Start with the Dark Matter direct detection wiki page and the XENON experiments wiki page.
- PhD Thesis, Jelle Aalbers - Audience is physicists, but is a PhD thesis so a bit more generally written. This contains an overview of the science, the XENON experiment, and details of the analysis.
- MS Thesis, Bart Pelssers - Broader audience and more detail on just position reconstruction.
- PhD Thesis, Bart Pelssers - The third chapter on position reconstruction explains the position reconstruction method used for XENON1T result.
- XENON1T papers
- Data acquisition system - Overview of how data is recorded
- Signal reconstruction - Overview on what is done to data after it is recorded.
- First Results - Short paper giving an overview of the analaysis, physicist audience.
- Detector - Overview of the detector design.
- Data management - Overview of how we handle data
- Electron emission backgrounds
- Investigation of background electron emission in the LUX detector - Similar detector, thorough study
Notation is available in the notation subfolder in TeX or PDF form.
Github locations of interest:
- DIDACTS Organization - you are here
- AxFoundation Organization
- XENON1T Organization
- XENONnT Organization
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