\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ModOptions/ModOptions.xml b/Defs/ModOptions/ModOptions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce1981e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Defs/ModOptions/ModOptions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ PipeVisibility
+ HygieneRate
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ 1
+ 1.5
+ 2
+ BladderRate
+ 0
+ 0.5
+ 1
+ 1.5
+ 2
+ ContaminationChance
+ 0.00001
+ 0.1
+ 0.25
+ 0.5
+ 1
+ 1.25
+ 1.5
+ 1.75
+ 2
+ WaterPumpCapacity
+ 999
+ 0.4
+ 0.2
+ 0.1
+ 0.05
+ WaterHeatingRate
+ 0.1
+ 0.5
+ 1
+ 1.5
+ 2
+ SewageGridCapacity
+ 1000
+ 100
+ 50
+ 25
+ 10
+ SewageCleanupRate
+ 10
+ 5
+ 2
+ 1
+ 0
+ SewageProcRate
+ 100
+ 2
+ 1
+ 0.75
+ 0.25
+ IrrigationGridStrength
+ 10
+ 2.4
+ 2.2
+ 2
+ 1.8
+ 1.6
+ 1.4
+ 1.2
+ 1.1
+ FertilizerGridStrength
+ 10
+ 1.6
+ 1.4
+ 1.2
+ 1.1
+ 1.08
+ 1.06
+ 1.04
+ 1.02
+ TerrainFertilityFactor
+ 10
+ 1.8
+ 1.4
+ 1.2
+ 1.1
+ 1
+ 0.9
+ 0.8
+ 0.6
+ 0.4
+ 0.2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/NeedDefs/Needs_Misc.xml b/Defs/NeedDefs/Needs_Misc.xml
index 7561640..60e1e58 100644
--- a/Defs/NeedDefs/Needs_Misc.xml
+++ b/Defs/NeedDefs/Needs_Misc.xml
@@ -1,28 +1,66 @@
- Bladder
+ BladderDubsBadHygiene.Need_Bladder
- Defecation is the final act of digestion, by which organisms eliminate solid, semisolid, and/or liquid waste material from the digestive tract via the anus.
- Humanlike
- true
- 0.4
+ To prevent the risk of disease it is important to maintain a good level of sanitation by removing or treating waste, and preventing sewage from contaminating you water supply.
+ 0.8401
- Hygiene
+ HygieneDubsBadHygiene.Need_Hygiene
- Good personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways to protect ourselves and others from many illnesses, such as gastroenteritis. Wash your hands regularly, especially before preparing or eating food and after going to the toilet.
+ Good personal hygiene is important for reducing the risk of disease and keeping colonists happy and healthy.Humanlike
- true
- 0.60
- 0.4
- 0.4
+ 0.8321
+ DBHThirst
+ DubsBadHygiene.Need_Thirst
+ Water is required for many of life’s physiological processes. If this reaches zero then the creature will slowly die of dehydration
+ Humanlike
+ 0.8
+ 402
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/PollutionTypes/PollutionTypes.xml b/Defs/PollutionTypes/PollutionTypes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2e68f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Defs/PollutionTypes/PollutionTypes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ PollutionTypes
+ FilthAsh
+ 2
+ FilthCorpseBile
+ 3
+ FilthFuel
+ 5
+ BurnPit
+ 15
+ Grave
+ 20
+ DeepDrill
+ 30
+ CrashedPoisonShipPart
+ 50
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/RecipeDefs/Recipes_Production.xml b/Defs/RecipeDefs/Recipes_Production.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2867270..0000000
--- a/Defs/RecipeDefs/Recipes_Production.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- MakeFecalSludge
- Make fecal sludge from human waste.
- Refining chemfuel from wood.
- Cook
- Recipe_CookMeal
- 2500
- Intellectual
- 1
- 35
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ResearchProjectDefs/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml b/Defs/ResearchProjectDefs/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d5896b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Defs/ResearchProjectDefs/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Plumbing
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Use pipes, plumbing fixtures, storage tanks, windwells and other apparatuses to deliver and drain water.
+ 700
+ Medieval
+ 0
+ 2
+ ElectricPumps
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Powered water pumps for pressurised continuous water pumping.
+ 700
+ Industrial
+ 2
+ 0.5
+ DeepWells
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Drill deeper wells to access a much larger area of ground water.
+ 2000
+ Industrial
+ 5
+ 0
+ AdvancedShowers
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Build powered showers which halves the time spent showering and improves comfort.
+ 800
+ Industrial
+ 3
+ 1
+ AdvancedToilets
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Build smart toilets which are twice as water efficient as a standard toilets and provide more comfort.
+ 1500
+ Industrial
+ 4
+ 1
+ HotTubs
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Build hot tubs which can be used for hydrotherapy, relaxation and pleasure.
+ 2000
+ Industrial
+ 5
+ 1
+ SepticTanks
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Build septic tanks which accumulate sewage and provide moderate treatment of sewage.
+ 500
+ Industrial
+ 2
+ 2
+ SewageSludgeComposting
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ When properly treated and processed, sewage sludge becomes biosolids which are nutrient-rich and useful as fertilizer.
+ 1000
+ Industrial
+ 3
+ 2
+ WaterFiltration
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Build water filtration systems which treats the water supply eliminating the risk of disease.
+ 2000
+ Industrial
+ 4
+ 2
+ SewageTreatment
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Build large sewage treatment systems which accumulate large amounts of sewage and provides fast treatment of sewage.
+ 3000
+ Industrial
+ 5
+ 2
+ CentralHeating
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Build log and gas boilers, hot water tanks and radiators.
+ 400
+ Industrial
+ 2
+ 3
+ PoweredHeating
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Build electric boilers and thermostats allowing more control over heating.
+ 500
+ Industrial
+ 3
+ 3
+ MultiSplitAirCon
+ DubsBadHygiene
+ Build multi-split air conditioning systems with outdoor units piped to indoor units and freezers.
+ 1000
+ Industrial
+ DubsBadHygiene.IncidentWorker_TowerContamination
+ Contaminated Water Tower
+ A water tower has become polluted, this poses a serious risk to the health of your colonists! Drain the tower to clear the contamination, or build a water treatment system.
+ ThreatSmall
+ 0.3
+ 15
+ 2
+ SewageSpill
+ Misc
+ DubsBadHygiene.IncidentWorker_SewageSpill
+ Sewage Spill
+ A section of plumbing has broken and sewage has spilled out, sewage can be scooped up into barrels and moved.
+ ThreatSmall
+ 0.3
+ 15
+ 2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ThingCategoryDefs/ThingCategories.xml b/Defs/ThingCategoryDefs/ThingCategories.xml
index fedf550..66cc064 100644
--- a/Defs/ThingCategoryDefs/ThingCategories.xml
+++ b/Defs/ThingCategoryDefs/ThingCategories.xml
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
+ DBH/Things/Resource/BurnBarrel
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/BuildingsA_Pipes.xml b/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/BuildingsA_Pipes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ab0f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/BuildingsA_Pipes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ DubsBadHygiene.Building_Pipe
+ DBH/Things/Building/SewagePipe_Atlas
+ Graphic_Single
+ Basic
+ 35
+ Slow to use, requires large amounts of water, but very comfortable. Can be heated by placing an adjacent campfire, or via plumbed hot water tanks, does not require a sewage outlet.
+ DubsBadHygiene.Building_bath
+ (2,3)
+ DBH/Things/Building/Baths/bath
+ Graphic_Multi
+ CutoutComplex
+ Building
+ 75
+ 1300
+ 1.0
+ 10
+ 0.9
+ 0.7
+ MinifiedFurniture
+ 0.15
+ (1, 2)
+ PassThroughOnly
+ true
+ 8
+ true
+ 20
+ ShowerAdv
+ true
+ Features a large 110mm 4 spray powered showerhead to relax those aching muscles, heats water on demand and doubles washing speed!
+ DubsBadHygiene.Building_PowerShower
+ (2,2)
+ DBH/Things/Building/Showers/showerAdv
+ Graphic_Multi
+ CutoutComplex
+ 8
+ 0.8
+ 3000
+ CompPowerTrader
+ 75
+ 1
+ 40
+ ShowerAdvStuff
+ Features a large 110mm 4 spray powered showerhead to relax those aching muscles, heats water on demand and doubles washing speed!
+ DubsBadHygiene.Building_PowerShower
+ (2,2)
+ DBH/Things/Building/Showers/showerAdv
+ Graphic_Multi
+ CutoutComplex
+ 8
+ 0.8
+ 3000
+ CompPowerTrader
+ 75
+ 1
+ 10
+ 20
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/BuildingsC_Joy.xml b/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/BuildingsC_Joy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..390a6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/BuildingsC_Joy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ Hot tub used for hydrotherapy, relaxation or pleasure. Filled with water from water towers on first use, self heated and does not require a sewage outlet.
+ DubsBadHygiene.Building_HotTub
+ HotTub
+ 20
+ 4
+ WaterWellInlet
+ Accesses ground water which can be pumped by water pumps. The presence of sewage or other pollution will reduce water quality and can cause contamination.
+ 7.9
+ DeepWaterWellInlet
+ Accesses a large area of ground water which can be pumped by water pumps. The presence of sewage or other pollution will reduce water quality and can cause contamination.
+ DBH/Things/Building/Water/DeepWaterWell
+ Graphic_Single
+ (1,1)
+ false
+ 13.7
+ 9000
+ Stores water for use by plumbed fixtures, if the contained water becomes contaminated the tank must be drained.
+ Normal
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 60
+ false
+ BulletImpactMetal
+ false
+ -15
+ SewageOutlet
+ Can be placed anywhere, sewage will pool and spread on land or disperse in water. Sewage cleans up over time, the presence of trees, water or rain will speed it up.
+ DBH/Things/Building/Sewage/sewagePipe
+ Graphic_Multi
+ (3,3)
+ (0.05,0.05,0.95,0.95)
+ (1,1)
+ Building
+ Normal
+ RealtimeOnly
+ Building
+ PassThroughOnly
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 60
+ DBH/UI/outlet
+ true
+ 50
+ 1
+ 5
+ 3
+ false
+ true
+ BulletImpactMetal
+ true
+ 150
+ 1500
+ 0.0
+ -25
+ -100
+ Sewage
+ DubsBadHygiene.CompSewageOutlet
+ 3200
+ 0
+ SewageSepticTank
+ Slowly cleans sewage over time. Sewage is directed to septic tanks first, if it reaches full capacity then excess sewage is sent to sewage outlets.
+ DBH/Things/Building/Sewage/SepticTank
+ Graphic_Single
+ (2,2)
+ Building
+ Normal
+ false
+ Building
+ Standable
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ 0
+ (2,2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/BuildingsF_Irrigation.xml b/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/BuildingsF_Irrigation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ff504e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Defs/ThingDefs_Buildings/BuildingsF_Irrigation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+ IrrigationSprinkler
+ Waters the surrounding area once every morning to improve the fertility of the soil through the day. Requires large amounts of water from water towers while spraying
+ DBH/Things/Building/sprinkler
+ Graphic_Single
+ (0.25, 0.5, 0.25)
+ (0,0,-0.1)
+ (0.2,0.2,0.6,0.6)
+ MinifiedFurniture
+ Normal
+ false
+ true
+ 8
+ (1,1)
+ 15
+ 1
+ BulletImpactMetal
+ false
+ 100
+ 250
+ Sewage
+ DubsBadHygiene.CompIrrigationSprinkler
+ 0.16
+ false
+ HygieneMisc
+ FireSprinkler
+ Triggered by fires or by hand, douses flames with a spray of water
+ DBH/Things/Building/firesprinkler
+ Graphic_Single
+ (0.25, 0.5, 0.25)
+ (0,0,-0.1)
+ (0.2,0.2,0.6,0.6)
+ MinifiedFurniture
+ Normal
+ false
+ true
+ 8
+ (1,1)
+ 15
+ 1
+ BulletImpactMetal
+ false
+ 100
+ 500
+ 1
- true
diff --git a/Defs/ThingDefs_Items/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml b/Defs/ThingDefs_Items/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml
index 6798ddc..f83e460 100644
--- a/Defs/ThingDefs_Items/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml
+++ b/Defs/ThingDefs_Items/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml
@@ -21,33 +21,13 @@
- WetWipe
- A small moistened piece of cloth that comes folded and individually wrapped for convenience.
- Things/Resource/WetWipe
- Graphic_Single
- 100
- 0.5
- 0.0
- 1
- 0.2
BedPanA receptacle used by a bedridden patient for urine and faeces.Graphic_Single
- Things/Resource/bedPan
+ DBH/Things/Resource/bedPan65True
@@ -69,17 +49,18 @@
+ 1.025
- fecalsludge
- Used as a primitive fertilizer to create soil, the use of unprocessed human feces as fertilizer is a risky practice as it may contain disease-causing pathogens.
+ Biosolids
+ fertilizer from fecal sludge.
- Things/Resource/bagSoil
+ DBH/Things/Resource/bagSoilGraphic_Single
@@ -87,90 +68,39 @@
+ 250
+ false
+ true
+ FecalSludge
+ A barrel filled with fecal sludge, can be dumped, burned, or composted into biosolids.
+ DBH/Things/Resource/BurnBarrel
+ Graphic_Single
+ 100
+ 1.0
+ 0.05-100
- 75
- true
+ 250
+ falsetrueNever
- BurnBarrel
- DubsBadHygiene.BurnBarrel
- A barrel filled with human waste that requires burning. Make sure it is placed in a clear area.
- Things/Resource/BurnBarrel
- Graphic_Single
- 100
- 0.1
- 5.0
- 5
- -100
- 1
- true
- false
- Never
- BurningBarrel
- DubsBadHygiene.BurningBarrel
- A barrel filled with human waste that requires burning. Make sure it is placed in a clear area.
- Things/Resource/BurnBarrel
- Graphic_Single
- false
- false
- Normal
- 100
- 0.1
- 5.0
- 5
- -100
- 3.0
- 2.0
- 0.0006
- true
- 10
- (252,187,113,0)
- 21
- 28
- 1
- (0,0,0.3)
- 1
- true
- false
- Never
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ThingDefs_Misc/Filth_Various.xml b/Defs/ThingDefs_Misc/Filth_Various.xml
index 4c7197e..6f55e85 100644
--- a/Defs/ThingDefs_Misc/Filth_Various.xml
+++ b/Defs/ThingDefs_Misc/Filth_Various.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -59,4 +59,24 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+ RawSewage
+ -40
+ -35
+ Things/Filth/Spatter
+ (48, 30, 8, 100)
+ 5
+ true
+ 130
+ true
+ false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ThinkTreeDefs/SubTrees_Misc.xml b/Defs/ThinkTreeDefs/SubTrees_Misc.xml
index edf078d..df78d4e 100644
--- a/Defs/ThinkTreeDefs/SubTrees_Misc.xml
+++ b/Defs/ThinkTreeDefs/SubTrees_Misc.xml
@@ -1,34 +1,40 @@
- havePoo
+ PrisonerHygieneNeedsHumanlike_PostDuty100
- prisonersGetClean
- Humanlike_PostDuty
- 90
+ SatisfyingNeeds
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml b/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml
index a3e1408..f9131e0 100644
--- a/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml
+++ b/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml
@@ -1,80 +1,141 @@
+ DrankUrine
+ 1
+ 3
+ Drank my own urine.
+ -10
+ true
+ WashPrivacy
+ 0.1
+ 6
+ Someone saw me bathing and it made me uncomfortable.
+ -3
+ true
+ ToiletPrivacy
+ 0.1
+ 6
+ Someone walked in on me while i was using the toilet!
+ -3
+ true
+ SoiledSelf
- 0.5
+ 13
I couldn't hold it in any longer and soiled myself.
- -10
+ -8
+ trueHotShower
- 0.25
+ 0.21
I had a nice hot shower.
- 6
+ 3
+ trueHotBath
- 0.25
+ 0.21
I had a nice hot bath.
- 6
+ 3
+ trueColdBath
- 0.25
+ 0.21
I had a nice refreshing cold bath.
- 6
+ 3
+ trueColdShower
- 0.25
+ 0.11
I had a nice refreshing cold shower.
- 6
+ 3
+ true
+ ColdWater
+ 0.1
+ 1
+ There was no hot water!
+ -3
+ true
- 0.15
+ 0.051
Aaaah much better.
- 6
+ 3
@@ -87,9 +148,63 @@
I had to relieve myself outside in the open.
- -6
+ -3
+ true
+ UsedPrivateBathroom
+ 1
+ 1
+ My bathroom is an awful place.
+ -4
+ My bathroom is very interesting. I like it.
+ 2
+ My bathroom is actually slightly impressive. I like it.
+ 3
+ My bathroom is impressive. I love it!
+ 4
+ My bathroom is very impressive. This is the best place ever!
+ 5
+ My bathroom is extremely impressive. This is the best place ever!
+ 6
+ My bathroom is unbelievably impressive. This is the best place ever!
+ 7
+ My bathroom is the best place one can ever imagine. It's wonderful.
+ 8
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Memory_RoomStats.xml b/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Memory_RoomStats.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6436fc2..0000000
--- a/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Memory_RoomStats.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- UsedImpressiveBathroom
- 0.25
- 1
- That bathroom was an awful place.
- -3
- I used a decent bathroom.
- 2
- I used a slightly impressive bathroom.
- 3
- I used an impressive bathroom.
- 4
- I used a very impressive bathroom.
- 5
- I used an extremely impressive bathroom. I could stay there forever.
- 6
- I used an unbelievably impressive bathroom. I could stay there forever.
- 7
- I used a wonderful bathroom. I could stay there forever.
- 8
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml b/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml
index 6da727c..c02e042 100644
--- a/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml
+++ b/Defs/ThoughtDefs/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml
@@ -1,30 +1,29 @@
- What's that smell?
- -10
+ I smell like i have been swimming in sewage.
+ -6
\ No newline at end of file
+ CleanBucket
+ DubsBadHygiene.WorkGiver_CleanBucket
+ Cleaning
+ clean
+ cleaning
+ 50
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/DesignationCategoryDef/DesignationCategories.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/DesignationCategoryDef/DesignationCategories.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2390cde..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/DesignationCategoryDef/DesignationCategories.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- 卫生
- 有关殖民者卫生的工具。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Work.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Work.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e9b26d0..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Work.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- 点燃TargetA。
- 搬运TargetA。
- 在TargetA如厕
- 在外如厕。
- 用TargetA清洁。
- 用TargetA沐浴。
- 用Target洗澡。
- 在TargetA洗手。
- 清洗TargetA。
- 清洗便盆。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/NeedDef/Needs_Misc.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/NeedDef/Needs_Misc.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e1ca07..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/NeedDef/Needs_Misc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- 膀胱
- 排便是消化的最后一步, 在这个过程中身体将肠道中已经消化剩下的垃圾通过肛门排出体外。
- 卫生
- 好的个人卫生是保持身体健康远离病毒的最有效的方法之一, 比如肠胃炎。餐前便后勤洗手。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ResearchProjectDef/ResearchProjects_Tier1_Misc.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ResearchProjectDef/ResearchProjects_Tier1_Misc.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f132cd7..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ResearchProjectDef/ResearchProjects_Tier1_Misc.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- DHCH :管道系统
- 建立管道网络来管理污水。
- DHCH :暖气
- 暖气可以从一个点给整栋建筑的多个室内房间供暖。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/RoomRoleDef/RoomRoles.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/RoomRoleDef/RoomRoles.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0be30d..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/RoomRoleDef/RoomRoles.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- 卫生间
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingDef/Buildings_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingDef/Buildings_Hygiene.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4436626..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingDef/Buildings_Hygiene.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
- 茅坑
- 茅坑是一种不需要水的厕所。
- 茅坑(蓝图)
- 茅坑(建造中)
- 污水桶
- 用于清洁的污水桶。
- 污水桶(蓝图)
- 污水桶(蓝图)
- 污水桶(建造中)
- 管道(白色)
- 用于将污水处理系统连接到清洗和卫生间设施的管道。
- 管道(白色)(蓝图)
- 管道(白色)(建造中)
- 管道
- 用于将污水处理系统连接到清洗和卫生间设施的管道。
- 管道(蓝图)
- 管道 (建造中)
- 污水处理
- 污水处理是从废水中去除污染物的过程。 它包括物理,化学和生物过程以去除污水和径流(废水)。
- 污水处理(蓝图)
- 污水处理 (建造中)
- 洗手池(白色)
- 简单干净的洗手池。
- 洗手池(白色)(蓝图)
- 洗手池(白色) (建造中)
- 洗手池
- 简单干净的洗手池。
- Basin(蓝图)
- Basin (建造中)
- 马桶(白色)
- 用于处理人类尿液和粪便的卫生器具。
- 马桶(白色)(蓝图)
- 马桶(白色) (建造中)
- 马桶
- 用于处理人类尿液和粪便的卫生器具。
- 马桶(蓝图)
- 马桶(建造中)
- 浴缸(白色)
- 浴缸,一个大的开放的水容器,一个人可以洗他们的身体。
- 浴缸(白色)(蓝图)
- 浴缸(白色)(建造中)
- 浴缸
- 浴缸,一个大的开放的水容器,一个人可以洗他们的身体。
- 浴缸(蓝图)
- 浴缸(建造中)
- 沐浴器(白色)
- 设有一个大的110毫米4喷雾动力喷头,以放松那些酸痛的肌肉。
- 沐浴器(白色)(蓝图)
- 沐浴器(白色) (建造中)
- 沐浴器
- 设有一个大的110毫米4喷雾动力喷头,以放松那些酸痛的肌肉。
- 沐浴器(蓝图)
- 沐浴器(建造中)
- 太阳能热水器
- 太阳能热水器,为暖气片和热水储存提供热量。环境温度不能低于-30℃。
- 太阳能热水器(蓝图)
- 太阳能热水器(建造中)
- 浸入式热水器
- 电动的浸入式热水器,为暖气片和热水储存提供热量。
- 浸入式热水器(蓝图)
- 浸入式热水器(建造中)
- 烧水炉
- 烧水炉,为暖气片和热水储存提供热量。燃烧木材或化学燃料。
- 烧水炉(蓝图)
- 烧水炉(建造中)
- 热水箱
- 储存热水的水箱。
- 热水箱(蓝图)
- 热水箱(建造中)
- 暖气片
- 储存少量的热水以为房间供暖。
- 暖气片(蓝图)
- 暖气片(建造中)
- 暖气片
- 储存少量的热水以为房间供暖。
- 暖气片(蓝图)
- 暖气片(建造中)
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diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingDef/Filth_Various.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingDef/Filth_Various.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 65eaa2c..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingDef/Filth_Various.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- 尿
- 在地上的尿。
- 粪便
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diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingDef/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingDef/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 48223f4..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingDef/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- 湿巾
- 一个小的湿润的布,方便折叠和单独包裹。
- 便盆
- 装卧床患者的尿液和粪便的容器。
- 排泄物桶
- 充满人类排泄物的桶,需要烧掉。确保它放在一个明确的区域。
- 排泄物桶
- 充满人类排泄物的桶,需要烧掉。确保它放在一个明确的区域。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f6df3d6..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- 脏脏的
- 我不能再忍受了,只好弄脏了我自己。
- 冲了个热水澡
- 我冲了个热水澡。
- 泡了个热水澡
- 我泡了个热水澡。
- 泡了个冷水澡
- 我泡了个清爽的冷水澡。
- 冲了个冷水澡
- 我冲了个清爽的冷水澡。
- 释放了真我
- 妈的真爽。
- 粪发涂墙
- 只能拉在外面了。。。
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diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_RoomStats.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_RoomStats.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bdf2ad..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_RoomStats.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- 糟糕的浴室
- 那个浴室真是糟糕。
- 不错的浴室
- 我刚刚进了个不错的浴室。
- 有点印象深刻的浴室
- 我进了个有点印象深刻的浴室。
- 令人印象深刻的浴室
- 我进了个令人印象深刻的浴室。
- 豪华的浴室
- 我进了个豪华的浴室。
- 富丽堂皇的浴室
- 我进了个富丽堂皇的浴室。我真想永远呆在这。
- 令人难以置信的浴室
- 我进了个令人难以置信的浴室。我真想永远呆在这。
- 无懈可击的浴室
- 我进了个无懈可击的浴室。我真想永远呆在这。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f691f0..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- 污秽
- 那是什么味儿?
- 肮脏
- 我快脏死了。
- 干净
- 我感到清爽与干净。
- 非常干净
- 还有比我更干净的吗!
- 憋不住了!
- 我要上厕所!马上!憋不住了!
- 想上厕所
- 我想上厕所。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Special.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Special.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ec0d7b9..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Special.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml b/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f58bb2d..0000000
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
- 清空茅厕
- 清空
- 清空中
- 清洗病人
- 清洗
- 清洗中
- 清洁便盆
- 清洁
- 清洁中
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/English/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml b/Languages/English/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml
index 6d17858..95d7b19 100644
--- a/Languages/English/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml
+++ b/Languages/English/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,168 @@
- Usage = {0}
+ Remove Pipes
+ Designate sections of a pipe type for deconstruction
+ Remove Sewage
+ Remove sewage from the ground and place it into barrels
+ Remove Plumbing
+ Remove Air-Con
+ Paint Fixtures
+ Paint bathroom fixtures and radiators, or strip paint off
+ Paint
+ Strip
+ Access Restricted
+ {0} Only
+ Prisoners Only
+ Blocked Sewage Outlet
+ Sewage has built up around the drain hole and is blocking the outlet.\n\nBuild more outlets or add a septic tank to create a buffer and reduce pressure on the outlets.
+ Low Water Temp
+ The water temperature in this tank is too low, colonists expecting to use hot water may get annoyed.\n\nTurn on boilers, increase the heating capacity or add another hot water tank.
+ Assigning requires bladder need, {0} doesn't have it
+ No composting material
+ No water capacity
+ No sewage capacity
+ Requires Plumbing
+ Access Restricted
+ Too Hot: x{0}
+ In Rain: x{0}
+ Exertion: x{0}
+ Room: x{0}
+ Total: x{0}
+ Dirty Hands - Disease risk
+ Contaminated - Disease risk
+ Blocked Drain
+ A drain has become blocked, a cleaner must clean the blockage.
+ Contaminated Water
+ A water source is so polluted that there is a risk it will contaminate your water storage towers
+ Contaminated Water Tower
+ A water tower has become polluted, this poses a serious risk to the health of your colonists! Move your water towers, drain them, or build a water treatment system
+ {0} has contracted {1} from dirty water and bad hygiene
+ {0} has contracted {1} from dirty water or not washing their hands
+ Change Gender Restriction
+ Medical
+ Limit this fixture to patients only
+ Patients only
+ Attack Helicopter
+ Unisex
+ Water Temp: {0}
+ Connected Heating: {0} U ({1})
+ Connected Cooling: {0} U ({1})
+ Heating Usage: {0} U
+ Cooling Usage: {0} U
+ Heating Units/Power: {0} U / {1} W
+ Cooling Units/Power: {0} U / {1} W
+ Efficiency: {0}
+ Efficiency: {0} Overheating
+ Minimum Temp: {0}
+ Reduce Power
+ Reduce the heating capacity
+ Increase Power
+ Increase the heating capacity
+ Hot Water Capacity: {0}
+ Override Thermostat
+ Force the boiler to run continuously
+ Exhaust vents must be kept clear!
+ Efficiency: {0} Too cold
+ Efficiency: {0}
+ Radiator Temp: {0}
+ Thermostat Control
+ Allow this hot water tank to control connected boilers
+ Wash Hands
+ Wash
+ Use
+ Usage = {0}
+ Must be plumbing
+ Blocked Drain
+ Plumb Or Empty the Latrine
+ Toggle Valve
+ Toggle the valve open or closed
+ Valve Closed
+ Pump Capacity: {0} L/day
+ Ground Capacity: {0} L/day
+ Piped Pump/Ground Capacity: {0}/{1} L/day ({2})
+ Water Stored: {0} L
+ Piped Water Stored: {0} L
+ Pollution Level: {0}
+ Decrease radius
+ Increase radius
+ Quality: Untreated - Small disease risk
+ Quality: Contaminated! - High disease risk!
+ Quality: Treated - Safe
+ Drain Tank
+ Drain the tank and remove contamination
+ Drain
+ Set the level at which fecal sludge should be emptied into barrels, which can be moved and knocked over, burned, or turned into biosolids
+ Treating: {0} L/d Holding: {1} L ({2})
+ Do not drain
+ Drain tank at {0}
+ Pit: {0}
+ Pit is full, empty now!
+ Kick Over
+ Spill this barrel of sewage onto the ground
+ Contains Compost {0}/{1}
+ Contains Fecal Sludge {0}/{1}
+ Composted
+ Composting Progress {0} ({1})
+ Composter Out Of Ideal Temperature
+ Ideal Composting Temperature
+ Override the need settings and mod patches to manually disable needs for specific pawn types, or when a hediff is active.\nIf you disable by hediff then the hediff must call "AddOrRemoveNeedsAsAppropriate" when applied
+ Override Need Settings
+ Disable bladder need
+ Disable hygiene need
+ Active Needs
+ Tick to enable
+ Prisoners
+ If prisoners will get the needs
+ Hospitality Guests
+ If guests from the mod "Hospitality" get the needs
+ Experimental features
+ Outsiders
+ If outsiders including traders and raiders will get the needs
+ Pet bladders
+ If pets will get the bladder need
+ Wild Animal bladders
+ If all wild animals will get the bladder need
+ Thirst Need
+ Enable a basic thirst need on all colonists with the bladder need
+ Fertilizer Visible
+ If the fertilizer grid should be visible
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diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/DesignationCategoryDef/DesignationCategories.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/DesignationCategoryDef/DesignationCategories.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4671455
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/DesignationCategoryDef/DesignationCategories.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ 위생
+ 식민지 주민 위생을 위한것
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/DubsBadHygiene.DubsModOptions/ModOptions.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/DubsBadHygiene.DubsModOptions/ModOptions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d590d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/DubsBadHygiene.DubsModOptions/ModOptions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ 물 세팅
+ 비활성화
+ 쉬움
+ 보통
+ 챌린지
+ 익스트림
+ 위생세팅
+ 비활성화
+ 쉬움
+ 보통
+ 챌린지
+ 익스트림
+ 용변 세팅
+ 비활성화
+ 쉬움
+ 보통
+ 챌린지
+ 익스트림
+ 물 온도 세팅
+ 쉬움
+ 보통
+ 챌린지
+ 익스트림
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/HediffDef/Hediffs_Global_Misc.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/HediffDef/Hediffs_Global_Misc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6cb550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/HediffDef/Hediffs_Global_Misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ 이질
+ 사소함
+ 초기
+ 중기
+ 말기
+ 콜레라
+ 사소함
+ 초기
+ 중기
+ 말기
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Work.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Work.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..968fbd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Work.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ 용변중 TargetA.
+ 용변중
+ 목욕중 TargetA.
+ 샤워중 TargetA.
+ 목욕중 TargetA.
+ 손씻는중 TargetA.
+ 씻는중 TargetA.
+ 정리중.
+ 막힌곳 뜷는중
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/KeyBindingCategoryDef/KeyBindingCategories_Add_Architect.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/KeyBindingCategoryDef/KeyBindingCategories_Add_Architect.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e26a6c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/KeyBindingCategoryDef/KeyBindingCategories_Add_Architect.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ 위생 탭
+ 건축 메뉴에 대한 위생 키 바인딩
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/NeedDef/Needs_Misc.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/NeedDef/Needs_Misc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc31518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/NeedDef/Needs_Misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ 용변
+ 배설은 소화의 최종 행위이며, 이로써 유기체는 항문을 통해 소화관에서 고체, 반고체 또는 액체 폐기물을 제거합니다.
+ 위생
+ 좋은 개인 위생은 위장염과 같은 많은 질병으로부터 자신과 다른 사람들을 보호하는 가장 효과적인 방법 중 하나입니다. 특히 음식을 준비하거나 먹기 전과 화장실에 가기 전에 정기적으로 손을 씻으십시오.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ResearchProjectDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ResearchProjectDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..185fa21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ResearchProjectDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ 배관
+ 파이프, 배관 설비, 저장 탱크 및 기타 장치를 사용하여 난방, 폐기물 제거 및 식수를 제공하십시오.
+ 개선된 배관
+ 하수 처리장, 강화 된 욕실 비품, 침수 히터 및 관개 시스템을 건설하십시오.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ResearchTabDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ResearchTabDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c324f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ResearchTabDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ 불만스러운 위생
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/RoomRoleDef/RoomRoles.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/RoomRoleDef/RoomRoles.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51baa6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/RoomRoleDef/RoomRoles.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ 공중 화장실
+ 개인 화장실
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingCategoryDef/ThingCategories.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingCategoryDef/ThingCategories.xml
similarity index 67%
rename from Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingCategoryDef/ThingCategories.xml
rename to Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingCategoryDef/ThingCategories.xml
index fef6bc4..7232808 100644
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/ThingCategoryDef/ThingCategories.xml
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingCategoryDef/ThingCategories.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- 废物
+ 낭비
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsA_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsA_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a81b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsA_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ 구덩이 화장실
+ 구덩이 화장실이나 푸세식 화장실은 바닥에 구멍에 인간의 배설물을 쌓는 화장실의 종류입니다. 그들은 물을 필요로하지 않습니다.
+ 구덩이 화장실(청사진)
+ 구덩이 화장실(건설중)
+ 구덩이 화장실이나 푸세식 화장실은 바닥에 구멍에 인간의 배설물을 쌓는 화장실의 종류입니다. 그들은 물을 필요로하지 않습니다.
+ 목욕통
+ 목욕에 사용되는 나무 통입니다.
+ 목욕통(청사진)
+ 목욕통(설치전)
+ 목욕통(건설중)
+ 목욕에 사용되는 나무 통입니다.
+ 작은 물탱크
+ 물 탱크는 배관 설비에 사용하기 위해 지하수를 뽑아내서 저장합니다. 물이 들어있는 구역 위에 놓으십시오. 물 용량은 반경의 물의 양을 기준으로합니다.
+ 작은 물탱크(청사진)
+ 작은 물탱크(건설중)
+ 물 탱크는 배관 설비에 사용하기 위해 지하수를 뽑아내서 저장합니다. 물이 들어있는 구역 위에 놓으십시오. 물 용량은 반경의 물의 양을 기준으로합니다.
+ 큰 물탱크
+ 물 탱크는 배관 설비에 사용하기 위해 지하수를 뽑아내서 저장합니다. 물이 들어있는 구역 위에 놓으십시오. 물 용량은 반경의 물의 양을 기준으로합니다.
+ 큰 물탱크(청사진)
+ 큰 물탱크(건설중)
+ 물 탱크는 배관 설비에 사용하기 위해 지하수를 뽑아내서 저장합니다. 물이 들어있는 구역 위에 놓으십시오. 물 용량은 반경의 물의 양을 기준으로합니다.
+ 배수구
+ 배수구는 하천으로 연결되어야 합니다.
+ 배수구(청사진)
+ 배수구(건설중)
+ 배수구는 하천으로 연결되어야 합니다.
+ 하수 처리장
+ 하수 처리는 폐수에서 오염 물질을 제거하는 과정입니다. 하수 및 유거수(폐기물)를 제거하기위한 물리적, 화학적, 생물학적 과정을 포함합니다.
+ 하수 처리장(청사진)
+ 하수 처리장(건설중)
+ 하수 처리는 폐수에서 오염 물질을 제거하는 과정입니다. 하수 및 유거수(폐기물)를 제거하기위한 물리적, 화학적, 생물학적 과정을 포함합니다.
+ 배관(흰색)
+ 화장실 배관은 별도로 필요합니다.
+ 배관(흰색)(청사진)
+ 배관(흰색)(설치전)
+ 금속(흰색)(건설중)
+ 화장실 배관은 별도로 필요합니다.
+ 배관
+ 화장실 배관은 별도로 필요합니다.
+ 배관(청사진)
+ 배관(설치전)
+ 배관(건설중)
+ 화장실 배관은 별도로 필요합니다.
+ 화장실(흰색)
+ 소변과 대변처리에 필요한 위생설비입니다.
+ 화장실(흰색) (청사진)
+ 화장실(흰색) (설치전)
+ 화장실(흰색) (건설중)
+ 소변과 대변처리에 필요한 위생설비입니다.
+ 화장실
+ 소변과 대변처리에 필요한 위생설비입니다.
+ 화장실 (청사진)
+ 화장실 (설치전)
+ 화장실 (건설중)
+ 소변과 대변처리에 필요한 위생설비입니다.
+ 개선된 화장실 (흰색)
+ 소변과 대변처리에 필요한 위생설비입니다.
+ 개선된 화장실 (흰색) (청사진)
+ 개선된 화장실 (흰색) (설치전)
+ 개선된 화장실 (흰색) (건설중)
+ 소변과 대변처리에 필요한 위생설비입니다.
+ 개선된 화장실
+ 소변과 대변처리에 필요한 위생설비입니다.
+ 개선된 화장실(청사진)
+ 개선된 화장실(설치전)
+ 개선된 화장실(건설중)
+ 소변과 대변처리에 필요한 위생설비입니다.
+ 욕조(흰색)
+ 사람이 몸을 씻을 수있는 물을 담는 욕조입니다.
+ 욕조(흰색) (청사진)
+ 욕조(흰색) (설치전)
+ 욕조(흰색) (건설중)
+ 사람이 몸을 씻을 수있는 물을 담는 욕조입니다.
+ 욕조
+ 사람이 몸을 씻을 수있는 물을 담는 욕조입니다.
+ 욕조 (청사진)
+ 욕조 (설치전)
+ 욕조 (건설중)
+ 사람이 몸을 씻을 수있는 물을 담는 욕조입니다.
+ 샤워기(흰색)
+ 대형110mm, 4스프레이식 샤워기가 특징입니다.
+ 샤워기(흰색) (청사진)
+ 샤워기(흰색) (설치전)
+ 샤워기(흰색) (건설중)
+ 대형110mm, 4스프레이식 샤워기가 특징입니다.
+ 샤워기
+ 대형110mm, 4스프레이식 샤워기가 특징입니다.
+ 샤워기 (청사진)
+ 샤워기 (설치전)
+ 샤워기 (건설중)
+ 대형110mm, 4스프레이식 샤워기가 특징입니다.
+ 개선된 샤워기(흰색)
+ 대형110mm, 4스프레이식 샤워기가 특징입니다.
+ 개선된 샤워기(흰색) (청사진)
+ 개선된 샤워기(흰색) (설치전)
+ 개선된 샤워기(흰색) (건설중)
+ 대형110mm, 4스프레이식 샤워기가 특징입니다.
+ 개선된 샤워기
+ 대형110mm, 4스프레이식 샤워기가 특징입니다.
+ 개선된 샤워기 (청사진)
+ 개선된 샤워기 (설치전)
+ 개선된 샤워기 (건설중)
+ 대형110mm, 4스프레이식 샤워기가 특징입니다.
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diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsB_Heating.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsB_Heating.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d1934e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsB_Heating.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ 배관 (White)
+ 물탱크와 하수처리 시스템을 배관으로 연결해야 합니다.
+ 배관 (White) (청사진)
+ 배관 (White) (건설중)
+ 물탱크와 하수처리 시스템을 배관으로 연결해야 합니다.
+ 배관
+ 물탱크와 하수처리 시스템을 배관으로 연결해야 합니다.
+ 배관 (청사진)
+ 배관 (건설중)
+ 물탱크와 하수처리 시스템을 배관으로 연결해야 합니다.
+ 보일러
+ 온수를 제공하기위해 물을 데웁니다.
+ 보일러 (청사진)
+ Boiler (청사진)
+ 보일러 (건설중)
+ 온수를 제공하기위해 물을 데웁니다.
+ 다중연료 난방기
+ 다중 연료 난방기는 라디에이터 및 온수 저장 탱크에 열을 공급합니다. 목재 또는 화학 연료가 필요합니다.
+ 다중연료 난방기 (청사진)
+ 다중연료 난방기 (설치전)
+ 다중연료 난방기 (건설중)
+ 다중 연료 난방기는 라디에이터 및 온수 저장 탱크에 열을 공급합니다. 목재 또는 화학 연료가 필요합니다.
+ 태양열 히터
+ 목욕물을 데우기 위해 태양열을 흡수합니다.
+ 태양열 히터 (청사진)
+ 태양열 히터 (설치전)
+ 태양열 히터 (건설중)
+ 목욕물을 데우기 위해 태양열을 흡수합니다.
+ 온수 탱크
+ 온수 저장 탱크.
+ 온수 탱크 (청사진)
+ 온수 탱크 (설치전)
+ 온수 탱크 (건설중)
+ 온수 저장 탱크.
+ 온도 조절기
+ 온도 조절기
+ 온도 조절기 (청사진)
+ 온도 조절기 (설치전)
+ 온도 조절기 (건설중)
+ 온도 조절기
+ 라디에이터
+ 소량의 온수를 저장합니다.
+ 라디에이터 (청사진)
+ 라디에이터 (설치전)
+ 라디에이터 (건설중)
+ 소량의 온수를 저장합니다.
+ 라디에이터
+ 소량의 온수를 저장합니다.
+ 라디에이터 (청사진)
+ 라디에이터 (설치전)
+ 라디에이터 (건설중)
+ 소량의 온수를 저장합니다.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsC_Irrigation.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsC_Irrigation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..659c994
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsC_Irrigation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ 관개 스프링클러
+ 주변에 물을 뿌리는 용도.
+ 관개 스프링클러 (청사진)
+ 관개 스프링클러 (설치전)
+ 관개 스프링클러 (건설중)
+ 주변에 물을 뿌리는 용도.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/Filth_Various.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/Filth_Various.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beed26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/Filth_Various.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ 배설물
+ 바닥위의 배설물
+ 찌꺼기
+ 찌꺼기
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7c3b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ 휴대 용변장치
+ 병이 든 환자가 소변과 대변을 위해 사용하는 콘센트.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/_Things_Mote.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/_Things_Mote.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64f11a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThingDef/_Things_Mote.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ 티끌
+ 티끌
+ 티끌
+ 티끌
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2d38b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ 오줌마려워
+ 화장실 가고싶어
+ 실수로 목욕하는걸 봄
+ 남이 목욕하는걸 봤어...
+ 부꾸러움
+ 내가 화장실 쓰는걸 남이 봤어
+ 더러움
+ 찝찝해서 움직이기 싫어.
+ H따뜻한 샤워
+ 뜨거운 물로 샤워했습니다.
+ 따뜻한 목욕
+ 뜨거운 물로 목욕헀습니다.
+ 냉수 목욕
+ 차가운 물로 목욕했습니다.
+ 냉수 샤워
+ 차가운 물로 목욕했습니다.
+ 온수가 안나옴
+ 온수가 안나와!
+ 괞찮은 위생
+ 위생상태에 만족
+ 노상 용변
+ 화장실이 아닌곳어서 쌌습니다.
+ 끔찍한 욕실
+ 욕실 누가 이따위로 디자인함?
+ 괜찮은 욕실
+ 불편하지만 그럭저럭 괜찮아.
+ 약간 인상적인 욕실
+ 그래도 이정도면 괞찮은 욕실이야.
+ 인상적인 욕실
+ 만족스러운 욕실이야.
+ 매우 인상적인 욕실
+ 정말 좋은 욕실이야.
+ 익스트림 인상적인 욕실
+ 정말로 인상적이야!
+ 믿을 수 없을만큼 인상적인 욕실
+ 번화계 수준의 욕실을 볼줄이야!
+ 경이로운 인상적인 욕실
+ 최고의 욕실이야!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..929b0cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ 목마름
+ 뭔가 마시고 싶은걸
+ 심각하게 목마름
+ 물... 무우우울!
+ 죽을정도로 목마름
+ 죽을것같아...
+ 냄새남
+ 몸에서 냄새가 나는것 같은데
+ 더러움
+ 씻고싶어 미치겠다
+ 청결함
+ 지금은 깨끗해.
+ 아마도 청결함
+ 아직은 안씻어도 괜찮아.
+ 멘붕
+ 상태가 안좋은걸. 미쳐버릴정도로!
+ 화장실이 필요합니다
+ 화장실이 필요해.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc3bd7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ 씻을수 없음
+ 씻을수 없음
+ 씻을수 없음
+ 결벽증
+ 씻다
+ 씻는중
+ 깨끗한 침상
+ 깨끗함
+ 청소중
+ 깨끗한 침상
+ 깨끘함
+ 청소중
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/Korean/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml b/Languages/Korean/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c7d089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/Korean/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ Dubs Bad Hygiene
+ 어려움
+ 치트
+ 쉬움
+ 보통
+ 도전자
+ 익스트림
+ 욕구 중단
+ 위생과 용변 욕구를 중단합니다.
+ 배관 제거
+ 해체 용 배관 부품 지정
+ 물 없음
+ 하수도 없음
+ 배관 공사 필요
+ 액세스 제한
+ 성별 제한 변경
+ 의료
+ 이 조명기를 환자에게만 제한하십시오.
+ 환자 전용
+ 헬리콥터 공격
+ Unisex
+ 손씻기
+ 씻기
+ 용법 = {0}
+ 배관 공사 여야합니다.
+ 전력 모드: {0}
+ 최소 온도: {0}
+ 낮은 전력
+ 난방 능력을 줄입니다.
+ 전력 증가
+ 난방 능력을 증가
+ 샤워하다
+ 지상 용량: {0} L/day
+ 물 저장: {0}L
+ 막힌 배수구
+ 가공: {0} L
+ 난방 용량: {0}
+ 물 온도: {0}
+ 목욕하다
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/DesignationCategoryDef/DesignationCategories.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/DesignationCategoryDef/DesignationCategories.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..222d70f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/DesignationCategoryDef/DesignationCategories.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Higiene
+ Cosas para la higiene de los colonos.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/DubsBadHygiene.DubsModOptions/ModOptions.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/DubsBadHygiene.DubsModOptions/ModOptions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bac43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/DubsBadHygiene.DubsModOptions/ModOptions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ Visibilidad de las tuberías
+ Oculto
+ Escondido bajo el suelo
+ Siempre visible
+ Capacidad de bombeo de agua
+ Cheat
+ 200%
+ 100%
+ 50%
+ 25%
+ Tasa de necesidad de higiene
+ Cheat
+ 50%
+ 100%
+ 150%
+ 200%
+ Tasa de necesidad de la vejiga
+ Cheat
+ 50%
+ 100%
+ 150%
+ 200%
+ Uso de agua caliente
+ Cheat
+ 50%
+ 100%
+ 150%
+ 200%
+ Límite de aguas residuales por celda
+ Cheat
+ Facil
+ Normal
+ Dificil
+ Extremo
+ Tasa de limpieza de alcantarillado
+ Cheat
+ Facil
+ Normal
+ Dificil
+ Extremo
+ Tasa de tratamiento de aguas residuales
+ Cheat
+ 200%
+ 100%
+ 75%
+ 25%
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/HediffDef/Hediffs_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/HediffDef/Hediffs_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78d95c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/HediffDef/Hediffs_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ Intestinos irritables
+ lavado
+ lavado
+ Mala higiene
+ Menor (oculto)
+ Sucio
+ Asqueroso
+ Disentería
+ Menor (oculto)
+ Menor
+ Mayor
+ Extremo
+ Cólera
+ Oculto
+ Menor
+ Mayor
+ Extremo
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/IncidentDef/Incidents_Map_Misc.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/IncidentDef/Incidents_Map_Misc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd0b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/IncidentDef/Incidents_Map_Misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Disentería
+ Cólera
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36711f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/JobDef/Jobs_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ Rellenado TargetA.
+ Sacando el abono de TargetA.
+ Eliminar las aguas residuales.
+ Relajarse.
+ Va a tener evacuaciones intestinales a TargetA.
+ Va a tener evacuaciones intestinales al aire libre.
+ Lavar con TargetA.
+ Lavar con TargetA.
+ Lavar con TargetA.
+ lavarse las manos en TargetA.
+ Lavando TargetA.
+ Limpieza de la bacinilla.
+ Eliminación de bloqueos.
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/KeyBindingCategoryDef/KeyBindingCategories_Add_Architect.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/KeyBindingCategoryDef/KeyBindingCategories_Add_Architect.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8fa3b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/KeyBindingCategoryDef/KeyBindingCategories_Add_Architect.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Pestaña Higiene
+ Encuadernaciones para la sección "Higiene" del menú Arquitectura
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/NeedDef/Needs_Misc.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/NeedDef/Needs_Misc.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc3f1da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/NeedDef/Needs_Misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Vejiga
+ Para prevenir el riesgo de enfermedades es importante mantener un buen nivel de saneamiento eliminando o tratando los desechos y evitando que las aguas residuales contaminen el suministro de agua.\n\nMod Setting:
+ Higiene
+ Una buena higiene personal es importante para reducir el riesgo de enfermedades y mantener contentos a los colonos.\n\nMod Setting:
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Butchery.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Butchery.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2a2003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Butchery.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Cremation.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Cremation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c89f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Cremation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Food.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Food.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e88fce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Food.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5dd223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Meals.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Production.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Production.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ecd700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RecipeDef/Recipes_Production.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ResearchProjectDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ResearchProjectDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d212dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ResearchProjectDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ Fontanería
+ Use tuberías, accesorios de plomería, tanques de almacenamiento y otros aparatos para proporcionar calefacción, eliminación de desechos y agua potable.
+ Bombeo de agua a presión
+ Construya potentes estaciones de bombeo de agua y grandes torres de agua, lo que le permitirá almacenar agua en el lugar.
+ Riego
+ Construir torres de agua mucho más grandes y aspersores que puedan regar el suelo para mejorar la fertilidad.
+ Calefón eléctrico
+ Construir calderas eléctricas con termostatos que puedan ser utilizados para calentar agua y radiadores.
+ Tratamiento de aguas residuales
+ Construir plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales para convertir lentamente las aguas residuales en agua potable.
+ Filtración de agua
+ Construir sistemas de filtración de agua para mejorar la calidad del agua y prevenir enfermedades.
+ Inodoros Avanzados
+ Construir inodoros eléctricos avanzados que usen menos agua por descarga y proporcionen más comodidad.
+ Duchas motorizadas
+ Construya duchas motorizadas que reduzcan a la mitad el tiempo que pasa duchándose y mejoren el confort, pero que usen el doble de agua.
+ Jacuzzis
+ Construir jacuzzis que puedan ser utilizados para la hidroterapia, la relajación y el placer.
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diff --git a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/HediffDef/Hediffs_Global_Misc.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ResearchTabDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
similarity index 52%
rename from Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/HediffDef/Hediffs_Global_Misc.xml
rename to Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ResearchTabDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
index 0b38006..db6385b 100644
--- a/Languages/ChineseSimplified/DefInjected/HediffDef/Hediffs_Global_Misc.xml
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ResearchTabDef/ResearchProjects_Hygiene.xml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- 腹泻和呕吐
+ Dubs Bad Hygiene
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RoomRoleDef/RoomRoles.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RoomRoleDef/RoomRoles.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45de3f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/RoomRoleDef/RoomRoles.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Baño público
+ Baño privado
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/TerrainDef/BuildingsF_Irrigation.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/TerrainDef/BuildingsF_Irrigation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15baca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/TerrainDef/BuildingsF_Irrigation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ Tierra fertilizada
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cfd25a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingCategoryDef/ThingCategories.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ Desechos
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsA_Pipes.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsA_Pipes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e2bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsA_Pipes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ Tubería (Blanco)
+ Tubería para conexión de fontanería.
+ Tubería (Blanco) (Plano)
+ Tubería (Blanco) (Construcción)
+ Tubería para conexión de fontanería.
+ Tubería
+ Tubería para conexión de fontanería.
+ Tubería (Plano)
+ Tubería (Construcción)
+ Tubería para conexión de fontanería.
+ Tubo de aire acondicionado
+ Tubería para conexión de fontanería.
+ Tubo de aire acondicionado (Plano)
+ Tubo de aire acondicionado (Construcción)
+ Tubería para conexión de fontanería.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsB_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsB_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8dcc44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsB_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ Letrina
+ Una letrina de pozo o inodoro de pozo es un tipo de inodoro que recoge las heces humanas en un agujero en el suelo. No necesitan agua.
+ Letrina (plano)
+ Letrina (plano)
+ Letrina (construcción)
+ Una letrina de pozo o inodoro de pozo es un tipo de inodoro que recoge las heces humanas en un agujero en el suelo. No necesitan agua.
+ Balde para lavar
+ Balde de agua sucia para lavar.
+ Balde para lavar (plano)
+ Balde para lavar (plano)
+ Balde para lavar (construcción)
+ Balde de agua sucia para lavar.
+ Foso de Incineración
+ Pozo utilizado para quemar desechos humanos, cadáveres u otros desechos. Puede tener efectos nocivos para la salud.
+ Fosa de Incineración (plano)
+ Fosa de Incineración (construcción)
+ Pozo utilizado para quemar desechos humanos, cadáveres u otros desechos. Puede tener efectos nocivos para la salud.
+ Lavado (Blanco)
+ Lavabo limpio y sencillo. Las instrucciones se venden por separado.
+ Lavado (Blanco) (plano)
+ Lavado (Blanco) (plano)
+ Lavado (Blanco) (construcción)
+ Lavabo limpio y sencillo. Las instrucciones se venden por separado.
+ Lavado
+ Lavabo limpio y sencillo. Las instrucciones se venden por separado.
+ Lavado (plano)
+ Lavado (plano)
+ Lavado (construcción)
+ Lavabo limpio y sencillo. Las instrucciones se venden por separado.
+ Fregadero de cocina
+ Fregadero de cocina. Increases room cleanliness.
+ Fregadero de cocina (plano)
+ Fregadero de cocina (plano)
+ Fregadero de cocina (construcción)
+ Fregadero de cocina. Increases room cleanliness.
+ Inodoro (Blanco)
+ Dispositivo de saneamiento utilizado para la eliminación de la orina y las heces humanas.
+ Inodoro (Blanco) (plano)
+ Inodoro (Blanco) (plano)
+ Inodoro (Blanco) (construcción)
+ Dispositivo de saneamiento utilizado para la eliminación de la orina y las heces humanas.
+ Inodoro
+ Dispositivo de saneamiento utilizado para la eliminación de la orina y las heces humanas.
+ Inodoro (plano)
+ Inodoro (plano)
+ Inodoro (construcción)
+ Dispositivo de saneamiento utilizado para la eliminación de la orina y las heces humanas.
+ Inodoro eléctrico (Blanco)
+ Dispositivo de saneamiento utilizado para la eliminación de la orina y las heces humanas.
+ Inodoro eléctrico (Blanco) (plano)
+ Power Toilet (Blanco) (plano)
+ Inodoro eléctrico (Blanco) (construcción)
+ Dispositivo de saneamiento utilizado para la eliminación de la orina y las heces humanas.
+ Inodoro eléctrico
+ Dispositivo de saneamiento utilizado para la eliminación de la orina y las heces humanas.
+ Inodoro eléctrico (plano)
+ Inodoro eléctrico (plano)
+ Inodoro eléctrico (construcción)
+ Dispositivo de saneamiento utilizado para la eliminación de la orina y las heces humanas.
+ Bañera (Blanco)
+ Bañera, un gran recipiente abierto para el agua, en el cual una persona puede lavarse el cuerpo.
+ Bañera (Blanco) (plano)
+ Bañera (Blanco) (plano)
+ Bañera (Blanco) (construcción)
+ Bañera, un gran recipiente abierto para el agua, en el cual una persona puede lavarse el cuerpo.
+ Bañera
+ Bañera, un gran recipiente abierto para el agua, en el cual una persona puede lavarse el cuerpo.
+ Bañera (plano)
+ Bañera (plano)
+ Bañera (construcción)
+ Bañera, un gran recipiente abierto para el agua, en el cual una persona puede lavarse el cuerpo.
+ Ducha (Blanco)
+ Cuenta con un cabezal de ducha grande de 110 mm con 4 rociadores para relajar los músculos doloridos.
+ Ducha (Blanco) (plano)
+ Ducha (Blanco) (plano)
+ Ducha (Blanco) (construcción)
+ Cuenta con un cabezal de ducha grande de 110 mm con 4 rociadores para relajar los músculos doloridos.
+ Ducha
+ Cuenta con un cabezal de ducha grande de 110 mm con 4 rociadores para relajar los músculos doloridos.
+ Ducha (plano)
+ Ducha (plano)
+ Ducha (construcción)
+ Cuenta con un cabezal de ducha grande de 110 mm con 4 rociadores para relajar los músculos doloridos.
+ Ducha eléctrica (Blanco)
+ Cuenta con un cabezal de ducha grande de 110 mm con 4 rociadores para relajar los músculos doloridos.
+ Ducha eléctrica (Blanco) (plano)
+ Ducha eléctrica (Blanco) (plano)
+ Ducha eléctrica (Blanco) (construcción)
+ Cuenta con un cabezal de ducha grande de 110 mm con 4 rociadores para relajar los músculos doloridos.
+ Ducha eléctrica
+ Cuenta con un cabezal de ducha grande de 110 mm con 4 rociadores para relajar los músculos doloridos.
+ Ducha eléctrica (plano)
+ Ducha eléctrica (plano)
+ Ducha eléctrica (construcción)
+ Cuenta con un cabezal de ducha grande de 110 mm con 4 rociadores para relajar los músculos doloridos.
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsC_Joy.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsC_Joy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cde4f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsC_Joy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ Jacuzzi (Blanco)
+ Jacuzzi utilizado para hidroterapia, relajación o placer. Lleno de agua de las torres de agua en su primer uso, autocalentado y sin necesidad de una salida de aguas residuales.
+ Jacuzzi (Blanco) (plano)
+ Jacuzzi (Blanco) (construcción)
+ Jacuzzi utilizado para hidroterapia, relajación o placer. Lleno de agua de las torres de agua en su primer uso, autocalentado y sin necesidad de una salida de aguas residuales.
+ Jacuzzi
+ Jacuzzi utilizado para hidroterapia, relajación o placer. Lleno de agua de las torres de agua en su primer uso, autocalentado y sin necesidad de una salida de aguas residuales.
+ Jacuzzi (plano)
+ Jacuzzi (construcción)
+ Jacuzzi utilizado para hidroterapia, relajación o placer. Lleno de agua de las torres de agua en su primer uso, autocalentado y sin necesidad de una salida de aguas residuales.
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsD_WaterManagement.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsD_WaterManagement.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d69cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsD_WaterManagement.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ Pequeña torre de agua
+ Las torres de agua bombean y almacenan el agua subterránea o los ríos para su uso en instalaciones de plomería. Colocado sobre áreas que contienen agua subterránea o junto a ríos, la capacidad se basa en la cantidad de agua en el radio.
+ Pequeña torre de agua (plano)
+ Pequeña torre de agua (construcción)
+ Las torres de agua bombean y almacenan el agua subterránea o los ríos para su uso en instalaciones de plomería. Colocado sobre áreas que contienen agua subterránea o junto a ríos, la capacidad se basa en la cantidad de agua en el radio.
+ Gran torre de agua
+ Las torres de agua bombean y almacenan el agua subterránea o los ríos para su uso en instalaciones de plomería. Colocado sobre áreas que contienen agua subterránea o junto a ríos, la capacidad se basa en la cantidad de agua en el radio.
+ Gran torre de agua (plano)
+ Gran torre de agua (construcción)
+ Las torres de agua bombean y almacenan el agua subterránea o los ríos para su uso en instalaciones de plomería. Colocado sobre áreas que contienen agua subterránea o junto a ríos, la capacidad se basa en la cantidad de agua en el radio.
+ Estación de bombeo de agua
+ Bombea agua subterránea o agua de río a torres de almacenamiento para su uso en instalaciones de plomería. Colocado sobre áreas que contienen agua subterránea o junto a ríos, la capacidad se basa en la cantidad de agua en el radio.
+ Estación de bombeo de agua (plano)
+ Estación de bombeo de agua (construcción)
+ Bombea agua subterránea o agua de río a torres de almacenamiento para su uso en instalaciones de plomería. Colocado sobre áreas que contienen agua subterránea o junto a ríos, la capacidad se basa en la cantidad de agua en el radio.
+ Desagüe de aguas residuales
+ Desagüe de aguas residuales que puede construirse a lo largo de un río y conectarse a los accesorios del baño.
+ Desagüe de aguas residuales (plano)
+ Desagüe de aguas residuales (construcción)
+ Desagüe de aguas residuales que puede construirse a lo largo de un río y conectarse a los accesorios del baño.
+ Tratamiento de aguas residuales
+ Limpia lentamente las aguas residuales con el tiempo. Las aguas residuales se dirigen primero a las plantas de tratamiento, donde se elimina el 90%, y el 10% restante se envía a los puntos de desagüe; si alcanzan su plena capacidad, el exceso de aguas residuales se envía directamente a los puntos de desagüe sin tratamiento.
+ Tratamiento de aguas residuales (plano)
+ Tratamiento de aguas residuales (construcción)
+ Limpia lentamente las aguas residuales con el tiempo. Las aguas residuales se dirigen primero a las plantas de tratamiento, donde se elimina el 90%, y el 10% restante se envía a los puntos de desagüe; si alcanzan su plena capacidad, el exceso de aguas residuales se envía directamente a los puntos de desagüe sin tratamiento.
+ Filtración de agua
+ Filtración de agua (plano)
+ Filtración de agua (construcción)
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsE_Heating.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsE_Heating.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3ae3fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsE_Heating.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ Boiler(Discontinued)
+ replace this with an electric boiler and a hot water tank!
+ Boiler(Discontinued) (blueprint)
+ Multi-fuel stove(Discontinued)
+ Replace this with a wood stove or gas boiler!
+ Multi-fuel stove(Discontinued) (blueprint)
+ Termostato
+ Controla todas las Calderas conectadas cambiándolas entre el modo de plena potencia y el modo de reposo, si se utilizan varios termostatos, sólo es necesario que 1 esté por debajo de la temperatura para activar las Calderas. Las Calderas y las termas también están equipadas con termostatos para controlar la temperatura del agua.
+ Termostato (plano)
+ Termostato (plano)
+ Termostato (construcción)
+ Controla todas las Calderas conectadas cambiándolas entre el modo de plena potencia y el modo de reposo, si se utilizan varios termostatos, sólo es necesario que 1 esté por debajo de la temperatura para activar las Calderas. Las Calderas y las termas también están equipadas con termostatos para controlar la temperatura del agua.
+ Caldera de leña
+ Proporciona calor a los radiadores y a los depósitos de agua caliente. Combustible por leña.
+ Caldera de leña (plano)
+ Caldera de leña (plano)
+ Caldera de leña (construcción)
+ Proporciona calor a los radiadores y a los depósitos de agua caliente. Combustible por leña.
+ Caldera eléctrica
+ Proporciona calor a los radiadores y a los depósitos de agua caliente. Puede ser controlado por termostatos.
+ Caldera eléctrica (plano)
+ Caldera eléctrica (plano)
+ Caldera eléctrica (construcción)
+ Proporciona calor a los radiadores y a los depósitos de agua caliente. Puede ser controlado por termostatos.
+ Caldera a combustible
+ Proporciona calor a los radiadores y tanques de agua caliente. Alimentado con biocombustible. Puede ser controlado por termostatos.
+ Caldera a combustible (plano)
+ Caldera a combustible (plano)
+ Caldera a combustible (construcción)
+ Proporciona calor a los radiadores y tanques de agua caliente. Alimentado con biocombustible. Puede ser controlado por termostatos.
+ Calentador solar
+ Utiliza la luz solar para calentar tanques de agua caliente, no se puede utilizar para calentar radiadores.
+ Calentador solar (plano)
+ Calentador solar (construcción)
+ Utiliza la luz solar para calentar tanques de agua caliente, no se puede utilizar para calentar radiadores.
+ Tanque de agua caliente
+ Almacena agua caliente para duchas y baños, se conecta a una caldera o estufa para calentar.
+ Tanque de agua caliente (plano)
+ Tanque de agua caliente (plano)
+ Tanque de agua caliente (construcción)
+ Almacena agua caliente para duchas y baños, se conecta a una caldera o estufa para calentar.
+ Radiador
+ Equivalente a un calefactor eléctrico con ajustes de temperatura predeterminados, su potencia calorífica total viene determinada por la capacidad de la red.
+ Radiador (plano)
+ Radiador (plano)
+ Radiador (construcción)
+ Equivalente a un calefactor eléctrico con ajustes de temperatura predeterminados, su potencia calorífica total viene determinada por la capacidad de la red.
+ Radiador
+ Equivalente a un calefactor eléctrico con ajustes de temperatura predeterminados, su potencia calorífica total viene determinada por la capacidad de la red.
+ Radiador (plano)
+ Radiador (plano)
+ Radiador (construcción)
+ Equivalente a un calefactor eléctrico con ajustes de temperatura predeterminados, su potencia calorífica total viene determinada por la capacidad de la red.
+ Radiador grande
+ 3 veces la potencia de un radiador estándar, útil para habitaciones más grandes, su potencia calorífica total viene determinada por la capacidad de la red.
+ Radiador grande (plano)
+ Radiador grande (plano)
+ Radiador grande (construcción)
+ 3 veces la potencia de un radiador estándar, útil para habitaciones más grandes, su potencia calorífica total viene determinada por la capacidad de la red.
+ Radiador grande
+ 3 veces la potencia de un radiador estándar, útil para habitaciones más grandes, su potencia calorífica total viene determinada por la capacidad de la red.
+ Radiador grande (plano)
+ Radiador grande (plano)
+ Radiador grande (construcción)
+ 3 veces la potencia de un radiador estándar, útil para habitaciones más grandes, su potencia calorífica total viene determinada por la capacidad de la red.
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado Multi-split, colocada al aire libre y conectada a unidades interiores o congeladoras, modo de potencia seleccionado con una capacidad de 100-1000 unidades de enfriamiento.
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado (plano)
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado (plano)
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado (construcción)
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado Multi-split, colocada al aire libre y conectada a unidades interiores o congeladoras, modo de potencia seleccionado con una capacidad de 100-1000 unidades de enfriamiento.
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado
+ Unidad de aire acondicionado interior para habitaciones, conectada a unidades de aire acondicionado exterior, requiere 100 unidades de potencia de refrigeración.
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado (plano)
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado (plano)
+ Unidad de Aire Acondicionado (construcción)
+ Unidad de aire acondicionado interior para habitaciones, conectada a unidades de aire acondicionado exterior, requiere 100 unidades de potencia de refrigeración.
+ Congelador
+ Unidad de congelación para crear un congelador, conectar a unidades de aire acondicionado exterior, requiere 300 unidades de potencia de refrigeración.
+ Congelador (plano)
+ Congelador (plano)
+ Congelador (construcción)
+ Unidad de congelación para crear un congelador, conectar a unidades de aire acondicionado exterior, requiere 300 unidades de potencia de refrigeración.
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsF_Irrigation.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsF_Irrigation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a73d82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/BuildingsF_Irrigation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ Aspersor de Riego
+ Riega el área circundante una vez por la mañana para mejorar la fertilidad del suelo a lo largo del día. Requiere grandes cantidades de agua de las torres de agua durante la pulverización.
+ Aspersor de Riego (plano)
+ Aspersor de Riego (plano)
+ Aspersor de Riego (construcción)
+ Riega el área circundante una vez por la mañana para mejorar la fertilidad del suelo a lo largo del día. Requiere grandes cantidades de agua de las torres de agua durante la pulverización.
+ Válvula de plomería
+ Abre o cierra conexiones entre tuberías.
+ Válvula de plomería (plano)
+ Válvula de plomería (construcción)
+ Abre o cierra conexiones entre tuberías.
+ Compostador
+ Un compostador para convertir las aguas residuales en fertilizantes para hacer tierra en biomas duros.
+ Compostador (plano)
+ Compostador (plano)
+ Compostador (construcción)
+ Un compostador para convertir las aguas residuales en fertilizantes para hacer tierra en biomas duros.
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/Filth_Various.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/Filth_Various.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cb3dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/Filth_Various.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ orina
+ Orina en el suelo.
+ heces
+ aguas servidas
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89343a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/Items_Resource_Stuff.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ Bandeja de cama
+ Un receptáculo utilizado por un paciente encamado para la orina y las heces.
+ Fertilizante
+ Fertilizante para crear el suelo.
+ Lodos fecales
+ Un barril lleno de desechos humanos, puede ser vertido, quemado o usado como fertilizante.
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/_Terrain_Extra.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/_Terrain_Extra.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a17c095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/_Terrain_Extra.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Suelo fertilizado (plano)
+ Suelo fertilizado (edificio)
+ Terreno en construcción.
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/_Things_Mote.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/_Things_Mote.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e02cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThingDef/_Things_Mote.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ Mote
+ Mote
+ Mote
+ Mote
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3a147d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Memory_Hygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ Bebió orina
+ Bebí mi propia orina.
+ Incómodo
+ Alguien me vio bañándome y me hizo sentir incómodo.
+ Incómodo
+ ¡Alguien me sorprendió mientras usaba el baño!
+ Me cagué encima
+ No pude aguantarlo más y me cagué.
+ Ducha caliente
+ Me he dado una ducha caliente.
+ Baño caliente
+ Me he dado un buen baño caliente.
+ Baño frío
+ Me di un refrescante baño frío.
+ Ducha fría
+ Tuve una agradable y refrescante ducha fría.
+ Agua fría
+ ¡No había agua caliente!
+ Me he aliviado
+ Aaaah mucho mejor.
+ Defecación al aire libre
+ Tuve que hacer mis necesidades al aire libre.
+ Baño horrible
+ Mi baño es un lugar horrible.
+ Baño decente
+ Mi baño es muy interesante. Me gusta.
+ Baño ligeramente impresionante
+ Mi baño es un poco impresionante. Me gusta.
+ Baño impresionante
+ Mi baño es impresionante. !Me encanta!
+ Baño muy impresionante
+ Mi baño es muy impresionante. ¡Este es el mejor lugar del mundo!
+ Baño extremadamente impresionante
+ Mi baño es extremadamente impresionante. ¡Este es el mejor lugar del mundo!
+ Un baño increíblemente impresionante
+ Mi baño es increíblemente impresionante. ¡Este es el mejor lugar del mundo!
+ Un baño maravillosamente impresionante
+ Mi baño es el mejor lugar que uno pueda imaginar. Es maravilloso.
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..458eeb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/ThoughtDef/Thoughts_Situation_Needs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ Sucio
+ Huelo como si hubiera estado nadando en las aguas residuales.
+ Mugriento
+ Me siento un poco sucio.
+ Limpio
+ Me siento fresco y limpio.
+ Tan limpio que rechina
+ Tan limpio que rechina!
+ Explosión
+ ¡Necesito ir al baño, que estoy a punto de estallar!
+ necesito ir al baño
+ Tengo que ir al baño.
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f5484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/DefInjected/WorkGiverDef/WorkGivers.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ Quemar los desechos del pozo
+ quemar
+ quemando
+ Eliminar las aguas residuales en los barriles
+ eliminar las aguas residuales
+ eliminación de aguas residuales
+ sacar el abono del compostador
+ llevar abono
+ llevando abono
+ Rellenar de abono
+ rellenar
+ rellenando
+ Vaciar letrina
+ vaciar
+ vaciando
+ Obstrucción clara
+ obstrucción clara
+ eliminando el bloqueo
+ Lavar al paciente
+ lavar
+ lavando
+ Limpie la bacinilla
+ limpiar
+ limpiando
+ Limpie la bacinilla
+ limpiar
+ limpiando
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diff --git a/Languages/SpanishLatin/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml b/Languages/SpanishLatin/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ce2198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Languages/SpanishLatin/Keyed/DubsHygiene.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ Retirar las tuberías
+ Designar secciones de tuberías para la deconstrucción
+ Remueva las aguas residuales
+ Vierta las aguas residuales en barriles
+ Acceso Restringido
+ Solo {0}
+ Sólo prisioneros
+ Salida de desagüe obstruida
+ Las aguas residuales se han acumulado alrededor del agujero de drenaje y están bloqueando la salida.\n\nConstruya más o construya sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales para crear un amortiguador y reducir la presión en las salidas.
+ Baja temperatura del agua
+ La temperatura del agua en este tanque es demasiado baja, los colonos que esperan usar agua caliente pueden molestarse.\n\nAñada otro acumulador térmico o caldera.
+ Sin capacidad de agua
+ Sin capacidad de desagüe
+ Requiere tuberías
+ Acceso Restringido
+ Demasiado caliente: {0}%
+ En la Lluvia: {0}%
+ Manos sucias (Riesgo de enfermedad)
+ Contaminado (Riesgo de enfermedad)
+ Desagüe bloqueado
+ Un desagüe se ha bloqueado, un limpiador debe limpiar la obstrucción.
+ Cambiar la restricción de género
+ Médico
+ Limite este accesorio a los pacientes solamente.
+ Sólo pacientes
+ Helicóptero de ataque
+ Unisex
+ Temperatura del agua: {0}
+ Calefacción conectada: {0} U ({1})
+ Refrigeración conectada: {0} U ({1})
+ Uso de la calefacción: {0} U
+ Uso de refrigeración: {0} U
+ Unidades de Calefacción/Potencia: {0} U / {1} W
+ Unidades de refrigeración/energía/eficiencia: {0} U / {1} W / {2}
+ Temperatura mínima: {0}
+ Baja Potencia
+ Reducir la potencia térmica
+ Aumente la potencia
+ Aumentar la potencia térmica
+ Capacidad de agua caliente: {0}
+ Termostato de anulación
+ Forzar el funcionamiento continuo de la caldera
+ Lavarse las manos
+ Lavar
+ Usar
+ Consumo = {0}
+ Debe ser la tubería.
+ Capacidad del suelo: {0} L/day
+ Capacidad de tubería/almacenamiento: {0}L/day / {1}L
+ Agua almacenada: {0}L
+ Drenaje bloqueado
+ Tratando: {1} L/d Mantenimiento: {0} L
+ Vaciado de la letrina
+ Válvula de palanca
+ Conmutación de la válvula abierta o cerrada
+ Válvula cerrada
+ Contiene abono {0}/{1}
+ Contiene lodos fecales {0}/{1}
+ Abonado
+ Proceso de compostaje {0} ({1})
+ Compostador fuera de la temperatura ideal
+ Temperatura ideal de compostaje
+ Disminuir el radio
+ Aumentar el radio
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diff --git a/Patches/HygienePatches.xml b/Patches/HygienePatches.xml
index ae1edb0..698bf07 100644
--- a/Patches/HygienePatches.xml
+++ b/Patches/HygienePatches.xml
@@ -1,16 +1,55 @@
- */ThoughtDef[defName = "Naked"]/workerClass
+ */ThinkTreeDef[defName = "MainColonistBehaviorCore"]/thinkRoot[@Class="ThinkNode_Tagger"]/subNodes/li[@Class="ThinkNode_PrioritySorter"]/subNodes//li[2]
- DubsBadHygiene.ThoughtWorker_PsychologicallyNude
- */RoomRoleDef[defName = "Barn"]/workerClass
+ */ThinkTreeDef[defName = "MainColonistBehaviorCore"]/thinkRoot[@Class="ThinkNode_Tagger"]/subNodes/li[@Class="ThinkNode_PrioritySorter"]/subNodes//li[2]
+ */ThinkTreeDef[defName = "MainColonistBehaviorCore"]/thinkRoot[@Class="ThinkNode_Tagger"]/subNodes/li[@Class="ThinkNode_PrioritySorter"]/subNodes//li[2]
- DubsBadHygiene.RoomRoleWorker_Barn
+ Always