneName == Z["Ironforge"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Gates of Ironforge"] ) ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityIronforge == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileCity .. ZoneName .. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1422,14 +1425,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Capital Cities: Stormwind City
- if ( ZoneName == Z["Stormwind City"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if ( ZoneName == Z["Stormwind City"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityStormwind == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InCityStormwind = true
- elseif ( ZoneName == Z["Stormwind City"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( ZoneName == Z["Stormwind City"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityStormwind == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileCity .. ZoneName .. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1443,14 +1446,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Capital Cities: The Exodar
- if ( ZoneName == Z["The Exodar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if ( ZoneName == Z["The Exodar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityExodar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InCityExodar = true
- elseif ( ZoneName == Z["The Exodar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( ZoneName == Z["The Exodar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Capital == true and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InCityExodar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileCity .. ZoneName .. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1592,14 +1595,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Agmar's Hammer, Dragonblight
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Agmar's Hammer"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Agmar's Hammer"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownAgmarsHammer == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownAgmarsHammer = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Agmar's Hammer"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Agmar's Hammer"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownAgmarsHammer == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1613,14 +1616,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Apothecary Camp, Howling Fjord
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Apothecary Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Apothecary Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownApothecaryCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownApothecaryCamp = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Apothecary Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Apothecary Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownApothecaryCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1634,14 +1637,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Bloodhoof Village, Mulgore : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bloodhoof Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bloodhoof Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBloodhoofVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBloodhoofVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bloodhoof Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bloodhoof Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBloodhoofVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1655,14 +1658,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Bloodvenom Post, Felwood
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Felwood"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bloodvenom Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Felwood"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bloodvenom Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBloodvenomPost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBloodvenomPost = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Felwood"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bloodvenom Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Felwood"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bloodvenom Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBloodvenomPost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1676,14 +1679,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dustwallow Marsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brackenwall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dustwallow Marsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brackenwall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBrackenwallVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBrackenwallVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dustwallow Marsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brackenwall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dustwallow Marsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brackenwall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBrackenwallVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1697,14 +1700,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Brill, Tirisfal Glades : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBrill == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBrill = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBrill == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1718,14 +1721,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Bor'gorok Outpost, Borean Tundra
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bor'Gorok Outpost"] or Z["Bor'gorok Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bor'Gorok Outpost"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bor'gorok Outpost"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBorgorokOutpost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBorgorokOutpost = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bor'Gorok Outpost"] or Z["Bor'gorok Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bor'Gorok Outpost"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bor'gorok Outpost"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownBorgorokOutpost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1739,14 +1742,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Camp Mojache, Feralas
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Mojache"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Mojache"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampMojache == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampMojache = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Mojache"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Mojache"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampMojache == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1760,14 +1763,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Camp Oneqwah, Grizzly Hills
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Oneqwah"] or Z["Camp One'Qwah"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Oneqwah"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp One'Qwah"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampOneqwah == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampOneqwah = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Oneqwah"] or Z["Camp One'Qwah"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Oneqwah"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp One'Qwah"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampOneqwah == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1781,14 +1784,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Camp Taurajo, The Barrens : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Taurajo"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Taurajo"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampTaurajo == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampTaurajo = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Taurajo"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Taurajo"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampTaurajo == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1802,14 +1805,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Camp Tunka'lo, The Storm Peaks
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Tunka'lo"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Tunka'lo"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampTunkalo == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampTunkalo = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Tunka'lo"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Tunka'lo"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampTunkalo == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1823,14 +1826,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Camp Winterhoof, Howling Fjord
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Winterhoof"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Winterhoof"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampWinterhoof == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampWinterhoof = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Winterhoof"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Camp Winterhoof"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCampWinterhoof == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1844,14 +1847,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Conquest Hold, Grizzly Hills
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Conquest Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Conquest Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownConquestHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownConquestHold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Conquest Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Conquest Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownConquestHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1865,14 +1868,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Fairbreeze Village, Eversong Woods : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fairbreeze Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fairbreeze Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFairbreezeVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFairbreezeVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fairbreeze Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fairbreeze Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFairbreezeVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1886,14 +1889,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Falcon Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Falcon Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFalconWatch == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFalconWatch = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Falcon Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Falcon Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFalconWatch == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1907,14 +1910,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Falconwing Square, Eversong Woods : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Falconwing Square"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Falconwing Square"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFalconwingSquare == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFalconwingSquare = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Falconwing Square"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Falconwing Square"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFalconwingSquare == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1928,14 +1931,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Flame Crest, Burning Steppes
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Burning Steppes"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Flame Crest"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Burning Steppes"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Flame Crest"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFlameCrest == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFlameCrest = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Burning Steppes"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Flame Crest"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Burning Steppes"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Flame Crest"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFlameCrest == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1949,14 +1952,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Freewind Post, Thousand Needles
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Thousand Needles"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Freewind Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Thousand Needles"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Freewind Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFreewindPost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFreewindPost = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Thousand Needles"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Freewind Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Thousand Needles"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Freewind Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownFreewindPost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1970,14 +1973,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Garadar, Nagrand
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Nagrand"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Garadar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Nagrand"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Garadar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGaradar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGaradar = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Nagrand"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Garadar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Nagrand"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Garadar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGaradar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -1991,14 +1994,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Grom'arsh Crash-Site, The Storm Peaks
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGromarshCrashSite == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGromarshCrashSite = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'arsh Crash-Site"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGromarshCrashSite == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2012,14 +2015,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Grom'gol Base Camp, Stranglethorn Vale
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stranglethorn Vale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] or Z["Grom'Gol Base Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stranglethorn Vale"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'Gol Base Camp"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGromgolBaseCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGromgolBaseCamp = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stranglethorn Vale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] or Z["Grom'Gol Base Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stranglethorn Vale"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Grom'Gol Base Camp"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGromgolBaseCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2033,14 +2036,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Arathi Highlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Hammerfall"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Arathi Highlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Hammerfall"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownHammerfall == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownHammerfall = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Arathi Highlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Hammerfall"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Arathi Highlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Hammerfall"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownHammerfall == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2054,14 +2057,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Kargath, Badlands
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Badlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kargath"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Badlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kargath"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownKargath == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownKargath = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Badlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kargath"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Badlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kargath"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownKargath == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2075,14 +2078,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Kor'kron Vanguard, Dragonblight
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kor'kron Vanguard"] or Z["Kor'Kron Vanguard"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kor'kron Vanguard"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kor'Kron Vanguard"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownKorkronVanguard == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownKorkronVanguard = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kor'kron Vanguard"] or Z["Kor'Kron Vanguard"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kor'kron Vanguard"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kor'Kron Vanguard"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownKorkronVanguard == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2096,14 +2099,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Mok'Nathal Village, Blade's Edge Mountains
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Mok'Nathal Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Mok'Nathal Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownMokNathalVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownMokNathalVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Mok'Nathal Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Mok'Nathal Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownMokNathalVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2117,14 +2120,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: New Agamand, Howling Fjord
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["New Agamand"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["New Agamand"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownNewAgamand == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownNewAgamand = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["New Agamand"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["New Agamand"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownNewAgamand == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2138,14 +2141,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Razor Hill, Durotar : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Razor Hill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Razor Hill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownRazorHill == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownRazorHill = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Razor Hill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Razor Hill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownRazorHill == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2159,14 +2162,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Revantusk Village, The Hinterlands
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Hinterlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Revantusk Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Hinterlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Revantusk Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownRevantuskVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownRevantuskVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Hinterlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Revantusk Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Hinterlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Revantusk Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownRevantuskVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2180,14 +2183,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Sen'jin Village, Durotar : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sen'jin Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sen'jin Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSenjinVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSenjinVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sen'jin Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sen'jin Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSenjinVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2201,14 +2204,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Sepulcher"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Sepulcher"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSepulcher == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSepulcher = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Sepulcher"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Sepulcher"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSepulcher == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2222,14 +2225,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Shadowmoon Valley"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowmoon Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Shadowmoon Valley"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowmoon Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownShadowmoonVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownShadowmoonVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Shadowmoon Valley"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowmoon Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Shadowmoon Valley"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowmoon Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownShadowmoonVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2243,14 +2246,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Shadowprey Village, Desolace
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowprey Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowprey Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownShadowpreyVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownShadowpreyVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowprey Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Shadowprey Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownShadowpreyVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2264,14 +2267,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Splintertree Post, Ashenvale
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Splintertree Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Splintertree Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSplintertreePost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSplintertreePost = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Splintertree Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Splintertree Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSplintertreePost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2285,14 +2288,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Swamp of Sorrows"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonard"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Swamp of Sorrows"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonard"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownStonard == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownStonard = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Swamp of Sorrows"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonard"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Swamp of Sorrows"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonard"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownStonard == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2306,14 +2309,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Terokkar Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonebreaker Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Terokkar Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonebreaker Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownStonebreakerHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownStonebreakerHold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Terokkar Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonebreaker Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Terokkar Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonebreaker Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownStonebreakerHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2327,14 +2330,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Sunreaver's Command, Crystalsong Forest
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Crystalsong Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sunreaver's Command"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Crystalsong Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sunreaver's Command"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSunreaversCommand == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSunreaversCommand = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Crystalsong Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sunreaver's Command"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Crystalsong Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sunreaver's Command"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSunreaversCommand == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2348,14 +2351,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stonetalon Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sun Rock Retreat"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stonetalon Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sun Rock Retreat"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSunRockRetreat == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSunRockRetreat = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stonetalon Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sun Rock Retreat"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stonetalon Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sun Rock Retreat"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSunRockRetreat == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2369,14 +2372,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Swamprat Post, Zangarmarsh
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Swamprat Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Swamprat Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSwampratPost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSwampratPost = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Swamprat Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Swamprat Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownSwampratPost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2390,14 +2393,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Tarren Mill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Tarren Mill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownTarrenMill == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownTarrenMill = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Tarren Mill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Tarren Mill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownTarrenMill == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2411,14 +2414,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Taunka'le Village, Borean Tundra
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Taunka'le Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Taunka'le Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownTaunkaleVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownTaunkaleVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Taunka'le Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Taunka'le Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownTaunkaleVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2432,14 +2435,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: The Crossroads, The Barrens : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Crossroads"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Crossroads"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCrossroads == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCrossroads = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Crossroads"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Crossroads"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownCrossroads == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2453,14 +2456,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thrallmar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thrallmar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownThrallmar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownThrallmar = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thrallmar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thrallmar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownThrallmar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2474,14 +2477,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Thunderlord Stronghold, Blade's Edge Mountains
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thunderlord Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thunderlord Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownThunderlordStronghold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownThunderlordStronghold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thunderlord Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thunderlord Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownThunderlordStronghold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2495,14 +2498,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Tranquillien, Ghostlands : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ghostlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Tranquillien"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ghostlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Tranquillien"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownTranquillien == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownTranquillien = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ghostlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Tranquillien"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ghostlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Tranquillien"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownTranquillien == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2516,14 +2519,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Valormok, Azshara
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azshara"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valormok"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azshara"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valormok"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownValormok == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownValormok = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azshara"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valormok"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azshara"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valormok"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownValormok == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2537,14 +2540,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Vengeance Landing"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Vengeance Landing"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownVengeanceLanding == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownVengeanceLanding = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Vengeance Landing"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Vengeance Landing"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownVengeanceLanding == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2558,14 +2561,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Venomspite, Dragonblight
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Venomspite"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Venomspite"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownVenomspite == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownVenomspite = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Venomspite"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Venomspite"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownVenomspite == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2579,14 +2582,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra
- if ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Warsong Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Warsong Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownWarsongHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownWarsongHold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Warsong Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Warsong Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownWarsongHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName..PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2600,14 +2603,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Zabra'jin, Zangarmarsh
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Zabra'jin"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Zabra'jin"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownZabrajin == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownZabrajin = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Zabra'jin"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Zabra'jin"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownZabrajin == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2621,14 +2624,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Zoram'gar Outpost, Ashenvale
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Zoram'gar Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Zoram'gar Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownZoramgarOutpost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownZoramgarOutpost = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Zoram'gar Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Zoram'gar Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownZoramgarOutpost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2644,14 +2647,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Horde Towns: Ghost Walker Post, Desolace
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ghost Walker Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ghost Walker Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGhostWalkerPost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGhostWalkerPost = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ghost Walker Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Ghost Walker Post"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InHordeTownGhostWalkerPost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2673,14 +2676,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Aerie Peak, The Hinterlands
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Hinterlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Aerie Peak"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Hinterlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Aerie Peak"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAeriePeak == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAeriePeak = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Hinterlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Aerie Peak"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Hinterlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Aerie Peak"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAeriePeak == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2694,14 +2697,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Terokkar Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Allerian Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Terokkar Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Allerian Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAllerianStronghold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAllerianStronghold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Terokkar Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Allerian Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Terokkar Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Allerian Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAllerianStronghold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2715,14 +2718,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Amberpine Lodge, Grizzly Hills
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Amberpine Lodge"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Amberpine Lodge"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAmberpineLodge == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAmberpineLodge = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Amberpine Lodge"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Amberpine Lodge"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAmberpineLodge == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2736,14 +2739,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Astranaar, Ashenvale
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Astranaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Astranaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAstranaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAstranaar = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Astranaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Astranaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAstranaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2757,14 +2760,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Auberdine, Darkshore : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Darkshore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Auberdine"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Darkshore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Auberdine"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAuberdine == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAuberdine = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Darkshore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Auberdine"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Darkshore"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Auberdine"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAuberdine == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2778,14 +2781,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Azure Watch, Azuremyst Isle : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Azure Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Azure Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAzureWatch == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAzureWatch = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Azure Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Azure Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAzureWatch == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2799,14 +2802,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Bloodmyst Isle"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Blood Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Bloodmyst Isle"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Blood Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownBloodWatch == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownBloodWatch = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Bloodmyst Isle"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Blood Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Bloodmyst Isle"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Blood Watch"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownBloodWatch == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2820,14 +2823,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Western Plaguelands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Chillwind Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Western Plaguelands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Chillwind Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownChillwindCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownChillwindCamp = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Western Plaguelands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Chillwind Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Western Plaguelands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Chillwind Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownChillwindCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2841,14 +2844,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Darkshire, Duskwood
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Duskwood"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Darkshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Duskwood"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Darkshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownDarkshire == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownDarkshire = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Duskwood"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Darkshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Duskwood"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Darkshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownDarkshire == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2862,14 +2865,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Dolanaar, Teldrassil : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Dolanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Dolanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownDolanaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownDolanaar = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Dolanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Dolanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownDolanaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2883,14 +2886,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Explorers' League Outpost, Howling Fjord
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Explorers' League Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Explorers' League Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownExplorersLeagueOutpost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownExplorersLeagueOutpost = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Explorers' League Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Explorers' League Outpost"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownExplorersLeagueOutpost == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2904,14 +2907,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Feathermoon Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Feathermoon Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFeathermoonStronghold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFeathermoonStronghold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Feathermoon Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Feathermoon Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFeathermoonStronghold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2925,14 +2928,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Fizzcrank Airstrip, Borean Tundra
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFizzcrankAirstrip == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFizzcrankAirstrip = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fizzcrank Airstrip"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFizzcrankAirstrip == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2946,14 +2949,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Fordragon Hold, Dragonblight
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fordragon Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fordragon Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFordragonHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFordragonHold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fordragon Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fordragon Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFordragonHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2967,14 +2970,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Forest Song, Ashenvale
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Forest Song"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Forest Song"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownForestSong == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownForestSong = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Forest Song"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ashenvale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Forest Song"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownForestSong == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -2988,14 +2991,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Fort Wildervar, Howling Fjord
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fort Wildervar"] or Z["Fort Wildevar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fort Wildervar"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fort Wildevar"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFortWildervar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFortWildervar = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fort Wildervar"] or Z["Fort Wildevar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fort Wildervar"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Fort Wildevar"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFortWildervar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3009,14 +3012,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Frosthold, The Storm Peaks
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Frosthold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Frosthold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFrosthold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFrosthold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Frosthold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Storm Peaks"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Frosthold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownFrosthold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3030,14 +3033,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Goldshire, Elwynn Forest : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Goldshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Goldshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownGoldshire == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownGoldshire = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Goldshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Goldshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownAuberdine == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3051,14 +3054,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Honor Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Honor Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownHonorHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownHonorHold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Honor Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Honor Hold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownHonorHold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3072,14 +3075,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Kharanos, Dun Morogh : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kharanos"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kharanos"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownKharanos == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownKharanos = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kharanos"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Kharanos"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownKharanos == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3093,14 +3096,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Redridge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Lakeshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Redridge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Lakeshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownLakeshire == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownLakeshire = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Redridge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Lakeshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Redridge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Lakeshire"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownLakeshire == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3114,14 +3117,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Wetlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Menethil Harbor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Wetlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Menethil Harbor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownMenethilHarbor == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownMenethilHarbor = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Wetlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Menethil Harbor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Wetlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Menethil Harbor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownMenethilHarbor == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3135,14 +3138,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Burning Steppes"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Morgan's Vigil"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Burning Steppes"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Morgan's Vigil"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownMorgansVigil == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownMorgansVigil = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Burning Steppes"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Morgan's Vigil"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Burning Steppes"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Morgan's Vigil"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownMorgansVigil == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3156,14 +3159,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blasted Lands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Nethergarde Keep"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blasted Lands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Nethergarde Keep"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownNethergardeKeep == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownNethergardeKeep = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blasted Lands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Nethergarde Keep"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blasted Lands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Nethergarde Keep"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownNethergardeKeep == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3177,14 +3180,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Nijel's Point, Desolace
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Nijel's Point"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Nijel's Point"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownNijelsPoint == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownNijelsPoint = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Nijel's Point"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Desolace"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Nijel's Point"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownNijelsPoint == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3198,14 +3201,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Orebor Harborage, Zangarmarsh
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Orebor Harborage"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Orebor Harborage"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownOreborHarborage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownOreborHarborage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Orebor Harborage"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Orebor Harborage"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownOreborHarborage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3219,14 +3222,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Rebel Camp, Stranglethorn Vale
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stranglethorn Vale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rebel Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stranglethorn Vale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rebel Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownRebelCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownRebelCamp = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stranglethorn Vale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rebel Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stranglethorn Vale"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rebel Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownRebelCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3240,14 +3243,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Arathi Highlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Refuge Pointe"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Arathi Highlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Refuge Pointe"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownRefugePointe == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownRefugePointe = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Arathi Highlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Refuge Pointe"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Arathi Highlands"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Refuge Pointe"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownRefugePointe == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3261,14 +3264,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Sentinel Hill, Westfall : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Westfall"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sentinel Hill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Westfall"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sentinel Hill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownSentinelHill == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownSentinelHill = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Westfall"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sentinel Hill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Westfall"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sentinel Hill"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownSentinelHill == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3282,14 +3285,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Southshore"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Southshore"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownSouthshore == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownSouthshore = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Southshore"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Southshore"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownSouthshore == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3303,7 +3306,7 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Stars' Rest, Dragonblight
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Star's Rest"] or Z["Stars' Rest"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Star's Rest"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stars' Rest"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownStarsRest == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
@@ -3317,14 +3320,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Stonetalon Peak, Stonetalon Mountains
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stonetalon Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonetalon Peak"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stonetalon Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonetalon Peak"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownStonetalonPeak == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownStonetalonPeak = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stonetalon Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonetalon Peak"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Stonetalon Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Stonetalon Peak"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownStonetalonPeak == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3338,14 +3341,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Sylvanaar, Blade's Edge Mountains
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sylvanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sylvanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownSylvanaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownSylvanaar = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sylvanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Sylvanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownSylvanaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3373,14 +3376,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Talrendis Point, Azshara
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azshara"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Talrendis Point"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azshara"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Talrendis Point"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTalrendisPoint == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTalrendisPoint = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azshara"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Talrendis Point"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azshara"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Talrendis Point"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTalrendisPoint == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3394,14 +3397,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Telaar, Nagrand
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Nagrand"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Telaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Nagrand"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Telaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTelaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTelaar = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Nagrand"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Telaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Nagrand"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Telaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTelaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3415,14 +3418,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Telredor, Zangarmarsh
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Telredor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Telredor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTelredor == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTelredor = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Telredor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Zangarmarsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Telredor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTelredor == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3436,14 +3439,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Temple of Telhamat"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Temple of Telhamat"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTempleOfTelhamat == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTempleOfTelhamat = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Temple of Telhamat"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hellfire Peninsula"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Temple of Telhamat"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTempleOfTelhamat == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3457,14 +3460,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Thalanaar, Feralas
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thalanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thalanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownThalanaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownThalanaar = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thalanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Feralas"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thalanaar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownThalanaar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3478,14 +3481,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Thelsamar, Loch Modan : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Loch Modan"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thelsamar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Loch Modan"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thelsamar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownThelsamar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownThelsamar = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Loch Modan"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thelsamar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Loch Modan"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thelsamar"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownThelsamar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3499,14 +3502,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dustwallow Marsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Theramore Isle"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dustwallow Marsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Theramore Isle"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTheramoreIsle == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTheramoreIsle = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dustwallow Marsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Theramore Isle"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dustwallow Marsh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Theramore Isle"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownTheramoreIsle == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3520,14 +3523,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Toshley's Station, Blade's Edge Mountains
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Toshley's Station"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Toshley's Station"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownToshleysStation == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownToshleysStation = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Toshley's Station"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Blade's Edge Mountains"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Toshley's Station"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownToshleysStation == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3541,14 +3544,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valiance Keep"] ) or ( SubZoneName == Northrend_TheStormbreaker_Variable ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valiance Keep"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Stormbreaker"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownValianceKeep == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownValianceKeep = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valiance Keep"] ) or ( SubZoneName == Northrend_TheStormbreaker_Variable ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Borean Tundra"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valiance Keep"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Stormbreaker"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownValianceKeep == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3562,14 +3565,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Valgarde, Howling Fjord
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valgarde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valgarde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownValgarde == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownValgarde = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valgarde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Valgarde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownValgarde == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3583,14 +3586,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Westfall Brigade Encampment, Grizzly Hills
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Westfall Brigade Encampment"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Westfall Brigade Encampment"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWestfallBrigadeEncampment == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWestfallBrigadeEncampment = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Westfall Brigade Encampment"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Grizzly Hills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Westfall Brigade Encampment"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWestfallBrigadeEncampment == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3604,14 +3607,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Westguard Keep, Howling Fjord
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Westguard Keep"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Westguard Keep"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWestguardKeep == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWestguardKeep = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Westguard Keep"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Howling Fjord"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Westguard Keep"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWestguardKeep == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3625,14 +3628,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Shadowmoon Valley"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wildhammer Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Shadowmoon Valley"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wildhammer Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWildhammerStronghold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWildhammerStronghold = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Shadowmoon Valley"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wildhammer Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Shadowmoon Valley"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wildhammer Stronghold"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWildhammerStronghold == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3646,14 +3649,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Windrunner's Overlook, Crystalsong Forest
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Crystalsong Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Windrunner's Overlook"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Crystalsong Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Windrunner's Overlook"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWindrunnersOverlook == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWindrunnersOverlook = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Crystalsong Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Windrunner's Overlook"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Crystalsong Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Windrunner's Overlook"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWindrunnersOverlook == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3667,14 +3670,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Keep"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Carrion Fields"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Mausoleum"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Crypt"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thorson's Post"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Mine"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Keep"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Carrion Fields"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Mausoleum"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Crypt"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thorson's Post"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Mine"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWintergardeKeep == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWintergardeKeep = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Keep"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Carrion Fields"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Mausoleum"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Crypt"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thorson's Post"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Mine"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Keep"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Carrion Fields"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Mausoleum"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Crypt"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Thorson's Post"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Wintergarde Mine"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownWintergardeKeep == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3688,14 +3691,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Brewnall Village, Dun Morogh
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brewnall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brewnall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownBrewnallVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownBrewnallVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brewnall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Brewnall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownBrewnallVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3709,14 +3712,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Eastvale Logging Camp, Elwynn Forest
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Eastvale Logging Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Eastvale Logging Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownEastvaleLoggingCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownEastvaleLoggingCamp = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Eastvale Logging Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Eastvale Logging Camp"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownEastvaleLoggingCamp == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3730,14 +3733,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Pyrewood Village, Silverpine Forest
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Pyrewood Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Pyrewood Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownPyrewoodVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownPyrewoodVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Pyrewood Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Pyrewood Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownPyrewoodVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3751,14 +3754,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Rut'theran Village, Teldrassil
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rut'theran Village"] or Z["Rut'Theran Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rut'theran Village"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rut'Theran Village"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownRuttheranVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownRuttheranVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rut'theran Village"] or Z["Rut'Theran Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rut'theran Village"] ) or ( SubZoneName == SZ["Rut'Theran Village"] ) ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownRuttheranVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3772,14 +3775,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Bael Modan, The Barrens
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bael Modan"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bael Modan"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownBaelModan == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownBaelModan = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bael Modan"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Bael Modan"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownBaelModan == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3793,14 +3796,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Starfall Village, Winterspring
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Winterspring"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Starfall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Winterspring"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Starfall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownStarfallVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownStarfallVillage = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Winterspring"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Starfall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Winterspring"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Starfall Village"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownStarfallVillage == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3814,14 +3817,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: The Maclure Vineyards, Elwynn Forest
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Maclure Vineyards"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Maclure Vineyards"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownMaclureVineyards == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownMaclureVineyards = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Maclure Vineyards"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["The Maclure Vineyards"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownMaclureVineyards == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -3835,14 +3838,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Alliance Towns: Hillsbrad Fields, Hillsbrad Foothills
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Hillsbrad Fields"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Hillsbrad Fields"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownHillsbradFields == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownHillsbradFields = true
- elseif ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Hillsbrad Fields"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Hillsbrad Foothills"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Hillsbrad Fields"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InAllianceTownHillsbradFields == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileTown .. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName.. PlayerInHostile)
FinalFantasylization_HostileTowns() -- Music call for all towns you are hostile in.
@@ -4159,7 +4162,7 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Neutral Towns: Moa'ki Harbor, Dragonblight
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName ==Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Moa'ki Harbor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dragonblight"] ) and ( SubZoneName == SZ["Moa'ki Harbor"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InNeutralTownMoakiHarbor == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. SubZoneName..", "..ZoneName)
@@ -4949,14 +4952,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Eastern Kingdoms Zones: Dun Morogh : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsDunMorogh == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsDunMorogh = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Dun Morogh"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsDunMorogh == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -4998,14 +5001,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Eastern Kingdoms Zones: Elwynn Forest : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsElwynnForest == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsElwynnForest = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Elwynn Forest"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsElwynnForest == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5019,14 +5022,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Eastern Kingdoms Zones: Eversong Woods : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsEversongWoods == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsEversongWoods = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Eversong Woods"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsEversongWoods == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5040,14 +5043,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Eastern Kingdoms Zones: Ghostlands : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ghostlands"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ghostlands"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsGhostlands == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsGhostlands = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ghostlands"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Ghostlands"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsGhostlands == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5089,14 +5092,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Eastern Kingdoms Zones: Loch Modan : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Loch Modan"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Loch Modan"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsLochModan == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsLochModan = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Loch Modan"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Loch Modan"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsLochModan == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5138,14 +5141,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Eastern Kingdoms Zones: Silverpine Forest : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsSilverpineForest == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsSilverpineForest = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Silverpine Forest"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsSilverpineForest == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5201,14 +5204,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Eastern Kingdoms Zones: Tirisfal Glades : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsTirisfalGlades == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsTirisfalGlades = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Tirisfal Glades"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsTirisfalGlades == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5236,14 +5239,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Eastern Kingdoms Zones: Westfall : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Westfall"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Westfall"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsWestfall == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsWestfall = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Westfall"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Westfall"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InEasternKingdomsWestfall == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5308,14 +5311,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Kalimdor Zones: Azuremyst Isle : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorAzuremystIsle == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorAzuremystIsle = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Azuremyst Isle"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorAzuremystIsle == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5329,14 +5332,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Kalimdor Zones: Bloodmyst Isle : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Bloodmyst Isle"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Bloodmyst Isle"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorBloodmystIsle == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorBloodmystIsle = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Bloodmyst Isle"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Bloodmyst Isle"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorBloodmystIsle == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5350,14 +5353,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Kalimdor Zones: Darkshore : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Darkshore"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Darkshore"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorDarkshore == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorDarkshore = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Darkshore"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Darkshore"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorDarkshore == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5385,14 +5388,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Kalimdor Zones: Durotar : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorDurotar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorDurotar = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Durotar"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorDurotar == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5462,14 +5465,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Kalimdor Zones: Mulgore : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorMulgore == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorMulgore = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Mulgore"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorMulgore == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5525,14 +5528,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Kalimdor Zones: Teldrassil : ALLIANCE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorTeldrassil == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorTeldrassil = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["Teldrassil"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorTeldrassil == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5546,14 +5549,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' Kalimdor Zones: The Barrens : HORDE TERRITORY
- if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ if not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorTheBarrens == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Aqua .. PlayerIn.. ZoneName)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorTheBarrens = true
- elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
+ elseif not ( IsResting() ) and ( ZoneName == Z["The Barrens"] ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false then
if FinalFantasylization_InKalimdorTheBarrens == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Crimson .. PlayerInHostileZone .. ZoneName.."!!")
@@ -5921,14 +5924,14 @@ function FinalFantasylization_GetMusic()
--' World event: Player is Resting
- if ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Alliance_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Sleep == true and ( pvpType == "friendly" or pvpType == "hostile" or pvpType == "sanctuary" or pvpType == "contested" or pvpType == nil or pvpType == "") then
+ if ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Alliance"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Sleep == true and ( pvpType == "friendly" or pvpType == "hostile" or pvpType == "sanctuary" or pvpType == "contested" or pvpType == nil or pvpType == "") then
if FinalFantasylization_PlayerIsResting == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. AllianceRest)
FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying = true
FinalFantasylization_PlayerIsResting = true
- elseif ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == Horde_Variable ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Sleep == true and ( pvpType == "friendly" or pvpType == "hostile" or pvpType == "sanctuary" or pvpType == "contested" or pvpType == nil or pvpType == "") then
+ elseif ( IsResting() ) and ( factionEnglish == F["Horde"] ) and FinalFantasylization_IsPlaying == false and FinalFantasylizationOptions.Sleep == true and ( pvpType == "friendly" or pvpType == "hostile" or pvpType == "sanctuary" or pvpType == "contested" or pvpType == nil or pvpType == "") then
if FinalFantasylization_PlayerIsResting == false then
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg(FFZlib.Color.Yellow .. HordeRest)
diff --git a/FinalFantasylization.toc b/FinalFantasylization.toc
index 8c1e141..6a386d6 100644
--- a/FinalFantasylization.toc
+++ b/FinalFantasylization.toc
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
## Interface: 30300
-## Version:
-## Title: FinalFantasylization
+## Version: 3.2.0
+## Title: FinalFantasylization 3.2.0
## Notes: FinalFantasylization plays music and sounds based on different in-game events
## Author: Hellfire and Darken5
## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: FinalFantasylizationOptions, CoreSavedVariable
diff --git a/ReadMe.txt b/ReadMe.txt
index fc84351..dc26ebe 100644
--- a/ReadMe.txt
+++ b/ReadMe.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>>> <<<
>>> FinalFantasylization <<<
->>> ReadMe for <<<
+>>> ReadMe for 3.2.0 <<<
>>> <<<
@@ -174,6 +174,11 @@ Add Mounted jump sound (Kweh!)
Add more zone/subzone detections
+05. November 2016 - FinalFantasylization 3.2.0 - More Stuff >> Darken5 <<
+ - Added LibBabble-Faction-3.0
+ - - More localization work
+ - Fixed bug with Stranglethorn Vale that popped up.
--. October 2016 - FinalFantasylization - ...
- Added areas to DarkSwimming:
- "The Sludge Fen"in The Barrens
diff --git a/Soundpacks/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack.lua b/Soundpacks/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack.lua
index 639c1fa..4da25e3 100644
--- a/Soundpacks/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack.lua
+++ b/Soundpacks/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
---## FinalFantasylization 3.1.1
+--## FinalFantasylization 3.1.9
--## Steven 2016
@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
Escape5Song = "Escape5Song.mp3" --
Escape6Song = "Escape6Song.mp3" --
+ Escape7Song = "Escape7Song.mp3" --
-- Flying Mount Events --
FP1Song = "FP1Song.mp3" --
@@ -342,9 +343,16 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
FP3Song = "FP3Song.mp3" --
FP4Song = "FP4Song.mp3" --
FP5Song = "FP5Song.mp3" --
+ FP6Song = "FP6Song.mp3" --
+ HordeFP1Song = "HordeFP1Song.mp3" --
+ HordeFP2Song = "HordeFP2Song.mp3" --
+ HordeFP3Song = "HordeFP3Song.mp3" --
+ HordeFP4Song = "HordeFP4Song.mp3" --
+ HordeFP5Song = "HordeFP5Song.mp3" --
FlyingMountSong = "FlyingMountSong.mp3" --
FlyingMount2Song = "FlyingMount2Song.mp3" --
FlyingMount3Song = "FlyingMount3Song.mp3" --
+ FlyingMount4Song = "FlyingMount4Song.mp3" --
-- Dead/Ghost Events --
Dead1Song = "Dead1Song.mp3" --
@@ -386,6 +394,8 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
Fighting14Song = "Fighting14Song.mp3" --
Fighting15Song = "Fighting15Song.mp3" --
Fighting16Song = "Fighting16Song.mp3" --
+ Fighting17Song = "Fighting17Song.mp3" --
+ Fighting18Song = "Fighting18Song.mp3" --
BossSong = "BossSong.mp3" --
Boss2Song = "Boss2Song.mp3" --
@@ -397,6 +407,7 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
Boss8Song = "Boss8Song.mp3" --
Boss9Song = "Boss9Song.mp3" --
Boss10Song = "Boss10Song.mp3" --
+ Boss11Song = "Boss11Song.mp3" --
-- PvP Events --
HostileSong = "HostileSong.mp3" --
@@ -407,8 +418,6 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
Swim2Song = "Swim2Song.mp3" --
Swim3Song = "Swim3Song.mp3" --
DarkSwimSong = "DarkSwimSong.mp3" -- NEW!!!!
- DarkSwim2Song = "DarkSwim2Song.mp3" -- NEW!!!
- DarkSwim3Song = "DarkSwim3Song.mp3" -- NEW!!!
SleepSong = "SleepSong.mp3" --
Sleep2Song = "Sleep2Song.mp3" --
Sleep3Song = "Sleep3Song.mp3" --
@@ -420,6 +429,8 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
Sleep9Song = "Sleep9Song.mp3" --
Sleep10Song = "Sleep10Song.mp3" --
Sleep11Song = "Sleep11Song.mp3" --
+ Sleep12Song = "Sleep12Song.mp3" --
+ Sleep13Song = "Sleep13Song.mp3" --
KillSound = "Kill.wav" -- Leave combat sound
CombatSound = "Combat.wav" -- Enter combat sound
DeeprunTramSong = "DeeprunTramSong.mp3" --
@@ -476,7 +487,7 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_OrgrimmarSong()
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. OrgrimmarSong);
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("OrgrimmarSong Dragon Age Origins The Dwarven Nobles")
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("OrgrimmarSong Dragon Age Origins The Deep Roads")
function FinalFantasylization_SilvermoonCitySong()
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. SilvermoonCitySong);
@@ -488,7 +499,7 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_UndercitySong()
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. UndercitySong);
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("UndercitySong Dragon Age Origins The Deep Roads")
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("UndercitySong Kingdom Hearts This is Halloween")
@@ -1501,7 +1512,7 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_KalimdorStonetalonMountains()
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. StonetalonMountainsSong);
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("StonetalonMountainsSong Final Fantasy 9 Kuja theme")
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("StonetalonMountainsSong Final Fantasy 14 Whisper of the Land")
function FinalFantasylization_KalimdorTanaris()
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. TanarisSong);
@@ -1723,7 +1734,7 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_WorldBoss()
- local x = math.random(1, 10);
+ local x = math.random(1, 11);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. BossSong);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("BossSong LRFF13 Chaos")
@@ -1751,14 +1762,17 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
elseif x == 9 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss9Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss9Song King of Dragons To the Castle")
- else
+ elseif x == 10 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss10Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss10Song Arcania Gothic 4 Combat 1")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss11Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss11Song Final Fantasy 6 The Decisive Battle")
function FinalFantasylization_DungeonBoss()
- local x = math.random(1, 10);
+ local x = math.random(1, 11);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. BossSong);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("BossSong LRFF13 Chaos")
@@ -1786,14 +1800,17 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
elseif x == 9 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss9Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss9Song King of Dragons To the Castle")
- else
+ elseif x == 10 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss10Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss10Song Arcania Gothic 4 Combat 1")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss11Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss11Song Final Fantasy 6 The Decisive Battle")
function FinalFantasylization_WorldElite()
- local x = math.random(1, 10);
+ local x = math.random(1, 11);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. BossSong);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("BossSong LRFF13 Chaos")
@@ -1821,14 +1838,17 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
elseif x == 9 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss9Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss9Song King of Dragons To the Castle")
- else
+ elseif x == 10 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss10Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss10Song Arcania Gothic 4 Combat 1")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss11Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss11Song Final Fantasy 6 The Decisive Battle")
function FinalFantasylization_BattlegroundBoss()
- local x = math.random(1, 10);
+ local x = math.random(1, 11);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. BossSong);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("BossSong LRFF13 Chaos")
@@ -1856,9 +1876,12 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
elseif x == 9 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss9Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss9Song King of Dragons To the Castle")
- else
+ elseif x == 10 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss10Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss10Song Arcania Gothic 4 Combat 1")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Boss11Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Boss11Song Final Fantasy 6 The Decisive Battle")
@@ -1899,7 +1922,7 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_WorldPVP()
- local x = math.random(1, 16);
+ local x = math.random(1, 18);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting1Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting1Song Legend of Legaia Brand of the Holy Knuckles")
@@ -1945,14 +1968,20 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
elseif x == 15 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting15Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting15Song White Knight Chronicles Prelude to Battle")
- else
+ elseif x == 16 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting16Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting16Song Final Fantasy 13 2 Knight of the Goddess")
+ elseif x == 17 then
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting17Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting17Song Final Fantasy 6 Battle Theme")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting18Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting18Song Baldurs Gate Attacked By Assassins")
function FinalFantasylization_WorldNormalPVE()
- local x = math.random(1, 16);
+ local x = math.random(1, 18);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting1Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting1Song Legend of Legaia Brand of the Holy Knuckles")
@@ -1998,9 +2027,15 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
elseif x == 15 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting15Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting15Song White Knight Chronicles Prelude to Battle")
- else
+ elseif x == 16 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting16Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting16Song Final Fantasy 13 2 Knight of the Goddess")
+ elseif x == 17 then
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting17Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting17Song Final Fantasy 6 Battle Theme")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Fighting18Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Fighting18Song Baldurs Gate Attacked By Assassins")
@@ -2122,7 +2157,7 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_Sleeping()
- local x = math.random(1, 11);
+ local x = math.random(1, 13);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. SleepSong);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("SleepSong Arcania Gothic 4 - Tavern")
@@ -2153,9 +2188,15 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
elseif x == 10 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Sleep10Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Sleep10Song Final Fantasy 15 Camping Theme")
- else
+ elseif x == 11 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Sleep11Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Sleep11Song Elders Scroll 5 Skyrim Around the Fire")
+ elseif x == 12 then
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Sleep12Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Sleep12Song Final Fantasy 6 Johnny C Bad")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Sleep13Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Sleep13Song Rogue Galaxy Swinging")
@@ -2165,17 +2206,8 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_Swimming(Zone)
if Zone == 1 then
- local x = math.random(1, 3);
- if x == 1 then
- FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic(S .. DarkSwimSong); -- alt Swim song
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("DarkSwimSong") -- alt Swim song
- elseif x == 2 then
- FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic(S .. DarkSwim2Song); -- alt Swim song
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("DarkSwim2Song") -- alt Swim song
- else
- FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic(S .. DarkSwim3Song); -- alt Swim song
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("DarkSwim3Song") -- alt Swim song
- end
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic(S .. DarkSwimSong); -- alt Swim song
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("DarkSwimSong FF7 Who are you")-- alt Swim song
local x = math.random(1, 3);
@@ -2197,27 +2229,27 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_HordeTaxi()
- local x = math.random(1, 2);
+ local x = math.random(1, 5);
if x == 1 then
- FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FP1Song);
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FP1Song Final Fantasy 7 Steal the Tiny Bronco")
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. HordeFP1Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("HordeFP1Song Final Fantasy 6 Wild West")
elseif x == 2 then
- FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FP2Song);
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FP2Song Chrono Cross Time of the Dreamwatch")
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. HordeFP2Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("HordeFP2Song Final Fantasy 9 Kuja Theme")
elseif x == 3 then
- FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FP3Song);
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FP3Song Kingdom Hearts Blast Away Gummi Ship I")
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. HordeFP3Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("HordeFP3Song Final Fantasy 14 Pennons Aloft")
elseif x == 4 then
- FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FP4Song);
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FP4Song Final Fantasy 8 Ride On")
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. HordeFP4Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("HordeFP4Song The Witcher 3 Hunt or Be Hunted")
- FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FP5Song);
- FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FP5Song Final Fantasy 9 Hilda Garde")
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. HordeFP5Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("HordeFP5Song Dragons Crown Mages Tower")
function FinalFantasylization_AllianceTaxi()
- local x = math.random(1, 2);
+ local x = math.random(1, 6);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FP1Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FP1Song Final Fantasy 7 Steal the Tiny Bronco")
@@ -2230,9 +2262,12 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
elseif x == 4 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FP4Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FP4Song Final Fantasy 8 Ride On")
- else
+ elseif x == 5 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FP5Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FP5Song Final Fantasy 9 Hilda Garde")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FP6Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FP6Song Final Fantasy 6 The Serpent Trench")
@@ -2241,30 +2276,36 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_HordeFlying()
- local x = math.random(1, 2);
+ local x = math.random(1, 4);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FlyingMountSong);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FlyingMountSong Final Fantasy 7 Highwind Takes to the Sky")
elseif x == 2 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FlyingMount2Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FlyingMount2Song Shining Force 2 Battle 2")
- else
+ elseif x == 3 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FlyingMount3Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FlyingMount3Song Final Fantasy Type0 Soar")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FlyingMount4Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FlyingMount4Song Final Fantasy 6 Terra")
function FinalFantasylization_AllianceFlying()
- local x = math.random(1, 2);
+ local x = math.random(1, 4);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FlyingMountSong);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FlyingMountSong Final Fantasy 7 Highwind Takes to the Sky")
elseif x == 2 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FlyingMount2Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FlyingMount2Song Shining Force 2 Battle 2")
- else
+ elseif x == 3 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FlyingMount3Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FlyingMount3Song Final Fantasy Type0 Soar")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. FlyingMount4Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("FlyingMount4Song Final Fantasy 6 Terra")
@@ -2299,7 +2340,7 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
function FinalFantasylization_MountedEscape()
- local x = math.random(1, 6);
+ local x = math.random(1, 7);
if x == 1 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Escape1Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Escape1Song Final Fantasy 9 RUN")
@@ -2315,9 +2356,12 @@ _G["SoundPack" .. soundPackID .. "_SetEnabled"] = function(enabled)
elseif x == 5 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Escape5Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Escape5Song Tomb Raider 2 Incident Behind you")
- else
+ elseif x == 6 then
FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Escape6Song);
FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Escape6Song Shining Force 2 Boss Attack")
+ else
+ FinalFantasylization_PlayMusic( S .. Escape7Song);
+ FinalFantasylization_debugMsg("Escape7Song Dragons Crown A Decision Has To Be Made")
diff --git a/Soundpacks/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack/instructions and tracklisting.txt b/Soundpacks/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack/instructions and tracklisting.txt
index 86e6760..067e70a 100644
--- a/Soundpacks/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack/instructions and tracklisting.txt
+++ b/Soundpacks/FinalFantasylization_Steven2016Soundpack/instructions and tracklisting.txt
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ Elder's Scroll 5 - Skyrim
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Final Fantasy 4 Celtic Moon
Final Fantasy Tactics
+Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core
Final Fantasy 8
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ Sword Coast Legends
Tales of Xillia
Tales of Zestiria
The Last Remnant
+The Witcher 3
Tomb Raider 2
White Knight Chronicles
World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
@@ -97,16 +99,16 @@ Tracklisting:
-- Capital Cities Events --
-OrgrimmarSong = Dragon Age Origins - The Dwarven Nobles (stevenm281 edit)
+OrgrimmarSong = Dragon Age Origins - The Deep Roads
SilvermoonCitySong = Arcania Gothic 4 - Silverlake 2
ThunderBluffSong = LRFF13 - Monoculus
-UndercitySong = Dragon Age Origins - The Deep Roads
+UndercitySong = Kingdom Hearts - This is Halloween
DarnassusSong = Final Fantasy Brave Exvius - Tree of Tales
ExodarSong = FF13 - Taejin's Tower
IronforgeSong = Baldur's Gate Main Theme
-StormwindCitySong = Final Fantasy XI - Vanadiel March
+StormwindCitySong = Final Fantasy 11 - Vanadiel March
ShattrathCitySong = Baldur's Gate 2 - Romance 1
@@ -126,7 +128,7 @@ BloodvenomPostSong = Final Fantasy Tactics - The Pervert
BrackenwallVillageSong = Breath of Fire 4 - Song of the Plains
BrillSong = Breath of Fire 4 - Darkness
BorgorokOutpostSong = Chrono Cross - Phantom Ship
-CampMojacheSong = Final Fantasy XI - Galka
+CampMojacheSong = Final Fantasy 11 - Galka
CampOneqwahSong = Final Fantasy 12 - Jahara, Land of the Garif
CampTaurajoSong = Kingdom Hearts 2 - The Home of Dragons
CampTunkaloSong = Legaia 2 Duel Saga - Shriek of the Earth
@@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ FreewindPostSong = Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - Goron City
GaradarSong = Final Fantasy 8 - Seed
GromarshCrashSiteSong = Final Fantasy 8 - Starting Up
GromgolBaseCampSong = Chrono Cross - Dragonrider
-HammerfallSong = Final Fantasy XI - Fury
+HammerfallSong = Final Fantasy 11 - Fury
KargathSong = Kingdom Hearts 2 - The Underworld
KorkronVanguardSong = Kingdom Hearts 2 - Sacred Moon
MokNathalVillageSong = Legaia 2 Duel Saga - God's Fist
@@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ RazorHillSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Mako Reactor
RevantuskVillageSong = Final Fantasy 9 - Tantalus theme
SenjinVillageSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Fort Condor
SepulcherSong = Final Fantasy 9 - Sword of Doubt
-ShadowmoonVillageSong = Final Fantasy XI - Shadow Lord
+ShadowmoonVillageSong = Final Fantasy 11 - Shadow Lord
ShadowpreyVillageSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Barret's theme
SplintertreePostSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Turk's theme
StonardSong = Chrono Cross - Hydra's Swamp
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ ThunderlordStrongholdSong = Legend of Dragoon - Hellena Prison
TranquillienSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Sending a Dream into the Universe
ValormokSong = Legend of Dragoon - Imperial City Kazas
VengeanceLandingSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Shinra Corporation
-VenomspiteSong = Final Fantasy XI Rise of the Zilart - Norg
+VenomspiteSong = Final Fantasy 11 Rise of the Zilart - Norg
WarsongHoldSong = FF13-2 - Condition Omega
ZabrajinSong = Kingdom Hearts 1 - Deep Jungle
ZoramgarOutpostSong = Breath of Fire 3 - My favorite trick
@@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ RefugePointeSong = Legaia 2 Duel Saga - Everyday Tranquility
SentinelHillSong = Breath of Fire 3 - Country Living
SouthshoreSong = Lord of the Ring The Fellowship of the Ring - Concerning Hobbits
StarsRestSong = Lord of the Ring The Two Towers - Evenstar
-StonetalonPeakSong = Final Fantasy XI Rise of the Zilart - Sanctuary
+StonetalonPeakSong = Final Fantasy 11 Rise of the Zilart - Sanctuary
SylvanaarSong = Final Fantasy 9 - Bran Bal
TalrendisPointSong = Final Fantasy 8 - My mind
TalonbranchGladeSong = Legaia 2 Duel Saga Tanza
@@ -241,10 +243,10 @@ CosmowrenchSong = Final Fantasy 8 - Shuffle or Boogie
CrusadersPinnacleSong = Final Fantasy 8 - Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec (orchestrated)
DeathsRiseSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Parochial Town
DunNiffelemSong = Breath of Fire 4 - Working Today Too
-EbonWatchSong = Final Fantasy XI - Sometime Somewhere
+EbonWatchSong = Final Fantasy 11 - Sometime Somewhere
EmeraldSanctuarySong = Radiata Stories - The White Town of Deception
EvergroveSong = Chrono Cross - Another Guldove
-FrenzyheartHillSong = Final Fantasy XI Rise of the Zilart - Kazham
+FrenzyheartHillSong = Final Fantasy 11 Rise of the Zilart - Kazham
HalaaSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Stolen Materia
K3Song = Breath of Fire 3 - Steam Locomotion
KamaguaSong = Star Wars 6 - Jabba's Baroque Recital
@@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ ShadowVaultSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Lurking in the Darkness
SporeggarSong = Final Fantasy 4 Celtic Moon - Palom & Polom
StormspireSong = Breath of Fire 4 - Seagull Flies
SunsReachSong = Breath of Fire 3 - Even the sun's happy
-ThoriumPointSong = Final Fantasy XI - Mithra
+ThoriumPointSong = Final Fantasy 11 - Mithra
TransitusShieldSong = Kingdom Hearts 1 - Captain's Hook Pirate Ship
UnupeSong = Legaia 2 Duel Saga - Wasteland of Far Away Places
WyrmrestTempleSong = Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - Spirit Temple
@@ -318,7 +320,7 @@ StranglethornValeSong = Breath of Fire 4 - Echo
SunstriderIsleSong = Final Fantasy 12 - Forgotten Capital
SwampOfSorrowsSong = Jeff Van Dyck - Tension1
TheHinterlandsSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Forested Temple
-TirisfalGladesSong = Final Fantasy XI - Anxiety
+TirisfalGladesSong = Final Fantasy 11 - Anxiety
WesternPlaguelandsSong = Legaia 2 Duel Saga - End of The World
WestfallSong = Breath of Fire 3 - Casually
WetlandsSong = Diablo 2 - Wild
@@ -331,7 +333,7 @@ AzuremystIsleSong = Legend of Legaia - Night Requiem
BloodmystIsleSong = Legaia 2 Duel Saga - God of The Evil Ones
CampNaracheSong = Final Fantasy 9 - Crossing those Hills
DarkshoreSong = Final Fantasy 7 - The Nightmare Beginning
-DesolaceSong = Final Fantasy XI - Hopelessness
+DesolaceSong = Final Fantasy 11 - Hopelessness
DurotarSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Desert Wasteland
DustwallowMarshSong = Final Fantasy 12 - The Feywood
FelwoodSong = Chrono Cross - Shadow's End Forest
@@ -340,7 +342,7 @@ MoongladeSong = Legaia 2 Duel Saga - Advancing to Far Away Places
MulgoreSong = Legend of Legaia - Barren fields of Mist
ShadowglenSong = Breath of Fire 4 - Landscape
SilithusSong = Chrono Cross - Earth Dragon Island
-StonetalonMountainsSong = Final Fantasy 9 - Kuja's theme
+StonetalonMountainsSong = Final Fantasy 14 - Whisper of the Land
TanarisSong = Diablo 2 - Harem
TeldrassilSong = Baldur's Gate 2 The Druid's Grove
TheBarrensSong = Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - Hyrule Field Main Theme
@@ -403,11 +405,12 @@ Mounted6Song = Final Fantasy 8 - Chocobo
Mounted7Song = Final Fantasy 13 - Chocobos of Pulse
Escape1Song = Final Fantasy 9 - RUN !
-Escape2Song = Final Fantasy XI - Rise of The Zilart - Belief
+Escape2Song = Final Fantasy 11 - Rise of The Zilart - Belief
Escape3Song = Final Fantasy 8 Retaliation
Escape4Song = Final Fantasy 10 Enemy Attack
Escape5Song = Tomb Raider 2 Incident Behind you
Escape6Song = Shining Force 2 - Boss Attack
+Escape7Song = Dragon's Crown - A Decision has to be made
-- Flying Mount Events --
FP1Song = Final Fantasy 7 - Steal the Tiny Bronco
@@ -415,9 +418,16 @@ FP2Song = Chrono Cross - Time of the Dreamwatch
FP3Song = Kingdom Hearts - Blast Away! Gummi Ship I
FP4Song = Final Fantasy 8 - Ride On
FP5Song = Final Fantasy 9 - Hilda Garde
+FP6Song = Final Fantasy 6 - The Serpent Trench
+HordeFP1Song = Final Fantasy 6 - Wild West
+HordeFP2Song = Final Fantasy 9 - Kuja's theme
+HordeFP3Song = Final Fantasy 14 - Pennons Aloft
+HordeFP4Song = The Witcher 3 - Hunt or Be Hunted
+HordeFP5Song = Dragon's Crown - Mage's Tower
FlyingMountSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Highwind Takes to the Sky
FlyingMount2Song = Shining Force 2 - Battle 2
FlyingMount3Song = Final Fantasy Type-0 - Soar
+FlyingMount4Song = Final Fantasy 6 - Terra
-- Dead/Ghost Events --
Dead1Song = Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - Temple of Time
@@ -458,6 +468,8 @@ Fighting13Song = Lunar 2 - Footsteps of Decisive Battle
Fighting14Song = Dissidia Final Fantasy - Preparations for Battle
Fighting15Song = White Knight Chronicles - Prelude to Battle
Fighting16Song = Final Fantasy 13-2 - Knight of the Goddess
+Fighting17Song = Final Fantasy 6 - Battle Theme
+Fighting18Song = Baldur's Gate - Attacked by Assassins
BossSong = LRFF13 - Chaos
Boss2Song = Final Fantasy 7 - Jenova Absolute
@@ -469,6 +481,7 @@ Boss7Song = Final Fantasy 9 - Battle 2
Boss8Song = Dissidia Final Fantasy - Battle (FF1)
Boss9Song = King of Dragons - To the Castle
Boss10Song = Arcania Gothic 4 - Combat 1
+Boss11Song = Final Fantasy 6 - The Decisive Battle
-- PvP Events --
HostileSong = Legend of Dragoon - Boss Battle 3
@@ -478,9 +491,10 @@ Hostile2Song = Final Fantasy 15 - Enemy Approaching Theme
SwimSong = FF7 - A Secret, Sleeping in the Deep Sea
Swim2Song = Shining Force 2 - Mithril Diggers
Swim3Song = Kingdom Hearts - Under the Sea
+DarkSwimSong = Final Fantasy 7 - Who Are You
SleepSong = Arcania Gothic 4 - Tavern
Sleep2Song = Derek Fiechter - The Captain's Inn
-Sleep3Song = Final Fantasy XI - Mog House
+Sleep3Song = Final Fantasy 11 - Mog House
Sleep4Song = Justice Monsters Five - A Hero's Day Off
Sleep5Song = Final Fantasy 14 - On Windy Meadows
Sleep6Song = Radiata Stories - Artisan
@@ -489,11 +503,13 @@ Sleep8Song = Legend of Legaia - Mei
Sleep9Song = Lunar 2 - Village Town
Sleep10Song = Final Fantasy 15 - Camping Theme
Sleep11Song = Elder's Scroll 5 (Skyrim) - Around the Fire
+Sleep12Song = Final Fantasy 6 - Johnny C Bad
+Sleep13Song = Rogue Galaxy - Swinging
KillSound = Final Fantasy 7 Kill Sound
CombatSound = Final Fantasy 7 Enter Combat Sound
DeeprunTramSong = Resident Evil Main Theme
-ScarletMonasterySong = Final Fantasy XI - Repression Memoro de La Stono
+ScarletMonasterySong = Final Fantasy 11 - Repression Memoro de La Stono
RazorfenSong = Final Fantasy 12 - Abyss
WailingCavernsSong = Final Fantasy 12 - Dark Night (imperial version)
-TheDeadminesSong = Final Fantasy XI - Castle Zvahl
+TheDeadminesSong = Final Fantasy 11 - Castle Zvahl
CavernsOfTimeSong = The Last Remnant - Dark Secrets
diff --git a/embeds.xml b/embeds.xml
index 0a5efe7..2396476 100644
--- a/embeds.xml
+++ b/embeds.xml
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml b/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..876df83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/Changelog-LibBabble-Faction-3.0-3.3-release42.txt b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/Changelog-LibBabble-Faction-3.0-3.3-release42.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc28efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/Changelog-LibBabble-Faction-3.0-3.3-release42.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+r117 | nevcairiel | 2010-10-10 12:18:07 +0000 (Sun, 10 Oct 2010) | 1 line
+Changed paths:
+ A /tags/3.3-release42 (from /trunk:116)
+Weekly Tag - #42
+r116 | nevcairiel | 2010-10-10 12:17:49 +0000 (Sun, 10 Oct 2010) | 1 line
+Changed paths:
+ M /trunk/LibBabble-Faction-3.0.lua
+Automated LibBabble re-generation from the localization system
+r114 | nevcairiel | 2010-09-12 12:33:46 +0000 (Sun, 12 Sep 2010) | 1 line
+Changed paths:
+ M /trunk/.pkgmeta
+ D /trunk/LibStub
+Remove hard-embeded LibStub
diff --git a/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibBabble-3.0.lua b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibBabble-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc4a012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibBabble-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+-- LibBabble-3.0 is hereby placed in the Public Domain
+-- Credits: ckknight
+local LIBBABBLE_MAJOR, LIBBABBLE_MINOR = "LibBabble-3.0", 2
+local LibBabble = LibStub:NewLibrary(LIBBABBLE_MAJOR, LIBBABBLE_MINOR)
+if not LibBabble then
+ return
+local data = LibBabble.data or {}
+for k,v in pairs(LibBabble) do
+ LibBabble[k] = nil
+LibBabble.data = data
+local tablesToDB = {}
+for namespace, db in pairs(data) do
+ for k,v in pairs(db) do
+ tablesToDB[v] = db
+ end
+local function warn(message)
+ local _, ret = pcall(error, message, 3)
+ geterrorhandler()(ret)
+local lookup_mt = { __index = function(self, key)
+ local db = tablesToDB[self]
+ local current_key = db.current[key]
+ if current_key then
+ self[key] = current_key
+ return current_key
+ end
+ local base_key = db.base[key]
+ local real_MAJOR_VERSION
+ for k,v in pairs(data) do
+ if v == db then
+ real_MAJOR_VERSION = k
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not real_MAJOR_VERSION then
+ end
+ if base_key then
+ warn(("%s: Translation %q not found for locale %q"):format(real_MAJOR_VERSION, key, GetLocale()))
+ rawset(self, key, base_key)
+ return base_key
+ end
+ warn(("%s: Translation %q not found."):format(real_MAJOR_VERSION, key))
+ rawset(self, key, key)
+ return key
+end }
+local function initLookup(module, lookup)
+ local db = tablesToDB[module]
+ for k in pairs(lookup) do
+ lookup[k] = nil
+ end
+ setmetatable(lookup, lookup_mt)
+ tablesToDB[lookup] = db
+ db.lookup = lookup
+ return lookup
+local function initReverse(module, reverse)
+ local db = tablesToDB[module]
+ for k in pairs(reverse) do
+ reverse[k] = nil
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(db.current) do
+ reverse[v] = k
+ end
+ tablesToDB[reverse] = db
+ db.reverse = reverse
+ db.reverseIterators = nil
+ return reverse
+local prototype = {}
+local prototype_mt = {__index = prototype}
+ * If you try to access a nonexistent key, it will warn but allow the code to pass through.
+ A lookup table for english to localized words.
+ local B = LibStub("LibBabble-Module-3.0") -- where Module is what you want.
+ local BL = B:GetLookupTable()
+ assert(BL["Some english word"] == "Some localized word")
+ DoSomething(BL["Some english word that doesn't exist"]) -- warning!
+function prototype:GetLookupTable()
+ local db = tablesToDB[self]
+ local lookup = db.lookup
+ if lookup then
+ return lookup
+ end
+ return initLookup(self, {})
+ * If you try to access a nonexistent key, it will return nil.
+ A lookup table for english to localized words.
+ local B = LibStub("LibBabble-Module-3.0") -- where Module is what you want.
+ local B_has = B:GetUnstrictLookupTable()
+ assert(B_has["Some english word"] == "Some localized word")
+ assert(B_has["Some english word that doesn't exist"] == nil)
+function prototype:GetUnstrictLookupTable()
+ local db = tablesToDB[self]
+ return db.current
+ * If you try to access a nonexistent key, it will return nil.
+ * This is useful for checking if the base (English) table has a key, even if the localized one does not have it registered.
+ A lookup table for english to localized words.
+ local B = LibStub("LibBabble-Module-3.0") -- where Module is what you want.
+ local B_hasBase = B:GetBaseLookupTable()
+ assert(B_hasBase["Some english word"] == "Some english word")
+ assert(B_hasBase["Some english word that doesn't exist"] == nil)
+function prototype:GetBaseLookupTable()
+ local db = tablesToDB[self]
+ return db.base
+ * If you try to access a nonexistent key, it will return nil.
+ * This will return only one English word that it maps to, if there are more than one to check, see :GetReverseIterator("word")
+ A lookup table for localized to english words.
+ local B = LibStub("LibBabble-Module-3.0") -- where Module is what you want.
+ local BR = B:GetReverseLookupTable()
+ assert(BR["Some localized word"] == "Some english word")
+ assert(BR["Some localized word that doesn't exist"] == nil)
+function prototype:GetReverseLookupTable()
+ local db = tablesToDB[self]
+ local reverse = db.reverse
+ if reverse then
+ return reverse
+ end
+ return initReverse(self, {})
+local blank = {}
+local weakVal = {__mode='v'}
+ string - the localized word to chek for.
+ An iterator to traverse all English words that map to the given key
+ local B = LibStub("LibBabble-Module-3.0") -- where Module is what you want.
+ for word in B:GetReverseIterator("Some localized word") do
+ DoSomething(word)
+ end
+function prototype:GetReverseIterator(key)
+ local db = tablesToDB[self]
+ local reverseIterators = db.reverseIterators
+ if not reverseIterators then
+ reverseIterators = setmetatable({}, weakVal)
+ db.reverseIterators = reverseIterators
+ elseif reverseIterators[key] then
+ return pairs(reverseIterators[key])
+ end
+ local t
+ for k,v in pairs(db.current) do
+ if v == key then
+ if not t then
+ t = {}
+ end
+ t[k] = true
+ end
+ end
+ reverseIterators[key] = t or blank
+ return pairs(reverseIterators[key])
+ An iterator to traverse all translations English to localized.
+ local B = LibStub("LibBabble-Module-3.0") -- where Module is what you want.
+ for english, localized in B:Iterate() do
+ DoSomething(english, localized)
+ end
+function prototype:Iterate()
+ local db = tablesToDB[self]
+ return pairs(db.current)
+-- #NODOC
+-- modules need to call this to set the base table
+function prototype:SetBaseTranslations(base)
+ local db = tablesToDB[self]
+ local oldBase = db.base
+ if oldBase then
+ for k in pairs(oldBase) do
+ oldBase[k] = nil
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(base) do
+ oldBase[k] = v
+ end
+ base = oldBase
+ else
+ db.base = base
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(base) do
+ if v == true then
+ base[k] = k
+ end
+ end
+local function init(module)
+ local db = tablesToDB[module]
+ if db.lookup then
+ initLookup(module, db.lookup)
+ end
+ if db.reverse then
+ initReverse(module, db.reverse)
+ end
+ db.reverseIterators = nil
+-- #NODOC
+-- modules need to call this to set the current table. if current is true, use the base table.
+function prototype:SetCurrentTranslations(current)
+ local db = tablesToDB[self]
+ if current == true then
+ db.current = db.base
+ else
+ local oldCurrent = db.current
+ if oldCurrent then
+ for k in pairs(oldCurrent) do
+ oldCurrent[k] = nil
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(current) do
+ oldCurrent[k] = v
+ end
+ current = oldCurrent
+ else
+ db.current = current
+ end
+ end
+ init(self)
+for namespace, db in pairs(data) do
+ setmetatable(db.module, prototype_mt)
+ init(db.module)
+-- #NODOC
+-- modules need to call this to create a new namespace.
+function LibBabble:New(namespace, minor)
+ local module, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(namespace, minor)
+ if not module then
+ return
+ end
+ if not oldminor then
+ local db = {
+ module = module,
+ }
+ data[namespace] = db
+ tablesToDB[module] = db
+ else
+ for k,v in pairs(module) do
+ module[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ setmetatable(module, prototype_mt)
+ return module
diff --git a/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibBabble-Faction-3.0.lua b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibBabble-Faction-3.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40a2edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibBabble-Faction-3.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
+Name: LibBabble-Faction-3.0
+Revision: $Rev: 116 $
+Maintainers: ckknight, nevcairiel, Ackis
+Website: http://www.wowace.com/projects/libbabble-faction-3-0/
+Dependencies: None
+License: MIT
+local MAJOR_VERSION = "LibBabble-Faction-3.0"
+local MINOR_VERSION = 90000 + tonumber(("$Rev: 116 $"):match("%d+"))
+if not LibStub then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires LibStub.") end
+local lib = LibStub("LibBabble-3.0"):New(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
+if not lib then return end
+local GAME_LOCALE = GetLocale()
+lib:SetBaseTranslations {
+ Alliance = "Alliance",
+ ["Alliance Vanguard"] = "Alliance Vanguard",
+ ["Argent Crusade"] = "Argent Crusade",
+ ["Argent Dawn"] = "Argent Dawn",
+ ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "Ashtongue Deathsworn",
+ ["Baradin's Wardens"] = "Baradin's Wardens",
+ ["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "Bilgewater Cartel",
+ ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "Bloodsail Buccaneers",
+ ["Booty Bay"] = "Booty Bay",
+ ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "Brood of Nozdormu",
+ ["Cenarion Circle"] = "Cenarion Circle",
+ ["Cenarion Expedition"] = "Cenarion Expedition",
+ ["Darkmoon Faire"] = "Darkmoon Faire",
+ ["Darkspear Trolls"] = "Darkspear Trolls",
+ Darnassus = "Darnassus",
+ ["Dragonmaw Clan"] = "Dragonmaw Clan",
+ Everlook = "Everlook",
+ Exalted = "Exalted",
+ Exodar = "Exodar",
+ ["Explorers' League"] = "Explorers' League",
+ ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "Frenzyheart Tribe",
+ Friendly = "Friendly",
+ ["Frostwolf Clan"] = "Frostwolf Clan",
+ Gadgetzan = "Gadgetzan",
+ ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = "Gelkis Clan Centaur",
+ Gilneas = "Gilneas",
+ Gnomeregan = "Gnomeregan",
+ ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Gnomeregan Exiles",
+ ["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "Guardians of Hyjal",
+ ["Hellscream's Reach"] = "Hellscream's Reach",
+ ["Honor Hold"] = "Honor Hold",
+ Honored = "Honored",
+ Horde = "Horde",
+ ["Horde Expedition"] = "Horde Expedition",
+ ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = "Hydraxian Waterlords",
+ Ironforge = "Ironforge",
+ ["Keepers of Time"] = "Keepers of Time",
+ ["Kirin Tor"] = "Kirin Tor",
+ ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = "Knights of the Ebon Blade",
+ Kurenai = "Kurenai",
+ ["Lower City"] = "Lower City",
+ ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = "Magram Clan Centaur",
+ Netherwing = "Netherwing",
+ Neutral = "Neutral",
+ ["Ogri'la"] = "Ogri'la",
+ Orgrimmar = "Orgrimmar",
+ Ramkahen = "Ramkahen",
+ Ratchet = "Ratchet",
+ Ravenholdt = "Ravenholdt",
+ Revered = "Revered",
+ ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = "Sha'tari Skyguard",
+ ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = "Shattered Sun Offensive",
+ ["Shen'dralar"] = "Shen'dralar",
+ ["Silvermoon City"] = "Silvermoon City",
+ ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = "Silverwing Sentinels",
+ Sporeggar = "Sporeggar",
+ ["Stormpike Guard"] = "Stormpike Guard",
+ Stormwind = "Stormwind",
+ Syndicate = "Syndicate",
+ ["The Aldor"] = "The Aldor",
+ ["The Ashen Verdict"] = "The Ashen Verdict",
+ ["The Consortium"] = "The Consortium",
+ ["The Defilers"] = "The Defilers",
+ ["The Earthen Ring"] = "The Earthen Ring",
+ ["The Frostborn"] = "The Frostborn",
+ ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "The Hand of Vengeance",
+ ["The Kalu'ak"] = "The Kalu'ak",
+ ["The League of Arathor"] = "The League of Arathor",
+ ["The Mag'har"] = "The Mag'har",
+ ["The Oracles"] = "The Oracles",
+ ["The Scale of the Sands"] = "The Scale of the Sands",
+ ["The Scryers"] = "The Scryers",
+ ["The Sha'tar"] = "The Sha'tar",
+ ["The Silver Covenant"] = "The Silver Covenant",
+ ["The Sons of Hodir"] = "The Sons of Hodir",
+ ["The Sunreavers"] = "The Sunreavers",
+ ["The Taunka"] = "The Taunka",
+ ["The Violet Eye"] = "The Violet Eye",
+ ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "The Wyrmrest Accord",
+ Therazane = "Therazane",
+ ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = "Thorium Brotherhood",
+ Thrallmar = "Thrallmar",
+ ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Thunder Bluff",
+ ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "Timbermaw Hold",
+ Tranquillien = "Tranquillien",
+ Undercity = "Undercity",
+ ["Valiance Expedition"] = "Valiance Expedition",
+ ["Warsong Offensive"] = "Warsong Offensive",
+ ["Warsong Outriders"] = "Warsong Outriders",
+ ["Wildhammer Clan"] = "Wildhammer Clan",
+ ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "Winterfin Retreat",
+ ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "Wintersaber Trainers",
+ ["Zandalar Tribe"] = "Zandalar Tribe",
+if GAME_LOCALE == "enUS" then
+ lib:SetCurrentTranslations(true)
+elseif GAME_LOCALE == "deDE" then
+ lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
+ Alliance = "Allianz",
+ ["Alliance Vanguard"] = "Vorposten der Allianz",
+ ["Argent Crusade"] = "Argentumkreuzzug",
+ ["Argent Dawn"] = "Argentumdämmerung",
+ ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "Die Todeshörigen",
+ -- ["Baradin's Wardens"] = "",
+ -- ["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "",
+ ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "Blutsegelbukaniere",
+ ["Booty Bay"] = "Beutebucht",
+ ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "Brut Nozdormus",
+ ["Cenarion Circle"] = "Zirkel des Cenarius",
+ ["Cenarion Expedition"] = "Expedition des Cenarius",
+ ["Darkmoon Faire"] = "Dunkelmond-Jahrmarkt",
+ ["Darkspear Trolls"] = "Dunkelspeertrolle",
+ Darnassus = "Darnassus",
+ -- ["Dragonmaw Clan"] = "",
+ Everlook = "Ewige Warte",
+ Exalted = "Ehrfürchtig",
+ Exodar = "Die Exodar",
+ ["Explorers' League"] = "Forscherliga",
+ ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "Stamm der Wildherzen",
+ Friendly = "Freundlich",
+ ["Frostwolf Clan"] = "Frostwolfklan",
+ Gadgetzan = "Gadgetzan",
+ ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = "Gelkisklan",
+ -- Gilneas = "",
+ -- Gnomeregan = "",
+ ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Gnomeregangnome",
+ -- ["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "",
+ -- ["Hellscream's Reach"] = "",
+ ["Honor Hold"] = "Ehrenfeste",
+ Honored = "Wohlwollend",
+ Horde = "Horde",
+ ["Horde Expedition"] = "Expedition der Horde",
+ ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = "Hydraxianer",
+ Ironforge = "Eisenschmiede",
+ ["Keepers of Time"] = "Hüter der Zeit",
+ ["Kirin Tor"] = "Kirin Tor",
+ ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = "Ritter der Schwarzen Klinge",
+ Kurenai = "Kurenai",
+ ["Lower City"] = "Unteres Viertel",
+ ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = "Magramklan",
+ Netherwing = "Netherschwingen",
+ Neutral = "Neutral",
+ ["Ogri'la"] = "Ogri'la",
+ Orgrimmar = "Orgrimmar",
+ -- Ramkahen = "",
+ Ratchet = "Ratschet",
+ Ravenholdt = "Rabenholdt",
+ Revered = "Respektvoll",
+ ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = "Himmelswache der Sha'tari",
+ ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = "Offensive der Zerschmetterten Sonne",
+ ["Shen'dralar"] = "Shen'dralar",
+ ["Silvermoon City"] = "Silbermond",
+ ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = "Silberschwingen",
+ Sporeggar = "Sporeggar",
+ ["Stormpike Guard"] = "Sturmlanzengarde",
+ Stormwind = "Sturmwind",
+ Syndicate = "Syndikat",
+ ["The Aldor"] = "Die Aldor",
+ ["The Ashen Verdict"] = "Das Äscherne Verdikt",
+ ["The Consortium"] = "Das Konsortium",
+ ["The Defilers"] = "Die Entweihten",
+ -- ["The Earthen Ring"] = "",
+ ["The Frostborn"] = "Die Frosterben",
+ ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "Die Hand der Rache",
+ ["The Kalu'ak"] = "Die Kalu'ak",
+ ["The League of Arathor"] = "Der Bund von Arathor",
+ ["The Mag'har"] = "Die Mag'har",
+ ["The Oracles"] = "Die Orakel",
+ ["The Scale of the Sands"] = "Die Wächter der Sande",
+ ["The Scryers"] = "Die Seher",
+ ["The Sha'tar"] = "Die Sha'tar",
+ ["The Silver Covenant"] = "Der Silberbund",
+ ["The Sons of Hodir"] = "Die Söhne Hodirs",
+ ["The Sunreavers"] = "Die Sonnenhäscher",
+ ["The Taunka"] = "Die Taunka",
+ ["The Violet Eye"] = "Das Violette Auge",
+ ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "Der Wyrmruhpakt",
+ -- Therazane = "",
+ ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = "Thoriumbruderschaft",
+ Thrallmar = "Thrallmar",
+ ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Donnerfels",
+ ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "Holzschlundfeste",
+ Tranquillien = "Tristessa",
+ Undercity = "Unterstadt",
+ ["Valiance Expedition"] = "Expedition Valianz",
+ ["Warsong Offensive"] = "Kriegshymnenoffensive",
+ ["Warsong Outriders"] = "Vorhut des Kriegshymnenklan",
+ ["Wildhammer Clan"] = "Wildhammerklan",
+ ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "Zuflucht der Winterflossen",
+ ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "Wintersäblerausbilder",
+ ["Zandalar Tribe"] = "Stamm der Zandalari",
+elseif GAME_LOCALE == "frFR" then
+ lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
+ Alliance = "Alliance",
+ ["Alliance Vanguard"] = "Avant-garde de l'Alliance",
+ ["Argent Crusade"] = "La Croisade d'argent",
+ ["Argent Dawn"] = "Aube d'argent",
+ ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "Ligemort cendrelangue",
+ -- ["Baradin's Wardens"] = "",
+ -- ["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "",
+ ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "La Voile sanglante",
+ ["Booty Bay"] = "Baie-du-Butin",
+ ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "Progéniture de Nozdormu",
+ ["Cenarion Circle"] = "Cercle cénarien",
+ ["Cenarion Expedition"] = "Expédition cénarienne",
+ ["Darkmoon Faire"] = "Foire de Sombrelune",
+ ["Darkspear Trolls"] = "Trolls Sombrelance",
+ Darnassus = "Darnassus",
+ -- ["Dragonmaw Clan"] = "",
+ Everlook = "Long-guet",
+ Exalted = "Exalté",
+ Exodar = "Exodar",
+ ["Explorers' League"] = "Ligue des explorateurs",
+ ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "La tribu Frénécœur",
+ Friendly = "Amical",
+ ["Frostwolf Clan"] = "Clan Loup-de-givre",
+ Gadgetzan = "Gadgetzan",
+ ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = "Centaures (Gelkis)",
+ -- Gilneas = "",
+ -- Gnomeregan = "",
+ ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Exilés de Gnomeregan",
+ -- ["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "",
+ -- ["Hellscream's Reach"] = "",
+ ["Honor Hold"] = "Bastion de l'Honneur",
+ Honored = "Honoré",
+ Horde = "Horde",
+ ["Horde Expedition"] = "Expédition de la Horde",
+ ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = "Les Hydraxiens",
+ Ironforge = "Forgefer",
+ ["Keepers of Time"] = "Gardiens du Temps",
+ ["Kirin Tor"] = "Kirin Tor",
+ ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = "Chevaliers de la Lame d'ébène",
+ Kurenai = "Kurenaï",
+ ["Lower City"] = "Ville basse",
+ ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = "Centaures (Magram)",
+ Netherwing = "Aile-du-Néant",
+ Neutral = "Neutre",
+ ["Ogri'la"] = "Ogri'la",
+ Orgrimmar = "Orgrimmar",
+ -- Ramkahen = "",
+ Ratchet = "Cabestan",
+ Ravenholdt = "Ravenholdt",
+ Revered = "Révéré",
+ ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = "Garde-ciel sha'tari",
+ ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = "Opération Soleil brisé",
+ ["Shen'dralar"] = "Shen'dralar",
+ ["Silvermoon City"] = "Lune-d'argent",
+ ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = "Sentinelles d'Aile-argent",
+ Sporeggar = "Sporeggar",
+ ["Stormpike Guard"] = "Garde Foudrepique",
+ Stormwind = "Hurlevent",
+ Syndicate = "Syndicat",
+ ["The Aldor"] = "L'Aldor",
+ ["The Ashen Verdict"] = "Le Verdict des cendres",
+ ["The Consortium"] = "Le Consortium",
+ ["The Defilers"] = "Les Profanateurs",
+ -- ["The Earthen Ring"] = "",
+ ["The Frostborn"] = "Les Givre-nés",
+ ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "La Main de la vengeance",
+ ["The Kalu'ak"] = "Les Kalu'aks",
+ ["The League of Arathor"] = "La Ligue d'Arathor",
+ ["The Mag'har"] = "Les Mag'har",
+ ["The Oracles"] = "Les Oracles",
+ ["The Scale of the Sands"] = "La Balance des sables",
+ ["The Scryers"] = "Les Clairvoyants",
+ ["The Sha'tar"] = "Les Sha'tar",
+ ["The Silver Covenant"] = "Le Concordat argenté",
+ ["The Sons of Hodir"] = "Les Fils de Hodir",
+ ["The Sunreavers"] = "Les Saccage-soleil",
+ ["The Taunka"] = "Les Taunkas",
+ ["The Violet Eye"] = "L'Œil pourpre",
+ ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "L'Accord du Repos du ver",
+ -- Therazane = "",
+ ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = "Confrérie du thorium",
+ Thrallmar = "Thrallmar",
+ ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Les Pitons du Tonnerre",
+ ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "Les Grumegueules",
+ Tranquillien = "Tranquillien",
+ Undercity = "Fossoyeuse",
+ ["Valiance Expedition"] = "Expédition de la Bravoure",
+ ["Warsong Offensive"] = "Offensive chanteguerre",
+ ["Warsong Outriders"] = "Voltigeurs Chanteguerre",
+ ["Wildhammer Clan"] = "Clan Marteau-hardi",
+ ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "Retraite des Ailerons-d'hiver",
+ ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "Éleveurs de sabres-d'hiver",
+ ["Zandalar Tribe"] = "Tribu Zandalar",
+elseif GAME_LOCALE == "koKR" then
+ lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
+ Alliance = "얼라이언스",
+ ["Alliance Vanguard"] = "얼라이언스 선봉대",
+ ["Argent Crusade"] = "은빛십자군",
+ ["Argent Dawn"] = "은빛 여명회",
+ ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "잿빛혓바닥 결사단",
+ -- ["Baradin's Wardens"] = "",
+ -- ["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "",
+ ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "붉은 해적단",
+ ["Booty Bay"] = "무법항",
+ ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "노즈도르무 혈족",
+ ["Cenarion Circle"] = "세나리온 의회",
+ ["Cenarion Expedition"] = "세나리온 원정대",
+ ["Darkmoon Faire"] = "다크문 유랑단",
+ ["Darkspear Trolls"] = "검은창 트롤",
+ Darnassus = "다르나서스",
+ -- ["Dragonmaw Clan"] = "",
+ Everlook = "눈망루 마을",
+ Exalted = "확고한 동맹",
+ Exodar = "엑소다르",
+ ["Explorers' League"] = "탐험가 연맹",
+ ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "광란의심장일족",
+ Friendly = "약간 우호적",
+ ["Frostwolf Clan"] = "서리늑대 부족",
+ Gadgetzan = "가젯잔",
+ ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = "겔키스 부족 켄타로우스",
+ -- Gilneas = "",
+ -- Gnomeregan = "",
+ ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "놈리건",
+ -- ["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "",
+ -- ["Hellscream's Reach"] = "",
+ ["Honor Hold"] = "명예의 요새",
+ Honored = "우호적",
+ Horde = "호드",
+ ["Horde Expedition"] = "호드 원정대",
+ ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = "히드락시안 물의 군주",
+ Ironforge = "아이언포지",
+ ["Keepers of Time"] = "시간의 수호자",
+ ["Kirin Tor"] = "키린 토",
+ ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = "칠흑의 기사단",
+ Kurenai = "쿠레나이",
+ ["Lower City"] = "고난의 거리",
+ ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = "마그람 부족 켄타로우스",
+ Netherwing = "황천의 용군단",
+ Neutral = "중립적",
+ ["Ogri'la"] = "오그릴라",
+ Orgrimmar = "오그리마",
+ -- Ramkahen = "",
+ Ratchet = "톱니항",
+ Ravenholdt = "라벤홀트",
+ Revered = "매우 우호적",
+ ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = "샤타리 하늘경비대",
+ ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = "무너진 태양 공격대",
+ ["Shen'dralar"] = "센드렐라",
+ ["Silvermoon City"] = "실버문",
+ ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = "은빛날개 파수대",
+ Sporeggar = "스포어가르",
+ ["Stormpike Guard"] = "스톰파이크 경비대",
+ Stormwind = "스톰윈드",
+ Syndicate = "비밀결사대",
+ ["The Aldor"] = "알도르 사제회",
+ ["The Ashen Verdict"] = "잿빛 선고단",
+ ["The Consortium"] = "무역연합",
+ ["The Defilers"] = "포세이큰 파멸단",
+ -- ["The Earthen Ring"] = "",
+ ["The Frostborn"] = "서릿결부족 드워프",
+ ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "복수의 대리인",
+ ["The Kalu'ak"] = "칼루아크",
+ ["The League of Arathor"] = "아라소르 연맹",
+ ["The Mag'har"] = "마그하르",
+ ["The Oracles"] = "점쟁이 조합",
+ ["The Scale of the Sands"] = "시간의 중재자",
+ ["The Scryers"] = "점술가 길드",
+ ["The Sha'tar"] = "샤타르",
+ ["The Silver Covenant"] = "은빛 서약단",
+ ["The Sons of Hodir"] = "호디르의 후예",
+ ["The Sunreavers"] = "선리버",
+ ["The Taunka"] = "타운카",
+ ["The Violet Eye"] = "보랏빛 눈의 감시자",
+ ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "고룡쉼터 사원 용군단",
+ -- Therazane = "",
+ ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = "토륨 대장조합 ",
+ Thrallmar = "스랄마",
+ ["Thunder Bluff"] = "썬더 블러프",
+ ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "나무구렁 요새",
+ Tranquillien = "트랜퀼리엔",
+ Undercity = "언더시티",
+ ["Valiance Expedition"] = "용맹의 원정대",
+ ["Warsong Offensive"] = "전쟁노래 공격대",
+ ["Warsong Outriders"] = "전쟁노래 정찰대",
+ ["Wildhammer Clan"] = "와일드해머 부족",
+ ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "겨울지느러미 은신처",
+ ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "눈호랑이 조련사",
+ ["Zandalar Tribe"] = "잔달라 부족",
+elseif GAME_LOCALE == "esES" then
+ lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
+ Alliance = "Alianza",
+ ["Alliance Vanguard"] = "Vanguardia de la Alianza",
+ ["Argent Crusade"] = "Cruzada Argenta",
+ ["Argent Dawn"] = "El Alba Argenta",
+ ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "Juramorte Lengua de ceniza",
+ -- ["Baradin's Wardens"] = "",
+ -- ["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "",
+ ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "Bucaneros Velasangre",
+ ["Booty Bay"] = "Bahía del Botín",
+ ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "Linaje de Nozdormu",
+ ["Cenarion Circle"] = "Círculo Cenarion",
+ ["Cenarion Expedition"] = "Expedición Cenarion",
+ ["Darkmoon Faire"] = "Feria de la Luna Negra",
+ ["Darkspear Trolls"] = "Trols Lanza Negra",
+ Darnassus = "Darnassus",
+ -- ["Dragonmaw Clan"] = "",
+ Everlook = "Vista Eterna",
+ Exalted = "Exaltado",
+ Exodar = "El Exodar",
+ ["Explorers' League"] = "Liga de Expedicionarios",
+ ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "Tribu Corazón Frenético",
+ Friendly = "Amistoso",
+ ["Frostwolf Clan"] = "Clan Lobo Gélido",
+ Gadgetzan = "Gadgetzan",
+ ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = "Centauros del clan Gelkis",
+ -- Gilneas = "",
+ -- Gnomeregan = "",
+ ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Exiliados de Gnomeregan",
+ -- ["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "",
+ -- ["Hellscream's Reach"] = "",
+ ["Honor Hold"] = "Bastión del Honor",
+ Honored = "Honorable",
+ Horde = "Horda",
+ ["Horde Expedition"] = "Expedición de la Horda",
+ ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = "Srs. del Agua de Hydraxis",
+ Ironforge = "Forjaz",
+ ["Keepers of Time"] = "Vigilantes del Tiempo",
+ ["Kirin Tor"] = "Kirin Tor",
+ ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = "Caballeros de la Espada de Ébano",
+ Kurenai = "Kurenai",
+ ["Lower City"] = "Bajo Arrabal",
+ ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = "Centauros del clan Magram",
+ Netherwing = "Ala Abisal",
+ Neutral = "Neutral",
+ ["Ogri'la"] = "Ogri'la",
+ Orgrimmar = "Orgrimmar",
+ -- Ramkahen = "",
+ Ratchet = "Trinquete",
+ Ravenholdt = "Ravenholdt",
+ Revered = "Reverenciado",
+ ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = "Guardia del cielo Sha'tari",
+ ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = "Ofensiva Sol Devastado",
+ ["Shen'dralar"] = "Shen'dralar",
+ ["Silvermoon City"] = "Ciudad de Lunargenta",
+ ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = "Centinelas Ala de Plata",
+ Sporeggar = "Esporaggar",
+ ["Stormpike Guard"] = "Guardia Pico Tormenta",
+ Stormwind = "Ventormenta",
+ Syndicate = "La Hermandad",
+ ["The Aldor"] = "Los Aldor",
+ ["The Ashen Verdict"] = "El Veredicto Cinéreo",
+ ["The Consortium"] = "El Consorcio",
+ ["The Defilers"] = "Los Rapiñadores",
+ -- ["The Earthen Ring"] = "",
+ ["The Frostborn"] = "Los Natoescarcha",
+ ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "La Mano de la Venganza",
+ ["The Kalu'ak"] = "Los Kalu'ak",
+ ["The League of Arathor"] = "Liga de Arathor",
+ ["The Mag'har"] = "Los Mag'har",
+ ["The Oracles"] = "Los Oráculos",
+ ["The Scale of the Sands"] = "La Escama de las Arenas",
+ ["The Scryers"] = "Los Arúspices",
+ ["The Sha'tar"] = "Los Sha'tar",
+ ["The Silver Covenant"] = "El Pacto de Plata",
+ ["The Sons of Hodir"] = "Los Hijos de Hodir",
+ ["The Sunreavers"] = "Los Atracasol",
+ ["The Taunka"] = "Los Taunka",
+ ["The Violet Eye"] = "El Ojo Violeta",
+ ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "El Acuerdo del Reposo del Dragón",
+ -- Therazane = "",
+ ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = "Hermandad del Torio",
+ Thrallmar = "Thrallmar",
+ ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Cima del Trueno",
+ ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "Bastión Fauces de Madera",
+ Tranquillien = "Tranquillien",
+ Undercity = "Entrañas",
+ ["Valiance Expedition"] = "Expedición de Denuedo",
+ ["Warsong Offensive"] = "Ofensiva Grito de Guerra",
+ ["Warsong Outriders"] = "Escoltas Grito de Guerra",
+ ["Wildhammer Clan"] = "Clan Martillo Salvaje",
+ ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "Retiro Aleta Invernal",
+ ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "Instructores de Sableinvernales",
+ ["Zandalar Tribe"] = "Tribu Zandalar",
+elseif GAME_LOCALE == "esMX" then
+ lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
+ Alliance = "Alianza",
+ ["Alliance Vanguard"] = "Vanguardia de la Alianza",
+ ["Argent Crusade"] = "Cruzada Argenta",
+ ["Argent Dawn"] = "Alba Argenta",
+ ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "Juramorte Lengua de ceniza",
+ -- ["Baradin's Wardens"] = "",
+ -- ["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "",
+ ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "Bucaneros Velasangre",
+ ["Booty Bay"] = "Bahía del Botín",
+ ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "Linaje de Nozdormu",
+ ["Cenarion Circle"] = "Círculo Cenarion",
+ ["Cenarion Expedition"] = "Expedición Cenarion",
+ ["Darkmoon Faire"] = "Feria de la Luna Negra",
+ ["Darkspear Trolls"] = "Trols Lanza Negra",
+ Darnassus = "Darnassus",
+ -- ["Dragonmaw Clan"] = "",
+ Everlook = "Vista Eterna",
+ Exalted = "Exaltado",
+ Exodar = "Exodar",
+ ["Explorers' League"] = "Liga de Expedicionarios",
+ ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "Tribu Corazón Frenético",
+ Friendly = "Amistoso",
+ ["Frostwolf Clan"] = "Clan Lobo Gélido",
+ Gadgetzan = "Gadgetzan",
+ ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = "Centauro del clan Gelkis",
+ -- Gilneas = "",
+ -- Gnomeregan = "",
+ ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Exiliados de Gnomeregan",
+ -- ["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "",
+ -- ["Hellscream's Reach"] = "",
+ ["Honor Hold"] = "Bastión del Honor",
+ Honored = "Honorable",
+ Horde = "Horda",
+ ["Horde Expedition"] = "Expedición de la Horda",
+ ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = "Srs. del Agua de Hydraxis",
+ Ironforge = "Forjaz",
+ ["Keepers of Time"] = "Vigilantes del tiempo",
+ ["Kirin Tor"] = "Kirin Tor",
+ ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = "Caballeros de la Espada de Ébano",
+ Kurenai = "Kurenai",
+ ["Lower City"] = "Bajo Arrabal",
+ ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = "Centauro del clan Magram",
+ Netherwing = "Ala Abisal",
+ Neutral = "Neutral",
+ ["Ogri'la"] = "Ogri'la",
+ Orgrimmar = "Orgrimmar",
+ -- Ramkahen = "",
+ Ratchet = "Trinquete",
+ Ravenholdt = "Ravenholdt",
+ Revered = "Reverenciado",
+ ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = "Guardia del cielo Sha'tari",
+ ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = "Ofensiva Sol Devastado",
+ ["Shen'dralar"] = "Shen'dralar",
+ ["Silvermoon City"] = "Ciudad de Lunargenta",
+ ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = "Centinelas Ala de Plata",
+ Sporeggar = "Esporaggar",
+ ["Stormpike Guard"] = "Guardia Pico Tormenta",
+ Stormwind = "Ventormenta",
+ Syndicate = "La Hermandad",
+ ["The Aldor"] = "Los Aldor",
+ -- ["The Ashen Verdict"] = "",
+ ["The Consortium"] = "El Consorcio",
+ ["The Defilers"] = "Los Rapiñadores",
+ -- ["The Earthen Ring"] = "",
+ ["The Frostborn"] = "Los Natoescarcha",
+ ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "La Mano de la Venganza",
+ ["The Kalu'ak"] = "Los Kalu'ak",
+ ["The League of Arathor"] = "Liga de Arathor",
+ ["The Mag'har"] = "Los Mag'har",
+ ["The Oracles"] = "Los Oráculos",
+ ["The Scale of the Sands"] = "La Escama de las Arenas",
+ ["The Scryers"] = "Los Arúspices",
+ ["The Sha'tar"] = "Los Sha'tar",
+ ["The Silver Covenant"] = "El Pacto de Plata",
+ ["The Sons of Hodir"] = "Los Hijos de Hodir",
+ ["The Sunreavers"] = "Los Atracasol",
+ ["The Taunka"] = "Los taunka",
+ ["The Violet Eye"] = "El Ojo Violeta",
+ ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "El Acuerdo del Reposo del Dragón",
+ -- Therazane = "",
+ ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = "Hermandad del torio",
+ Thrallmar = "Thrallmar",
+ ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Cima del Trueno",
+ ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "Bastión Fauces de Madera",
+ Tranquillien = "Tranquilien",
+ Undercity = "Entrañas",
+ ["Valiance Expedition"] = "Expedición de Denuedo",
+ ["Warsong Offensive"] = "Ofensiva Grito de Guerra",
+ ["Warsong Outriders"] = "Escoltas Grito de Guerra",
+ ["Wildhammer Clan"] = "Clan Martillo Salvaje",
+ ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "Retiro Aleta Invernal",
+ ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "Instructores de Sableinvernales",
+ ["Zandalar Tribe"] = "Tribu Zandalar",
+elseif GAME_LOCALE == "ruRU" then
+ lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
+ Alliance = "Альянс",
+ ["Alliance Vanguard"] = "Авангард Альянса",
+ ["Argent Crusade"] = "Серебряный Авангард",
+ ["Argent Dawn"] = "Серебряный Рассвет",
+ ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "Пеплоусты-служители",
+ -- ["Baradin's Wardens"] = "",
+ -- ["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "",
+ ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "Пираты Кровавого Паруса",
+ ["Booty Bay"] = "Пиратская бухта",
+ ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "Род Ноздорму",
+ ["Cenarion Circle"] = "Круг Кенария",
+ ["Cenarion Expedition"] = "Экспедиция Ценариона",
+ ["Darkmoon Faire"] = "Ярмарка Новолуния",
+ ["Darkspear Trolls"] = "Тролли Черного Копья",
+ Darnassus = "Дарнас",
+ -- ["Dragonmaw Clan"] = "",
+ Everlook = "Круговзор",
+ Exalted = "Превознесение",
+ Exodar = "Экзодар",
+ ["Explorers' League"] = "Лига исследователей",
+ ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "Племя Мятежного Сердца",
+ Friendly = "Дружелюбие",
+ ["Frostwolf Clan"] = "Клан Северного Волка",
+ Gadgetzan = "Прибамбасск",
+ ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = "Кентавры из племени Гелкис",
+ -- Gilneas = "",
+ -- Gnomeregan = "",
+ ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "Изгнанники Гномрегана",
+ -- ["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "",
+ -- ["Hellscream's Reach"] = "",
+ ["Honor Hold"] = "Оплот Чести",
+ Honored = "Уважение",
+ Horde = "Орда",
+ ["Horde Expedition"] = "Экспедиция Орды",
+ ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = "Гидраксианские Повелители Вод",
+ Ironforge = "Стальгорн",
+ ["Keepers of Time"] = "Хранители Времени",
+ ["Kirin Tor"] = "Кирин-Тор",
+ ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = "Рыцари Черного Клинка",
+ Kurenai = "Куренай",
+ ["Lower City"] = "Нижний Город",
+ ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = "Кентавры из племени Маграм",
+ Netherwing = "Крылья Пустоты",
+ Neutral = "Равнодушие",
+ ["Ogri'la"] = "Огри'ла",
+ Orgrimmar = "Оргриммар",
+ -- Ramkahen = "",
+ Ratchet = "Кабестан",
+ Ravenholdt = "Черный Ворон",
+ Revered = "Почтение",
+ ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = "Стражи Небес Ша'тар",
+ ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = "Армия Расколотого Солнца",
+ ["Shen'dralar"] = "Шен'дралар",
+ ["Silvermoon City"] = "Луносвет",
+ ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = "Среброкрылые Часовые",
+ Sporeggar = "Спореггар",
+ ["Stormpike Guard"] = "Стража Грозовой Вершины",
+ Stormwind = "Штормград",
+ Syndicate = "Синдикат",
+ ["The Aldor"] = "Алдоры",
+ ["The Ashen Verdict"] = "Пепельный союз",
+ ["The Consortium"] = "Консорциум",
+ ["The Defilers"] = "Осквернители",
+ -- ["The Earthen Ring"] = "",
+ ["The Frostborn"] = "Зиморожденные",
+ ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "Карающая длань",
+ ["The Kalu'ak"] = "Калу'ак",
+ ["The League of Arathor"] = "Лига Аратора",
+ ["The Mag'har"] = "Маг'хары",
+ ["The Oracles"] = "Оракулы",
+ ["The Scale of the Sands"] = "Песчаная Чешуя",
+ ["The Scryers"] = "Провидцы",
+ ["The Sha'tar"] = "Ша'тар",
+ ["The Silver Covenant"] = "Серебряный Союз",
+ ["The Sons of Hodir"] = "Сыновья Ходира",
+ ["The Sunreavers"] = "Похитители солнца",
+ ["The Taunka"] = "Таунка",
+ ["The Violet Eye"] = "Аметистовое Око",
+ ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "Драконий союз",
+ -- Therazane = "",
+ ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = "Братство Тория",
+ Thrallmar = "Траллмар",
+ ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Громовой Утес",
+ ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "Древобрюхи",
+ Tranquillien = "Транквиллион",
+ Undercity = "Подгород",
+ ["Valiance Expedition"] = "Экспедиция Отважных",
+ ["Warsong Offensive"] = "Армия Песни Войны",
+ ["Warsong Outriders"] = "Всадники Песни Войны",
+ ["Wildhammer Clan"] = "Неистовый Молот",
+ ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "Холодный Плавник",
+ ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "Укротители ледопардов",
+ ["Zandalar Tribe"] = "Племя Зандалар",
+elseif GAME_LOCALE == "zhCN" then
+ lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
+ Alliance = "联盟",
+ ["Alliance Vanguard"] = "联盟先遣军",
+ ["Argent Crusade"] = "银色北伐军",
+ ["Argent Dawn"] = "银色黎明",
+ ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "灰舌死誓者",
+ -- ["Baradin's Wardens"] = "",
+ -- ["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "",
+ ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "血帆海盗",
+ ["Booty Bay"] = "藏宝海湾",
+ ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "诺兹多姆的子嗣",
+ ["Cenarion Circle"] = "塞纳里奥议会",
+ ["Cenarion Expedition"] = "塞纳里奥远征队",
+ ["Darkmoon Faire"] = "暗月马戏团",
+ ["Darkspear Trolls"] = "暗矛巨魔",
+ Darnassus = "达纳苏斯",
+ -- ["Dragonmaw Clan"] = "",
+ Everlook = "永望镇",
+ Exalted = "崇拜",
+ Exodar = "埃索达",
+ ["Explorers' League"] = "探险者协会",
+ ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "狂心氏族",
+ Friendly = "友善",
+ ["Frostwolf Clan"] = "霜狼氏族",
+ Gadgetzan = "加基森",
+ ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = "吉尔吉斯半人马",
+ -- Gilneas = "",
+ -- Gnomeregan = "",
+ ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "诺莫瑞根流亡者",
+ -- ["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "",
+ -- ["Hellscream's Reach"] = "",
+ ["Honor Hold"] = "荣耀堡",
+ Honored = "尊敬",
+ Horde = "部落",
+ ["Horde Expedition"] = "部落先遣军",
+ ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = "海达希亚水元素",
+ Ironforge = "铁炉堡",
+ ["Keepers of Time"] = "时光守护者",
+ ["Kirin Tor"] = "肯瑞托",
+ ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = "黑锋骑士团",
+ Kurenai = "库雷尼",
+ ["Lower City"] = "贫民窟",
+ ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = "玛格拉姆半人马",
+ Netherwing = "灵翼之龙",
+ Neutral = "中立",
+ ["Ogri'la"] = "奥格瑞拉",
+ Orgrimmar = "奥格瑞玛",
+ -- Ramkahen = "",
+ Ratchet = "棘齿城",
+ Ravenholdt = "拉文霍德",
+ Revered = "崇敬",
+ ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = "沙塔尔天空卫士",
+ ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = "破碎残阳",
+ ["Shen'dralar"] = "辛德拉",
+ ["Silvermoon City"] = "银月城",
+ ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = "银翼哨兵",
+ Sporeggar = "孢子村",
+ ["Stormpike Guard"] = "雷矛卫队",
+ Stormwind = "暴风城",
+ Syndicate = "辛迪加",
+ ["The Aldor"] = "奥尔多",
+ ["The Ashen Verdict"] = "灰烬审判军",
+ ["The Consortium"] = "星界财团",
+ ["The Defilers"] = "污染者",
+ -- ["The Earthen Ring"] = "",
+ ["The Frostborn"] = "霜脉矮人",
+ ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "复仇之手",
+ ["The Kalu'ak"] = "卡鲁亚克",
+ ["The League of Arathor"] = "阿拉索联军",
+ ["The Mag'har"] = "玛格汉",
+ ["The Oracles"] = "神谕者",
+ ["The Scale of the Sands"] = "流沙之鳞",
+ ["The Scryers"] = "占星者",
+ ["The Sha'tar"] = "沙塔尔",
+ ["The Silver Covenant"] = "银色盟约",
+ ["The Sons of Hodir"] = "霍迪尔之子",
+ ["The Sunreavers"] = "夺日者",
+ ["The Taunka"] = "牦牛人",
+ ["The Violet Eye"] = "紫罗兰之眼",
+ ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "龙眠联军",
+ -- Therazane = "",
+ ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = "瑟银兄弟会",
+ Thrallmar = "萨尔玛",
+ ["Thunder Bluff"] = "雷霆崖",
+ ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "木喉要塞",
+ Tranquillien = "塔奎林",
+ Undercity = "幽暗城",
+ ["Valiance Expedition"] = "无畏远征军",
+ ["Warsong Offensive"] = "战歌远征军",
+ ["Warsong Outriders"] = "战歌侦察骑兵",
+ ["Wildhammer Clan"] = "蛮锤部族",
+ ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "冬鳞避难所",
+ ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "冬刃豹训练师",
+ ["Zandalar Tribe"] = "赞达拉部族",
+elseif GAME_LOCALE == "zhTW" then
+ lib:SetCurrentTranslations {
+ Alliance = "聯盟",
+ ["Alliance Vanguard"] = "聯盟先鋒",
+ ["Argent Crusade"] = "銀白十字軍",
+ ["Argent Dawn"] = "銀色黎明",
+ ["Ashtongue Deathsworn"] = "灰舌死亡誓言者",
+ -- ["Baradin's Wardens"] = "",
+ -- ["Bilgewater Cartel"] = "",
+ ["Bloodsail Buccaneers"] = "血帆海盜",
+ ["Booty Bay"] = "藏寶海灣",
+ ["Brood of Nozdormu"] = "諾茲多姆的子嗣",
+ ["Cenarion Circle"] = "塞納里奧議會",
+ ["Cenarion Expedition"] = "塞納里奧遠征隊",
+ ["Darkmoon Faire"] = "暗月馬戲團",
+ ["Darkspear Trolls"] = "暗矛食人妖",
+ Darnassus = "達納蘇斯",
+ -- ["Dragonmaw Clan"] = "",
+ Everlook = "永望鎮",
+ Exalted = "崇拜",
+ Exodar = "艾克索達",
+ ["Explorers' League"] = "探險者協會",
+ ["Frenzyheart Tribe"] = "狂心部族",
+ Friendly = "友好",
+ ["Frostwolf Clan"] = "霜狼氏族",
+ Gadgetzan = "加基森",
+ ["Gelkis Clan Centaur"] = "吉爾吉斯半人馬",
+ -- Gilneas = "",
+ -- Gnomeregan = "",
+ ["Gnomeregan Exiles"] = "諾姆瑞根流亡者",
+ -- ["Guardians of Hyjal"] = "",
+ -- ["Hellscream's Reach"] = "",
+ ["Honor Hold"] = "榮譽堡",
+ Honored = "尊敬",
+ Horde = "部落",
+ ["Horde Expedition"] = "部落遠征軍",
+ ["Hydraxian Waterlords"] = "海達希亞水元素",
+ Ironforge = "鐵爐堡",
+ ["Keepers of Time"] = "時光守望者",
+ ["Kirin Tor"] = "祈倫托",
+ ["Knights of the Ebon Blade"] = "黯刃騎士團",
+ Kurenai = "卡爾奈",
+ ["Lower City"] = "陰鬱城",
+ ["Magram Clan Centaur"] = "瑪格拉姆半人馬",
+ Netherwing = "虛空之翼",
+ Neutral = "中立",
+ ["Ogri'la"] = "歐格利拉",
+ Orgrimmar = "奧格瑪",
+ -- Ramkahen = "",
+ Ratchet = "棘齒城",
+ Ravenholdt = "拉文霍德",
+ Revered = "崇敬",
+ ["Sha'tari Skyguard"] = "薩塔禦天者",
+ ["Shattered Sun Offensive"] = "破碎之日進攻部隊",
+ ["Shen'dralar"] = "辛德拉",
+ ["Silvermoon City"] = "銀月城",
+ ["Silverwing Sentinels"] = "銀翼哨兵",
+ Sporeggar = "斯博格爾",
+ ["Stormpike Guard"] = "雷矛衛隊",
+ Stormwind = "暴風城",
+ Syndicate = "辛迪加",
+ ["The Aldor"] = "奧多爾",
+ ["The Ashen Verdict"] = "灰燼裁決軍",
+ ["The Consortium"] = "聯合團",
+ ["The Defilers"] = "污染者",
+ -- ["The Earthen Ring"] = "",
+ ["The Frostborn"] = "霜誕矮人",
+ ["The Hand of Vengeance"] = "復仇之手",
+ ["The Kalu'ak"] = "卡魯耶克",
+ ["The League of Arathor"] = "阿拉索聯軍",
+ ["The Mag'har"] = "瑪格哈",
+ ["The Oracles"] = "神諭者",
+ ["The Scale of the Sands"] = "流沙之鱗",
+ ["The Scryers"] = "占卜者",
+ ["The Sha'tar"] = "薩塔",
+ ["The Silver Covenant"] = "白銀誓盟",
+ ["The Sons of Hodir"] = "霍迪爾之子",
+ ["The Sunreavers"] = "奪日者",
+ ["The Taunka"] = "坦卡族",
+ ["The Violet Eye"] = "紫羅蘭之眼",
+ ["The Wyrmrest Accord"] = "龍眠協調者",
+ -- Therazane = "",
+ ["Thorium Brotherhood"] = "瑟銀兄弟會",
+ Thrallmar = "索爾瑪",
+ ["Thunder Bluff"] = "雷霆崖",
+ ["Timbermaw Hold"] = "木喉要塞",
+ Tranquillien = "安寧地",
+ Undercity = "幽暗城",
+ ["Valiance Expedition"] = "驍勇遠征隊",
+ ["Warsong Offensive"] = "戰歌進攻部隊",
+ ["Warsong Outriders"] = "戰歌偵察騎兵",
+ ["Wildhammer Clan"] = "蠻錘氏族",
+ ["Winterfin Retreat"] = "冬鰭避居地",
+ ["Wintersaber Trainers"] = "冬刃豹訓練師",
+ ["Zandalar Tribe"] = "贊達拉部族",
+ error(("%s: Locale %q not supported"):format(MAJOR_VERSION, GAME_LOCALE))
diff --git a/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibBabble-Faction-3.0.toc b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibBabble-Faction-3.0.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffd6cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibBabble-Faction-3.0.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+## Interface: 30300
+## LoadOnDemand: 1
+## Title: Lib: Babble-Faction-3.0
+## Notes: A library to help with localization of factions.
+## Notes-zhCN: 为本地化服务的支持库[声望阵营]
+## Notes-zhTW: 為本地化服務的函式庫[聲望陣營]
+## Notes-deDE: BabbleLib ist eine Bibliothek, die bei der Lokalisierung helfen soll.
+## Notes-frFR: Une bibliothèque d'aide à la localisation.
+## Notes-esES: Una biblioteca para ayudar con las localizaciones.
+## Notes-ruRU: Библиотека для локализации аддонов.
+## Author: Daviesh
+## X-eMail: oma_daviesh@hotmail.com
+## X-Category: Library
+## X-License: MIT
+## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: 3.3-release42
+## X-Curse-Project-Name: LibBabble-Faction-3.0
+## X-Curse-Project-ID: libbabble-faction-3-0
+## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/libbabble-faction-3-0/mainline
diff --git a/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a41ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibStub/LibStub.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+-- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries. http://www.wowace.com/wiki/LibStub for more info
+-- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
+local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
+if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
+ LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
+ LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
+ function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
+ assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
+ minor = assert(tonumber(strmatch(minor, "%d+")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
+ local oldminor = self.minors[major]
+ if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
+ self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
+ return self.libs[major], oldminor
+ end
+ function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
+ if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
+ error(("Cannot find a library instance of %q."):format(tostring(major)), 2)
+ end
+ return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
+ end
+ function LibStub:IterateLibraries() return pairs(self.libs) end
+ setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })
diff --git a/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibStub/LibStub.toc b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibStub/LibStub.toc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17cf732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/LibStub/LibStub.toc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+## Interface: 20400
+## Title: Lib: LibStub
+## Notes: Universal Library Stub
+## Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel
+## X-Website: http://jira.wowace.com/browse/LS
+## X-Category: Library
+## X-License: Public Domain
+## X-Curse-Packaged-Version: 1.0
+## X-Curse-Project-Name: LibStub
+## X-Curse-Project-ID: libstub
+## X-Curse-Repository-ID: wow/libstub/mainline
diff --git a/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/lib.xml b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/lib.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab2d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibBabble-Faction-3.0/lib.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@