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DSGF Drush Configurations

It's Drush O'Clock, Do You Know Where Your Developers Are?

This is where everyone who doesn't know what they are doing goes to die. For real.

Before using aliases

Drush needs to know to look here for our custom drushrc.php, so the first thing to do is to create or modify your local ~/.drush/drushrc.php and append the following:

// Load a drushrc.php file from the 'drush' folder at the root
// of the current git repository. Customize as desired.
// (Script by grayside; @see:
exec('git rev-parse --git-dir 2> /dev/null', $output);
if (!empty($output)) {
  $repo = $output[0];
  $options['config'] = $repo . '/../drush/drushrc.php';
  $options['include'] = $repo . '/../drush/commands';
  $options['alias-path'] = $repo . '/../drush/aliases';

The second step is to make sure you have a configuration for in your ~/.ssh/config file. If you don't then, you probably shouldn't be trying to push to our remote server(s).

Aliases in use

  • The live server

Using the aliases

# sync the live database to your local installation
drush sql-sync @self

# sync files from the live site to your local installation
drush rsync @self:%files