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File metadata and controls

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gRowing is a collection of modules to construct a friendly front-end in web pages. Every module takes care of an specific job on the page, the idea behind the modules is make the developer only import what he need. The current avaiable modules are:










But relax, more are coming

Use instructions

We have an standart parameter for all the plugins, the autoExecute, his function is to execute everything the js needs to do when we stanciate the class.



Here is an example of accordion:

<div class="accord-container w-100" id="accordion">
	<div class="accord-group">
		<div class="accord-title first-accord close">
		<div class="accord-text hide-accord formatted-text">
	<div class="accord-group">
		<div class="accord-title open">
		<div class="accord-text">
	<div class="accord-group">
		<div class="accord-title last-accord close">
		<div class="accord-text last-text hide-accord">


The accordion, in the moment, has this 3 parameter, target, autoExecute, and onlyOne

target -> Indicates the mother class of the accordion

onlyOne -> When one accordion open, the others will close

const accordion = new Accordion({
	target: "#accordion",
	autoExecute: true,
	onlyOne: true


The form module has many functionalities inside him;

All code examples are based on that html, this html has the ideia of how the forms must be construct

<div id="content" >
	<form action="hahah" method="get" id="form">
		<div class="form-row w-100">
			<div class="form-col">
				<label for="country" class="label required">Nome</label>
				<input type="text" placeholder="country" id="country" class="input" autocomplete="new-password">
				<!-- the autocomplete="new-password" is to avoid the chrome options -->
				<div class="error">

			<div class="form-col">
				<label for="select" class="label">Dono</label>
				<div class="select">
					<select name="">
						<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
						<option value="saab">Saab</option>
						<option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
						<option value="audi">Audi</option>
				<div class="error">

		<div class="w-100 form-row">
			<div class="form-col">
				<label for="telefone" class="label">Telefone</label>
				<input type="text" placeholder="telefone" id="telefone" class="input">
				<div class="error">

			<div class="form-col">
				<label for="email" class="label">Email</label>
				<input type="text" placeholder="email" id="email" data-cont="Ok" class="input prepend">
				<div class="error">

			<div class="form-col">
				<label for="inscreverse" class="label">Inscrever-se</label>
				<label class="switcher">
					<input type="checkbox" checked>
					<span class="slider round"></span>
				<div class="error">

		<button type="submit" name="button" class="btn btn-green">Submit</button>


Make the front validation of the passed fields

validations will contain all the validations will be made, the avaiable types are:
  • Presence
  • MinLength
  • MaxLength

The notify field identify an integration with another module, the Notfy :p

const validation = new Validations({
	form: "#form",
	validations: [{
		validationType: "presence",
		fields: ["#name", "#telefone", "#email"]
	autoExecute: true,
	notify: true,
	notifyId: "#message"


Allow to pass an array of values, and when a set field is typed, he will be auto fill (with options, obviusly); Variables will contain the possibles options to the auto complete

const autoComplete = new AutoComplete({
	target: "#country",
	variables: ["Brazil", "USA", "Japan", "England"],
	autoExecute: true


Just to give you the ability to NOT call that, he will stylize all the selects (yes, make an internal search in the select is in the plans)

    const select = new Select();

A general class that can call all the functionalities, if you call him only whith autoExecute and scope, he will make the appends and prepends


const form = new FormFormat({
	scope: "#content",
	autoExecute: true,
	validate: true,
	validation: {
		form: "#form",
		validations: [{
			validationType: "presence",
			fields: ["#name", "#telefone", "#email"]
		autoExecute: true,
		notify: true,
		notifyId: "#message"
	autoComplete: true,
	autoCompleteVars: {
		target: "#country",
		variables: ["Brazil", "USA", "Japan", "England"],
		autoExecute: true
	select: true


Yeah boys, we have maks too :p

Well, the mask dont have any style, or css, only the js, so, i will skip the HTML with the classes you need, and focus on the js, is preety simple First of all, or classic autoExecute, the format is simple, but dont miss judge, he has to be like that, the "0" will be the characterm anything else, we will considerate part of the mask, and the target is in what field that should be put

const mask = new Mask({
	autoExecute: true,
	format: "(00) 0000-0000",
	target: "#telefone"


In oposite of the last one, this, dosnt have any JS, only classes, so lets go by all of them:

wrap give the ability to break rows, the col shrink and grow define if the div can only grow or only shrink, if only col, the div is able to grow and shrink the number after the col show the minimum size of the col in %

<div class="row wrap">
    <div class="col-10">
    <div class="col">
    <div class="col col-grow">
    <div class="col col-shrink">

we have:

.w-n {


the n represent the size of the view width, the same apply to h-n to make squares we use sqr-n n represent the size of the view height


The most part of the images are made to be used with grid, but you can use your own sizing method :p

Well, we have basically 4 classes image-round, image-crop, image-icon and change-image