This package is based on the official Go plugin
package, but modified to use any dynamic C libraries (Only Linux, FreeBSD, and macOS).
It provides a thread-safe interface for loading/unloading dynamic libraries, but the library symbols should be loaded manually using PluginInitializer
go get
or use go mod
WARNING: Windows implementation was not tested and should not be used.
This package uses cgo
, it is highly recommended to read the official CGO documentation.
Open and prepare a plugin via dlplugin.Open()
Open(path string, initializer PluginInitializer) (*Plugin, error)
It accepts a library filename and an initializer. The Init()
method denotes a function type which initializes a plugin API.
type PluginInitializer interface {
Init(lookup func(symName string) (uintptr, error)) error
An opened library may be closed using the Close()
method of the Plugin
or the Close()
func (p *Plugin) Close() error
func Close(p *Plugin) error
All examples have Makefiles, therefore you can build each example with the make
This example is a program that prints "Hello, world!" via dynamic library call. The example contains two implementations of program: naive and with an interface.
Plugin code
package main
import "C"
import "fmt"
//export println
func println(v *C.char) {
s := C.GoString(v)
func main() {}
Program code
package main
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static void println(uintptr_t r, char *s)
((void (*)(char *))r)(s);
import "C"
import (
type PluginAPI struct {
Println func(s string)
// Init initializes the plugin API.
func (papi *PluginAPI) Init(lookup func(symName string) (uintptr, error)) error {
printlnPtr, err := lookup("println")
if err != nil {
return err
papi.Println = func(s string) {
cs := C.CString(s)
C.println(C.uintptr_t(printlnPtr), cs)
return nil
func main() {
pluginFilename := flag.String("plugin", "", "plugin filename")
help := flag.Bool("help", false, "show this text")
if *help {
var papi PluginAPI
plug, err := dlplugin.Open(*pluginFilename, &papi)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not initialize a plugin by the reason: %v\n", err)
defer plug.Close()
papi.Println("Hello, world!")
This example starts a random values generator from the library and reads generated values.
This example concatenates two string with a dynamic library and returns the result via a callback function.
This example loads two libs with the single interface. The program instanciates remote objects and works with them.