Create the initial lambda function and related security role.
claudia create {OPTIONS}
: AWS region where to create the lambda- For example: us-east-1
: optional Main function for Lambda to execute, as module.function- For example: if it is in the main.js file and exported as router, this would be main.router
: optional The main module to use when creating Web APIs. If you provide this parameter, do not set the handler option. This should be a module created using the Claudia API Builder.- For example: if the api is defined in web.js, this would be web
: optional If specified, a proxy API will be created for the Lambda function on API Gateway, and forward all requests to function. This is an alternative way to create web APIs to --api-module.--name
: optional lambda function name- For example: awesome-microservice
- Defaults to: the project name from package.json
: optional A version alias to automatically assign to the new function- For example: development
: optional Directory with project files- Defaults to: current directory
: optional Config file where the creation result will be saved- Defaults to: claudia.json
: optional A directory or file pattern for additional IAM policies which will automatically be included into the security role for the function- For example: policies/*.xml
: optional Set up IAM permissions so a function can call itself recursively--role
: optional The name or ARN of an existing role to assign to the function. If not supplied, Claudia will create a new role. Supply an ARN to create a function without any IAM access.- For example: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/FileConverter
: optional Node.js runtime to use. For supported values, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/API_CreateFunction.html- Defaults to: node4.3
: optional Textual description of the lambda function- Defaults to: the project description from package.json
: optional The amount of memory, in MB, your Lambda function is given. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB.- Defaults to: 128
: optional The function execution time, in seconds, at which AWS Lambda should terminate the function- Defaults to: 3
: optional Do not upload optional dependencies to Lambda.--use-local-dependencies
: optional Do not install dependencies, use local node_modules directory instead--cache-api-config
: optional Name of the stage variable for storing the current API configuration signature. If set, it will also be used to check if the previously deployed configuration can be re-used and speed up deployment- For example: claudiaConfigCache
: optional keep the produced package archive on disk for troubleshooting purposes. If not set, the temporary files will be removed after the Lambda function is successfully created--use-s3-bucket
: optional The name of a S3 bucket that Claudia will use to upload the function code before installing in Lambda. You can use this to upload large functions over slower connections more reliably, and to leave a binary artifact after uploads for auditing purposes. If not set, the archive will be uploaded directly to Lambda- For example: claudia-uploads
: optional number of milliseconds betweeen retrying AWS operations if they fail- For example: 3000
- Defaults to: 5000
: optional number of times to retry AWS operations if they fail- For example: 15
- Defaults to: 15
: optional A comma-delimited list of AWS VPC Security Group IDs, which the function will be able to access. Note: these security groups need to be part of the same VPC as the subnets provided with --subnet-ids.- For example: sg-1234abcd
: optional A comma-delimited list of AWS VPC Subnet IDs, which this function should be able to access. At least one subnet is required if you are using VPC access. Note: these subnets need to be part of the same VPC as the security groups provided with --security-group-ids.- For example: subnet-1234abcd,subnet-abcd4567
: optional comma-separated list of VAR=VALUE environment variables to set- For example: S3BUCKET=testbucket,SNSQUEUE=testqueue
: optional file path to a JSON file containing environment variables to set- For example: production-env.json
: optional KMS Key ARN to encrypt/decrypt environment variables