This document summarizes a walkthrough demo through MOLGENIS demonstrating its features. We also use this as testing protocol to verify the latest release.
You sign as admin, using username/password 'admin'. First thing to do is to change the admin password!
- Click on 'sign in'
- Sign in using 'admin' and 'admin'
- Click on 'Hi admin' link
- Change the password, and then 'close' the dialogue
- Sign out and sign in again with your new password
- Try to sign in with faulty user or password, you should get an error message
You can register new users using the 'sign up' button:
- Make sure you signed out
- Click 'Sign up' and close the sign up form
- Then Sign in as new user
- Then Sign out
We gonna view tables of a database and download contents in various formats.
- Sign in as 'admin' again
- Now you can see all databases in this MOLGENIS
- Click on 'pet store' (you might want to use the search box to quickly find it)
- Click each of the tables to see how that works
- Click download all tables to download in zip, excel. (json-ld and ttl will be empty for pet store because semantic annotation is missing).
- Sign out and login again to see results
! feature request: have JSON-LD always return all data, also if not semantically annotated ! known issue, the validations don't work on 'order'
We gonna create a new database and download the contents from pet store.
- Open the Excel file you used download. The 'molgenis' sheet describes the tables (the 'metadata'). The other sheets has the contents (the 'data').
- Click 'molgenis' logo to go back to the main screen
- Click on '+' to create a new database 'my store'
- In the dialogue click 'go to upload files' (or close, then click 'my store' and open 'Up/download')
- Click 'browse' and choose to the file you just download and click 'Import Excel'
- On main menu choose 'tables' and then you can see the contents
We gonna use the cohort catalogue for this
- Upload cohort catalogue model from
- Browse 'Databank' and enter a new record, including contributions (this uses complex composite foreign keys, probably the most advanced bit of EMX2)
- Download the metadata in excel, csv, json, yaml and verify there is no "mg_" metadata included