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Holy Hand Grenade On Anything
do local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...)local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30)if (v1(v30,2)==79) then local v73=0;while true do if (v73==0) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";end end else local v74=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v91=v5(v74,v19);v19=nil;return v91;else return v74;end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33)if v33 then local v75=(v31/((5 -3)^(v32-(918 -(604 + 313)))))%(((106 + 100) -(170 + 34))^(((v33-(1 -0)) -(v32-(1 -(0 -0)))) + 1 + 0)) ;return v75-(v75%(1 + 0)) ;else local v76=((3 + 1) -2)^(v32-(1 -0)) ;return (((v31%(v76 + v76))>=v76) and ((2 + 1) -2)) or (1856 -(421 + 1435)) ;end end local function v21()local v34=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 ;return v34;end local function v22()local v35=0 -0 ;local v36;local v37;while true do if (v35==1) then return (v37 * (338 -82)) + v36 ;end if (v35==(0 + 0)) then v36,v37=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (6 -4) );v18=v18 + ((4 -2) -0) ;v35=1 + 0 ;end end end local function v23()local v38,v39,v40,v41=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (2 -1) + 2 );v18=v18 + (7 -3) ;return (v41 * (79567177 -62789961)) + (v40 * (113124 -(102217 -54629))) + (v39 * (1637 -(803 + 578))) + v38 ;end local function v24()local v42=v23();local v43=v23();local v44=2 -1 ;local v45=(v20(v43,2 -(687 -(130 + 556)) ,1 + 19 ) * ((1313 -(544 + 767))^(92 -60))) + v42 ;local v46=v20(v43,34 -13 ,(1576 -(689 + 796)) -60 );local v47=((v20(v43,32)==(2 -1)) and -((2503 -(597 + 572)) -(33 + 1300))) or (3 -2) ;if (v46==(1342 -(345 + 997))) then if (v45==(0 -0)) then return v47 * (0 -0) ;else local v92=0;while true do if (v92==(0 + 0)) then v46=(1814 -(1005 + 145)) -((956 -399) + 106) ;v44=0 -0 ;break;end end end elseif (v46==(7382 -5335)) then return ((v45==0) and (v47 * ((1 + 0)/(0 + 0)))) or (v47 * NaN) ;end return v8(v47,v46-(1813 -(71 + 719)) ) * (v44 + (v45/(((72 + 697) -(409 + 358))^(6 + 46)))) ;end local function v25(v48)local v49;if not v48 then v48=v23();if (v48==(0 + 0)) then return "";end end v49=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v48) -(1061 -(476 + 584)) );v18=v18 + v48 ;local v50={};for v64=280 -(112 + 167) , #v49 do v50[v64]=v2(v1(v3(v49,v64,v64)));end return v6(v50);end local v26=v23;local function v27(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28()local v51=0 -0 ;local v52;local v53;local v54;local v55;local v56;local v57;while true do local v66=0;local v67;while true do if (v66==0) then v67=0;while true do if (v67==(2 -1)) then if (v51==1) then local v99=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v99==2) then v51=2;break;end if (v99~=(1 + 0)) then else for v125=1 -0 ,v56 do local v126=0;local v127;local v128;local v129;local v130;local v131;while true do if (v126~=(2 -1)) then else v129=nil;v130=nil;v126=2;end if (v126~=0) then else v127=1249 -(1150 + 99) ;v128=nil;v126=1;end if (v126==(4 -2)) then v131=nil;while true do if ((0 + 0)~=v127) then else local v140=0;while true do if (v140==1) then v127=2 -1 ;break;end if (v140==0) then v128=0;v129=nil;v140=1;end end end if (v127~=(1613 -(114 + 1498))) then else v130=nil;v131=nil;v127=532 -(480 + 50) ;end if (v127~=(1 + 1)) then else while true do if (v128~=(1 -0)) then else v131=nil;while true do if (v129==(0 -0)) then local v156=0;local v157;while true do if (v156==0) then v157=0;while true do if (v157==0) then local v166=1468 -(1266 + 202) ;while true do if (v166==(2 -1)) then v157=3 -2 ;break;end if (v166==0) then v130=v21();v131=nil;v166=2 -1 ;end end end if (v157==1) then v129=2 -1 ;break;end end break;end end end if (v129==(873 -(649 + 223))) then if (v130==1) then v131=v21()~=(0 + 0) ;elseif (v130==2) then v131=v24();elseif (v130==3) then v131=v25();end v57[v125]=v131;break;end end break;end if (v128~=(0 + 0)) then else local v148=0 + 0 ;while true do if (0==v148) then v129=55 -(26 + 29) ;v130=nil;v148=1;end if (v148~=(1 + 0)) then else v128=1;break;end end end end break;end end break;end end end v55[3]=v21();v99=2;end if (v99==0) then v56=v23();v57={};v99=1;end end end break;end if ((0 -0)==v67) then local v98=0;while true do if (1~=v98) then else v67=1 + 0 ;break;end if (v98==0) then if (v51==(1327 -(1042 + 283))) then local v103=0;local v104;while true do if ((0 -0)==v103) then v104=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v104~=(0 + 0)) then else local v132=1244 -(935 + 309) ;while true do if (v132==0) then for v149=1 + 0 ,v23() do local v150=0;local v151;while true do if (v150==(428 -(183 + 245))) then v151=v21();if (v20(v151,1,1)~=0) then else local v159=0 + 0 ;local v160;local v161;local v162;local v163;while true do if (v159~=(0 + 0)) then else v160=0 -0 ;v161=nil;v159=1 + 0 ;end if (v159~=(7 -5)) then else while true do if (1==v160) then local v167=0 + 0 ;local v168;while true do if (v167==(0 -0)) then v168=0 -0 ;while true do if (v168~=1) then else v160=5 -3 ;break;end if (v168==0) then local v177=0;while true do if (v177==(1200 -(698 + 501))) then v168=1;break;end if (v177==(0 -0)) then v163={v22(),v22(),nil,nil};if (v161==(0 -0)) then local v178=0 -0 ;while true do if (v178~=0) then else v163[6 -3 ]=v22();v163[4]=v22();break;end end elseif (v161==(277 -(101 + 175))) then v163[1 + 2 ]=v23();elseif (v161==2) then v163[2 + 1 ]=v23() -(2^16) ;elseif (v161==(216 -(76 + 137))) then local v183=0;local v184;while true do if (v183==0) then v184=0;while true do if (v184==(0 + 0)) then v163[3]=v23() -(2^16) ;v163[3 + 1 ]=v22();break;end end break;end end end v177=1568 -(1388 + 179) ;end end end end break;end end end if (v160~=(363 -(48 + 315))) then else v161=v20(v151,2,3);v162=v20(v151,1581 -(1350 + 227) ,6);v160=1;end if (3==v160) then if (v20(v162,903 -(283 + 617) ,491 -(397 + 91) )~=(1 -0)) then else v163[4]=v57[v163[4]];end v52[v149]=v163;break;end if ((1384 -(748 + 634))==v160) then local v170=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v170~=0) then else if (v20(v162,1,1487 -(255 + 1231) )==(1 + 0)) then v163[13 -(5 + 6) ]=v57[v163[2 + 0 ]];end if (v20(v162,2,2)==1) then v163[904 -(810 + 91) ]=v57[v163[3]];end v170=1397 -(1180 + 216) ;end if (v170==(1 + 0)) then v160=3 + 0 ;break;end end end end break;end if ((2 -1)~=v159) then else v162=nil;v163=nil;v159=5 -3 ;end end end break;end end end for v152=1,v23() do v53[v152-1 ]=v28();end v132=1695 -(1370 + 324) ;end if (v132==(1909 -(1475 + 433))) then v104=1 + 0 ;break;end end end if (v104==(1 + 0)) then local v133=0;while true do if (v133==(1970 -(518 + 1452))) then for v154=1181 -(303 + 877) ,v23() do v54[v154]=v23();end return v55;end end end end break;end end end if (v51~=(0 -0)) then else local v105=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v105~=0) then else v52={};v53={};v105=1;end if (v105~=(732 -(431 + 300))) then else v54={};v55={v52,v53,nil,v54};v105=2;end if (v105==(2 + 0)) then v51=1 -0 ;break;end end end v98=1;end end end end break;end end end end local function v29(v58,v59,v60)local v61=v58[1];local v62=v58[2];local v63=v58[3];return function(...)local v68=1;local v69= -1;local v70={...};local v71=v12("#",...) -1 ;local function v72()local v77=v61;local v78=v62;local v79=v63;local v80=v27;local v81={};local v82={};local v83={};for v87=(1510 -(1436 + 74)) + 0 ,v71 do if ((3862<(788 + 3601)) and (v87>=v79)) then v81[v87-v79 ]=v70[v87 + 1 ];else v83[v87]=v70[v87 + ((3644 -(1244 + 591)) -(600 + 1208)) ];end end local v84=(v71-v79) + 1 ;local v85;local v86;while true do local v88=752 -(186 + 566) ;while true do if ((v88==(1034 -(367 + (950 -284)))) or ((607 + 2400)<=((252 -(39 + 124)) + 18))) then if ((3306>1312) and (v86<=(1401 -(1300 + 98)))) then if (((9435 -5422)<(4387 + 418)) and (v86<=1)) then if ((v86==((0 -0) + 0)) or ((5455 -(879 + 427))<=(1242 -816))) then v83[v85[5 -3 ]]=v85[3]~=(0 + (0 -0)) ;else local v107=(377 -(353 + 24)) -(0 + 0) ;local v108;local v109;local v110;while true do if ((v107==(0 -(0 -0))) or ((700 + 2481)>(3337 + 1015))) then v108=(704 -312) -(196 + 196) ;v109=nil;v107=1 + 0 ;end if ((4184>=(49 -34)) and (v107==1)) then v110=nil;while true do if (((6 + 105)<=(846 + 148)) and ((0 -0)==v108)) then v109=v85[3 -1 ];v110=v83[v85[251 -(183 + 65) ]];v108=1 + 0 ;end if ((v108==(1 -0)) or (2190>=(6072 -2711))) then v83[v109 + (618 -(550 + 67)) ]=v110;v83[v109]=v110[v85[1906 -(1052 + 850) ]];break;end end break;end end end elseif ((v86==(6 -4)) or ((220 + 2759)<=(1816 -(127 + 142)))) then v83[v85[1610 -(1508 + 100) ]]();else local v111=0;local v112;local v113;local v114;while true do if (((6112 -(109 + 1576))>(5257 -(1544 + 48))) and (v111==(1 + 0))) then v114=nil;while true do if (((3995 + 611)>(11163 -6946)) and (v112==(1 + (0 -0)))) then while true do if (((135 + 1378)<(1231 + 1922)) and (v113==(0 -0))) then v114=v85[2];v83[v114]=v83[v114](v13(v83,v114 + 1 ,v69));break;end end break;end if (((3244 -(3318 -(71 + 1610)))==((1972 + 1590) -(1240 + 715))) and (v112==((0 + 0) -0))) then v113=0;v114=nil;v112=(2357 -1520) -((1160 -(190 + 482)) + 348) ;end end break;end if ((v111==((275 + 701) -(858 + 118))) or ((327 + 1320)<=((280 + 1220) -(226 + 743)))) then v112=0 + 0 ;v113=nil;v111=(181 -107) -(60 + 13) ;end end end elseif ((v86<=(5 + 0)) or ((171 + 134)>(1821 + 1056))) then if ((3760<(6669 -(967 + 26 + 743))) and (v86>4)) then v83[v85[2 -0 ]]=v85[1 + 2 ];else local v117=0 -0 ;local v118;local v119;local v120;local v121;local v122;while true do if ((v117==((752 -(151 + 600)) + 0)) or ((195 + 363)>988)) then v120=nil;v121=nil;v117=1 + 0 + 1 ;end if (((2 + 0)==v117) or (3419==(2658 -(105 + 238)))) then v122=nil;while true do if ((v118==(0 + 0)) or ((347 -155)>3060)) then local v139=112 -(62 + 50) ;while true do if (((2213 -(452 + 781))==(1229 -(59 + 190))) and (v139==(0 -0))) then v119=v85[1681 -(1491 + 188) ];v120,v121=v80(v83[v119](v13(v83,v119 + 1 + 0 ,v85[10 -7 ])));v139=1 -0 ;end if (((2 -1)==v139) or ((4365 -((2343 -(617 + 683)) + 105))<((1216 + 465) -(991 + 413)))) then v118=1127 -(156 + 970) ;break;end end end if (((555 -(478 + 75))==v118) or (3376<=(260 + 1380))) then for v141=v119,v69 do local v142=1166 -(626 + 540) ;local v143;local v144;while true do if ((v142==(0 -0)) or ((3320 + 397)<(2749 -(1304 + 486)))) then v143=0 -0 ;v144=nil;v142=1803 -(507 + (2713 -(932 + 486))) ;end if (((2862 -1667)<=(458 + 2759)) and ((1 + 0)==v142)) then while true do if ((((32 + 3149) -(27 + 50))>(2130 + 368)) and ((0 -0)==v143)) then v144=142 -(103 + 15 + 24) ;while true do if (((808 -363)==(874 -(417 + 12))) and (v144==(332 -(293 + 39)))) then v122=v122 + (4 -3) ;v83[v141]=v120[v122];break;end end break;end end break;end end end break;end if ((v118==(3 -2)) or ((1871 -((403 -285) + 22))<=(1653 -(3494 -2495)))) then v69=(v121 + v119) -(4 -3) ;v122=0 + 0 ;v118=2;end end break;end if ((v117==(0 -0)) or ((659 + 1588)<(3878 -2754))) then v118=0 -0 ;v119=nil;v117=1;end end end elseif (((2380 + 1387)<3954) and (v86>6)) then v83[v85[2]]=v60[v85[4 -1 ]];else do return;end end v68=v68 + (1182 -(789 + 392)) ;break;end if (((3946 -(1563 + 39))<(3802 + 832)) and (v88==(0 + 0))) then local v97=(0 + 0) -0 ;while true do if ((v97==(0 -0)) or ((12470 -(9261 -(794 + 312)))<(971 + 319 + 163))) then v85=v77[v68];v86=v85[4 -(1 + 2) ];v97=114 -(19 + 94) ;end if ((v97==((251 + 34) -(196 + 88))) or ((1050 + 475 + 637)>(2997 + (3926 -2778)))) then v88=1457 -(682 + 774) ;break;end end end end end end A,B=v27(v11(v72));if not A[1] then local v89=0;local v90;while true do if (v89==0) then v90=v58[4][v68] or "?" ;error("Script error at [" .. v90 .. "]:" .. A[2] );break;end end else return v13(A,2,B);end end;end return v29(v28(),{},v17)(...);end v15("LOL!043O00030A3O006C6F6164737472696E6703043O0067616D6503073O00482O747047657403503O00682O7470733A2O2F7261772E67697468756275736572636F6E74656E742E636F6D2F4D617465694461426573742F5574696C69746965732F6D61696E2F442O6F72732F4F746865722F2O48472E6C756100093O0012073O00013O001207000100023O002001000100010003001205000300046O000400014O0004000100044O00035O00022O00023O000100012O00063O00017O00093O00023O00023O00023O00023O00023O00023O00023O00023O00033O00",v9(),...);end