Hopsworks - Hopsworks is a data-intensive platform for the design and operation of machine learning pipelines that includes a Feature Store. (Video).
Kubeflow - A cloud native platform for machine learning based on Google’s internal machine learning pipelines.
Open Platform for AI - Platform that provides complete AI model training and resource management capabilities.
PyCaret ) - low-code library for training and deploying models (scikit-learn, XGBoost, LightGBM, spaCy)
Redis-AI - A Redis module for serving tensors and executing deep learning models. Expect changes in the API and internals.
Skaffold - Skaffold is a command line tool that facilitates continuous development for Kubernetes applications. You can iterate on your application source code locally then deploy to local or remote Kubernetes clusters.
Tensorflow Serving - High-performant framework to serve Tensorflow models via grpc protocol able to handle 100k requests per second per core
Seldon - Open source platform for deploying and monitoring machine learning models in kubernetes - (Video)
KFServing - Serverless framework to deploy and monitor machine learning models in Kubernetes - (Video)
NVIDIA TensorRT Inference Server - TensorRT Inference Server is an inference microservice that lets you serve deep learning models in production while maximizing GPU utilization.
NVIDIA TensorRT - TensorRT is a C++ library for high performance inference on NVIDIA GPUs and deep learning accelerators.
DeepDetect - Machine Learning production server for TensorFlow, XGBoost and Cafe models written in C++ and maintained by Jolibrain
MLeap - Standardisation of pipeline and model serialization for Spark, Tensorflow and sklearn
BentoML - BentoML is an open source framework for high performance ML model serving
Clipper - Model server project from Berkeley's Rise Rise Lab which includes a standard RESTful API and supports TensorFlow, Scikit-learn and Caffe models
Cortex - Cortex is an open source platform for deploying machine learning models—trained with nearly any framework—as production web services.