(about persons, archetypes, and fictional characters)
- Mitford_Team
- Past_Assistants
- Past_Editors
- histPersons
- archPersons (entries for archetypal personas that are not keyed to specific authored publications. Note: Where a character like Prometheus or Satan is keyed to a specific work, use/create a separate entry in the fictPersons list.)
- fictPersons (entries for fictional characters represented in specific publications)
(organizations, including business enterprises, family groups, community organizations and other named collections of people)
NOTE: To associate the physical location(s) of an organization, create a placeName id. for the location (building, etc.) and cross-reference in the orgName note field.
- archives
- histOrgs
- fictOrgs
- archOrgs (Arch Orgs are groups of archtypal or mythological characters, such as the Graces, the Muses, etc. )
- histPlaces
- fictPlaces
(bibliographic materials)
- work_MRM printed in books or serials (available to MRM in her lifetime, pre 1856)
- serial_MRM serials (magazines or newspapers available to MRM in her lifetime, pre 1856)
- schol printed materials post 1856 (available to scholars of MRM)
- histEvents (named historical events)
(animals, plants, art)
- plants
- animals
- art