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208 lines (148 loc) · 6.66 KB


Zencore is a Zenity powered alternative to the CLI progam, designed for debian based systems.

#! /bin/bash/

#Zencore 2.0 Script Example

#this document provides the script lay-out for future zencore entries.


#helper - name of helper #versnum - helper version number #LCDEP - INSTALLATION METHOD

purpose - what the helper does (e.g. Installs media servers)

#CLM - Command Line mode #GUI Graphic user Interface mode

#routes #For CLI utilities use ELCI-Linux/ (due to become deprecated)

For GUI utilities use ELCI-Linux/Zencore


zenity --info --title="$helpername $versnum" / --text="$helper $versnum was developed by The ELCI Group Ltd. This software uses: $LCDEP to $purpose"

#mode (mandatory) 
#the CLM and GUI variables are used to determine whether to run scripts entirely in the command line or entirely using zenity

    zenity --list --radiolist /
    --column="Selected" --column="Mode" /
                 ""   --"Command-Line" /
                 ""   --"Graphical User Interface" >> $helper-mode.txt
      # use (grep -c) to create a binary record of selected option
      # this is recommended as the wildcard $? will be needed later
     CLM=$(grep -c "Command-Line")
     GUI=$(grep -c "Graphical User Interface")

# create each process with an if/elif statement 
    if [ $CLM -gt '0' ]; then
    #print text
    echo "example"
    # print file
    cat "example.txt"
    # continue
    read -p "Are you sure? " -n 1 -r
    echo    # (optional) move to a new line
    if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
    exit 1; fi
    # yes or no question (numeric)
    select $yn in "Yes" "No";
    case yn in
    Yes) positive ;;
    No ) negative ;;
    # yes or no command (read)
    while true; do
    read -p "Do you wish to install this program?" yn
    case $yn in
        [Yy]* ) make install; break;;
        [Nn]* ) exit;;
        * ) echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
    # select single option from list
    # include 'break' on a new line or '&& break' or a line with the end of a command chain to prevent looping or exclude to allow
    PS3='Question for end user'
    select app in vlc clementine; do
    case $app in
    vlc) sudo apt-get install vlc;;
    clementine) sudo apt-get install clementine;;
    elif [ $GUI -gt '0' ]; then
    #print text
    zenity --info --title="$helper" /
    #(or make a variable and include it within the speechmarks)

#progress (optional)
#if you would like to include a progress meter you must enclose all relevant elememts of the script within brackets
        helper=$'Bobbi Installer'
        purpose=$'install vlc player'
        zenity --info --title="$helper $versnum" /
--text="$helper $versnum was developed by The ELCI Group Ltd. This software uses: $LCDEP to $purpose. When you press 'ok', $helper will $purpose"
    (if [ $? -eq '0' ]; then
    echo "33"
    sudo apt-get update
    echo "66"
    sudo apt-get install vlc
    echo "100"
    fi ) | zenity --progress --title="VLC Installer" --text=

multi function (replicate where needed)

zenity --list --title="$helper $vernum" --text="Example: Please select an option" / --column="Selected" --column="Purpose"

#single function (replicate where needed)

zenity --list --radiolist --title="$helper $vernum" --text="Example: Please select an option" / --column="Selected" --column="Purpose"/ "" "Function 1" / "" "Function 2" /

how to exploit zenity output

#Method 1 (recommended)

zenity --list --radiolist --title="$helper $vernum" --text="Example: Please select an option" / --column="Selected" --column="Purpose"/ "" "Function 1" / "" "Function 2" / $helper-function.txt

# create a variable: the grep count command to read how many instances of each output are within your new text file

FUN1=$(grep -c "Function1" $helper-function.txt)

# use an if statement to determine whether a users input signified an action
# mimic the spacing of the text exact as so
# the 'then' command will then run every command from the line below

if [ $FUN1 -gt '0' ]; then
#try to explain each line or series of lines
sudo apt-get install vlc

# each if statement should end with ";fi" or "fi" on a new line unless...

#create a variable (e.g. $var) and set it equal to the zenity list command (e.g. var=$(zenity --list...) ).

if [ $FUN1 -gt '0' ]; then
sudo apt-get install vlc
elif [ $FUN1 -eq '0' ]; then
#explain why these actions are being carried out (e.g. user has selected recommended video player)
sudo apt-get install clementine

#scales #there may be circumstance in which you wish to have users enter numerical input in a graphical manner

the best way to use these inputs is by embedding the zenity command within a variable

allocation=$(zenity --scale --title="Custom Disk Manager" --text="Select the size of the new partition" --value=64 --max-value="100" --step=64 --print-partial)

follow with an appropriate if statement or command featuring "allocation" or chosen variable

full demonstration - flatpak


helper=$"flatpak" versnum=$"1.0" LCDEP="apt OR compiling" purpose=$"Installs flatpak"

#CLM - Command Line mode #GUI Graphic user Interface mode

#routes #For CLI Apolications+utilities use ELCI-Linux/ (due to become deprecated)

For GUI applications+utilities use ELCI-Linux/Zencore


zenity --info --title="$helpername $versnum" / --text="$helper $versnum was developed by The ELCI Group Ltd. This software uses: $LCDEP to $purpose" zenity --list --radiolist / --column="Selected" --column="Mode" / "" --"Command-Line" / "" --"Graphical User Interface" >> $helper-mode.txt

      # use (grep -c) to create a binary record of selected option
      # this is recommended as the wildcard $? will be needed later
     CLM=$(grep -c "Command-Line")
     GUI=$(grep -c "Graphical User Interface")

if [ $CLM -gt '0' ]; then

zenity --info --title="$helper: "

elif [ $GUI -gt '0' ]; then