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Exercise 2: Creating a reproducible from scratch

This excercise is the second card of the reproducible modelling pizza course. The first part of the course demonstrated how to work with an existing reproducible model and can be found here.

In this second part of the course, we'll learn how to create a reproducible workflow from scratch.


We expect you to have installed:

1. Create directory

First create an empty folder somewhere on your machine.


Here are some tips to save you headaches:

  • Make sure your folder name is descriptive
  • Make sure no spaces are included in folder names. Spaces easily lead to mistakes as they often requires extra user input (e.g. put the path between quotes). Furthermore often software contains bugs when dealing with spaces in paths or doesn't even support them.
  • Make sure total paths don't get too long. This can make for quite unreadable paths and by default, Windows has a character limit of 260 characters for paths. Therefore, don't make folder names too long. By the way, sometimes you cannot go around long paths, e.g. when using Windows Computational Facilities. In this case you can enable them by modifying the Registry


In general, we advise to create a folder outside the OneDrive folder, as this folder has the following downsides:

  • The folder contains spaces (at least on Deltares laptops),
  • A python installation will be created, which creates lots of files (>40k easily). This can easily clog your OneDrive synchronization itself
  • It is not necessary to backup our project on OneDrive, our project will be reproducible!

Open a powershell/cmd session and type:

mkdir c:/users/<your_name>/<path>/<to>/<folder>

Next, navigate into the folder:

cd c:/users/<your_name>/<path>/<to>/<folder>

2. Initialize project

2.1 Prepare python environment: Pixi

This workflow requires the following dependencies:

First initialize pixi in your project folder. We require the use of two channels. Most packages are located on conda-forge, but Snakemake is only published on bioconda, therefore we specify this channel as well.

pixi init --channel conda-forge --channel bioconda


You can copy commands by clicking the "copy symbol" on the right hand side of the code blocks. You can paste these in Powershell by pressing CTRL+V or right-clicking.

Inspect your folder's contents in TotalCommander/Windows Explorer. Alternatively, to inspect folder contents, you can print files and folders in your shell session by calling in Powershell:


You can see the pixi init command created some text files, the important one now being the pixi.toml file, which is a configuration file, containing all the important settings to create a pixi python environment. We'll see how this file gets extended later.

Next, add cookiecutter to your project dependencies:

pixi add cookiecutter jinja2-time


At the time of writing (2024-03-06), cookiecutter didn't automatically install a dependency jinja2-time. Therefore this package has to be added manually.

Inspect your folder again. Pixi created a hidden folder .pixi and a pixi.lock file, containing the python environment and text representation of the exact state of the python environment contents. Now open your pixi.toml file again. This will now contain cookiecutter as its dependency!

We'll add DVC. During the creation of this course, we found that dvc tended to install an older version by default, therefore it is best to force installing a later version:

pixi add "dvc>=3.48.2"

Next, add iMOD Python. To save our iMOD developer colleagues some work for any future breaking changes, we'll force you to install the latest version at time of writing this material (2023-03-05).

pixi add "imod=0.15.3"

Finally, add Snakemake. This will be installed from the bioconda channel.

pixi add snakemake

Now activate your pixi environment in a shell session:

pixi shell

2.2 Apply project template: Cookiecutter

2.2.1 Running cookiecutter

Next we'll apply the project template created by the Groundwater Management Department, run:

cookiecutter gl:deltares/imod/cookiecutter-reproducible-project

This will ask you to fill in some details about the project and consequently creates a folder structure.

2.2.2 Moving pixi environment into project safely

We'll inspect the folder in detail soon, but first we have to deal with one minor inconvenience, namely that it is the most convenient to have the pixi files in the project root folder (i.e. one folder down). Therefore, move the pixi.toml and pixi.lock file to the project folder. You can do this manually in your explorer, or do it from powershell:

mv pixi.* <your_project_name>/


The asterisk (*) acts as a wildcard, so all files starting with "pixi." are matched (and moved), in this case pixi.lock and pixi.toml.

Let's declutter some more by removing the pixi environment, we'll recreate it later!

First exit your pixi session:


Then remove the .pixi folder:

rm .pixi -Force -Recurse


A python environment consists of a lot of files, easily over 40K, and easily becomes quite large, because of some common dependencies: most notorious is the mkl dependency. Therefore make sure to always permanently delete your .pixi environment, instead of it being moved to the Recylce Bin. In the Windows Explorer/Total Commander, this is done with shortcut key combination SHIFT+DELETE.

Move into your project folder:

cd <your_project_name>

Before we continue to the next step, let's recreate our python environment again:

pixi install

Notice that it takes very little time for pixi to create your python environment again! Now activate your pixi environment in a shell session:

pixi shell

2.2.3 Project template folder structure

Inspect the folder again by calling:



To get a nicer tree view, with less clutter, you can use the Show-Tree Powershell script.

Install-Script -Name Show-Tree -Scope CurrentUser
Show-Tree -MaxDepth 2

You'll see the following structure (also conveniently described in the

├── bin                 <- Your compiled model code can be stored here (not tracked by git)
├── config              <- Configuration files, e.g., for doxygen or for your model if needed
├── data                
│   ├── 1-external      <- Data external to the project.
│   ├── 2-interim       <- Intermediate data that has been altered.
│   ├── 3-input         <- The processed data sets, ready for modeling.
│   ├── 4-output        <- Data dump from the model.
│   └── 5-visualization <- Post-processed data, ready for visualisation.
├── docs                <- Documentation, e.g., doxygen or scientific papers (not tracked by git)
├── notebooks           <- Jupyter notebooks
├── reports             <- For a manuscript source, e.g., LaTeX, Markdown, etc., or any project reports
│   └── figures         <- Figures for the manuscript or reports
└── src                 <- Source code for this project
    ├── 0-setup         <- Install necessary software, dependencies, pull other git projects, etc.
    ├── 1-prepare       <- Scripts and programs to process data, from 1-external to 2-interim.
    ├── 2-build         <- Scripts to create model specific inputm from 2-interim to 3-input. 
    ├── 3-model         <- Scripts to run model and convert or compress model results, from 3-input to 4-output.
    ├── 4-analyze       <- Scripts to post-process model results, from 4-output to 5-visualization.
    └── 5-visualize     <- Scripts for visualisation of your results, from 5-visualization to ./report/figures.

This project template is commonly applied in the unit Subsurface and Groundwater Systems. It features a already describing the folder structure, which you can further extend with a project description. Furthermore, it features an file where all contributors to the project are credited. Also there is a LICENSE file describing the license.


The license added is very permissive, which we find works fine for most SGS projects. However, you might want to change it to a stricter license. For example, for secret projects you probably want to add a propietary license.

The folder structure of this project template works as follows. All data that you start your project with is stored in the data/1-external folder, these are usually the files you received from a client, or downloaded somewhere. In case of model update, you could treat the model before the update as "external data". This data is the starting point of your workflow. Usually external data has to be reworked and cleaned up in order to lead to meaningful model input, this leads to pre-processed data, which is stored in data/2-interim. Most model codes have their own specific files (often not interoperable) which are stored in data/3-input. Model output data is stored in data/4-output. Finally, model output has to be post-processed for plotting, this for example can be converting model-specific formats to more interoperable file formats, converting a 3D grid to VTK blocks for 3D plotting, or aggregating the data into a timeseries for a line plot. This data is stored in data/5-visualization. Figures created from this post-processed data are stored in reports/figures.


Some model codes can only write model output in the input folder, in that case it is wise to add a script/command to move output files from data/3-input to data/4-output

3 Source version control: git

Version control means keeping track of all the changes made to the project. It is an essential part of software engineering these days and is also very useful in our project work! The most common software for version control these days is git. This has the advantage that it is very well tested, documented, and a wealth of useful tools are available. For example, some IDE's (e.g. VSCode) have a built-in git integration, allowing you to version control your scripts from there. We'll run you through the basics and will only skim the surface. Git allows a lot more things, for example easy collaboration on a code base with colleagues.

3.1 Initializing git

We'll start off by initializing a git repository:

git init

This will create a hidden .git folder, which contains the full history of your scripts.

3.2 Committing the initial state

You now have an empty version control system. Time to add some files to it! First, let's see what files git can add to its version control system. Type:

git status

This will show you an overview of what files/folders git can add:

git status initially

To add all files, type:

git add *

Check the status again:

git status

This will show the files which are added:

git status after add

Now comes the most confusing part when learning git: adding files doesn't mean they are safely stored yet in the version control system. For that we have to commit:

git commit -m "My initial commit"


The -m option specifies that a commit message follows. Always to make sure to write short and concise commit messages! This makes it much easier to retrace your steps and move back to a previous stage.

After committing, files are added to the version control system. The reason why git does this in two steps is that it allows you to orchestrate your commits into logical steps for the history. In this case this is unnecessary, as we are committing everything in one go, but is very useful in more complex situations (you have to trust the millions of users git has these days on that for now...)

Type git status again and it will show you there's nothing to commit. You have now succesfully safely stored your text files! Any change you make to the files checked into git can now be tracked and reverted back to an old state.

3.3 Modifying a file and committing changes

Let's modify a file and commit the changes. Open the in your favorite editor (e.g. Notepad++, VSCode, Spyder, etc.) and change the description. If you don't have inspiration what to write, you can write "Reproducible workflow to run a groundwater model for the Drentse Hondsrug". Save the file, and type git status again to confirm git noticed changes to the file.

git status after changes

Note that git also tips you with some commands you could use next: You can either add the README to store changes, or restore it to its last committed state.

Next, let's review the changes you made to the file exactly. Type:

git diff

This will show you the changes you made to the text:

git diff

If you're satisfied with these changes, we can add them:

git add

and commit them:

git commit -m "Modify project description"

3.4 Checking version history

We can keep track of our version history by typing:

git log --oneline

This will print you the two commits you made with their commit messages. Note that it therefore is important to write short but descriptive commit messages, so you can more easily retrace your steps! Commit messages like "Update" are too generic to be of any use.

3.5 Excluding files from source version control

Note that your folder also contains a .gitignore file. This was included in the cookiecutter project template. It can be opened and edited in any text editor. Open it in your favorite text editor, and you will see certain folders and file extensions being listed here. These files will be ignored by git, and thus not kept in version control. This is useful: We do not want to version control all our files in git, as bulky files can easily clog the version control system, and don't have to be stored. We already added a bunch of common files you are very likely not to want to add to your version control system in here. For example, you do not want your .pixi folder, containing 2GB of python installation specific to your machine, checked in git: the pixi.toml and pixi.lock file are enough to recreate the .pixi folder. Therefore the .pixi folder is included in the .gitignore file. In general, it is best to not commit large files to git. Regular git also is not very useful to work with binary data. In that case, you are better off using git-lfs or DVC. We'll explain how to use DVC in a later stage of this exercise.

3.6 Adding scripts to repository

Finally, we'll add the Python scripts, which are our workflow steps. These are already prepared in the folder scripts. The scripts are named with a prefix number indicating in which folder under src they are supposed to be put. For example, should be moved to the folder src/0-setup. Copy all scripts to their respective folder.

If everything went well git status will list the following files:

git status scripts

Add and commit these files the same way you did this before:

git add *
git commit -m "Added scripts to repository"

3.7 Download Modflow 6 executable

Finally, in preparation of the next part of the exercise, we'll download the Modflow 6 model code, download the Modflow6 executable here. If you are working on Windows, the exe is included in the Unpack the zip somewhere, and copy mf6.4.2_win64/bin/mf6.exe to the project folder you created in the first section, under bin/mf6.exe.

Verify that the .gitignore file is properly configured and thus ignores /<your_name>/<path>/<to>/<folder>/bin/mf6.exe. Check that git doesn't list it in a status check:

git status

4 Setting up the workflow: Snakemake

We have a collection of scripts, which are depending on each other. For example should be called before calling, as downloaded data is required to schematize the surface water system. Snakemake takes care of this. How it works is by checking for each step in the workflow what data comes in and what data comes out. This has to be specified explicitly by the user. For example, we have to tell snakemake that the file is output of the script and input to the script Snakemake then will deduce by itself that has to be called before This might seem underwhelming for such a trivial situation, but it gets very useful in more complex situations, as snakemake deduces the dependence of steps and order of computation by itself.

4.1 Create a snakefile

To start configuring our snakemake workflow, start off by creating a file named snakefile. By default, snakemake will look for a file named snakefile as its configuration file. Snakemake defines its individual steps as "rules". Let's add our first rule to the snakefile. Open up your favorite editor, and copy the following rule in your snakefile:

rule download_data:
        path_layermodel = "data/1-external/",
        path_starting_heads = "data/1-external/",
        path_meteorology = "data/1-external/",
        path_drainage = "data/1-external/",
        path_river = "data/1-external/",

This rule will call the script src/0-setup/ and checks if it produced the files:,,,,

Now run:

snakemake -c1

This will run the snakemake workflow. The option -c1 is shorthand for --cores 1 and will thus tell snakemake to use only one core of your machine. This is enough, as we have not defined any independent steps which can be run in parallel.

4.2 Adding a second step

Let's define the second step to our workflow. We'll call the script src/1-prepare/ which creates the model's spatial discretization for Modflow 6, based on hydrogeological layers provided in We'll add the rule discretization above the download_data rule, as snakemake by default will look at the first rule to run it (and all its dependencies.)

rule discretization:
        path_layermodel = "data/1-external/",
        path_discretization = "data/2-interim/",

rule download_data:
        path_layermodel = "data/1-external/",
        path_starting_heads = "data/1-external/",
        path_meteorology = "data/1-external/",
        path_drainage = "data/1-external/",
        path_river = "data/1-external/",

Run again in powershell:

snakemake -c1

Depending on whether the output under download_data is already generated, you'll see that Snakemake will run only the rule discretization or both. We can demonstrate this behaviour by deleting the files data/1-external/ and data/2-interim/, and running Snakemake again:

rm data/1-external/
rm data/2-interim/
snakemake -c1

You'll see Snakemake runs the 2 jobs again. Snakemake automatically detects if changes in data or scripts are made. There might be times, however, where you want to force recomputation of all steps, for example because you think Snakemake missed an important change to your workflow. Try running;

snakemake -c1 --forceall

4.3 Finish your snakefile

Let's complete the Snakefile: (click to expand, it will show you the complete Snakefile)
rule plot_heads:
        path_head_nc = "data/5-visualization/"
        path_figure = "reports/figures/groundwater_heads.png"

rule post_process:
        path_hds = "data/4-output/GWF.hds",
        path_grb = "data/4-output/dis.dis.grb",
        path_head_nc = "data/5-visualization/"

rule run_model:
        path_model = "data/3-input/mfsim.nam"
        path_hds = "data/4-output/GWF.hds",
        path_grb = "data/4-output/dis.dis.grb",
        "cd data\\3-input && call ..\\..\\bin\\mf6.exe . && move GWF\\GWF.hds ..\\4-output\\GWF.hds && move GWF\\dis.dis.grb ..\\4-output\\dis.dis.grb"

rule build_model:
        path_discretization = "data/2-interim/",
        path_drn_pkg = "data/2-interim/",
        path_riv_pkg = "data/2-interim/",
        path_recharge =  "data/2-interim/",
        path_ic = "data/2-interim/",
        path_chd = "data/2-interim/",
        path_subsurface = "data/2-interim/",
        path_model = "data/3-input/mfsim.nam"

rule surface_water:
        path_drainage = "data/1-external/",
        path_river = "data/1-external/",
        path_drn_pkg = "data/2-interim/",
        path_riv_pkg = "data/2-interim/",

rule recharge:
        path_meteorology = "data/1-external/",
        path_discretization = "data/2-interim/",
        path_recharge = "data/2-interim/",

rule initial_condition:
        path_starting_heads = "data/1-external/",
        path_discretization = "data/2-interim/",
        path_ic = "data/2-interim/",
        path_chd = "data/2-interim/",

rule subsurface:
        path_layermodel = "data/1-external/",
        path_subsurface = "data/2-interim/",

rule discretization:
        path_layermodel = "data/1-external/",
        path_discretization = "data/2-interim/",

rule download_data:
        path_layermodel = "data/1-external/",
        path_starting_heads = "data/1-external/",
        path_meteorology = "data/1-external/",
        path_drainage = "data/1-external/",
        path_river = "data/1-external/",

Oomph! That's a lot of steps! It's hard to quickly infer all data dependencies just from looking at the Snakefile. First, because the author decided to put things in unintuitive order. Second, the workflow is not a single pipeline, but consists of several jobs which are partly independent of each other. Let's view the graph of the workflow.

To start off, make sure all rules are copied into the Snakefile. Next, run the following commands:

snakemake --dag | out-file -encoding ASCII
dot -Tpdf -o dag.pdf

This will create a graph rendition of the workflow, which will look roughly as follows:

You can see some steps are independent of each other. For example rule recharge is independent of surface_water, therefore these steps can be run in parallel. Let's run the complete workflow on 2 cores. Pay close attention to how snakemake runs its tasks, it should run the tasks discretization, suburface, recharge, initial_condition, and surface_water in parallel:

snakemake -c2

If everything went correct, the following plot is shown in reports/figures/groundwater_heads.png:

4.4 Version control changes in git

Version control your changes in git:

git add snakefile
git commit -m "Complete snakefile"

5 Data version control: DVC

So far, we've version controlled our scripts and configuration files (e.g. pixi.toml & snakefile). These are text files, which can be version controlled in Git. Git by default, however, deals poorly with binary data, such as compiled executables, and large files. Therefore, we have to do separate data version control. In this exercise, we'll apply DVC for this, as it is built on top of git, and nicely separates data from text files. Our workflow currently depends on the current binary files which are not version controlled:

  1. The manually downloaded Modflow 6 executable
  2. Downloaded NetCDF files in first script

The current state of the workflow might be already better than what you encountered or produced yourself in most projects. However, it still faces the following liabilities:

  • Links on the internet to download data can break
  • The data stored behind a link might change
  • This is outside our control
  • Colleagues have to put the downloaded executable in the right folder

Therefore we have to do better!

5.1 Initialize DVC

We first have to initialize our DVC repository:

dvc init

This will add three files which are already automatically added to git, but not yet committed (verify with git status). Commit these:

git commit -m "Initialize DVC"

5.2 Adding Modflow6 binary

Let's add our first file to DVC:

dvc add bin/mf6.exe

This will print the following error message:

ERROR: bad DVC file name 'bin\mf6.exe.dvc' is git-ignored.

This is a clear error message: we have to modify the .gitignore file to stop ignoring the bin/ folder. As we now know what we are doing, we will not casually check in binary files into git anymore, we can modify the .gitignore file. Open the .gitignore file and remove lines 94 and 95 from it and save. To be explicit, these lines can be removed:


# exclude compiled binaries


After you've removed these lines from the .gitignore file and saved, we'll first add version control these changes:

git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Stop ignoring bin folder"

Run dvc add bin/mf6.exe again, followed by git add bin. git status will print the following:

On branch main
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
        new file:   bin/.gitkeep
        new file:   bin/mf6.exe.dvc

What happened? DVC added a textfile bin/mf6.exe.dvc. Open this file (but do not modify!). The file contains a MD5 hash. In this case 68ee4172873768963691d01d0e55ed80. This is a unique code based on the data itself, which is used to check if any bit changed. Thus it is a quick way to verify if two files, with different timestamps, are in fact the same. If you want to know more about hashing, some basics are outlined here. Let's first commit our changes in git:

git commit -m "Add exe to dvc"

Now look in the .dvc folder. A copy of the file is stored in .dvc/cache/files/md5/68/ee4172873768963691d01d0e55ed80. This is how DVC stores its different versions of data:

  1. A unique hash will be generated based on the data
  2. The hash is stored in a .dvc text file
  3. The file is copied into the cache, but the filename is changed into the hash.

DVC will therefore create copy to a file to the cache folder, each time you call dvc add. Therefore, you should be wary that frequently adding new versions of large files to DVC will lead to a version control system with a huge size.

DVC has some tricks up its sleave which alleviate this pain as much as possible:


See the borg project for a different approach to store changes to binary files instead of copying. This software was not selected in this training as its scope is restrained to backing up files, not version control them.

5.3 Adding external data

As outlined in the introduction to this chapter, we want to add the data we downloaded into the data/1-external folder as well.

First, in .gitignore, modify the line data/1-external/ into data/1-external/*.nc. Thus we instruct git to only ignore files with the .nc extension. If you type:

git diff

This should show you the following:

 # exclude data from source control by default

We can consequently now add all files in

dvc add --glob data/1-external/*.nc


The --glob option tells DVC to expand the wildcard * to match all files.

This will add all 6 netcdf files to DVC and create .dvc files.

Check in your files in git:

git add data
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Add external data to DVC"

5.4 Adding post-processed data

Most projects are a lot more complex than this example project and take a lot more time to compute. It is therefore wise to also version control the post-processed data in data/5-visualization. Repeat the steps as in the previous subchapter, but now for the data/5-visualization directory. This makes it easy to always retrace previous outputs of the workflow that were checked in DVC.

6 Storing data externally

Congratulations, you have made your project entirely reproducible! However, version control is only stored locally now, so a hardware crash will ruin your project. Furthermore, it is impossible to collaborate with colleagues in this state.

We therefore have to set up a remote and push our repositories to this. First, we'll work on sharing our git repository online. Next, we'll share our data.

6.1 Where to share git repository?

There are multiple very nice tools existing to share and collaborate with git repositories. The most commonly used these days being Github. We are going to share our code for this exercise on our personal Github accounts. You need to share your real projects in the Deltares-research Github group, instead of your personal account, because Deltares owns the rights to anything you produce during your paid time. Note that everything shared here is shared on external servers, outside the Deltares campus. Some projects have a clause that no data should leave the Deltares campus. In that case, you should use the Deltares private Gitlab instance. This information might become outdated over time, therefore see the Wiki page for the latest information.

So in short:

If you are unsure where to share your data, ask your project leader.

6.2 Sharing our git repository: Github

First, sign up to Github if you haven't done so.

Click on your user icon on the top right, and click "My repositories". This will show you an overview of your personal repositories.

On the top, next to the search bar, click the blue "New" button:

In the presented form, think of a nice name for your repository, add a brief description, and make sure NO README, NO .gitignore and NO LICENSE are added. This will create an empty repository in Github, which makes our lives significantly easier. Github will present us some commands to follow depending on our situation. Our case fits "…or push an existing repository from the command line". Therefore run the following lines of code:

git remote add origin<your_profile_name>/<your_repo_name_on_github>.git 
git branch -M main 
git push -u origin main

Now refresh your browser, and bask at your git repo in all its glory! It should look something like this.

6.3 Sharing data: DVC

DVC allows us to store and share data independent of Github. This is nice, as Github has quite restricted total repository size, Ideally 1 GB, 5 GB max, and a per file limit of max 100 MB. This is problematic for most of our projects. Therefore, DVC allows pushing your data to different cloud providers (e.g. Amazon S3), self-hosted instances (SSH), or network drives (our beloved P: drive). See the list of supported storages here.

Until we have something better (Deltares-hosted S3-compatible storage (MinIO) is in the works, see wiki.), the easiest we can do for now is saving it to our N: drive postbox. This has the advantage that this will be cleaned up later, so we also have to worry less about cleaning up files after an exercise. For your projects, you should store this data on the P: drive.

Let's add a remote for DVC:

dvc remote add postbox "n:\Deltabox\Postbox\<yourname>\<your_remote_folder>"

Then consequently run:

dvc push -r postbox

The location of the remote is stored in the .dvc/config file. We have to make sure this is also committed to git and shared on Github:

git add .dvc/config
git commit -m "Add dvc remote"
git push

Congratulations, your project is 100% reproducible now! :sparkles: :100: :sparkles:

7 Tagging the final state of your project

After you have submitted the final project report, it is useful to tag the git repository. This is especially useful if you expect a follow-up project and you are expecting to continue working on the same repository. In this case, a tag allows you to easily go back the state of the repository with which results were produced for the final report in the finalized project. To do this, run the following command:

git tag -a v1.0 -m "Results for final report <projectname>"

Say you do some extra commits and you want to check out the final state of the previous project, you can do:

git checkout v1.0

For more info, read the git instructions on tagging.