Currently Helpinator supports the following output formats:
- MajorMindHelp - our own HTML-based help system
- LiteHelp - our own lightweight help system NOT based on HTML
- SimpleDocServer
- CHM (Microsoft HTML Help)
- PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
- RTF (Rich Text Format)
- DOCX (Word 2010+)
- Classic WebHelp (HTML based with navigation and 3 options: with frames, without frames and single page).
- WebHelp 2 (responsive HTML without frames)
- QtHelp (Qt library native help file format)
- JavaHelp (Java native help file format)
- EPUB - widespread ebook format
- MOBI - Amazon Kindle format.
- OracleHelp - help system from Oracle Inc
- HelpGUI - a lightweight help system for Java
- WordPress CMS
- Github Flavoured Markdown (for of your projects, Github Wiki and Github pages).
- Knowledge Base
- Mobile (JQuery Mobile)
- Single Page HTML
- LeanPub manuscripts
- reStructuredText - for use with the excellent service
- ASCIIDoc - if you want to employ the power of ASCIIDoc/ASCIIDoctor documentation generators.
- DITA - established documentation authoring standard with a lot of output formats and tools that support it.
- Docbook - another industry standard documentation format.
- Old good plain text to create good formatted readme.txt for your projects.