DISCLAIMER: This project is not finished yet and will be worked on within the next few days/weeks.
This library aims to simplify the usage of an HD44780 driven LCD with the Raspberry Pi PICO. It is inspired by the LiquidCrystal library for Arduino but entirely written in plain C so that it may be used with C or CXX just like the PICO SDK.
The include pattern of this library is designed around the pico-sdk. It should be added to your project as a git submodule and the command
replacing pico-hd44780/
with the path you cloned the submodule respectively. This command should be added above the project() command within your root CMakeLists.txt
When the library is included into your project you can now link your target against pico_hd44780
and include the headers with
#include "pico_hd44780/hd44780.h"
This example is intended for use with a 4x20 display.
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "pico_hd44780/hd44780.h"
const uint LCD_RS = 16;
const uint LCD_E = 17;
const uint LCD_4 = 18;
const uint LCD_5 = 19;
const uint LCD_6 = 20;
const uint LCD_7 = 21;
int main() {
hd44780_t lcd;
hd44780_init(&lcd, HD44780_DISABLED_PIN, LCD_RS, LCD_E, 4, LCD_4, LCD_5, LCD_6, LCD_7);
hd44780_begin(&lcd, 20, 4, false);
hd44780_print(&lcd, "Hello from PICO!");
return 0;