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science-based, weight lifting & body building diet and program maker


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Hello there! This is the source code for

The goal is to put the world's cutting edge knowledge around nutrition, health and weight lifting wisdom in one app, as a free, public service to anyone.
We have to start small, however, so for now it is simply a tool that helps coaches and advanced trainees with defining a workout program and macros. In the future, I'ld like to add a nutrition/meal planner, as well as an app that helps people in the gym to track their progress, analyze their performance, adjust the program over time, etc.

To this end, I (Dieter) have concluded the Menno Henselmans Personal Training Course, which is probably the top course in the industry, taught by one of the best, most evidence-driven body builders in the world.

This project is Open Source software, distributed under the AGPL-3.0 license. It is written in Flutter (dart), even if Github thinks it's javascript (that's just the compiled build for web)

There is also another related project with similar goals, wger, to which I contribute. I think it is a good tool for nutrition/diet tracking, but the workout component is held back by legacy code and concepts. However we are collaborating to see how well we can align. For now, I mainly recommend wger for its nutrition module.