The next examples (with the exception of Open a Raw event from path) will exploit the THRAWS
database to showcase the use of PyRawS, but they are applicable to any databases compatible with PyRawS.
The next code snipped will showcase how to use PyRawS to open a Raw_event My_Raw_data
, included in the THRAWS
database by using its PATH
. We assume to have the My_RAW_data
directory in the same directory where you execute the code snippet below.
To manipulate Raw events, PyRawS
offer a class called Raw_event
. To open an avent, we will use the Raw_event class method from_path(...)
, which parses the database specified, retrieves the event specified by id_event
and opens it with the requested bands (bands_list
When you open an event, you can specify which bands to use. If bands_list
is not specified, the method from_path(...)
will return all the bands.
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B8A", "B11", "B12"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS
raw_event.from_path(#Path to the Etna_00 event
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
The example above can be used directly, even if you did not set up a PyRawS database. However, PyRawS
offer some API to parse directly Raw_event parsing a database. with no need to specify a path. Please, check Open a Raw event from database.
The next code snipped will showcase how to use PyRawS to open the Raw_event Etna_00
included in the THRAWS
To do that,
To manipulate Raw events objects, PyRawS
will exploits the Raw_event
class method from_database(...)
, which parses the associated .csv
file located in PyRawS/database
with no need to specify the PATH
from the user. To execute the next code snipped, we assume to you have already downloaded and set-up the THRAWS
database as specificied in databases compatible with PyRawS.
As for the method from_path(...)
described in Open a Raw event from path, you can specify which bands to use. If bands_list
is not specified, the method from_database(...)
will return all the bands.
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B8A", "B11", "B12"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS
raw_event.from_database(#Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
All the next examples will assume you already have downloaded and set-up the THRAWS
database as specificied in databases compatible with PyRawS. However, they can work by using from_path(...)
instead of from_database(...)
and specifying the PATH
to the Etna_00
event manually.
As specified in Raw events and Raw granules, an Raw event is a collection of Raw granules. As for Raw_event, Raw granules are modelled in PyRawS through a dedicated class Raw_granule
The next code snippet will show how to get the information about the Raw granules that compose the Etna_00
Raw_event. The class method show_granules_info()
will print the list of events and some metada for each event. To get the same information as a dictionary {granule name : granule info}
for an easy manipulation, you can use the Raw_event
class method get_granules_info(...)
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B8A", "B11", "B12"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#You can also read it by using raw_event.from_path(...).
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
# Printing granules info
#Getting Raw granules info dictionary {granule name : granule info}
The class Raw_event
contains a list of objects Raw_granule
, each one modelling a specific Raw granule that belongs to that Raw_event (please, check Raw events and Raw granules for more information).
The different Raw_granule
objects are sorted alphabetically and are accessible through indices. The next code snippet will show how to get a specific Raw granule by using the Raw_event
class method get_granule(granule_idx)
, where granule_idx
is the granule indices. The function returns an Raw_granule
object. As for Raw_event
objects, it is possible to print or retrieve metadata information for a spefic Raw_granule
by using the Raw_granule
methods get_granule_info()
and show_granule_info()
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B8A", "B11", "B12"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#You can also read it by using raw_event.from_path(...).
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
#Read the granule 0 of the Etna_00 event.
raw_granule_0 = raw_event.get_granule(0)
# Printing the info of the granule 0
#Getting Raw granules info dictionary {granule name : granule info}
To visualize the values of an Raw_data
object, it is possible to return it as a PyTorch tensor. However, since the different bands have different resolutions, depending on the bands that we want to shape as a tensor, it is necessary to upsample/downsample some of them to adapt them to the band with higher/smaller resolution. The next code snippet will open the Etna_00
with bands B02
(10 m), B8A
(20 m), B11
(20 m), get the granule with index 1, and will return the first two bands in the collection as tensor by performing upsample.
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B04", "B8A", "B11"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#You can also read it by using raw_event.from_path(...).
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
#Read the granule 1 of the Etna_00 event.
raw_granule_1 = raw_event.get_granule(1)
#Returning the bands B04 and B8A of raw_granule_1 as tensor by upsampling.
raw_granule_1_tensor=raw_granule_1.as_tensor(#list of bands to transform as tensor
requested_bands=["B04", "B8A"],
#Set to True to perform downsampling (default)
It is possible to superimpose Raw_granule
bands by using the class method show_bands_superimposition(...)
. (N.B. it is possible to superimpose up to three bands).
In case bands have different resolution, you need to specify if you want to superimpose them by performing downsampling (default) or upsampling. The next code snippet will open the Etna_00
with bands B02
, B8A
, B11
, B12
, get the granule with index 0, and will superimpose the last three bands.
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B04", "B8A", "B11", "B12"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#You can also read it by using raw_event.from_path(...).
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
#Read the granule 0 of the Etna_00 event.
raw_granule_0 = raw_event.get_granule(0)
#Returning the bands B04 and B8A of raw_granule_1 as tensor by upsampling.
raw_granule_0.show_bands_superimposition(#Bands to superimpose
requested_bands=["B04", "B11", "B12"],
#Set to True to perform downsampling
The previous code snippet will display the image below. As you can see, the various bands of the image lack of coregistration of the various bands.
PyRawS offers some utils to perform coarse coregistration on Raw_granule
objects. You can coregister a specific Raw_granule
object of the Raw_event
collection by calling the coarse_coregistration(...)
method of the Raw_event
class by selecting the corresponding index through the granules_idx
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B04", "B8A", "B11"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#You can also read it by using raw_event.from_path(...).
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
# Perform the corase coregistration of the "Etna_00" event.
# Missing pixels will be filled with zeros.
raw_coreg_granule_2=raw_event.coarse_coregistration( # granule index to coregister.
The previous code snippet returns the coarse coregistration of the granule 2 of the "Etna_00" event. The coarse coregistration is performed by shifting the bands B8A
and B11
with respect to the band B04
, which is the first in the collection. The missing pixels produced by the shift of the bands B8A
and B11
will be filled by zeros. The superimposition of the coregistered bands with zero-filling is shown in the image below ("coregistration")
It is possible to launch crop the missing values by setting the argument crop_empty_pixels=True
, as in the snippet below.
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B04", "B8A", "B11"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#You can also read it by using raw_event.from_path(...).
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
# Perform the corase coregistration of the "Etna_00" event.
# Missing pixels will be cropped.
raw_coreg_granule_0_with_crop=raw_event.coarse_coregistration(# granule index to coregister.
# Cropping missing pixels.
Alternatively, you can fill the pixing pixels with filler elements taken from other Raw_granule
objects when available. This is done by setting the argument use_complementary_granules=True
. In this case, the compatibility of adjacent Raw_granule
objects will be checked by the coarse_coregistration(...)
API and use it in case it is available.
When filling Raw_granule
objects are not available, missing pixels will be cropped if crop_empty_pixels
is set to True. The superimposition of the coregistered bands with crop is shown in the image below ("coregistration with crop).
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B04", "B8A", "B11"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#You can also read it by using raw_event.from_path(...).
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
# Perform the corase coregistration of the "Etna_00" event.
# Missing pixels will be cropped.
raw_coreg_granule_0_with_fill=raw_event.coarse_coregistration(# granule index to coregister.
# Search for filling elements
# among adjacent Raw granules
# Cropping missing pixels
# when compatible Raw granules
# are not available
The superimposition of the coregistered bands with filling elements is shown in the image below ("coregistration with fill).
It is possible to get coordinates of the vertices of a Raw_granule
object. Georeferencing is performed by using the information of the bands shift used to perform the coarse coregistration with respect to the band B02
and by exploiting the coordinates of the Raw granule footprint (please, refer to Sentinel-2 Products Specification Document). The code snippet below shows ho to get the information of the differnet bands of an Raw granule.
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B04", "B8A", "B11"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#You can also read it by using raw_event.from_path(...).
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
#Read the granule 1 of the Etna_00 event.
raw_granule_1 = raw_event.get_granule(1)
#Get bands coordinates
The code snipped above returns a bands_coordinates_dict
, a dictionary structured as {band_name : [BOTTOM-LEFT(lat, lon), BOTTOM-RIGHT(lat, lon), TOP-RIGHT(lat, lon), TOP-LEFT(lat, lon)]}
This example will show you how to extract database metadata associated to an Raw event. To run the next example it is necessary to have set up database how described in databases compatible with PyRawS.
Database metadata include:
- Event class (e.g.,
) - List of Raw useful granules
- {Useful granule : Bounding box} dictionary
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B04", "B8A", "B11"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#raw_event.from_path(...) cannot be used.
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
#Extract event class.
#Extract indices of Raw useful granules
#Get {Useful granule : Bounding box} dictionary
This example will shows how to export an Raw_granule
to TIF files. To this aim, you need to provide the path to a target directory, which will contain a TIF file for each band.
from pyraws.raw.raw_event import Raw_event
#Instantiate an empty Raw_event
#Bands to open.
bands_list=["B04", "B8A", "B11"]
#Read "Etna_00" from THRAWS database.
#raw_event.from_path(...) cannot be used.
raw_event.from_database( #Database ID_EVENT
#Bands to open. Leave to None to use all the bands.
#If True, verbose mode is on.
#Database name
#Apply coarse coregistration to the Raw granule with index 0 and return it
#Save folder path
#Export a TIF file for each band.