Created by Denny Lindberg and Molly Middagsfjell for the course TNCG15: Advanced Global Illumination and Rendering.
- Implemented in C++17
- Path tracer using Monte Carlo probability theory
- Russian Roulette for path termination
- Lambertian, Oren-Nayar, Ideal Specular and Transparent/Refractive surface types
- Progressive or Sequential rendering
- Implicit and Explicit object types (spheres or triangle meshes)
- Realtime preview via OpenGL
- Take screenshot at any time by pressing S
- Multi-threaded
- Time tracking for rendering
- Uses Reinhard or Exposure tone mapping
glad for OpenGL bindings -
SDL2 for creating a cross-platform OpenGL window with input -
glm for vector and matrix data types compatible with OpenGL -
lodepng for loading and saving PNG files -
Get premake5 for generating makefiles or solutions for your IDE -
After downloading the executable, place it in the root folder. Run premake5 vs2017
(Windows) or premake5 xcode4
(MacOS) in the terminal or command line to generate a Visual Studio 2017 solution (the solution ends up in the temp folder). Open the solution and you're good to go.
binaries/ - contains compiled executable, dlls, images, configs or audio. (screenshots end up here)
include/ - thirdparty includes.
libs/ - windows specific libs.
source/ - main folder for source code.
temp/ - this folder is generated by premake5 and contains the solution. This folder can be deleted at any time.
Follow this guide for MacOSX: