Add a short description of the project here.
Add important information about the project here.
Provide where to find to the documentation of the project. (ex: Structure of the project)
It may include a link to an important reference.
- Define tools and libraries that are required to run the project with the version number.
- If available, provide a link to the installation guide.
- You may also add concepts or knowledge that are required to understand the project.
Details here explicit instructions to install the project.
Here are the info blocks available for github markdown:
Do not hesitate to add a note if necessary.
Do not hesitate to add a tip if necessary.
Do not hesitate to add a warning if necessary.
Do not hesitate to add an important note if necessary.
Do not hesitate to add a caution if necessary.
Detail here the instructions to use the project.
Detail here the instructions to build and run the project.
Detail here the troubleshooting of the project.
- Precise here the platforms that are supported by the project.
- If available, provide a link to the installation guide.
- If in testing, do not hesitate to mention it.
- Precise here the languages that are supported by the project.
- If necessary, precise if some languages needs to be checked.
- Precise here the future improvements that are planned for the project.
Imporvement done can be styled like this.
If you want to contribute to the project, you can follow the steps described in the CONTRIBUTING file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.