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Visual Studio

Demez edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 4 revisions

Vcxproj Values in Project Configuration, except some self-explanatory ones for now

config.general.out_name					General/Target Name
config.general.out_dir                                  General/Output Directory
config.general.build_dir                                General/Intermediate Directory

config.general.configuration_type                       General/Configuration Type
config.general.compiler                                 General/Platform Toolset
config.general.language                                 General/C++ Language Standard

To set CharacterSet, define _MBCS for MultiByte, or _UNICODE for Unicode

To set options, look at this page, options that are converted to visual studio will be listed here

Options are converted so you don't get flooded with compiler overriding option warnings

All /ignore: options are put into Disable Specific Warnings

Converted options to what they are displayed as in Visual Studio:

    /W0            TurnOffAllWarnings
    /W1            Level1
    /W2            Level2
    /W3            Level3
    /W4            Level4
    /Wall          EnableAllWarnings

Runtime Library:
    /Mt            Multi-threaded
    /MTd           Multi-threaded Debug
    /MD            Multi-threaded DLL
    /MDd           Multi-threaded Debug DLL

Debug Information Format:
    /Zi            Program Database
    /ZI            Program Database for Edit And Continue
    /Z7            C7 compatible

    /Od            Disabled
    /O1            Maximum Optimization (Favor Size)
    /O2            Maximum Optimization (Favor Speed)
    /Ox            Optimizations (Favor Speed)

Treat WChar_t As Built in Type:
    /Zc:wchar_t    Yes
    /Zc:wchar_t-   No

    /Os            Favor small code
    /Ot            Favor fast code

Treat WChar_t As Built in Type:
    /Zc:wchar_t    Yes
    /Zc:wchar_t-   No

Treat Warnings As Errors:
    /WX            Yes
    /WX-           No

Multi-processor Compilation
    /MP            Yes

Use Full Paths:
    /FC            Yes

Whole Program Optimization:
    /GL            Yes

    /GL            Yes
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