Create a Website to Show a Contact Form Input on Homepage and another page to list all of those in a table.
Use the following API for Integration :-
URL :-
Take Input via Form Input Data Sample :-
POST Request (JSON) at /task1/add
"Name":"Contact Name", // Text Field
"Address":"Contact Address", //Text Field
"Email":"", // follow the regex
"JobStatus":"Student", // Valid data to choose from {"Unemployed", "Working", "Student", "Retired"}
"DoLiketoCode":true, // Boolean check Box
"Secret":"12" // Unique code assigned to you
On successfull submission Respose :-
"success": true,
"message": "Data added successfully"
Send a email to Contact's email address with "Response" as Subject and "Done" as "Body"
Reference :-
Config :-
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: '',
port: 587,
auth: {
user: '',
pass: 'kAmNnjptEsdhNar7uF'
List all responses from Contact Form
GET Request at /task2/view/<unique-code`>
Also pass "v3p42mqQDWrg9j4gvbTrxT808n30vr5483" as token in headers while requesting data
"success": true,
"message": "Data fetched successfully",
"data": [
"Name": "Jyoti",
"Address": "Kolkata, India",
"Email": "",
"JobStatus": "Student",
"DoLiketoCode": true,
"Secret": "<unique-code>"
"Name": "Alok",
"Address": "Pune, India",
"Email": "",
"JobStatus": "Student",
"DoLiketoCode": false,
"Secret": "<unique-code>"
Show Footer data fetched from API and keep it in both pages.
GET /task3/layout
GET /task3/layout/logo
Also Keep in mind that
- Make it responsive
- Make sure to only use your unique code to feed data to api