In this project, I implemented a DevOps tooling website solution which makes access to DevOps tools with the following components:
- Infrastructure: AWS
- 3 Linux Webservers: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 that will serve the DevOps tooling weebsite
- A Database Server: Ubuntu 20.04 for reads and write
- A Storage Server: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 that will serve as NFS Server for storing shared files that the 3 Web Servers will use
- Programming Language: PHP
- Code Repository: GitHub
The following are the steps I took to set up this 3-tire Web Application Architecture with a single database and an NFS server as a shared file storage:
I launched 4 linux EC2 instances from AWS which are Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, one is used as an NFS sever while the remaining 3 is used as webservers which will be connected to the NFS server to make it stateless.
After launching the EC2 instances, I created 3 volumes from the AWS EBS volume tab, 5G each and attached them to the EC2 instance that will be used as the NFS server.
Attaching the 3 volumes to the EC2 Instance for NFS server
I connected to the EC2 instance with mobaxterm via ssh connection and ran the following commands inorder to create a logical volume:
- To confirm if the 3 disks are really attached to the instance:
$ lsblk
- Partitioning the 3 disks with gdisk utility:
For xvdf disk:
$ sudo gdisk /dev/xvdf
Entering the p key to confirm that there are no partitions available on the disk
Entering the key n to create new partition and selecting the default settings by hitting enter
The partition type I selected is linux file system by entering its HEX code 8300
Entering the p key to confirm the partition is created
Entering the w key to write the partition and confirming with y key
For xvdg disk:
$ sudo gdisk /dev/xvdf
Entering the p key to confirm that there are no partitions available on the disk
Entering the key n to create new partition and selecting the default settings by hitting enter
The partition type I selected is linux file system by entering its HEX code 8300
Entering the p key to confirm the partition is created
Entering the w key to write the partition and confirming with y key
For xvdh disk:
$ sudo gdisk /dev/xvdf
Entering the p key to confirm that there are no partitions available on the disk
Entering the key n to create new partition and selecting the default settings by hitting enter
The partition type I selected is linux file system by entering its HEX code 8300
Entering the p key to confirm the partition is created
Entering the w key to write the partition and confirming with y key
Confirming that the partitions are successfully created:
$ lsblk
To check for available partition:
$ sudo lvmdiskscan
Creating a physical volume from the partitions:
$ sudo pvcreate /dev/xvdf1 /dev/xvdg1 /dev/xvdh1
Creating a volume group called ‘filedata-vg’:
$ sudo vgcreate filedata-vg /dev/xvdf1 /dev/xvdg1 /dev/xvdh1
Creating 3 logical volumes ‘lv-apps’, ‘lv-logs’ and ‘lv-opt’ from the volume group and allocating 4.9G to each:
$ sudo lvcreate –n lv-opt –L 4.9G filedata-vg
$ sudo lvcreate –n lv-apps –L 4.9G filedata-vg
$ sudo lvcreate –n lv-logs –L 4.9G filedata-vg
To verify that logical volume is created successfully:
$ sudo lvs
Formatting the logical volumes created with xfs filesystem:
$ sudo mkfs –t xfs /dev/filedata-vg/lv-opt
$ sudo mkfs –t xfs /dev/filedata-vg/lv-apps
$ sudo mkfs –t xfs /dev/filedata-vg/lv-logs
- Creating a directory where the 3 logical volumes will be mounted in /mnt directory:
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/opt
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/apps
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/logs
- Mounting the 3 logical volumes:
$ sudo mount /dev/filedata-vg/lv-logs /mnt/logs
$ sudo mount /dev/filedata-vg/lv-apps /mnt/apps
$ sudo mount /dev/filedata-vg/lv-opt /mnt/opt
To get information on the UUID of the disk mounted:
$ sudo blkid
Configuring the fstab file to enable the mounts to persist on boot:
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
Testing the configuration and reloading the daemon:
$ sudo mount -a
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Installing NFS server utilities:
$ sudo yum install nfs-utils -y
Starting and enabling the nfs server service:
To check the status of the nfs service:
$ sudo systemctl status nfs-server.service
Changing the ownership of the 3 directories where disks are mounted:
$ sudo chown -R nobody: /mnt/apps
$ sudo chown -R nobody: /mnt/logs
$ sudo chown -R nobody: /mnt/opt
- Changing the permission of the 3 directories where disks are mounted:
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/apps
$ sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/logs
$ sudo chmod –R 777 /mnt/opt
- Restarting the nfs service:
$ sudo systemctl restart nfs-server.service
- Configuring access to NFS server for clients within the same subnet(the subnet cidr of my webservers is
- Opening the NFS export file
$ sudo vi /etc/exports
- Entering the following configuration:
- Exporting the configuration to make the mounts directory available for NFS clients to mount:
$ sudo exportfs -arv
- Checking the port used by NFS:
$ rpcinfo –p | grep nfs
- Opening the port in the security group of the NFS server including TCP 111, UDP 111, UDP 2049:
I launched another EC2 instance(Ubuntu 20.04) from AWS to be used as database server. Then I connected to it from my terminal via ssh connection and performed the following commands in setting up mysql database:
- Updating and upgrading the server:
$ sudo apt update
- Installing mysql server:
$ sudo apt install mysql-server
- Creating a database called ‘tooling’ and creating a remote user called ’webaccess’ with the subnet cidr of the webservers as its IP address and granting the user permission to do anything only from the webservers subnet cidr:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE tooling;
mysql> CREATE USER ‘webaccess’@’’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password1234’;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ‘tooling’.* TO ‘webaccess’@’’;
- Adding a rule in the database security group to listen to TCP port 3306 and only allow access from webservers’ subnet cidr:
- Editing the mysqld.cnf file
$ sudo vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
and changing the bind-address value from ‘’ to ‘’:
- Restarting the mysql service:
$ sudo systemctl restart mysql
I connected to the remaining 3 EC2 instances launched, which is to be used as webservers, via ssh connection on my terminal and performed the following commands inorder to configure the webservers:
- Updating the 3 servers:
$ sudo yum update
- Installing nfs clients on the 3 severs:
$ sudo yum install nfs-utils nfs4-acl-tools –y
- Creating the directory where to serve our devops tooling web content:
$ sudo mkdir /var/www
and Targeting the NFS exports for apps with the NFS server’s private IP address and mounting it on /var/www directory:
$ sudo mount -t nfs -o rw,nosuid /var/www
Editing the fstab configuration to ensure that the mount persist:
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab
And entering the following configuration: /var/www nfs defaults 0 0
- Installing Apache:
$ sudo yum install httpd -y
- Installing EPEL from Fedora repository:
$ sudo dnf install
For webserver A
For webserver B
For webserver C
- Installing from remi repo:
$ sudo dnf install dnf-utils
- To enable the installation of a newer PHP release:
$ sudo dnf module reset php
$ sudo dnf module enable php:remi-7.4
- installing PHP and most of its module:
$ sudo dnf install php php-opcache php-gd php-curl php-mysqlnd
- Starting the FPM service and enabling it to automatically start on boot:
$ sudo systemctl start php-fpm
$ sudo systemctl enable php-fpm
- Executing the Setsebool command:
$ sudo setsebool -P httpd_execmem 1
For webserver A
For webserver B
For webserver C
- Verifying that the apache files and directories are available on both the webservers in /var/www and on the NFS server in the /mnt/apps directory:
On the webserver
On the NFS server
- Mounting the Apache log folder on the webservers to NFS server’s export for logs:
$ sudo mount -t nfs -o rw,nosuid /var/log/httpd
for webserver A
for webserver B
for webserver C
- Updating the fstab config file to make the mount persist on boot:
sudo vi /etc/fstab
Installing git to be able to clone a github repo:
$ sudo yum install git
Forked the Darey’s repo into my github account and cloning it from the terminal:
$ git clone
- Copying the html folder from the cloned repo to /var/www/html:
$ sudo cp –R html/. /var/www/html
Adding a rule in the security group of the webservers to be able to listen to port 80:
Disabling SELInux :
$ sudo setenforce 0
- Opening the SELinux file and disabling SELinux option:
$ sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
Updating the website configuration to connect to the database:
$ sudo vi /var/www/html/functions.php
Installing mysql client on the webserver:
$ sudo yum install mysql
Executing the tooling-db.sql script with the database private IP address to load data in tooling database from the webserver:
$ mysql -h -u webaccess -p tooling < tooling-db.sql
Starting the apache service to serve the web content on my browser:
$ sudo systemctl start httpd
- Activating the mysql shell in the database server terminal:
$ sudo mysql
- Switching to tooling database:
mysql> use tooling;
- Creating the new user:
mysql> INSERT INTO users (id,username,password,email,user_type,status) VALUES(1, ‘myuser’, ‘password’,‘’,‘admin’,‘1’);
Testing the DevOps Tooling website in my browser:
For webserver A:
For webserver B:
For webserver C: