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File metadata and controls

655 lines (572 loc) · 29.2 KB



See FrontierDevelopments-oAuth2-notes for how to use Frontier Developments' oAuth2 system for Authorization on the CAPI.

In all instances you'll need to use the Access Token obtained via oAuth2 by setting an HTTP header for the request:

    Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Note that in theory the token type could be different from 'Bearer'. It's safest to store the token_type that comes back from the request for an Access Token and repeat that back in this header.

You might occasionally see a header:

	Set-Cookie: access_token=1566841911%7C%7C<40 character hex string>;; path=/; expires=Mon, 26-Aug-2019 17:51:51 UTC; secure

in the responses from the CAPI end points. This seems to serve no purpose, and is perhaps left over from the work to implement oAuth2 on the service.

  1. The start of the access_token value appears to be a Unix Epoch timestamp, 86400 seconds in the past. That matches the expiry time on the cookie.
  2. That "40 character hex string" doesn't seem to be a valid JSON Web Token, for instance, or otherwise related to either the Refresh or Access Tokens.

Limit the frequency of queries

The CAPI is not designed as a real-time service to be spammed with queries in an attempt to always be up to date. For one thing the CAPI's data itself can lag behind what the relevant game client is seeing.

In general try not to issue more than one query a minute. Although EDMarketConnector gets away with issuing all of /profile, /market, and /shipyard in rapid succession upon docking, Frontier have in the past stated that rate limiting might kick in if you perform more than 2 queries per second.

For the /journal endpoint you should not expect it to update in realtime from live gameplay. Ideally you should only query it once a gameplay session is complete.

Available CAPI hosts

You need to use the correct host for the data you are expecting to retrieve. As of Odyssey Update 14 this mostly pertains to the Live/Legacy galaxy split.

The rest of this documentation will assume the Live galaxy and use its host.

Live CAPI host

The main CAPI host is Since Odyssey Update 14 this only returns data for the Live galaxy.

Legacy CAPI host

To retrieve data pertaining to the Legacy galaxy you must use the alternate host

CAPI for any beta of the game

In the past Frontier has sometimes provided a beta-specific CAPI host. When it was available (this was before Odyssey Update 14 and the galaxy split) the hostname was

End Points

You can check the currently available endpoints by sending a bare query to the CAPI host, i.e. / path component as in

This will produce output like:

  "links": [
      "href": "/profile",
      "rel": "CommanderProfile",
      "type": "GET",
      "title": "Commander profile, add ?language=[en|fr|de|ru|es|pt] to translate locName and LocDescriptions"
      "href": "/market",
      "rel": "CommodityMarket",
      "type": "GET",
      "title": "Last docked commodity market, add ?language=[en|fr|de|ru|es|pt] to translate locName and LocDescriptions"
      "href": "/shipyard",
      "rel": "Shipyard",
      "type": "GET",
      "title": "Last docked shipyard and outfitting"
      "href": "/communitygoals",
      "rel": "CommunityGoals",
      "type": "GET",
      "title": "Details on all currently active Community Goals and any contributions from this Commander, add ?language=[en|fr|de|ru|es|pt] to translate descriptions"
      "href": "/journal",
      "rel": "Journal",
      "type": "GET",
      "title": "Log lines from Commander Journal file, add (/:year(/:month(/:day))) to ask if previous journals are available"
      "href": "/fleetcarrier",
      "rel": "FleetCarrier",
      "type": "GET",
      "title": "Information about Commander's fleet carrier, add ?language=[en|fr|de|ru|es|pt] to translate locName and LocDescriptions"
      "href": "/visitedstars",
      "rel": "VisitedStars",
      "type": "GET",
      "title": "Download an zip archive containing the player's VisitedStarsCache.dat file. Status 102 indicates the file is being generated in the background, try again in a couple of minutes"


	GET <>

provides access to the Cmdr's profile. What follows is the last known information about the output. This will obviously be subject to change as Frontier changes things.

Where 'FDev ID' or 'FDev Symbol' is mentioned please see

  1. commander: Information about the Cmdr
    1. name: The Cmdr's Name
    2. id: Numerical ID
    3. docked: Whether currently docked
    4. alive: boolean
    5. credits: Credit Balance
    6. debt: Any current debt amount
    7. currentShipId: Numerical ID of current ship (index within the Cmdr's currently owned ships, not necessarily unique over time due to sell/buy).
    8. rank: Ranks
      1. combat
      2. trade
      3. explore
      4. cqc
      5. empire
      6. federation
      7. power
      8. service: ???
      9. crime
    9. capabilities: .e.g. whether the account has Horizons, and if it can buy the Cobra Mk IV.
  2. lastStarport: Information about the last StarPort they were docked at
    1. name: Name
    2. id: Numerical ID
    3. faction: Allegiance to a Super Power, if any
    4. minorfaction: Minor Faction that owns this asset
    5. services: Available services
  3. lastSystem: The last System they were in
    1. Name
    2. Allegiance ('faction')
    3. Numerical ID NB: This has been observed to sometimes be the id64/SystemAddress of the system, and other times be some other id. The ship section below then contains id matching this and systemaddress with the id64.
  4. ship: Current Ship data. Note that this duplicates some data that's at the top level.
    1. id: Current ship's Numerical ID (see currentShipId above)
    2. name: Ship Name
    3. value Ship Value, with breakdown cargo/modules/hull
      1. hull
      2. modules
      3. cargo
      4. total
      5. unloaned
    4. free: Whether this ship was free ?
    5. shipName: Current ship's Name
    6. shipID: Ship ID
    7. station: Current Station, if applicable
      1. id: Numerical ID
      2. name: Name of station
    8. starsystem: Current star system
      1. id
      2. name
      3. systemaddress: id64
    9. alive: boolean
    10. health
      1. hull
      2. shield
      3. shieldup: boolean
      4. integrity
      5. paintwork
    11. cockpitBreached: boolean
    12. oxygenRemaining: Oxygen Remaining
    13. modules: The first key in each entry describes which slot the module is for, and its size.
      1. module:
        1. id: Numerical FDev ID
        2. name: FDev Symbol
        3. locName: Localised human readable name
        4. locDescription: Localised module description.
        5. value: Price bought for ('value')
        6. free: ??? Whether it came free with a ship? It's 'false' on everything, even 'Planetary Approach Suite' and the Fuel Tank.
        7. health: Current Health
        8. on: Powered Status (on/off)
        9. priority: Power Priority
      2. engineer: Details of currently applied engineering
        1. engineerName: Which engineer was used
        2. engineerId: Engineer's numerical ID
        3. recipeName: Non-localised blueprint name
        4. recipeLocName: Localised blueprint name
        5. recpieLocDescription: Localised blueprint description
        6. recipeLevel: Rank of the blueprint
      3. WorkInProgress_modifications: Details about the effects of the applied blueprint
      4. specialModifications: "Special Effects", empty array if none
    14. launchBays: Information about in-stock SRVs. The top level key defines slot and size.
      1. name: 'testbuggy' for an SRV
      2. locName: "SRV Scarab"
      3. rebuilds: How many spares???
      4. loadout: "starter"
      5. loadoutName: "Starter" (Localised?)
  5. ships: Information about all ships the Commander owns. NB: This could be a simple array (if all ship indexes are contiguous from 0), or a dictionary indexed with a string version of the ship ID if there are any other gaps. The data is the same format as in the ship key.


	GET <>

Fetches the last visited shipyard for the authenticated commander.

CommodityId, EconomyId, ShipId can be found in the EDCD/FDevIDs repo

  1. id - Station ID
  2. name - Station name
  3. outpostType - What type of outpost it is, examples: starport, fleetcarrier
    • NB: Might not match the type in Journal events
  4. imported - Commodities that are imported to this station (dictionary, commodity id and key)
    • Example "128049162": "Cobalt"
  5. exported - Commodities that are exported from this station (dictionary, commodity id and key)
    • Example "128049162": "Cobalt"
  6. services - Services the station provides and their status
    1. dock - Status of Dock (ok, unavailable, private)
    2. contacts - Status of Contacts (ok, unavailable, private)
    3. exploration - Status of Exploration (ok, unavailable, private)
    4. commodities - Status of Commodities (ok, unavailable, private)
    5. refuel - Status of Refuel (ok, unavailable, private)
    6. repair - Status of Repair (ok, unavailable, private)
    7. rearm - Status of Rearm (ok, unavailable, private)
    8. outfitting - Status of Outfitting (ok, unavailable, private)
    9. shipyard - Status of Shipyard (ok, unavailable, private)
    10. crewlounge - Status of Crewlounge (ok, unavailable, private)
    11. searchrescue - Status of Search & Rescue (ok, unavailable, private)
    12. techbroker - Status of Tech broker (ok, unavailable, private)
    13. stationmenu - Status of Station menu (ok, unavailable, private)
    14. shop - Status of shop (ok, unavailable, private)
    15. engineer - Status of engineers (ok, unavailable, private)
  7. economies - What different types of economies you can expect from the station (dictionary, economyId as key)
    • Example "23": { "name" : "HighTech", "proportion": 0.7 }
  8. prohibited - Which commodities are prohibited on this station (dictionary, commodityId and key)
    • Example "128049162": "Cobalt"
  9. modules - The list of modules on this station (dictionary, moduleId as key)
    1. id - ModuleId
    2. category - What category this module is
    3. name - Name for the module
    4. cost - Module cost
    5. sku - The SKU for the module
    6. stock - How many are available of this item, -1 means unlimited
  10. ships - The list of available ships on this station
    1. shipyard_list - The actual list (Dictionary, ship name as key)
      1. id - ShipId
      2. name - Ship name
      3. basevalue - The base cost of a new ship
      4. sku - The SKU for the ship
      5. stock - How many of this ship we have in stock


	GET <>

provides access to information about the Cmdr's fleet carrier.

Response codes

Code Status Description
200 OK This means you got the Fleet Carrier Data
204 No Content This means that the player does not own a Fleet Carrier

Expected Output

  1. name: The carrier's callsign and name information

    1. callsign: The carrier's callsign, in the format A1A-A1A.
    2. vanityName: The carrier's name, hex encoded, before any filtering is applied.
    3. filteredVanityName: The carrier's name, hex encoded, after applying FDev's obscenity filter.
  2. currentStarSystem: Carrier's current system.

  3. balance: Amount of credits in carrier's bank account. This is separate from the owner CMDRs.

  4. fuel: Amount of Tritium fuel in the carrier's Tritium reserves. (Max 1000)

  5. state: Current state of the carrier. Known states are:

    • normalOperation: Operating normally.
    • debtState: Services offline due to carrier being out of funds.
    • pendingDecommission: Carrier has entered the decommission process.
  6. theme: Livery theme for the carrier. Known liveries:

    • SearchAndRescue
    • Mining
    • Trader
    • Explorer
    • AntiXeno
    • BountyHunter
  7. dockingAccess: Who can dock with the fleet carrier. Known states:

    • all
    • squadronfriends
    • friends
    • none
  8. notoriousAccess: Can CMDRs with notoriety dock? Boolean.

  9. capacity: Capacity usage

    1. shipPacks: Capacity used by ship packs (for shipyard)
    2. modulePacks: Capacity used for module packs (for outfitting)
    3. cargoForSale: Capacity used for cargo that is listed for sale on market
    4. cargoNotForSale: Capacity used for cargo that is NOT listed
    5. cargoSpaceReserved: Capacity reserved for cargo that is listed to BUY on market
    6. crew: Capacity used for crewing carrier modules
    7. freeSpace: Unused capacity
    8. microresourceCapacityTotal: Capacity for all micro resources (on foot materials)
    9. microresourceCapacityFree: Unused micro resources capacity
    10. microresourceCapacityUsed: Capacity used for micro resources
    11. microresourceCapacityReserved: Capacity reserved for micro resources that are listed to BUY at bartender.
  10. itinerary: Ships' itinerary

    1. completed: Completed jumps (list)
      1. departureTime: Time carrier left system, None if currently in system
      2. arrivalTime: Time carrier arrived in system
      3. state: ?? (always success in seen entries)
      4. visitDurationSeconds: How long carrier was/has been in system, in seconds
      5. starsystem: Name of starsystem
    2. totalDistanceJumpedLY: Total travel distance for carrier
    3. currentJump: System name for current plotted jump, otherwise None
  11. marketFinances: Market information for the carrier

    1. cargoTotalValue: Computed value of entire cargo
    2. allTimeProfit: Total profit earned by carrier market
    3. numCommodsForSale: Number of commodities listed for sale on carrier market
    4. numCommodsPurchaseOrders: Number of commodities listed to buy on carrier market
    5. balanceAllocForPurchaseOrders: How many credits are allocated for fulfilling buy orders
  12. blackmarketFinances: Black market information for the carrier.

    1. cargoTotalValue: Computed value of entire cargo
    2. allTimeProfit: Total profit earned by carrier market
    3. numCommodsForSale: Number of commodities listed for sale on carrier market
    4. numCommodsPurchaseOrders: Number of commodities listed to buy on carrier market
    5. balanceAllocForPurchaseOrders: How many credits are allocated for fulfilling buy orders
  13. finance:

    1. bankBalance: Total credits in fleet carrier's account
    2. bankReservedBalance: Balance reserved for carrier upkeep
    3. taxation: Taxation rate for service use on the carrier
    4. service_taxation: Individual taxation rates for each service (Dict)
      1. bartender: Taxation rate in % for bartender services
      2. pioneersupplies: Taxation rate in % for Pioneer supply services
      3. rearm: Taxation rate in % for rearming services
      4. refuel: Taxation rate in % for refuelling services
      5. repair: Taxation rate in % for repair services
      6. shipyard: Taxation rate in % for shipyard services
      7. outfitting: Taxation rate in % for outfitting services
    5. numServices: Number of services active on carrier
    6. numOptionalServices: Number of optional services active on carrier
    7. debtThreshold: Maximum negative credit balance before carrier automatically decommissions
    8. maintenance: Total cost pending for weekly maintenance
    9. maintenanceToDate: Total paid for maintenance in carrier lifetime
    10. coreCost: Current base weekly cost for carrier
    11. servicesCost: Current pending weekly cost for services, active or suspended
    12. servicesCostToDate: Total paid for services in carrier lifetime
    13. jumpsCost: Current pending cost for jumps made in the past week
    14. numJumps: Number of jumps made in the past week
    15. bartender: Detailed information about bartender micro resource services (Dict)
      1. microresourcesTotalValue: Computed value of all micro resources (on foot materials) in stock
      2. allTimeProfit: Total profit earned on sales of micro resources
      3. microresourcesForSale: Number of micro resources listed for sale at bartender
      4. microresourcesPurchaseOrders: Number of micro resources listed to buy at bartender
      5. profitHistory: History of profit on recent transactions (List of ints)
  14. servicesCrew: Enumerates assigned crew on the carrier. All services share the same crewMember data as shown in first example.

    1. refuel: If refuel facility is installed, shows data on crew member.
      • crewMember:
        1. name: Crew member's name
        2. gender: Crew member's gender (F or M)
        3. enabled: Service enabled, YES or NO
        4. faction: Crew member's native faction
        5. salary: Weekly salary for crew member
        6. avatarStr: A string, containing data needed to represent the NPC's avatar. Example: img://avatar:Seed:1913354398/Expression:eExpression_Positive/Labels:Gender|female-Faction|Federation-StarportContactType|CarrierRefuel-NPCType|StarportContact/DisableColourCorrection:0/
        7. lastEdit: When crew member was last changed
      • invoicesWeekToDate: List containing elements as below
        1. wages: Amount paid/owed
        2. from: From date
        3. until: To date
        4. type: ??, known states current and expected
      • status: ?? known states: ok
    2. repair: Repair facility crew member information, if installed.
    3. rearm: Rearm facility crew member information, if installed.
    4. shipyard: Shipyard facility crew member information, if installed.
    5. outfitting: Outfitting facility crew member information, if installed.
    6. voucherredemption: Voucher redemption facility crew member information, if installed.
    7. exploration: Interstellar cartographer facility crew member information, if installed.
    8. blackmarket: Black market facility crew member information, if installed.
    9. bartender: Bartender market facility crew member information, if installed.
    10. vistagenomics: Exobiology facility crew member information, if installed.
    11. pioneersupplies: On-foot supply facility crew member information, if installed.
  15. cargo: A list of all cargo items on board, in the following format:

    1. commodity: Non-localized commodity name
    2. mission: Whether the commodity is mission attached, boolean
    3. qty: Quantity of commodity (Always 1, in our experience)
    4. value: Value of commodity
    5. stolen: Whether the commodity is flagged as stolen
    6. locName: Localized name of commodity, follows carrier owner's localization
  16. orders: Information on all buy and sell orders

    1. commodities: Buy and sell orders for standard cargo commodities
      1. sales: A list of sell orders, in the following format:
        1. name: The commodity name
        2. stock: The quantity for sale
        3. price: The sell price per item
        4. blackmarket: Boolean, true if this item is for sale on the black market
      2. purchases: A list of buy orders, in the following format:
        1. name: The commodity name
        2. total: The total buy order
        3. outstanding: The remaining outstanding to fulfil the buy order
        4. price: The buy price per item
    2. onfootmicroresources: Buy and sell orders for micro resources (on foot materials)
      1. sales: A Dict containing sell orders, or an empty list if there are no sell orders. The Dict key is the sell order ID (str) and the contents being a Dict in the following format:
        1. id: A unique identifier (int)
        2. name: The resource name
        3. locName: Localised resource name
        4. stock: The quantity for sale
        5. price: The sell price per item
      2. purchases: A list of buy orders, in the following format:
        1. name: The resource name
        2. locName: The localised resource name
        3. total: The total buy order
        4. outstanding: The remaining outstanding to fulfil the buy order
        5. price: The buy price per item
  17. carrierLocker: All microresources (on foot materials) stored on the carrier, organised by type.

    1. assets: A list of all stored assets
      1. id: A unique identifier (int)
      2. quantity: The number of items stored
      3. name: The Resource name
      4. locName: The localised resource name
    2. goods: A list of all stored goods
      1. id: A unique identifier (int)
      2. quantity: The number of items stored
      3. name: The Resource name
      4. locName: The localised resource name
    3. data: A list of all stored data
      1. id: A unique identifier (int)
      2. quantity: The number of items stored
      3. name: The Resource name
      4. locName: The localised resource name
  18. reputation: A list of faction reputations, in the following format.

    1. majorFaction: Name of faction
    2. score: Reputation score, 0 to 100

    Known valid majorFaction strings are empire, federation, independent and alliance.

  19. market: Market information for the carrier, same as journal market entries

    1. id: Numerical unique ID for the market

    2. name: Market name, same as callsign

    3. outpostType: Always fleetcarrier in this context

    4. imported: List of imported commodities (carrier buys)

    5. exported: List of exported commodities (carrier sells)

    6. services: Array of service status

      1. commodities:
      2. carrierfuel:
      3. refuel:
      4. repair:
      5. rearm:
      6. shipyard:
      7. outfitting:
      8. blackmarket:
      9. voucherredemption:
      10. exploration:
      11. carriermanagement:
      12. stationmenu:
      13. dock:
      14. crewlounge:
      15. engineer:
      16. contacts:

      For all the above, the following state strings are possible: ok: Active and available, unavailable: Not installed, or private: Only accessible by owner

    7. economies: An array, always set to the same:

      • 136:
        1. name: Always Carrier
        2. proportion: Always 1
    8. prohibited: Which commodities are prohibited on this station (dictionary, commodityId and key). This isn't always populated. When it is, it may be related to what's prohibited in the system in which the Fleet Carrier is situated.

    9. commodities: A list of available commodities

      1. id: Commodity ID
      2. categoryname: Commodity category name
      3. name: Non-localized string for commodity, as in journal data
      4. stock: Number of commodity in stock
      5. buyPrice: Price to buy commodity FROM carrier
      6. sellPrice: Price to sell commodity TO carrier
      7. demand: Number of commodity carrier is willing to buy
      8. legality: ??
      9. meanPrice: ??
      10. demandBracket: ??
      11. stockBracket: ??
      12. locName: Localized name of commodity, depending on fleet carrier owner's locale
  20. ships: Shipyard information

    • shipyard_list: List containing available ships
  21. modules: Available modules in outfitting


	GET <>

Get the market data from the last docked station/fleet carrier/settlement and contains their services and status, what type of economics it has, what they import, export and what is forbidden. (And also the commodities, with price info and stock/demand)

CommodityId can be found in the EDCD/FDevIDs repo

  1. id - Station ID
  2. name - Station name
  3. outpostType - What type of outpost it is, examples: starport, fleetcarrier
    • NB: Might not match the type in Journal events
  4. imported - Which commodities are imported to this station (dictionary, commodity id and key)
    • Example "128049162": "Cobalt"
  5. exported - Which commodities are exported from this station (dictionary, commodity id and key)
    • Example "128049162": "Cobalt"
  6. services - What services the station provides and their status
    1. dock - Status of Dock (ok, unavailable, private)
    2. contacts - Status of Contacts (ok, unavailable, private)
    3. exploration - Status of Exploration (ok, unavailable, private)
    4. commodities - Status of Commodities (ok, unavailable, private)
    5. refuel - Status of Refuel (ok, unavailable, private)
    6. repair - Status of Repair (ok, unavailable, private)
    7. rearm - Status of Rearm (ok, unavailable, private)
    8. outfitting - Status of Outfitting (ok, unavailable, private)
    9. shipyard - Status of Shipyard (ok, unavailable, private)
    10. crewlounge - Status of Crewlounge (ok, unavailable, private)
    11. searchrescue - Status of Search & Rescue (ok, unavailable, private)
    12. techbroker - Status of Tech broker (ok, unavailable, private)
    13. stationmenu - Status of Station menu (ok, unavailable, private)
    14. shop - Status of shop (ok, unavailable, private)
    15. engineer - Status of engineers (ok, unavailable, private)
  7. economies - What different types of economies you can expect from the station (dictionary, economyId as key)
    • Example "23": { "name" : "HighTech", "proportion": 0.7 }
  8. prohibited - Which commodities are prohibited on this station (dictionary, commodityId as key)
    • Example "128049162": "Cobalt"
  9. commodities - All available commodities and their info
    1. id - Commodity ID
    2. name - Commodity name
    3. legality - Status of the legality of this commodity at this station, empty string = legal
    4. buyPrice - The buy price at the moment of the visit
    5. sellPrice - The sell price at the moment of the visit
    6. meanPrice - The mean price at the momenf of the visit
    7. demandBracket - How much in demand this commodity is, value between 0 and 3
    8. stockBracket - How much in stock this commodity has (bracket), value between 0 and 3
    9. stock - How many items are in stock of this commodity
    10. demand - How many items the station has demand for (more is better)
    11. statusFlags
    12. categoryName - Category the commodity belongs to
    13. locName - Localised name


Gives access to the authenticated players journals, all sessions are combined into a single file for a single request

Request endpoints

  • GET <>
  • GET <[year (4 numbers)]/[month (2 numbers)]/[day (2 numbers)]>

Example requests:

GET <>

This request give you the current day journal data

GET <>

This request would give you the journal for the specific date, in this case the 30th December, 2020.

Response codes

Code Status Description
200 OK This means you got the entire journal for the specified request
204 No Content This means that the player has not (yet) played this day
206 Partial Content The request did not get the entire journal, best solution is to keep trying until you get 200 - OK
401 Unauthorized See HTTP Status Codes for more information

Expected output

To know what kind of output you can except from the /journal endpoint, we recommend reading the Journal Manual to see what you can encounter.

HTTP Status Codes

  1. 401 - Unauthorized - Since the 'September Update' patch on 2019-09-17 the CAPI servers use this HTTP status code to signal that the provided Access Token is invalid (certainly for when it's expired).

    The body containing:

     {"status":401,"message":"JWT has incorrect\/unexpected fields"}
  2. 418 - "I'm a teapot" - used to signal that the service is down for maintenance. Technically Frontier shouldn't be using this as it's a joke from a couple of April Fools' RFCs:

  3. 422 - "Unprocessable Entity" - previously used to signal that a provided Access Token was invalid, likely due to it being expired. This changed with the 'September Update' patch in 2019.