The Dawn API is a library mod for the latest version of Minecraft that adds utility classes for constructing a typical mod for the Dawn Team.
It is designed to be handy and ease with the creation of any feature in the game through builder classes, and a variety of tools for data fixing.
In order to use Dawn API as a library for your project, add the following in your build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url '' } // Required for Dawn API
maven { url '' } // Required for Cloth Config
maven { url '' } // Required for Mod Menu
maven { url '' } // Required for AppleSkin
dependencies {
modApi "com.github.DawnTeamMC:DawnAPI:v${dawn_version}"
Then, add the version in your
dawn_version = [VERSION]
Where [VERSION] is the version of Dawn API you want to use.
Other than being a useful API, the Dawn API is also bundled with some in-game tools too:
- A command that allows easy control over an entity's health./foodbar
- A command that allows easy control over an entity's food/saturation points./motion
- A command that allows easy control over an entity's motion (velocity)./export
- A command that can export information/files of the game's content./shape
- A command that allows easy creation of custom shapes. (supports data pack)- A custom TNT entity with more NBT data parameters than the vanilla TNT entity.
- A flying block entity which reflects the flying counterpart of the vanilla falling block entity.
We use CurseForge and Modrinth to publish stable builds of the Dawn API for Minecraft.
You can download the latest stable builds from both pages without signing up for an account, although downloading on CurseForge is currently preferred.
⚠ The Dawn API needs the Fabric API to be installed: GitHub / CurseForge / Modrinth
The Dawn API comes with built-in support for the following mods:
- Cloth Config: GitHub / CurseForge
- Mod Menu: GitHub / CurseForge
- AppleSkin: GitHub / CurseForge / Modrinth
If you're running into bugs or other problems, feel free to open an issue on our issue tracker.
Please refer to the contributing guide for more information.
The Dawn Team mods makes use of crowdsourced translations using Crowdin.
You can help translate the Dawn Team mods to any language supported in Minecraft by joining our team of avid translators here.
You can support the Dawn API on the Patreon page of the founder, main developer and maintainer of the Dawn Team mods (Hugman).
By supporting Hugman, you can get access to the following:
- Vote for the next features to be added to the Dawn Team mods
- Get exclusive screenshots of the next features to be added to Dawn Team mods
- Get early access to the latest beta versions of Dawn Team mods with new features
- Get early access to new mods from the Dawn Team mods
We do not want to lock any in-game feature of the Dawn Team mods behind a paywall, because we believe that any Minecraft mod should forever remain free to download and fully exploit/use.
Supporting via Patreon is a more of way to help Hugman to continue to improve the mods and show the gratitude you might have towards Hugman's work.
Some money you donate may be used to pay for new features, such as music or art, but not all of it.
Except where otherwise stated (see third-party license notices), the content of this repository is provided under the Polyform Shield 1.0.0 license by Hugman.