- Linux environment
- Singularity-CE
- Postgresql server
- Create a postgres database and keep your user/password/host/port and database name handy
- Please modify the following variables in setenv.sh located in BACKEND/SCRIPT/SHELL/:
- TG_DIR: Path to the root directory of BioRels
- PGPASSWORD=Postgres password
- PGUSER=Postgres user
- DB_HOST=Postgres host
- DB_PORT=Postgres port
- DB_NAME=Database name
- DB_SCHEMA=Database schema
- If you are behind a proxy, please set up the proxy variables accordingly.
- Please execute the following command to load the environment variables:
source BACKEND/SCRIPT/SHELL/setenv.sh
You can check this was successful by running echo $TG_DIR to confirm the root path is set
Please run the following command:
singularity build biorels_container.sif biorels.sing.txt
This will create a container, called biorels_container.sif that contains all of the 3rd party tools necessary
Please go to $TG_DIR/BACKEND/INSTALL and run the following commands:
biorels_php runInstall.php
And follow the instructions. Please execute the following file:
This will set up the system to process the following data sources:
- Taxonomy
- NCBI Gene (Only Homo sapiens genes)
- Gene Ontology
- Sequence, ECO, EFO, Bioassay, MONDO Ontologies
- SwissLipids
- Cellausorus
- Gene Reviews
- LiverTox
While still in $TG_DIR/BACKEND/INSTALL, please execute the following command:
biorels_php gen_single_script.php > biorels_execute.sh
sh biorels_execute.sh
This will execute the necessary scripts in the correct order. It will take about an hour and a half.
Please go to
biorels_php biorels_api.php get_taxon_by_tax_id -TAX_ID 9606
biorels_php biorels_api.php get_taxon_by_scientific_name -SCIENTIFIC_NAME "Homo sapiens"
biorels_php biorels_api.php get_chromosome_for_taxon -TAX_ID 9606
biorels_php biorels_api.php get_gene_for_chromosome -TAX_ID 9606 -CHROMOSOME 1
biorels_php biorels_api.php get_gene_location -GENE_ID 1017
biorels_php biorels_api.php get_cell_info -ACC 'CVCL_B6YM'
biorels_php biorels_api.php search_cell_line_by_disease -DISEASE_TAG 'MONDO_0009692'
biorels_php biorels_api.php search_gene_ontology -AC 'GO:0010389'
biorels_php biorels_api.php get_child_gene_ontology -AC 'GO:0010389' -MAX_LEVEL 4
Please go to
You can execute the following scripts:
biorels_php api_import.php --JSON Example/HeLa.biorj
biorels_php api_export.php -JSON_OUTPUT=CVCL_B6YM.biorj --JSON_PRETTY_PRINT CELL CVCL_B6YM && more CVCL_B6YM.biorj
biorels_php api_import.php --JSON Example/rs712.json