Hello World: C at 0.000008 seconds
Factorial of 20: C++ at 0.000004 seconds
Summation of 1000000: Java at 0.000160 seconds
50th Recursive Fibonacci: C at 36.409710 seconds
50th Iterative Fibonacci: C at 0.000006 seconds
Linear Search; Maximum in 1000000: Java at 0.007178 seconds
Print Triangle of 100 elements: C at 0.000370 seconds
Hello World: C# at 0.016000 seconds
Factorial of 20: C# at 0.014000 seconds
Summation of 1000000: Python at 0.029487 seconds
50th Recursive Fibonacci: Python at 2335.377700 seconds
50th Iterative Fibonacci: C# at 0.017000 seconds
Linear Search; Maximum in 1000000: Python at 0.451120 seconds
Print Triangle of 100 elements: C# at 0.033000 seconds