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EOSIO-Taurus Overview |
EOSIO-Taurus is the next-generation blockchain platform for creating and deploying smart contracts and distributed applications. EOSIO-Taurus comes with a number of programs. The primary ones included in EOSIO-Taurus are the following:
- Nodeos - Core service daemon that runs a node for block production, API endpoints, or local development.
- Cleos - Command line interface to interact with the blockchain (via
) and manage wallets (viakeosd
). - Keosd - Component that manages EOSIO-Taurus keys in wallets and provides a secure enclave for digital signing.
The basic relationship between these components is illustrated in the diagram below.
Additional EOSIO-Taurus Resources:
- EOSIO-Taurus Utilities - Utilities that complement the EOSIO-Taurus software.