This helm chart will initialize swoop-db.
To add the FilmDrop Helm Chart repository, do:
helm repo add e84
To install the Postgres dependency run:
helm install postgres e84/postgres
For waiting for the Postgres pods to be ready and initialize them prior initializing SWOOP DB:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=30m pod -l app=postgres
To initialize SWOOP DB run:
helm install swoop-db-init e84/swoop-db-init
Once the chart has been deployed, you should see the postgres pods and the initialization job completed:
$ kubectl get pods
postgres-local-path-provisioner-6f78964c6d-ljgtw 1/1 Running 0 11m
postgres-5b69c5f5d-fj254 1/1 Running 0 11m
db-initialization-8-dp9rp 0/1 Completed 0 3m50s
wait-for-db-initialization-8-6zfdt 0/1 Completed 0 3m50s
Wait for SWOOP DB initialization to complete with:
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=30m job -l app=swoop-db-init
And looking the logs in the db-initialization job, you should see that the swoop roles were created:
$ kubectl logs db-initialization-8-dp9rp
Creating owner role 'swoop'...
Creating application role API_ROLE...
Creating application role CABOOSE_ROLE...
Creating application role CONDUCTOR_ROLE...
Creating database 'swoop'...
To uninstall the release, do helm uninstall swoop-db-init