To contribute code to the muse-player project, you need to follow the standard fork and pull request workflow. That is:
- Clone the museplayer repo onto your machine and create a new branch to develop your feature on.
- Create a remote fork of the muse-player repo to push your changes to once they are ready.
- Remember to rebase your fork on the master branch of the muse-player repo before you submit your pull request. This will help to avoid messy merging scenarios.
- Submit a detailed pull request against the master branch of the muse-player repo.
Pull requests will be reviewed with the following guidelines in mind:
- Follow the style conventions already present in the code.
- Test your changes. If this means writing new tests, then do that. Pull requests with untested/untestable/failing changes will not be approved.
- Write detailed commit messages. If your changes are associated with a specific issue, include the issue id. The conventional approach to good commit messages is to write a short one-line summary of the changes on the first line of the commit message file and then include a more detailed description on the lines below.
Use the Issue Tracker to report bugs and request new features.
When reporting a bug or requesting a feature:
Make sure the issue has not already been identified by searching the Issue Tracker and the Muse developer forums
Make sure you are working on the latest version of the muse-player master branch. Your issue may have been addressed since you last pulled.
Describe your issue clearly, carefully, and in detail.
If it's a bug, that means:
- State your problem
- The context of the problem (muse-player version, OS, the model of your machine, and any other relevant basic details)
- What you were attempting to achieve
- How exactly you triggered the problem
- ...and what you tried to solve it.
If it's a feature request, that means:
- Carefully describe why the feature should be added.
- Explain how it would benefit the majority of users.