Extract, Analyze, and Translate Text from Images with the Cloud ML APIs
gcloud alpha services api-keys create --display-name=" Tanay"
KEY_NAME=$(gcloud alpha services api-keys list --format=" value(name)" --filter " displayName=Tanay" )
API_KEY=$(gcloud alpha services api-keys get-key-string $KEY_NAME --format=" value(keyString)" )
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config list --format 'value(core.project)')
gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID -c regional -l us-central1 gs://$PROJECT_ID
curl -O https://github.com/siddharth7000/practice/blob/main/sign.jpg
gsutil cp sign.jpg gs://$PROJECT_ID/sign.jpg
gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://$PROJECT_ID/sign.jpg
touch ocr-request.json
tee ocr-request.json << EOF
" requests" : [
" image" : {
" source" : {
" gcsImageUri" : " gs://$PROJECT_ID/sign.jpg"
" features" : [
" type" : " TEXT_DETECTION" ,
" maxResults" : 10
curl -s -X POST -H " Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @ ocr-request.json https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate?key=${API_KEY}
curl -s -X POST -H " Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @ ocr-request.json https://vision.googleapis.com/v1/images:annotate?key=${API_KEY} -o ocr-response.json
touch translation-request.json
tee translation-request.json << EOF
" q" : " My Name is TANAY" ,
" target" : " en"
STR=$(jq .responses[0].textAnnotations[0].description ocr-response.json) && STR=" ${STR//\" }" && sed -i " s| your_text_here| $STR| g" translation-request.json
curl -s -X POST -H " Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @ translation-request.json https://translation.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=${API_KEY} -o translation-response.json
cat translation-response.json
touch nl-request.json.json
tee nl-request.json << EOF
" document" :{
" type" :" PLAIN_TEXT" ,
" content" :" your_text_here"
" encodingType" :" UTF8"
STR=$(jq .data.translations[0].translatedText translation-response.json) && STR=" ${STR//\" }" && sed -i " s| your_text_here| $STR| g" nl-request.json
curl " https://language.googleapis.com/v1/documents:analyzeEntities?key=${API_KEY}" \
-s -X POST -H " Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @ nl-request.json