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File metadata and controls

132 lines (110 loc) · 5.8 KB


  • Linux OS system
  • The easiest and recommended way is to make sure you have the latest version of Docker Desktop, which bundles the Docker Engine and Docker CLI platform including Compose V2
  • jq package (just needed for crosswalk examples)
  • You can start this application with or without cassandra.
  • If you start the application without cassandra, you need a running Cassandra, either in docker-network for swarm or on a host with port 9042
  • You can start this Project with Docker-Swarm (Multi-Node) or Docker-Compose (one Node)
    • If you want to start with Docker-Swarm, first initialize Swarm
      • On Manager-Node execute docker swarm leave --force
      • On Worker-Nodes execute docker swarm leave --force
      • On Manager-Node execute *docker swarm init --advertise-addr <ip_of_manager_node>
      • On Manager-Node execute docker swarm join-token worker -q to get the Join-Token
      • On Worker-Nodes execute *docker swarm join --token <join_token> <ip_of_manager_node>:2377


  • Checkout this Git-Project onto docker-machine

  • Ensure if you have sudo all rights on the machine.

  • Set all Variables in configs/.env correctly

  • Execute the following command. It will prepare the folder structure and configuration for the application in the given OAI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY_ENV

    • With Cassandra
      • host:/$> sudo ./
    • Without Cassandra
      • host:/$> sudo ./
  • If you want to start with docker swarm, you have to set the environment with:

    • host:/$> set -a; . /etc/environment; set +a;
  • OAI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY_ENV must be an absolute path!

  • OAI_EXTERNAL_BACKEND_URL the base URL of the backend with path protocol://hostname:port/oai-backend, e.g "http://localhost:8080/oai-backend" or "http://mydomain:80/oai-backend"

  • CASSANDRA_PASSWORD Password for the User "fizoaibackend"

  • CASSANDRA_HOSTNAME Hostname is "cassandra" if you use docker-swarm. Otherwise set it to name of the vm.


  • To write Data and configure OAI-Provider, decide if you want to access the OAI-Backend externally or Docker-Network-Internally.
  • Access OAI-Backend externally:
    • Edit docker-compose.yml
      • Add port-mapping to oai-backend
        - '8081:8080'
  • Access OAI-Backend Docker-Network-Internally, join FIZ-OAI into existing Network
    • Check running Networks
      docker network ls
    • Edit docker-compose.yml
      • Join FIZ-OAI to exisiting Network
              name: <existing_network_name> (eg radar_radar)

Running the application

  • Application can get started with or without Cassandra
  • With Cassandra:
    • host:/$> docker compose -f docker-compose-with-cassandra.yml up -d
    • host:/$> docker compose -f docker-compose-with-cassandra.yml down
  • Without Cassandra
    • Depends on a running Cassandra, either in docker-network for swarm or on a host with port 9042
    • host:/$> docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
    • host:/$> docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down
    • OR
    • host:/$> docker stack deploy -c docker-compose4swarm.yml oai
    • host:/$> docker stack rm oai NOTE: When using docker-swarm, no ports are opened. So you need an Webserver in an Docker-Container in the Network. Then proxyPass to the hostnames noted in docker-compose4swarm.yml

Getting started

Check installation

After starting the services you can call the following urls and see if the "oai-provider" and the "oai-backend" response

Oai-Provider: http://localhost:8080/oai/

Oai-Backend: http://localhost:8081/oai-backend/info/version

Create Data in Cassandra-Database (Formats, Crosswalks)

Example Scripts are copied to OAI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY_ENV/examples Check them and then execute them.

Create formats

The script examples/ shows you how to create formats via curl.

Create crosswalks (needs jq package)

If you want to automatically transform your metadata into other formats, you can use crosswalks. The commands in examples/ shows you how Radar metadata can be transformed into oai_dc and datacite via XSLT.

Create items

After creating at least the oai_dc format, you are able to send your metadata into the oai-backend. Have a look at examples/ The curl command shows you how to create a multipart request to the backend. It contains of two parts

  1. The xml metadata itself (content)
  2. An item description for the metadata in JSON (item)


The FIZ-OAI has no security features, like authentication or autorization. If needed you can adapt Basic-Auth to the service. The only Service allowed to be connected to the internet is the Oai-Provider. You should use vHost listening to 443 including a Reverse-Proxy and certificate for doing this:

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ProxyPass /oai http://localhost:8080/oai
    ProxyPassReverse /oai http://localhost:8080/oai

Cassandra Backup

A cronjob is creating regularly snapshots and backups of the cassandra database. You can find them here: INSTALL_DIR/data/cassandra-backup

You have to backup INSTALL_DIR/data/cassandra-backup for disaster recovery!


There are several parameters to configure the provider ui via OAI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY_ENV/configs/oai_provider/

branding.header.color=#97c6f4 FIZ OAI Provider
branding.welcome.text=This is the FIZ OAI provider
branding.privacy.url=, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;