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658 lines (560 loc) · 14.8 KB

API Design

File metadata and controls

658 lines (560 loc) · 14.8 KB


HTTP Status Codes

RESTful services use HTTP status codes to specify the outcomes of HTTP method execution. HTTP protocol specifies the outcome of a request execution using an integer and a message. The number is known as the status code and the message as the reason phrase. The reason phrase is a human readable message used to clarify the outcome of the response. HTTP protocol categorizes status codes in ranges.

Status Code Ranges

When responding to API requests, the following status code ranges MUST be used.

Range Meaning
2xx Successful execution. It is possible for a method execution to succeed in several ways. This status code specifies which way it succeeded.
4xx Usually these are problems with the request, the data in the request, invalid authentication or authorization, etc. In most cases the client can modify their request and resubmit.
5xx Server error: The server was not able to execute the method due to site outage or software defect. 5xx range status codes SHOULD NOT be utilized for validation or logical error handling.

Status Reporting

Success and failure apply to the whole operation not just to the SOA framework portion or to the business logic portion of code exectuion.

Following are the guidelines for status codes and reason phrases.

  • Success MUST be reported with a status code in the 2xx range.
  • HTTP status codes in the 2xx range MUST be returned only if the complete code execution path is successful. This includes any container/SOA framework code as well as the business logic code execution of the method.
  • Failures MUST be reported in the 4xx or 5xx range. This is true for both system errors and application errors.
  • There MUST be a consistent, JSON-formatted error response in the body as defined by the [error.json][22] schema. This schema is used to qualify the kind of error. Please refer to Error Handling guidelines for more details.
  • A server returning a status code in the 4xx or 5xx range MUST return the error.json response body.
  • A server returning a status code in the 2xx range MUST NOT return response following error.json, or any kind of error code, as part of the response body.
  • For client errors in the 4xx code range, the reason phrase SHOULD provide enough information for the client to be able to determine what caused the error and how to fix it.
  • For server errors in the 5xx code range, the reason phrase and an error response following error.json SHOULD limit the amount of information to avoid exposing internal service implementation details to clients. This is true for both external facing and internal APIs. Service developers should use logging and tracking utilities to provide additional information.

API Design

REST verb URI Note
GET /login 进入登陆页面
POST /session 登陆验证
POST /session/{user} 注销登陆
GET /session/{user} 获得用户的信息(集群列表)
GET /cluster/{clusterID} 获得某个集群的详细信息
POST /cluster 添加一个集群
POST /cluster/{clusterID} 修改单个集群的配置
DELETE /cluster/{clusterID} 删除一个集群
GET /cluster/user/{user} 获得某个用户管理的所有集群详细信息

| GET | /cluster/report/{reportID} | 获取指定的某次巡检结果 | | POST | /cluster/report/{clusterID} | 执行一次巡检 | | GET | /cluster/report/all/{clusterID} | 获取某个集群历史巡检记录 | | GET | /cluster/report/latest/{clusterID} | 获取某个集群最后一次巡检结果 | | GET | /cluster/report/meta/{clusterID} | 获取某个集群巡检结果元信息 | | GET | /cluster/report/download/{reportID} | 下载指定的巡检报告 |

| GET | /cluster/task | 查看任务列表 | | GET | /cluster/task/{taskID} | 通过ID查看指定任务 | | POST | /cluster/task | 创建一个定时任务 | | Delete | /cluster/task/{taskID} | 删除一个定时任务 |

| GET | /script/cluster | 查看某个集群的脚本指标配置 | | POST | /script/status | 启动或者禁用指定脚本 | | POST | /script/install | 将一个脚本加到当前集群 | | GET | /script/local | 查看所有本地仓库脚本 | | POST | /script/local | 上传一个脚本到本地仓库 | | GET | /script/remote | 查看所有远程仓库脚本 | | POST | /script/remote/download | 下载远程仓库的脚本到本地 |


  • Response Body - 401
  "err": "err message"


POST /session

  • Request Form Data:
  "username": "tidb",
  "password": "password"
  • Response Body - 200
  "token": "xxx"


POST /session/{userID}

  • Request Body null

  • Response Body - 200

  "status": "OK"


GET /session/{user}

  • Request Query Param
  // The start default value is 0
  // The length default value is 10

— Response Body:

  "user": "root",
  "start": 1,
  "length": 10,
  "total": 20,
  "cluster": [
      "cluster_id": 1,
      "cluster_name": "cluster",
      "prometheus_url": "url",
      "grafana_url": "url",
      "description": "description",
      "create_time": "create_time",
      "last_check_time": "last_check_time",
      "tidb_number": 10,
      "tidb_down_number": 0,
      "tikv_number": 10,
      "tikv_down_number": 0,
      "pd_number": 10,
      "pd_down_number": 0


GET /cluster/{clusterID}

  • Response Body -200
  "cluster_id": 1,
  "cluster_name": "cluster",
  "cluster_owner": "cluster_owner",
  "tidb_version": "tidb_version",
  "description": "description",
  "create_time": 1,
  "last_check_time": 1,
  "total_execution_count": 666,
  "total_checked_item": 1500,
  "cluster_health": 88


POST /cluster

  • Request Body
  "cluster_name": "cluster_name",
  "prometheus_url": "prometheus_url",
  "tidb_user": "root",
  "tidb_pw": "root",
  "description": "description"
  • Response Body -200
  "cluster_id": 2


POST /cluster/{clusterID}

  • Request Body
  "cluster_name": "cluster_name",
  "prometheus_url": "prometheus_url",
  "tidb_user": "root",
  "tidb_pw": "root",
  "description": "description"
  • Response Body -200
  "status": "OK"


DELETE /cluster/{clusterID}

  • Response Body -200
  "status": "OK"




GET /cluster/report/{reportID}

  • Response Body -200
  "report_id": "report_id",
  "cluster_name": "cluster_name",
  "check_time": "check_time",
  "normal_items": "normal_items",
  "warning_items": "warning_items",
  "total_items": "total_items",
  "duration": "duration",
  "check_items": [
      "check_tag": "check_tag",
      "check_name": "check_name",
      "check_item": "check_item",
      "operator": "operator",
      "threshold": "threshold",
      "duration": "duration",
      "check_value": "check_value",
      "check_status": "check_status"


POST /cluster/report/{clusterID}

  • Response Body (prior to last):
  "finished": false,
  "check_tag": "check_tag",
  "check_name": "check_name",
  "check_item": "check_item",
  "operator": "operator",
  "threshold": "threshold",
  "duration": "duration",
  "check_value": "check_value",
  "check_status": "check_status"
  • Response Body (last response):
  "finished": true,
  "check_tag": "check_tag",
  "check_name": "check_name",
  "check_item": "check_item",
  "operator": "operator",
  "threshold": "threshold",
  "duration": "duration",
  "check_value": "check_value",
  "check_status": "check_status"


GET /cluster/report/all/{clusterID}

  • Request Query Param
  // The page_num default value is 1
  // The page_size default value is 10
  • Response Body -200
  "page_num": 1,
  "page_size": 10,
  "total": 10,
  "data": [{
        "id": "20211228092830",
        "start_time":"2021-12-28 09:28:03",
        "duration": 30,
        "normal": 29,
        "warning": 1,
        "total": 30


GET /cluster/report/latest/{clusterID}

  • Response Body -200
  "report_id": "report_id",
  "cluster_name": "cluster_name",
  "check_time": "check_time",
  "normal_items": "normal_items",
  "warning_items": "warning_items",
  "total_items": "total_items",
  "duration": "duration",
  "check_items": [
      "check_tag": "check_tag",
      "check_name": "check_name",
      "check_item": "check_item",
      "operator": "operator",
      "threshold": "threshold",
      "duration": "duration",
      "check_value": "check_value",
      "check_status": "check_status"




  • Response Body -200
	"cluster_status": {
			"total_execution_count": 500,
			"total_checked_item": 1500,
			"last_execution": "20211228092830",
			"cluster_health": 88
	"recent_warnings_total_check": 10,
	"recent_warnings": [
			"check_time": "20211228092830",
			"warning_count": 4
			"check_name": "20211228092829",
			"warning_count": 2
	"normal_week_total": 30,
	"normal_week": [
			"check_name": "存活的TiDB数量",
			"check_item": "TiDB节点数量",
			"count": 30
			"check_name": "存活的TiKV数量",
			"check_item": "TiKV节点数量",
			"count": 30
	"normal_month_total": 30,
	"normal_month": [
			"check_name": "存活的TiDB数量",
			"check_item": "TiDB节点数量",
			"count": 120
			"check_name": "存活的TiKV数量",
			"check_item": "TiKV节点数量",
			"count": 120
	"normal_year_total": 30,
	"normal_year": [
			"check_name": "存活的TiDB数量",
			"check_item": "TiDB节点数量",
			"count": 1440
			"check_name": "存活的TiKV数量",
			"check_item": "TiKV节点数量",
			"count": 1440


GET /cluster/report/download/{reportID}


GET /cluster/task/

  • Request Query Param
  // The cluster_id default value is nil
  // The start default value is 0
  // The length default value is 10
  • Response Body -200
  "start": 1,
  "length": 10,
  "total": 20,
    "scheduler_id": 1,
    "cluster_id": 1,
    "title": "title",
    "cron_expression": "cron_expression",
    "is_active": 1,
    "creator": "creator",
    "create_time": 1,
    "run_count": 1


GET /cluster/task/{taskID}

  • Response Body -200
  "scheduler_id": 1,
  "cluster_id": 1,
  "title": "title",
  "cron_expression": "cron_expression",
  "is_active": 1,
  "creator": "creator",
  "create_time": 1,
  "run_count": 1


POST /cluster/task

  • Request Body
  "cluster_id": 1,
  "title": "title",
  "cron_expression": "cron_expression",
  "is_active": 1,
  "creator": "creator"
  • Response Body -200
  "status": "OK"


DELETE /cluster/task/{taskID}

  • Response Body -200
  "status": "OK"


GET /script/cluster

  • Request Query Param
  // The cluster_id cannot be empty
  // The start default value is 0
  // The length default value is 10
  • Response
  "start": 1,
  "total": 10,
  "length": 10,
  "checklist_id": 1,
  "scripts": [{
    "script_id": 1,
    "script_name": "script_name",
    "script_tag": "script_tag",
    "is_enabled": "is_enabled",
    "description": "description",
    "threshold_operator": 1,
    "threshold_value": "threshold_value",
    "threshold_args": "threshold_args"


POST /script/status

  "cluster_id": 1,
  "script_id": 1,
  "enable": true
  • Response Body -200
  "status": "OK"


POST /script/install

  "cluster_id": 1,
  "script_id": 1
  • Response Body -200
  "status": "OK"


GET /script/local

  • Request Query Param
  // The start default value is 0
  // The length default value is 10
  • Response Body -200
  "start": 1,
  "length": 10,
  "total": 20,
  "script_list": [{
    "script_id": 1,
    "script_name": "script_name",
    "script_tag": "script_tag",
    "description": "description",
    "threshold_operator": 1,
    "threshold_value": "threshold_value",
    "threshold_args": "threshold_args",
    "is_system": 1,
    "script_creator": "script_creator",
    "script_create_time": 1,
    "script_update_time": 1


POST /script/local

  • Request Body
  "script_name": "script_name",
  "script_tag": "script_tag",
  "description": "description",
  "script_creator": "script_creator"
  • Response Body -200
  "status": "ok"


GET /script/remote

  • Request Query Param
  // The start default value is 0
  // The length default value is 10
  • Response Body -200
  "start": 1,
  "length": 10,
  "total": 20,
  "script_list": [{
    "script_name": "script_name",
    "script_tag": "script_tag",
    "description": "description"



POST /cluster/script/remote/download

  • Response Body -200
  "status": "ok"