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File metadata and controls

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For SwiftUI, Vitamin provides two possibilities to have a VitaminTextField.

  • A VitaminTextField struct which provides an all-in-one component ready to use.
  • A vitaminTextFieldStyle modifier which has more customizable possibilities like applying the VitaminTextField to a TextField or a SecureField.
import SwiftUI
import VitaminSwiftUI
import VitaminCore

struct ExampleView: View {
    @State var text = ""
    @State var state: VitaminTextFieldState = .standard

    var body: some View {
        // VitaminTextField all-in-one component
        VitaminTextField(style: .outlined,
                         text: VitaminTextField.TextConfiguration(label: "Firstname",
                                                                  placeholder: "Ex: John",
                                                                  text: $text),
                         state: $state)
        // VitaminTextField modifier
        TextField("Ex: John", text: $text)
            .vitaminTextFieldStyle(style: .outlined,
                                   label: "Firstname",
                                   state: $state)

Basic properties

VitaminTextField component

The VitaminTextField component can be use with the following parameters:

  • style to represent the style to use. Optional. Default value: .outlined.
  • text is a TextConfiguration object to setup all texts in the component. See TextConfiguration below. Mandatory.
  • state is a binding variable to represent the current state. Mandatory.
  • icon is a IconConfiguration object to setup the icon in the component. See IconConfiguration below. Optional. Default value: nil.
  • characterLimit: is a CharacterLimitConfiguration object to setup the character limit in the component. See CharacterLimitConfiguration below. Optional. Default value: nil.

VitaminTextFieldStyle modifier

The VitaminTextFieldStyle modifier can be use on TextField and SecureField with the following parameters:

  • style to represent the style to use. Optional. Default value: .outlined.
  • label to represent the text above the TextField. Mandatory.
  • helperText to represent the text below the TextField. Optional. Default value: nil.
  • state is a binding variable to represent the current state. Mandatory.
  • icon is a IconConfiguration object to setup the icon in the component. See IconConfiguration below. Optional. Default value: nil.
  • characterLimit: is a CharacterLimitConfiguration object to setup the character limit in the component. See CharacterLimitConfiguration below. Optional. Default value: nil.


The TextConfiguration object is use for text related content on the VitaminTextField component.
It can be use with the following parameters:

  • label to represent the text above the TextField. Mandatory.
  • placeholder to represent the text inside the TextField. Mandatory.
  • helperText to represent the text below the TextField. Optional. Default value: nil.
  • text is a binding variable to represent the text taped by the user inside the TextField.


The IconConfiguration object is use to display a custom icon and to handle an action on the icon.
It can be use with the following parameters:

  • icon to represent the icon to display. Mandatory.
  • action A closure to handle an action on the icon. Optional. Default value: nil.


The CharacterLimitConfiguration object is use to add a maximum number of characters.

  • text is a binding variable to represent the text taped by the user inside the TextField. It's the same variable than for the TextField initilization. Mandatory.
  • limit to represent the maximum number of characters. Mandatory.

Styles and state

VitaminTextField handles 2 styles:

  • .filled
  • .outlined

The default style is .outlined.

VitaminTextField handles 5 states:

  • .standard
  • .active
  • .error
  • .success
  • .disabled

The default state is .standard.

You can manually change the state thanks to the state property that you need to provide.
The VitaminTextField component will automatically set the state from .standard to .active when the field gets the focus.
However, the VitaminTextFieldStyle modifier will not do this by default. If you want to update the state automatically you need to use the VitaminTextField.updateActiveState(state:editing:) method inside the onEditingChanged parameter of the TextField.

TextField("Ex: John", text: $text) { editing in
    state = VitaminTextField.updateActiveState(state: state, editing: editing)
.vitaminTextFieldStyle(style: .outlined,
                       label: "Firstname",
                       state: $state)


If you want to set up a validation on the TextField content, you can use methods provided by SwiftUI.
If you are on iOS 14 and above, use onChange(of:perform:) (Apple Documentation).
If you are on iOS 13, use onReceive(_:perform:) (Apple Documentation).

// iOS 14 and above
VitaminTextField(style: .outlined,
                 text: VitaminTextField.TextConfiguration(label: "Firstname",
                                                          placeholder: "Ex: John",
                                                          text: $text),
                 state: $state)
    .onChange(of: text) { newValue in
        // Do your validation here.
        // Ex: If you want to update the state of the text field.
        state = .error

// iOS 13
VitaminTextField(style: .outlined,
                 text: VitaminTextField.TextConfiguration(label: "Firstname",
                                                          placeholder: "Ex: John",
                                                          text: $text),
                 state: $state)
    .onReceive(Just(text)) { newValue in
        // Do your validation here.
        // Ex: If you want to update the state of the text field.
        state = .error

Check the showcase if you want to see a full implementation.