Xfce panel plugin which allows to put the maximized window title and windows buttons on the panel.
- In Plugin settings you can now configure a monitor number for every plugin instance
- So the plugin knows to which monitor it belongs and can now show in "Only Maximized Windows" only the maximized windows on the configured screen.
- New Icon Pack
- Show the title and buttons of the maximized window on the panel.
- Allow window actions on buttons and title clicks (activate, (un)maximize, close).
- Allow window action menu on left button click.
- Title formatting options.
- xfwm4/unity theming support for buttons.
Q: How do I hide the window decorations on maximized windows on Xfce?
A: Xfce 4.12 now support Titileless feature!! Enable it in window manager tweaks → accessibility.
This code is derived from original 'Window Applets' from Andrej Belcijan. See http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=103732 for infos.
- Install dependencies:
- For debian/ubuntu see debian/control folder and follow debian packaging guidlines
- Generate common makefiles:
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
- compile and install the plugin
make sudo make install