Here is where you are going to fly drones with Vicon at the University of Manchester.
Indoor flights with a drone and a Vicon system is illusrated by the figure below.
Several points to understand this figure:
- every thing is connected to a WIFI router,
- Vicon system detects the markers attahced to a drone and computes its pose,
- base station runs the package vicon_bridge to get Vicon information into ros topics,
- control signals computed by base station are sent to drone by publishing to ros topics that are provided by mavros.
Satart Vicon tracker
Calibrate system (do it everytime before experiments)
- dance with favourite music waving your magic wand.
Set origin
Recalibrate Vicon
- Donot touch cage or gate to impact cameras.
- once a camera's light is blinking, redo calibration.
Set static IP
- set a static IP for Vicon system when connecting to WIFI.
- Put markers on a drone
- not symmetric
- not covered
- put drone in flight cage and check if all markers can be seen in Vicon
- In Vicon tracker, Choose Objects tag and select all markers
- Name object and then create
- Select object in Object Tag: the object DRONE_z is chosen.
This is done at base station.
Download and build ros package vicon_bridge from EEEManchester
Connnect base station to WIFI with a static IP, like 192.168.10.XX
given a base station with Ubuntu 20.04 and WIFI name being drone_wifi-5GHz,
WIFI settings can be used configure static IP
- change IPv4 method to be Manual meaning that IP adress for this base statino is set manually by us instead of being allocated dynamically,
- put a user-defined address in the first line below Address. Puting means that once this base station is connected to drone_wifi-5GHz, its IP address will always be
Check WIFI connection between base station and Vicon system
- at vicon computer, ping base station with the static IP just set
ping base_station_IP
- at base tation, ping vicon system,
ping vicon_system_IP
- this can also be used to test WIFI connection among Vicon, base station and drone. For instance, at drone, do
ping base_station_IP ping vicon_system_IP
in Vicon launch file, put the IP address of Vicon system as the datastream_hostport, like in the launch file below.
run vicon_bridge by
roslaunch vicon_bridge vicon_launch
then, a rostopic named after /vicon/object_name/object_name should be generated and drone pose information should be found there.
It is possible to change the topic of the object in vicon like make DRONE_z' pose information be published to the topic /vicon/drone
<remap from="/vicon/DRONE_z/DRONE_z" to="/vicon/drone" />
then we can find /vicon/drone in rostopic list
Vicon ros msg includes position information and attitude in quaterion
Calibrate Vicon
- dance with favourite music
- camera's light becomes green: it mean OK.
- all cameras's light becoming blinking if they are all calibrated.
run vicon_bridge at base station
roslaunch vicon_bridge vicon_launch
check drone pose information by
rostopic echo /vicon/object_name/object_name
NOTE change yaw rotation It is highly recommended that drones are placed with zero yaw angle.
Take a quadrotor for example. We usually set the reference yaw angle to be zero, which can cause a potenial risk if the drone is palced with a non-zero yaw angle.
This image shows a 180 yaw rotation from the origin.
get vicon_bridge from
get drone_experiment_tool from
change object name in line 5
<remap from="/vicon/DRONE_z/DRONE_z" to="/vicon/drone" />
roslaunch drone_experiment_tools drone_ex_F46_setup.launch
Indoor flights need Motion Capture System to provide pose information for drones. Vicon is setup in F46 and we shall configure PX4 such that our drone takes pose information from Vicon to meet auto flight conditions.
EKF2_AID_MASK is the parameter to be tuned: - click 3 if horizontal position data will be used and set EKF2_HGT_MODE = 3 if vertical position data, - click 8 if velocity data is used, - click 4 if orientation data is used for for yaw estimation, or click 6 if vision reference frame offset will be estimated and used to rotate the external vision system data.
Source: 1. External Vision System, PX4, 2. EKF2_AID_MASK,
EKF in PX4 ECLChoosing instances of EKF depends on the number of IMUs and the number of magnetometers. For pixhawks 5x, there are
- 3 IMUS,
- 1 magnetometer,
therefore, we should set
which leads to
N_instances = MAX(EKF2_MULTI_IMU , 1) x MAX(EKF2_MULTI_MAG , 1) = 3
Following the guide, we should set - SENS_IMU_MODE = 1 as 1: Publish primary IMU selection, - SENS_MAG_MODE = 1 as 1: Publish primary magnetometer