Here is a curated list of frequently asked LeetCode questions for a Machine Learning Engineer, Core Ranking role, along with a detailed 4-week practice plan to solve these problems. The plan is structured to balance different difficulty levels and help effectively prepare for technical interviews.
- Two Sum (Problem ID: 1)
- Valid Parentheses (Problem ID: 20)
- Merge Two Sorted Lists (Problem ID: 21)
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Problem ID: 121)
- Linked List Cycle (Problem ID: 141)
- Add Two Numbers (Problem ID: 2)
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Problem ID: 3)
- Product of Array Except Self (Problem ID: 238)
- Coin Change (Problem ID: 322)
- Word Break (Problem ID: 139)
- Median of Two Sorted Arrays (Problem ID: 4)
- Regular Expression Matching (Problem ID: 10)
- Merge k Sorted Lists (Problem ID: 23)
- Trapping Rain Water (Problem ID: 42)
- Word Ladder (Problem ID: 127)
- Day 1: Two Sum (Easy)
- Day 2: Valid Parentheses (Easy)
- Day 3: Merge Two Sorted Lists (Easy)
- Day 4: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Easy)
- Day 5: Linked List Cycle (Easy)
- Day 6: Review and revise all problems solved in Week 1
- Day 7: Rest or optional practice on Easy problems
- Day 1: Add Two Numbers (Medium)
- Day 2: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Medium)
- Day 3: Product of Array Except Self (Medium)
- Day 4: Coin Change (Medium)
- Day 5: Word Break (Medium)
- Day 6: Review and revise all problems solved in Week 2
- Day 7: Rest or optional practice on Medium problems
- Day 1: Median of Two Sorted Arrays (Hard)
- Day 2: Regular Expression Matching (Hard)
- Day 3: Merge k Sorted Lists (Hard)
- Day 4: Trapping Rain Water (Hard)
- Day 5: Word Ladder (Hard)
- Day 6: Review and revise all problems solved in Week 3
- Day 7: Rest or optional practice on Hard problems
- Day 1: Revisit and solve Two Sum (Easy) and Add Two Numbers (Medium)
- Day 2: Revisit and solve Valid Parentheses (Easy) and Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Medium)
- Day 3: Revisit and solve Merge Two Sorted Lists (Easy) and Product of Array Except Self (Medium)
- Day 4: Revisit and solve Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (Easy) and Coin Change (Medium)
- Day 5: Revisit and solve Linked List Cycle (Easy) and Word Break (Medium)
- Day 6: Mock interview practice with a focus on Hard problems
- Day 7: Rest and final review of all problems solved
This practice plan ensures a balanced approach across different difficulty levels and provides ample time for review and revision, helping you prepare effectively for technical interviews.