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IML reliability: empirical study on the reliability of interpretations of interpretable machine learning methods

imlreliability provides a unified framework for the reliability test based on repeated data perturbation, as specified in paper... Users are free to implement their own IML methodology, data set or consistency metrics. The output can be directly uploaed and compare to our reliability experiments in the dashboard.


IML Tasks

  • Feature importance
    • Regression
    • Classification
  • Clustering
  • Dimension Reduction

Reliability Test


imlreliability Quickstart


IML_reliability 0.1 and later require Python 3.7 or Python 3.8.

Clone this repo and run

python install

The dependencies of this package will be automatically installed into your environment.


Detailed working examples and tutorials for each task can be found in tutorial folder of the repository. Here we give a simple illustration on the usage of the package. To measure interpretation reliability for any of the IML tasks, imlreliability consists of two steps:

  1. Obtain a set of intepretation by repeatly applying the IML algorithm to perturbed data sets. This step is acheived by initializing the model model with:
    • feature_importance.feature_impoClass() for feature importance (classification)
    • feature_importance.feature_impoReg() for feature importance (regression)
    • clustering.clustering() for clustering
    • dimension_reduction.dimension_reduction() for dimension reduction

and perform the model fitting via

    # Pseudo-code 
    ## Load example data 
    from sklearn.preprocessing import scale, normalize
    communities_data = pd.read_csv('').to_numpy()
    communities_data = np.delete(communities_data, np.arange(5), 1)
# remove predictors with missing values
    communities_data = np.delete(communities_data,
                         np.argwhere((communities_data == '?').sum(0) > 0).reshape(-1), 1)
    communities_data = communities_data.astype(float)
    x = communities_data[:, :-1]
    y = communities_data[:, -1]

    ### scale and normalize data 
    x = normalize(scale(x))
    y = (scale(y))
    ## The input data includes both features and response: data: (X, Y), X: array of shape (N, M), Y: array of shape (N,)

    ## Here we aim to evaluate the interpretation reliability of Ridge regression with cross validation, using the ``feature_impoReg``function. We use ``RidgeCV()`` from ``sklearn`` as our estimator. By setting ``importance_func=None``, the magnitude of coefficients will be used to evaluate feature importance. 

    from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV

    ## We initialize the model with the ``mlreliability.feature_importance.feature_impoReg`` function.
    import imlreliability
    model_reg = imlreliability.feature_importance.feature_impoReg(data,estimator, importance_func) # < construct the model # < train the model

Details of arguments are listed below.

Parameter name Type Task Description
data numpy array, required All Input samples (and response) used to be fed to data for reliability test.
estimator object, required All scikit-learn object of the IML model to run.Either estimator needs to provide a score function or scoring must be passed.
n_repeat int, optional All Number of repeats in data perturbation, default as 100.
split_proportion float in (0,1), optional All The proportion of training set in data splitting, default as 0.7.
importance_func str, callable, list, tuple or dict, optional Feature importance Strategy to evaluate feature importance score.
K_max int, optional Feature importance Number of top features of interest, default as 30.
evaluate_fun str, callable, list, tuple or dict Feature importance Function to evaluate prediction performance. Default as mean_squared_error in regression,
get_prediction_consistency {True,False}, optional Feature importance Controls whether to calculate prediction consistency, default as True.
K int, required Clustering Number of clusters.
label array of shape (N,1), optional Clustering True cluster labels, default as None.
rank int, optional Dimension reduction The number of reduced dimensions, default as 2.
perturbation {'noise','split'}, optional Clustering, dimension reduction Controls the way of perturbation, default as 'noise'.
sigma float,optinal Clustering, dimension reduction Controls level of noise. need to specify if perturbation=='noise', default as 1.
stratify {True,False}, optional All Controls whether to conduct stratified sampling, default as True.
norm {True,False}, optional All Controls whether to conduct data normalization, default as True.
rand_index RandomState instance, optional All Make sure the sampling uses the same RandomState instance for all iterations.
verbose {True,False}, optional All Controls the verbosity, default as True.
  1. Calculate interpretation consistency of the obtained interpretations via given reliability metrics. The consistency results is achieved via

    • model.get_consistency() for feature importance

    • model.get_consistency_clustering() for clustering

    • model.get_consistency_knn() for neiborhood consistency in dimension reduction

    • model.get_consistency_clustering() for clustering consistency in dimension reduction

The .get_consistency function results in three pandas dataframe: accuracy: prediction accuracy on test set; consistency: interpretation consistency measured by RBO, Jaccard score, or user-defined metrics; and prediction_consistency measured by prediction entropy and purity if get_prediction_consistency ==True.

# Pseudo-code 
model_reg.get_consistency(data_name='communities', estimator_name='Ridge',impotance_func_name='Coef')

The consistency pandas dataframe can be downloaded and upload to the dashboard.

Details of arguments are listed below.

Parameter name Type Task Description
data_name str, required All Name of the data set.
method_name str, required All Name of IML method.
impotance_func_name str, optional Feature importance Name of funtion to measure feature importance, default as None.
Kranges callable, optional Dimension reduction (KNN) list of numbers of nearest neighbors to measure, default as None.
cluster_func callable, optional Dimension reduction (clustering) clustering object applied to the reduced dimension, default as AgglomerativeClustering().
cluster_func_name str, optional Dimension reduction (clustering) Name of clustering function, default as 'HC (ward)'.
user_metric callable, optional All User-defined evaluation metric of consistency, default as None.
user_metric_name callable, optional All User-defined evaluation metric of consistency, default as 'user_metric'.

API Documentations

The detailed API documentation for this package can be found at []