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ProSnippets GeometryEngine

uma2526 edited this page Apr 20, 2021 · 10 revisions
Language:              C#  
Subject:               GeometryEngine  
Contributor:           ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <>  
Organization:          esri,  
Date:                  3/26/2021  
ArcGIS Pro:            2.8  
Visual Studio:         2017, 2019  
.NET Target Framework: 4.8  

GeometryEngine functions

Accelerate Geometries

// Use acceleration to speed up relational operations.  Accelerate your source geometry only if you are going to test many other geometries against it. 
// Acceleration is applicable for polylines and polygons only. Note that accelerated geometries take more memory so if you aren't going to get any
// benefit from accelerating it, don't do it. 

// The performance of the following GeometryEngine functions are the only ones which can be improved with an accelerated geometry.
//    GeometryEngine.Instance.Contains
//    GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses
//    GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint
//    GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint3D
//    GeometryEngine.Instance.Equals
//    GeometryEngine.Instance.Intersects
//    GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate
//    GeometryEngine.Instance.Touches
//    GeometryEngine.Instance.Within

// methods need to run on the MCT
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // accelerate the geometry to test
  var acceleratedPoly = GeometryEngine.Instance.AccelerateForRelationalOperations(polygon);

  // loop through all the geometries to test against
  foreach (var testPolygon in testPolygons)
    bool contains = GeometryEngine.Instance.Contains(acceleratedPoly, testPolygon);
    bool within = GeometryEngine.Instance.Within(acceleratedPoly, testPolygon);
    bool crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(acceleratedPoly, testPolygon);

Determine area of a polygon

var g1 = PolygonBuilder.FromJson("{\"rings\": [ [ [0, 0], [10, 0], [10, 10], [0, 10] ] ] }");
double d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Area(g1);
// d = -100.0         //negative due to wrong ring orientation
d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Area(GeometryEngine.Instance.SimplifyAsFeature(g1));
// d = 100.0        // feature has been simplifed; ring orientation is correct

Determine the boundary of a multi-part Polygon

// create a donut polygon.  Must use the PolygonBuilder object

List<Coordinate2D> outerPts = new List<Coordinate2D>();
outerPts.Add(new Coordinate2D(10.0, 10.0));
outerPts.Add(new Coordinate2D(10.0, 20.0));
outerPts.Add(new Coordinate2D(20.0, 20.0));
outerPts.Add(new Coordinate2D(20.0, 10.0));

List<Coordinate2D> innerPts = new List<Coordinate2D>();
innerPts.Add(new Coordinate2D(13.0, 13.0));
innerPts.Add(new Coordinate2D(17.0, 13.0));
innerPts.Add(new Coordinate2D(17.0, 17.0));
innerPts.Add(new Coordinate2D(13.0, 17.0));

Polygon donut = null;

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  // add the outer points
  using (PolygonBuilder pb = new PolygonBuilder(outerPts))
    // add the inner points (note they are defined anticlockwise)
    // get the polygon
    donut = pb.ToGeometry();

// get the boundary 
Geometry g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Boundary(donut);
Polyline boundary = g as Polyline;

Buffer a MapPoint

// buffer a point
MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Geometry ptBuffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(pt, 5.0);
Polygon buffer = ptBuffer as Polygon;

Buffer a Circular Arc

// create the circular arc
MapPoint fromPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 1);
MapPoint toPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2);
Coordinate2D interiorPt = new Coordinate2D(1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, 1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2);

EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(fromPt, toPt, interiorPt);

// buffer the arc
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(circularArc);
Geometry lineBuffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(polyline, 10);

Buffer multiple MapPoints

// creates a buffer around each MapPoint

List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));

Geometry ptsBuffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(pts, 0.25);
Polygon bufferResult = ptsBuffer as Polygon;      // bufferResult will have 4 parts

Buffer many different Geometry Types

List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
    new Coordinate2D(1, 2), new Coordinate2D(3, 4), new Coordinate2D(4, 2),
    new Coordinate2D(5, 6), new Coordinate2D(7, 8), new Coordinate2D(8, 4),
    new Coordinate2D(9, 10), new Coordinate2D(11, 12), new Coordinate2D(12, 8),
    new Coordinate2D(10, 8), new Coordinate2D(12, 12), new Coordinate2D(14, 10)

List<Geometry> manyGeometries = new List<Geometry>
    PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List<Coordinate2D>(){coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]}, SpatialReferences.WGS84),
    PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List<Coordinate2D>(){coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]}),
    PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(new List<Coordinate2D>(){coords[6], coords[7], coords[8]})

Geometry manyGeomBuffer = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(manyGeometries, 0.25);

Interpolate Z values on a polyline

List<Coordinate3D> coords2 = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(0, 0, 0),
  new Coordinate3D(0, 1000, double.NaN),
  new Coordinate3D(1000, 1000, 50),
  new Coordinate3D(1000, 1000, 76),
  new Coordinate3D(0, 1000, double.NaN),
  new Coordinate3D(0, 0, 0)

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WebMercator;

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords2, sr);

// polyline.HasZ = true
// polyline.Points[1].HasZ = true
// polyline.Points[1].Z  = NaN   
// polyline.Points[4].HasZ = true
// polyline.Points[4].Z  = NaN   

Polyline polylineNoNaNZs = GeometryEngine.Instance.CalculateNonSimpleZs(polyline, 0) as Polyline;

// polylineNoNaNZs.Points[1].HasZ = true
// polylineNoNaNZs.Points[1].Z = 25  (halfway between 0 and 50)
// polylineNoNaNZs.Points[4].HasZ = true
// polylineNoNaNZs.Points[4].Z = 38  (halfway between 76 and 0)

Interpolate M values on a polygon

List<MapPoint> coords = new List<MapPoint>()
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, 0, 0),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 1000),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1000, 1000, 10, 50)

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WebMercator;

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(coords, sr);

// polygon.HasM = true
// polygon.Points[1].HasM = true
// polygon.Points[1].M = NaN

Polygon polygonNoNaNMs = GeometryEngine.Instance.CalculateNonSimpleMs(polygon, 0) as Polygon;

// polygonNoNaNMs.Points[1].HasM = true
// polygonNoNaNMs.Points[1].M = 25  (halfway between 0 and 50)

Center an envelope around X,Y

Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 5.0);
Envelope centered = GeometryEngine.Instance.CenterAt(env, 2.0, 2.0);

// centered.Center.X = 2.0
// centered.Center.Y = 2.0
// centered.XMin = 0
// centered.YMin = 0
// centered.XMax = 4
// centered.YMax = 4

centered = env.CenterAt(4.0, 3.0);
// centered.Center.X == 4.0
// centered.Center.Y == 3.0
// centered.XMin == 2.0
// centered.YMin == 1.0
// centered.XMax == 6.0
// centered.YMax == 5.0

Find the centroid of geometries

// simple polygon
List<Coordinate2D> list2D = new List<Coordinate2D>();
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(0, 0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(0, 2));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(2, 2));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(2, 0));

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list2D, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// verify it is simple
bool isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polygon);
// find the centroid
MapPoint centroid = GeometryEngine.Instance.Centroid(polygon);
// centroid.X = 1
// centroid.Y = 1

// map Point
MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5, 2, double.NaN, 7);

// pt1.HasZ = true
// pt1.HasM = true
centroid = GeometryEngine.Instance.Centroid(pt1);
// centroid.HasZ = true
// centroid.HasM = true
// pt1.IsEqual(centroid) = true

// multipoint
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>() { pt1, pt2 };
Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(list);
// multipoint.HasZ = true
// multipoint.HasM = true

centroid = GeometryEngine.Instance.Centroid(multipoint);
// centroid.X = 3
// centroid.Y = 2
// centroid.HasZ = false
// centroid.HasM = false

Clip a Polyline

// clip a polyline by an envelope

Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 4.0);
LineSegment line = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(0, 3), new Coordinate2D(5.0, 3.0));
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(line);

Geometry clipGeom = GeometryEngine.Instance.Clip(polyline, env);

Clip a Polyline by a Polygon

// clip a polyline by a polygon

List<Coordinate2D> list = new List<Coordinate2D>();
list.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 1.0));
list.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 4.0));
list.Add(new Coordinate2D(4.0, 4.0));
list.Add(new Coordinate2D(4.0, 1.0));

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

LineSegment crossingLine = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 3), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 3.0));
Polyline p = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(crossingLine);
Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Clip(p, polygon.Extent);

Construct a Point at a distance and angle from an existing Point

MapPoint inPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 4);
double angle = 0;
double distance = 10;

MapPoint outPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructPointFromAngleDistance(inPoint, angle, distance);
// outPoint.X = 13
// outPoint.Y = 4

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
inPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, sr);
angle = Math.PI;
distance = 1;

outPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructPointFromAngleDistance(inPoint, angle, distance, sr);
// outPoint.X = -1
// outPoint.Y = 0

Construct a Polygon from a set of Polylines

List<Coordinate2D> firstLinePts = new List<Coordinate2D>();
firstLinePts.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 1.0));
firstLinePts.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 4.0));

List<Coordinate2D> secondLinePts = new List<Coordinate2D>();
secondLinePts.Add(new Coordinate2D(4.0, 4.0));
secondLinePts.Add(new Coordinate2D(4.0, 1.0));

List<Coordinate2D> thirdLinePts = new List<Coordinate2D>();
thirdLinePts.Add(new Coordinate2D(0.0, 2.0));
thirdLinePts.Add(new Coordinate2D(5.0, 2.0));

List<Coordinate2D> fourthLinePts = new List<Coordinate2D>();
fourthLinePts.Add(new Coordinate2D(0.0, 3.0));
fourthLinePts.Add(new Coordinate2D(5.0, 3.0));

// build the polylines
List<Polyline> polylines = new List<Polyline>();

// construct polygons from the polylines
var polygons = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConstructPolygonsFromPolylines(polylines);

// polygons.Count = 1
// polygon coordinates are (1.0, 2.0), (1.0, 3.0), (4.0, 3.0), (4.0, 2.0)

Polygon contains MapPoints, Polylines, Polygons

// build a polygon      
List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));

Polygon poly = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(pts);

// test if an inner point is contained
MapPoint innerPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.5, 1.5);
bool contains = GeometryEngine.Instance.Contains(poly, innerPt);   // contains = true

// test a point on a boundary
contains = GeometryEngine.Instance.Contains(poly, poly.Points[0]);     // contains = false

// test an interior line
MapPoint innerPt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.25, 1.75);
List<MapPoint> innerLinePts = new List<MapPoint>();

// test an inner polyline
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(innerLinePts);
contains = GeometryEngine.Instance.Contains(poly, polyline);   // contains = true

// test a line that crosses the boundary
MapPoint outerPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 1.5);
List<MapPoint> crossingLinePts = new List<MapPoint>();

polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(crossingLinePts);
contains = GeometryEngine.Instance.Contains(poly, polyline);     // contains = false

// test a polygon in polygon
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(innerPt, innerPt2);
contains = GeometryEngine.Instance.Contains(poly, env);      // contains = true

Determine convex hull

// convex hull around a point - returns a point

MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0);
Geometry hull = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConvexHull(pt);
MapPoint hullPt = hull as MapPoint;
// nullPt.X = 2
// hullPt.Y = 2

List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));

// convex hull around a multipoint - returns a polygon

// build a multiPoint
Multipoint multiPoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(list);

hull = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConvexHull(multiPoint);
Polygon hullPoly = hull as Polygon;
// hullPoly.Area = 1
// hullPoly.PointCount = 5

// convex hull around a line - returns a polyline or polygon

List<MapPoint> polylineList = new List<MapPoint>();
polylineList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
polylineList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));

// 2 point straight line
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(polylineList);
hull = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConvexHull(polyline);
Polyline hullPolyline = hull as Polyline;
// hullPolyline.Length = Math.Sqrt(2)
// hullPolyline.PointCount = 2

// 3 point angular line
polylineList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));
polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(polylineList);
hull = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConvexHull(polyline);
hullPoly = hull as Polygon;
// hullPoly.Length = 2 + Math.Sqrt(2)
// hullPoly.Area = 0.5
// hullPoly.PointCount = 4

// convex hull around a polygon - returns a polygon

// simple polygon
Polygon poly = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list);
hull = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConvexHull(poly);
hullPoly = hull as Polygon;

// hullPoly.Length = 4.0
// hullPoly.Area = 1.0
// hullPoly.PointCount = 5

// polygon with concave angles
List<MapPoint> funkyList = new List<MapPoint>();
funkyList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
funkyList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.5, 1.5));
funkyList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
funkyList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
funkyList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.5, 1.5));
funkyList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));
funkyList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));

Polygon funkyPoly = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(funkyList);
hull = GeometryEngine.Instance.ConvexHull(funkyPoly);
hullPoly = hull as Polygon;
// hullPoly.Length = 4.0
// hullPoly.Area = 1.0
// hullPoly.PointCount = 5
// hullPoly.Points[0] = 1.0, 1.0
// hullPoly.Points[1] = 1.0, 2.0
// hullPoly.Points[2] = 2.0, 2.0
// hullPoly.Points[3] = 2.0, 1.0
// hullPoly.Points[4] = 1.0, 1.0

Determine if two geometries cross

// pt on pt

MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0);

bool crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(pt, pt2);         // crosses = false
crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(pt, pt);               // crosses = false

// pt and line

List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 3.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 1.0));

Polyline line1 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(list);
crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(line1, pt2);           // crosses = false
crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(pt2, line1);           // crosses = false
                                                                 // end pt of line
crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(line1, pt);            // crosses = false

// pt and polygon
List<MapPoint> polyPts = new List<MapPoint>();
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 2.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 6.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 6.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 2.0));

Polygon poly1 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(polyPts);
crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(poly1, pt);              // crosses = false
crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(pt, poly1);              // crosses = false

// line and line
List<MapPoint> list2 = new List<MapPoint>();
list2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0));
list2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 1.0));
list2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 3.0));

Polyline line2 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(list2);
crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(line1, line2);           // crosses = true

// line and polygon
crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(poly1, line1);           // crosses = true

// polygon and polygon
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4, 4));
Polygon poly2 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env);
crosses = GeometryEngine.Instance.Crosses(poly1, poly2);           // crosses = false

Cut a geometry with a polyline

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, sr));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 4.0, sr));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4.0, 4.0, sr));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4.0, 1.0, sr));

List<Geometry> cutGeometries;

LineSegment line = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, sr), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 6, sr));
Polyline cutter = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(line);

// polyline
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(list);
bool isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polyline);
cutGeometries = GeometryEngine.Instance.Cut(polyline, cutter) as List<Geometry>;

Polyline leftPolyline = cutGeometries[0] as Polyline;
Polyline rightPolyline = cutGeometries[1] as Polyline;

// leftPolyline.Points[0] = 1, 2
// leftPolyline.Points[1] = 1, 4
// leftPolyline.Points[2] = 2, 4

// rightPolyline.Points.Count = 5
// rightPolyline.Parts.Count = 2

ReadOnlySegmentCollection segments0 = rightPolyline.Parts[0];
// segments0[0].StartCoordinate = 1, 1
// segments0[0].EndCoordinate = 1, 2

ReadOnlySegmentCollection segments1 = rightPolyline.Parts[1];
// segments1.Count = 2
// segments1[0].StartCoordinate = 2, 4
// segments1[0].EndCoordinate = 4, 4
// segments1[1].StartCoordinate = 4, 4
// segments1[1].EndCoordinate = 4, 1

// polygon 
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list);
isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polygon);
cutGeometries = GeometryEngine.Instance.Cut(polygon, cutter) as List<Geometry>;

Densify by Length

// densify a line segment
MapPoint startPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint endPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 21);
LineSegment line = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(startPt, endPt);
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(line);

Geometry geom = GeometryEngine.Instance.DensifyByLength(polyline, 2);
Polyline result = geom as Polyline;

// densify a circular arc
MapPoint fromPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 1);
MapPoint toPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2);
Coordinate2D interiorPt = new Coordinate2D(1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, 1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2);

using (EllipticArcBuilder cab = new EllipticArcBuilder(fromPt, toPt, interiorPt))
  EllipticArcSegment circularArc = cab.ToSegment();
  polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(circularArc);
  geom = GeometryEngine.Instance.DensifyByLength(polyline, 2);
  result = geom as Polyline;

Difference between two Polygons

List<MapPoint> polyPts = new List<MapPoint>();
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 2.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 6.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 6.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 2.0));

Polygon poly1 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(polyPts);

Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4, 4));
Polygon poly2 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env);

Geometry result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Difference(poly1, poly2);
Polygon polyResult = result as Polygon;
// polyResult.Area = 10.0

result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Difference(poly2, poly1);
polyResult = result as Polygon;
// polyResult.Area = 7.0

Determine if two Geometries are disjoint

// pt on pt

MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.5);

bool disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(pt, pt2);       // result is true

using (MultipointBuilder mpb = new MultipointBuilder())
  Multipoint multiPoint = mpb.ToGeometry();

  disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(multiPoint, pt);     // result is false

// pt and line

List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 3.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 1.0));

Polyline line1 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(list);
disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(line1, pt2);       // result is true

disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(pt2, line1);       // result is true

// end pt of line
disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(line1, pt);        // result is false

// pt and polygon
List<MapPoint> polyPts = new List<MapPoint>();
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 2.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 6.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 6.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 2.0));

Polygon poly1 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(polyPts);
disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(poly1, pt);          // result is true
disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(pt, poly1);          // result is true

// line and line

List<MapPoint> list2 = new List<MapPoint>();
list2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0));
list2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 1.0));
list2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 3.0));

Polyline line2 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(list2);
disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(line1, line2);         // result is false

// line and polygon
disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(poly1, line1);         // result is false
disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(line1, poly1);         // result is false

// polygon and polygon
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4, 4));
Polygon poly2 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env);

disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint(poly1, poly2);         // result is false

// disjoint3D

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

MapPoint pt3D_1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 1, sr);
MapPoint pt3D_2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 2, 2, sr);
MapPoint pt3D_3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 2, sr);

using (MultipointBuilder mpb = new MultipointBuilder())
  mpb.HasZ = true;

  Multipoint multiPoint = mpb.ToGeometry();
  disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint3D(multiPoint, pt3D_2);     // disjoint = false
  disjoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.Disjoint3D(multiPoint, pt3D_3);     // disjoint = true

Determine distance between two Geometries

MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0);
MapPoint pt3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4.0, 2.0);

// pt and pt 
double d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance(pt1, pt2);         // d = Math.Sqrt(2)

// pt and multipoint
List<MapPoint> multiPts = new List<MapPoint>();
Multipoint multiPoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(multiPts);
d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance(pt1, multiPoint);         // d = Math.Sqrt(2)

// pt and envelope
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(pt1, pt2);
d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance(pt1, env);                // d = 0

// pt and polyline
List<MapPoint> polylinePts = new List<MapPoint>();
polylinePts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(polylinePts);

d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance(pt1, polyline);             // d = 1.0

// pt and polygon
Envelope env2 = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 3.0), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 5.0));
Polygon poly = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env2);
d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance(pt1, poly);                 // d = Math.Sqrt(8)

// envelope and polyline
d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance(env, polyline);             // d = 0

// polyline and polyline
List<MapPoint> polylineList = new List<MapPoint>();
polylineList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4, 3));
polylineList.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4, 4));
Polyline polyline2 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(polylineList);

d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance(polyline, polyline2);           // d = Math.Sqrt(5)

// polygon and polygon
Polygon poly2 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env);
d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance(poly, poly2);                 // d = Math.Sqrt(2)

Determine 3D distance between two Geometries

// between points 
MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 1);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 2, 2);
MapPoint pt3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10, 2, 1);

// pt1 to pt2
double d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance3D(pt1, pt2);        // d = Math.Sqrt(3)

// pt1 to pt3
d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance3D(pt1, pt3);        // d = Math.Sqrt(82)

// pt2 to pt3
d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance3D(pt2, pt3);        // d = Math.Sqrt(65)

// intersecting lines

List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 3.0, 1.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 1.0, 1.0));

Polyline line1 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(list);

List<MapPoint> list2 = new List<MapPoint>();
list2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0, 1.0));
list2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 1.0, 1.0));
list2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 3.0, 1.0));

Polyline line2 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(list2);

bool intersects = GeometryEngine.Instance.Intersects(line1, line2);    // intersects = true
d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Distance3D(line1, line2);                  // d = 0   (distance is 0 when geomtries intersect)

Expand envelopes

Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(100.0, 100.0, 500.0, 500.0);
// env.HasZ = false

Envelope result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Expand(env, 0.5, 0.5, true);
// result.Center = 300, 300
// result.XMin = 200
// result.YMin = 200
// result.XMax = 400
// result.YMax = 400

result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Expand(env, 100, 200, false);
// result.Center = 300, 300
// result.XMin = 0
// result.YMin = -100
// result.XMax = 600
// result.YMax = 700

  // expand in 3 dimensions
  result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Expand(env, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, true);
catch (InvalidOperationException e)
  // the geometry is not Z-Aware

// expand a 3d envelope
MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(100, 100, 100);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(200, 200, 200);

env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(pt1, pt2);
// env.HasZ = true

result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Expand(env, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, true);

// result.Center = 150, 150, 150
// result.XMin = 125
// result.YMin = 125
// result.ZMin = 125
// result.XMax = 175
// result.YMax = 175
// result.ZMax = 175

Extend a polyline

// build a polyline
var polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new[]
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 10, 20),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, 10, 20),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, -1, 10, 20)

// build the extender line
var extender = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new[]
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 2),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, -2),

// extend
var result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Extend(polyline, extender, ExtendFlags.KeepEndAttributes);
Polyline extendedLine = result as Polyline;
// result.Parts[0].Points[0] = 2, 2, 10, 20
//[0].Points[1] = 1, 1, 10, 20
// result.Parts[0].Points[2] = 0, 0, 10, 20
// result.Parts[0].Points[3] = 1, -1, 10, 20
// result.Parts[0].Points[4] = 2, -2, 10, 20

// change the flags
result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Extend(polyline, extender, ExtendFlags.NoEndAttributes);
extendedLine = result as Polyline;
// result.Parts[0].Points[0] = 2, 2, 0
//[0].Points[1] = 1, 1, 10, 20
// result.Parts[0].Points[2] = 0, 0, 10, 20
// result.Parts[0].Points[3] = 1, -1, 10, 20
// result.Parts[0].Points[4] = 2, -2, 0

// extend
result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Extend(polyline, extender, ExtendFlags.KeepEndAttributes | ExtendFlags.NoExtendAtTo);
extendedLine = result as Polyline;
// result.Parts[0].Points[0] = 2, 2, 10, 20
//[0].Points[1] = 1, 1, 10, 20
// result.Parts[0].Points[2] = 0, 0, 10, 20
// result.Parts[0].Points[3] = 1, -1, 10, 20

// extend with no intersection 

polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new[]
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 1)

extender = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new[]
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 4),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 4)

result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Extend(polyline, extender, ExtendFlags.Default);
// result = null


Polyline generalizedPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.Generalize(polylineWithZ, 200) as Polyline;
// generalizedPolyline.HasZ = true

Polygon generalized3DPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.Generalize3D(polylineWithZ, 200) as Polygon;
// generalized3DPolyline.HasZ = true

// note that generalized3DPolyline and generalizedPolyline will have different definitions
//  ie generalizedPolyline.IsEqual(generalized3DPolyline) = false

Calculate the Geodesic Area of a polygon

var polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(new[]
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(-10018754.1713946, 10018754.1713946),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10018754.1713946, 10018754.1713946),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10018754.1713946, -10018754.1713946),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(-10018754.1713946, -10018754.1713946)
}, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
var area = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicArea(polygon);

// area is close to 255032810857732.31

Create a buffer polygon at the specified geodesic distance

// buffer a point
MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Polygon outPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicBuffer(pt, 5) as Polygon;

double delta = SpatialReferences.WGS84.XYTolerance * 2 * Math.Sqrt(2);
ReadOnlyPointCollection points = outPolygon.Points;
foreach (MapPoint p in points)
  double d = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicDistance(pt, p);
  // d = 5 (+- delta)

// buffer of 0 distance produces an empty geometry
Geometry g = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicBuffer(pt, 0);
// g.IsEmpty = true

// buffer many points
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10.0, 20.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(40.0, 40.0));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(60.0, 60.0));

outPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicBuffer(list, 10000) as Polygon;
// outPolygon.PartCount = 4

// buffer different geometry types
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(1, 2), new Coordinate2D(10, 20), new Coordinate2D(20, 30),
  new Coordinate2D(50, 60), new Coordinate2D(70, 80), new Coordinate2D(80, 40),
  new Coordinate2D(90, 10), new Coordinate2D(110, 15), new Coordinate2D(120, 30),
  new Coordinate2D(10, 40), new Coordinate2D(-10, 40), new Coordinate2D(-10, 50)

List<Geometry> manyGeometries = new List<Geometry>
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84),
  PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List<Coordinate2D>(){coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]}, SpatialReferences.WGS84),
  PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List<Coordinate2D>(){coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]}),
  PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(new List<Coordinate2D>(){coords[9], coords[10], coords[11]})

outPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicBuffer(manyGeometries, 20000) as Polygon;

Determine geodesic distance between two Geometries

var point1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(-170, 45, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
var point2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(170, 45, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

var distances_meters = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicDistance(point1, point2);
// distance is approximately 1572912.2066940258 in meters


GeodesicEllipseParameter param = new GeodesicEllipseParameter();
param.AxisDirection = 4 * Math.PI / 3;
param.Center = new Coordinate2D(-120, 60);
param.LinearUnit = LinearUnit.Meters;
param.OutGeometryType = GeometryType.Polyline;
param.SemiAxis1Length = 6500000;
param.SemiAxis2Length = 1500000;
param.VertexCount = 800;

Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicEllipse(param, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// geometry.IsEmpty = false

Polyline polyline = geometry as Polyline;
// polyline.PointCount = 801
// polyline.PartCount = 1


GeodesicSectorParameter param = new GeodesicSectorParameter();
param.ArcVertexCount = 50;
param.AxisDirection = Math.PI / 4;
param.Center = new Coordinate2D(0, 0);
param.LinearUnit = LinearUnit.Meters;
param.OutGeometryType = GeometryType.Polygon;
param.RadiusVertexCount = 10;
param.SectorAngle = 5 * Math.PI / 3;
param.SemiAxis1Length = 100000;
param.SemiAxis2Length = 20000;
param.StartDirection = 11 * Math.PI / 6;

Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicSector(param, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// geometry.IsEmpty = false

Polygon polygon = geometry as Polygon;
// polygon.PointCount = 68
// polygon.PartCount = 1

GeodeticDensifyByDeviation - polyline

List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(-80, 0),
  new Coordinate2D(-20, 60),
  new Coordinate2D(40, 20),
  new Coordinate2D(0, -20),
  new Coordinate2D(-80, 0)

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

// create a polyline
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords, sr);

// densify in km
Polyline geodesicPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticDensifyByDeviation(polyline, 200, LinearUnit.Kilometers, GeodeticCurveType.Geodesic) as Polyline;
// densify in m
geodesicPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticDensifyByDeviation(polyline, 200, LinearUnit.Meters, GeodeticCurveType.Geodesic) as Polyline;

// Change curve type to Loxodrome
Polyline loxodromePolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticDensifyByDeviation(polyline, 200, LinearUnit.Meters, GeodeticCurveType.Loxodrome) as Polyline;

GeodeticDensifyByLength - polygon

List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(-80, 0),
  new Coordinate2D(-20, 60),
  new Coordinate2D(40, 20),
  new Coordinate2D(0, -20),
  new Coordinate2D(-80, 0)

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

// create a polygon
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(coords, sr);

// get the geodesic lengths of the polygon segments
ReadOnlySegmentCollection segments = polygon.Parts[0];
List<Double> geoLengths = new List<Double>(segments.Count);
foreach (Segment s in segments)
  Polyline line = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(s, sr);
  double geoLen = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodesicLength(line);

// find the max length
double maxLen = geoLengths[geoLengths.Count - 1];

// densify the polygon (in meters)
Polygon densifiedPoly = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticDensifyByLength(polygon, maxLen, LinearUnit.Meters, GeodeticCurveType.Geodesic) as Polygon;

// densify the polygon (in km)
double maxSegmentLength = maxLen / 10000;
densifiedPoly = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticDensifyByLength(polygon, maxSegmentLength, LinearUnit.Kilometers, GeodeticCurveType.Geodesic) as Polygon;

Calculate geodetic distance, azimuth between two points

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

MapPoint p1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(111, 55, sr);
MapPoint p2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(95.5845, 64.2285, sr);

double distance, az12, az21;

distance = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticDistanceAndAzimuth(p1, p2, GeodeticCurveType.Geodesic, out az12, out az21);
// distance - 1339728.0303777338
// az12 - 326.235780421405
// az21 - 132.87425637913955

distance = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticDistanceAndAzimuth(p1, p2, GeodeticCurveType.Loxodrome, out az12, out az21);
// distance - 1342745.9687172563
// az12 - 319.966400332104
// az21- 139.96640033210397

distance = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticDistanceAndAzimuth(p1, p2, GeodeticCurveType.GreatElliptic, out az12, out az21);
// distance - 1339728.038837946
// az12 - 326.22479262335418
// az21 - 132.88558894347742

Perform Geodetic Move on a set of MapPoints

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WebMercator;
var points = new[] { MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, sr) };
double distance = 10;
double azimuth = Math.PI / 2;
var resultPoints = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticMove(points, sr, distance, LinearUnit.Meters, azimuth, GeodeticCurveType.Geodesic);

// resultPoints.First().X = 10
// resultPoints.First().Y = 0
// resultPoints.First().SpatialReference.Wkid = sr.Wkid

// Change LinearUnit to Miles
resultPoints = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticMove(points, sr, distance, LinearUnit.Miles, azimuth, GeodeticCurveType.Geodesic);
// resultPoints.First().X = 16093.44
// resultPoints.First().Y = 0

// Change curve type
resultPoints = GeometryEngine.Instance.GeodeticMove(points, sr, distance, LinearUnit.Miles, azimuth, GeodeticCurveType.Loxodrome);
// resultPoints.First().X = 16093.44
// resultPoints.First().Y = 0

Retrieve coordinate systems

// get all the geographic coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> gcs_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.GeographicCoordinateSystem);

// get the projected coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> proj_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.ProjectedCoordinateSystem);

// get the vertical coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> vert_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.VerticalCoordinateSystem);

// get geographic and projected coordinate systems
IReadOnlyList<CoordinateSystemListEntry> combined_list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedCoordinateSystemList(CoordinateSystemFilter.GeographicCoordinateSystem | CoordinateSystemFilter.ProjectedCoordinateSystem);

// investigate one of the entries
CoordinateSystemListEntry entry = gcs_list[0];
int wkid = entry.Wkid;
string category = entry.Category;
string name = entry.Name;

Retrieve system geographic transformations

// a geographic transformation is the definition of how to project from one spatial reference to another
IReadOnlyList<GeographicTransformationListEntry> list = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPredefinedGeographicTransformationList();

// a GeographicTransformationListEntry consists of Name, Wkid, the From SpatialReference Wkid, the To SpatialReference Wkid
GeographicTransformationListEntry entry = list[0];

int fromWkid = entry.FromSRWkid;
int toWkid = entry.ToSRWkid;
int wkid = entry.Wkid;
string name = entry.Name;

Get Sub-curve of a polyline or polygon

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(-111, 72),
  new Coordinate2D(-108, 68),
  new Coordinate2D(-114, 68)

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords, sr);

Polyline subCurve = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetSubCurve(polyline, 0, 5, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength);
// subCurve.PartCount = 1
// subCurve.PointCount = 2

ReadOnlyPointCollection points = subCurve.Points;
// points[0] = -111, 72
// points[1] = -108, 68

subCurve = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetSubCurve(polyline, 0, 0.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio);
// subCurve.PointCount = 3

points = subCurve.Points;
// points[0] = -111, 72
// points[1] = -108, 68
// points[2] = -108.5, 68

List<Coordinate3D> coords3D = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(0, 0, 0),
  new Coordinate3D(0, 1, 1),
  new Coordinate3D(1, 1, 2),
  new Coordinate3D(1, 0, 3)

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(coords3D, sr);

subCurve = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetSubCurve3D(polygon, 0, 1, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength);
// subCurve.HasZ = true

points = subCurve.Points;
// points.Count = 2
// points[0] = 0, 0, 0
// points[1] = 0, 0.70710678118654746, 0.70710678118654746


// mitered join and butt caps
SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(102010);
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
    new Coordinate2D(1400,6200),
    new Coordinate2D(1600,6300),
    new Coordinate2D(1800,6200)

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords, sr);

Polygon polygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.GraphicBuffer(polyline, 50, LineJoinType.Miter, LineCapType.Butt, 10, 0, -1) as Polygon;

// bevelled join and round caps
Envelope envelope = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(0, 0, 10000, 10000, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

Polygon outPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.GraphicBuffer(envelope, 1000, LineJoinType.Bevel, LineCapType.Round, 4, 0, 96) as Polygon;

GraphicBuffer Many

// round join and round caps
MapPoint point1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0);
MapPoint point2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint point3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1000000, 1200000, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
List<MapPoint> points = new List<MapPoint>() { point1, point2, point3 };

IReadOnlyList<Geometry> geometries = GeometryEngine.Instance.GraphicBuffer(points, 5, LineJoinType.Round, LineCapType.Round, 0, 0, 3000);

Intersection between two Polylines

// determine intersection between two polylines

List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 1.0));

Polyline line1 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts);

List<MapPoint> pts2 = new List<MapPoint>();
pts2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0));
pts2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 1.0));
pts2.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 3.0));

Polyline line2 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts2);

bool intersects = GeometryEngine.Instance.Intersects(line1, line2);    // intersects = true
Geometry g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Intersection(line1, line2, GeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension);
Multipoint resultMultipoint = g as Multipoint;

// result is a multiPoint that intersects at (2,2) and (4,2)

Intersection between two Polygons

// determine intersection between two polygons

Envelope env1 = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(new Coordinate2D(3.0, 2.0), new Coordinate2D(6.0, 6.0));
Polygon poly1 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env1);

Envelope env2 = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 1.0), new Coordinate2D(4.0, 4.0));
Polygon poly2 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env2);

Polygon polyResult = GeometryEngine.Instance.Intersection(poly1, poly2) as Polygon;

Determine label point for a Polygon

// create a polygon
List<Coordinate2D> list2D = new List<Coordinate2D>();
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 1.0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 2.0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.0, 2.0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.0, 1.0));

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list2D);
bool isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polygon);
MapPoint pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.LabelPoint(polygon);

Determine Length, Length3D of line

MapPoint c1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3);
MapPoint c2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4, 2, 4);

// line segment
LineSegment line = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(c1, c2);
double len = line.Length;     // = 3
double len3D = line.Length3D;   // = Math.Sqrt(10)

// polyline
Polyline p = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(line);
double p_len = p.Length;        // = len = 3
double p_len3D = p.Length3D;    // = len3D = Math.Sqrt(10)

double ge_len = GeometryEngine.Instance.Length(p);      // = p_len = len = 3
double ge_len3d = GeometryEngine.Instance.Length3D(p);    // = p_len3D = len3D = Math.Sqrt(10)

Get the minimum and maximum M values - GetMinMaxM

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"rings\":[[[-3000,-2000,10],[-2000,-2000,15],[-1000,-2000,20],[0,-2000,0],[1000,-2000,-20],[2000,-2000,-30],[3000,-2000,10],[4000,-2000,5]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.FromJson(json);

double minM, maxM;
GeometryEngine.Instance.GetMinMaxM(polygon, out minM, out maxM);
// minM = -30 
// maxM = 20

json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000,10],[-2000,-2000,null],[-1000,-2000,null]]]}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

GeometryEngine.Instance.GetMinMaxM(polyline, out minM, out maxM);
// minM = 10
// maxM = 10

json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000,null],[-2000,-2000,null],[-1000,-2000,null]]]}";
polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

GeometryEngine.Instance.GetMinMaxM(polyline, out minM, out maxM);
// minM = double.Nan
// maxM = double.Nan

Determine whether Ms are monotonic and whether ascending or descending - GetMMonotonic

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000,10],[-2000,-2000,15],[-1000,-2000,20]]]}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

Monotonic monotonic = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetMMonotonic(polyline);
// monotonic = Monotonic.Ascending

json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000,10],[-2000,-2000,5],[-1000,-2000,0]]]}";
polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

monotonic = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetMMonotonic(polyline);
// monotonic = Monotonic.Descending

json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000,10],[-2000,-2000,15],[-1000,-2000,0]]]}";
polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

monotonic = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetMMonotonic(polyline);
// monotonic = Monotonic.NotMonotonic

Get a multipoint corresponding to the locations where the specified M values occur along the geometry - GetPointsAtM

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000,10],[-2000,-2000,15],[-1000,-2000,20],[0,-2000,0],[1000,-2000,20],[2000,-2000,30],[3000,-2000,10],[4000,-2000,5]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

Multipoint multipoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetPointsAtM(polyline, 10, 500);
// multiPoint.PointCount = 4
// multipoint.Points[0]  X= -3000, Y= -2500  M= 10
// multipoint.Points[1]  X= -500, Y= -2500  M= 10
// multipoint.Points[2]  X= 500, Y= -2500  M= 10
// multipoint.Points[3]  X= 3000, Y= -2500  M= 10

Get a polyline corresponding to the subcurves between specified M values - GetSubCurveBetweenMs

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-2000,0,1],[-1000,1000,2],[-1000,0,3],[1000,1000,4],[2000,1000,5],[2000,2000,6],[3000,2000,7],[4000,0,8]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

Polyline subCurve = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetSubCurveBetweenMs(polyline, 2, 6);
// subCurve.PointCount = 5
// subCurve.Points[0]  X= --1000, Y= 1000 M= 2
// subCurve.Points[1]  X= --1000, Y= 0  M= 3
// subCurve.Points[2]  X= 1000, Y= 1000  M= 4
// subCurve.Points[3]  X= 2000, Y= -1000  M= 5
// subCurve.Points[4]  X= 2000, Y= -2000  M= 6

subCurve = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetSubCurveBetweenMs(polyline, double.NaN, 5);
// subCurve.PointCount = 0
// subCurve.IsEmpty = true

Get line segments corresponding to the normal at the locations where the specified M values occur along the geometry - GetNormalsAtM

IList<MapPoint> inPoints = new List<MapPoint>()
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(-3000, -2000, 0, 100),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(-3000, 0, 0, 200),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(-1000, 0, 0, 300),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(-1000, 2000, 0, 100),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3000, 2000, 0, 200),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3000, 0, 0, 300),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1000, 0, 0, 100),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1000, -2000, 0, 200),
  MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(-3000, -2000, 0, 300)

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(inPoints);
// polygon.HasM = true

Polyline polyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.GetNormalsAtM(polygon, 150, 100);
// polyline.PartCount = 5
// polyline.PointCount = 10
// polyline.HasM = false

ReadOnlyPartCollection parts = polyline.Parts;
ReadOnlySegmentCollection segments = parts[0];
LineSegment line = segments[0] as LineSegment;
// line.StartCoordinate = (-3000, -1000)
// line.EndCoordinate = (-2900, -1000)

segments = parts[1];
line = segments[0] as LineSegment;
// line.StartCoordinate = (-1000, 1500)
// line.EndCoordinate = (-900, 1500)

segments = parts[2];
line = segments[0] as LineSegment;
// line.StartCoordinate = (1000, 2000)
// line.EndCoordinate = (1000, 1900)

segments = parts[3];
line = segments[0] as LineSegment;
// line.StartCoordinate = (1500, 0)
// line.EndCoordinate = (1500, 100)

segments = parts[4];
line = segments[0] as LineSegment;
// line.StartCoordinate = (1000, -1000)
// line.EndCoordinate = (900, -1000)

Get the M values at the specified distance along the multipart

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000,-3],[-2000,-2000,-2]],[[-2000,-2000,1],[-2000,1000,2]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

// polyline has 2 parts

double m1, m2;
GeometryEngine.Instance.GetMsAtDistance(polyline, 0, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength, out m1, out m2);
// m1 = -3
// m2 = NaN

GeometryEngine.Instance.GetMsAtDistance(polyline, 500, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength, out m1, out m2);
// m1 = -2.5
// m2 = NaN

GeometryEngine.Instance.GetMsAtDistance(polyline, 1000, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength, out m1, out m2);
// m1 = -2
// m2 = 1     // m2 has a value because distance 1000 is at the end of the first part, beginning of the second part

Set M values to the cumulative length from the start of the multipart - SetMsAsDistance

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"rings\":[[[0,0],[0,3000],[4000,3000],[4000,0],[0,0]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.FromJson(json);

Polygon outPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.SetMsAsDistance(polygon, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength) as Polygon;
ReadOnlyPointCollection outPoints = outPolygon.Points;
// outPoints M values are { 0, 3000, 7000, 10000, 14000 };

Insert M value at the given distance - InsertMAtDistance

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000,-3],[-2000,-2000,-2],[-1000,-2000,null]]]}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);
bool splitHappened;
int partIndex, segmentIndex;

// A point already exists at the given distance
double m = -1;
double distance = 2000;
bool createNewPart = false;
Polyline outputPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.InsertMAtDistance(polyline, m, distance, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength, createNewPart, out splitHappened, out partIndex, out segmentIndex) as Polyline;

// splitHappened = false, partIndex = 0, segmentIndex = 2
// outputPolyline.Points[2].M = -1

json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000,-3],[-2000,-2000,-2],[-1000,-2000,-1]],[[0,0,0],[0,1000,0],[0,2000,2]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

// A point already exists at the given distance, but createNewPart = true
m = 1;
distance = 3000;
createNewPart = true;
outputPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.InsertMAtDistance(polyline, m, distance, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength, createNewPart, out splitHappened, out partIndex, out segmentIndex) as Polyline;
string outputJson = outputPolyline.ToJson();

// splitHappened = true, partIndex = 2, segmentIndex = 0
// outputJson = {"hasM":true,"paths":[[[-3000,-2000,-3],[-2000,-2000,-2],[-1000,-2000,-1]],[[0,0,0],[0,1000,1]],[[0,1000,1],[0,2000,2]]]}}
// A new part has been created and the M values for outputPolyline.Points[4] and outputPolyline.Points[5] have been modified

// A point does not exist at the given distance
m = 1;
distance = 3500;
createNewPart = false;
outputPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.InsertMAtDistance(polyline, m, distance, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength, createNewPart, out splitHappened, out partIndex, out segmentIndex) as Polyline;
outputJson = outputPolyline.ToJson();

// splitHappened = true even though createNewPart = false because a new point was created
// partIndex = 1, segmentIndex = 2
// outputJson = {"hasM":true,"paths":[[[-3000,-2000,-3],[-2000,-2000,-2],[-1000,-2000,-1]],[[0,0,0],[0,1000,0],[0,1500,1],[0,2000,2]]]}
// A new point has been inserted (0, 1500, 1) by interpolating the X and Y coordinates and M value set to the input M value.

Calibrate M values using M values from input points - CalibrateByMs

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[0,0,-1],[1,0,0],[1,1,1],[1,2,2],[3,1,3],[5,3,4],[9,5,5],[7,6,6]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

// Interpolate using points (0, 0, 17), (1, 0, 42), (7, 6, 18) 
List<MapPoint> updatePoints = new List<MapPoint>(3);
MapPointBuilderEx builder = new MapPointBuilderEx(0, 0);
builder.M = 17;
updatePoints.Add(builder.ToGeometry() as MapPoint);

builder.X = 1;
builder.M = 42;
updatePoints.Add(builder.ToGeometry() as MapPoint);

builder.X = 7;
builder.Y = 6;
builder.M = 18;
updatePoints.Add(builder.ToGeometry() as MapPoint);

// Calibrate all the points in the polyline
double cutOffDistance = polyline.Length;

Polyline updatedPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.CalibrateByMs(polyline, updatePoints, UpdateMMethod.Interpolate, cutOffDistance) as Polyline;
// The points in the updated polyline are
// (0, 0, 17 ), ( 1, 0, 42 ), ( 1, 1, 38 ), ( 1, 2, 34 ), ( 3, 1, 30 ), ( 5, 3, 26 ), ( 9, 5, 22 ), ( 7, 6, 18 )

// ExtrapolateBefore using points (1, 2, 42), (9, 5, 18)
builder.X = 1;
builder.Y = 2;
builder.M = 42;
updatePoints[0] = builder.ToGeometry() as MapPoint;

builder.X = 9;
builder.Y = 5;
builder.M = 18;
updatePoints[1] = builder.ToGeometry() as MapPoint;


updatedPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.CalibrateByMs(polyline, updatePoints, UpdateMMethod.ExtrapolateBefore, cutOffDistance) as Polyline;
// The points in the updated polyline are
// ( 0, 0, 66 ), ( 1, 0, 58 ), ( 1, 1, 50 ), ( 1, 2, 42 ), ( 3, 1, 3 ), ( 5, 3, 4 ), ( 9, 5, 18 ), ( 7, 6, 6 )

// ExtrapolateAfter using points (0, 0, 17), (1, 2, 42)
builder.X = 0;
builder.Y = 0;
builder.M = 17;
updatePoints.Insert(0, builder.ToGeometry() as MapPoint);


updatedPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.CalibrateByMs(polyline, updatePoints, UpdateMMethod.ExtrapolateAfter, cutOffDistance) as Polyline;
// The points in the updated polyline are
// ( 0, 0, 17 ), ( 1, 0, 0 ), ( 1, 1, 1 ), ( 1, 2, 42 ), ( 3, 1, 50.333333333333333 ), ( 5, 3, 58.666666666666671 ), ( 9, 5, 67 ), ( 7, 6, 75.333333333333343 )

// ExtrapolateAfter and Interpolate using points (0, 0, 17), (1, 2, 42)
updatedPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.CalibrateByMs(polyline, updatePoints, UpdateMMethod.ExtrapolateAfter | UpdateMMethod.Interpolate, cutOffDistance) as Polyline;
// The points in the updated polyline are
// (0,0,17),(1,0,25.333333333333336),(1,1,33.666666666666671),(1,2,42),(3,1,50.333333333333336),(5,3,58.666666666666671),(9,5,67),(7,6,75.333333333333343)

Generates M values by linear interpolation over a range of points - InterpolateMsBetween

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[0,0,-1],[1,0,0],[1,1,1],[1,2,2],[3,1,3],[5,3,4],[9,5,5],[7,6,6]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

// Interpolate between points 2 and 6
Polyline outPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.InterpolateMsBetween(polyline, 0, 2, 0, 6) as Polyline;
// The points of the output polyline are
// (0, 0, -1), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (1, 2, 1.3796279833912741), (3, 1, 2.2285019604153242), (5, 3, 3.3022520459518998), (9, 5, 5), (7, 6, 6)

Set Ms at the beginning and end of the geometry and interpolate M values between the two values - SetAndInterpolateMsBetween

string json = "{\"hasM\":true,\"paths\":[[[-3000,-2000],[-2000,-2000],[-1000,-2000],[0,-2000],[1000,-2000],[2000,-2000],[3000,-2000],[4000,-2000]]],\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":3857}}";
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

Polyline outPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SetAndInterpolateMsBetween(polyline, 100, 800) as Polyline;
ReadOnlyPointCollection outPoints = outPolyline.Points;
// outPoints M values are { 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 };

Move a MapPoint

MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0);
MapPoint ptResult = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(pt, -3.5, 2.5) as MapPoint;
// ptResult is (-2.5, 5.5)

Move a z-aware MapPoint

MapPoint zPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0, 2.0);
MapPoint zPtResult = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(zPt, 4, 0.25, 0.5) as MapPoint;
// zPtResult is (5.0, 3.25, 2.5);

Move a Polyline

List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 3.0, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 2, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4.0, 2.0, 3.0));

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts);

Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(polyline, 3, 2);
Polyline polylineResult = geometry as Polyline;
// polylineResult.Points[0] = 4.0, 3.0, 3.0
// polylineResult.Points[1] = 6.0, 5.0, 3.0
// polylineResult.Points[2] = 6.0, 4.0, 3.0
// polylineResult.Points[3] = 7.0, 4.0, 3.0


LineSegment line = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 3), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 3.0));
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(line);
bool simple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polyline);

// ratio = false
MapPoint pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 1.0, false, 0.0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pt = 1.0, 3.0

pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 1.0, false, -1.0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pt = 1.0, 4.0

pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 1.0, false, 2.0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pt = 1.0, 1.0

// ratio = true
pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 0.5, true, 0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pt = 2.5, 3.0

// move past the line
pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 7, false, 0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pt = 5.0, 3.0

// move past the line with extension at "to" point
pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 7, false, 0, SegmentExtension.ExtendEmbeddedAtTo);
// pt = 7.0, 3.0

// negative distance with extension at "from" point
pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, -2, false, 0, SegmentExtension.ExtendEmbeddedAtFrom);
// pt = -2.0, 3.0

// ratio = true
pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 0.5, true, 0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pt = 2.5, 3.0

// line with Z
List<Coordinate3D> coords3D = new List<Coordinate3D> { new Coordinate3D(0, 0, 0), new Coordinate3D(1113195, 1118890, 5000) };
Polyline polylineZ = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords3D, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
// polylineZ.HasZ = true

// ratio = true, no offset
pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polylineZ, 0.5, true, 0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pt.X = 556597.5
// pt.Y = 559445
// pt.Z = 2500

// ratio = true, past the line with "to" extension, no offset
pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polylineZ, 1.5, true, 0, SegmentExtension.ExtendEmbeddedAtTo);
// pt.X = 1669792.5
// pt.Y = 1678335
// pt.Z = 7500

// ratio = true, negative distance past the line with no extension, no offset
pt = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polylineZ, -1.5, true, 0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pt.X = 0
// pt.Y = 0
// pt.Z = -7500

// polyline with Z but 2d distance = 0
MapPoint pt3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5, 5, 0);
MapPoint pt4 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5, 5, 10);
List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>() { pt3, pt4 };

polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts);
// polyline.HasZ = true
// polyline.Length3D = 10
// polyline.Length = 0

MapPoint result = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 2, false, 0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// result = 5, 5, 2

// polyline with length2d = 0 and length3d = 0
MapPoint pt5 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5, 5, 10);
MapPoint pt6 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5, 5, 10);

polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts);
// polyline.HasZ = true
// polyline.Length3D = 0
// polyline.Length = 0

result = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 3, true, 0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// result = 5, 5, 10

result = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polyline, 3, true, 0, SegmentExtension.ExtendEmbeddedAtFrom);
// result = 5, 5, 10

// polyline with Z and M
List<MapPoint> inputPoints = new List<MapPoint>()
    MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 3, 4),
    MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 2, 33, 44),

Polyline polylineZM = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(inputPoints, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
// polylineZM.HasZ = true
// polylineZM.HasM = true

// ratio = true, no offset
MapPoint pointAlong = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polylineZM, 0.5, true, 0, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pointAlong = 1, 2, 18, 24

// ratio = true with offset
pointAlong = GeometryEngine.Instance.MovePointAlongLine(polylineZM, 0.2, true, 2.23606797749979, SegmentExtension.NoExtension);
// pointAlong = 1, 2, 9, 12

Separate components of a geometry into single component geometries

List<Coordinate2D> coords2D = new List<Coordinate2D>()
    new Coordinate2D(0, 0),
    new Coordinate2D(1, 4),
    new Coordinate2D(2, 7),
    new Coordinate2D(-10, 3)

Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(coords2D, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

IReadOnlyList<Geometry> result = GeometryEngine.Instance.MultipartToSinglePart(multipoint);
// result.Count = 4, 

// 'explode' a multipart polygon
result = GeometryEngine.Instance.MultipartToSinglePart(multipartPolygon);

// create a bag of geometries
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(coords2D, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
GeometryBag bag = GeometryBagBuilder.CreateGeometryBag(new List<Geometry>() { multipoint, polygon });
// bag.PartCount = 2

result = GeometryEngine.Instance.MultipartToSinglePart(bag);
// result.Count = 2
// result[0] is MultiPoint
// result[1] is Polygon

Nearest Point versus Nearest Vertex

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;
MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5, 5, sr);

List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(10, 1),
  new Coordinate2D(10, -4),
  new Coordinate2D(0, -4),
  new Coordinate2D(0, 1),
  new Coordinate2D(10, 1)

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(coords);

// find the nearest point in the polygon geomtry to the pt
ProximityResult result = GeometryEngine.Instance.NearestPoint(polygon, pt);
// result.Point = 5, 1
// result.SegmentIndex = 3
// result.PartIndex = 0
// result.PointIndex = null
//result.Distance = 4
//result.RightSide = false

// find the nearest vertex in the polgyon geometry to the pt
result = GeometryEngine.Instance.NearestVertex(polygon, pt);
// result.Point = 10, 1
// result.PointIndex = 0
// result.SegmentIndex = null
// result.PartIndex = 0
// result.Distance = Math.Sqrt(41)
// result.RightSide = false

Determine Nearest Point in 3D

MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 1);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 2, 2);
MapPoint pt3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10, 2, 1);

// test pt1 to pt2
ProximityResult result = GeometryEngine.Instance.NearestPoint3D(pt1, pt2);
// result.Point = 1,1,1
// result.Distance = Math.Sqrt(3)
// result.SegmentIndex = null
// result.PartIndex = 0
// result.PointIndex = 0
// result.RightSide = false

// multipoint built from pt1, pt2.   should be closer to pt2
Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(new List<MapPoint>() { pt1, pt2 });
result = GeometryEngine.Instance.NearestPoint3D(multipoint, pt3);
// result.Point = 2, 2, 2
// result.Distance = Math.Sqrt(65)
// result.SegmentIndex = null
// result.PartIndex = 1
// result.PointIndex = 1
// result.RightSide = false

Calculate a geometry offset from the source

List<MapPoint> linePts = new List<MapPoint>();
linePts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
linePts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(linePts);

Geometry g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Offset(polyline, 10, OffsetType.Square, 0);
Polyline gResult = g as Polyline;
// gResult.PointCount = 2
// gResult.Points[0] = (1, -9)
// gResult.Points[1] = (10, -9)

g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Offset(polyline, -10, OffsetType.Round, 0.5);
gResult = g as Polyline;
// gResult.PointCount = 2
// gResult.Points[0] = (1, -11
// gResult.Points[1] = (10, 11)

// elliptic arc curve
Coordinate2D fromPt = new Coordinate2D(2, 1);
Coordinate2D toPt = new Coordinate2D(1, 2);
Coordinate2D interiorPt = new Coordinate2D(1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2, 1 + Math.Sqrt(2) / 2);

EllipticArcSegment circularArc = EllipticArcBuilder.CreateEllipticArcSegment(fromPt.ToMapPoint(), toPt.ToMapPoint(), interiorPt);

polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(circularArc);
g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Offset(polyline, -0.25, OffsetType.Miter, 0.5);
gResult = g as Polyline;

g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Offset(polyline, 0.25, OffsetType.Bevel, 0.5);
gResult = g as Polyline;

//  offset for a polygon
List<MapPoint> list = new List<MapPoint>();
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10.0, 10.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10.0, 20.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(20.0, 20.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
list.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(20.0, 10.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list);

g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Offset(polygon, 2, OffsetType.Square, 0);
Polygon gPolygon = g as Polygon;

g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Offset(polygon, -2, OffsetType.Round, 0.3);
gPolygon = g as Polygon;

g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Offset(polygon, -0.5, OffsetType.Miter, 0.6);
gPolygon = g as Polygon;

Determine if geometries overlap

MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.5, 1.5);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.25, 1.75);
MapPoint pt3 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 1.5);
MapPoint pt4 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.5, 2);

// point and point overlap
bool overlaps = GeometryEngine.Instance.Overlaps(pt1, pt2);        // overlaps = false
overlaps = GeometryEngine.Instance.Overlaps(pt1, pt1);             // overlaps = false
                                                                   // Two geometries overlap if the region of their intersection is of the same dimension as the geometries involved and 
                                                                   // is not equivalent to either of the geometries.  

List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();

List<MapPoint> pts2 = new List<MapPoint>();

// pt and line overlap
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts);
bool isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polyline);         // isSimple = true
overlaps = GeometryEngine.Instance.Overlaps(polyline, pt1);                  // overlaps = false

// line and line
Polyline polyline2 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts2);
isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polyline2);             // isSimple = true
overlaps = GeometryEngine.Instance.Overlaps(polyline, polyline2);            // overlaps = true

Project from WGS84 to WebMercator

MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Geometry result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(pt, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
MapPoint projectedPt = result as MapPoint;

Project from WGS84

// create the polygon
List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(pts);
// ensure it is simple
bool isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polygon);

// create the spatial reference to project to
SpatialReference northPole = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(102018);   // north pole stereographic 

// project
Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Project(polygon, northPole);


string json = "{\"curvePaths\":[[[-13046586.8335,4036570.6796000004]," +
              "{\"c\":[[-13046645.107099999,4037152.5873000026]," +
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.FromJson(json);

EllipticArcSegment arc = polyline.Parts[0][0] as EllipticArcSegment;

// No extension, distanceAlongCurve = 0.5

// use the polyline
Polyline poly_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(polyline, SegmentExtension.NoExtension, 0.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);
// or a segment
LineSegment seg_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(arc, SegmentExtension.NoExtension, 0.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);

// TangentAtFrom, distanceAlongCurve = -1.2
poly_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(polyline, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtFrom, -1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);
seg_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(arc, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtFrom, -1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);

// TangentAtTo (ignored because distanceAlongCurve < 0), distanceAlongCurve = -1.2
poly_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(polyline, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtTo, -1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);
seg_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(arc, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtTo, -1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);

// TangentAtTo, distanceAlongCurve = 1.2
poly_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(polyline, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtTo, 1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);
seg_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(arc, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtTo, 1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);

// TangentAtFrom (ignored because distanceAlongCurve > 0), distanceAlongCurve = 1.2
poly_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(polyline, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtFrom, 1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);
seg_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(arc, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtFrom, 1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);

// EmbeddedAtTo, distanceAlongCurve = 1.2
poly_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(polyline, SegmentExtension.ExtendEmbeddedAtTo, 1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);
seg_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(arc, SegmentExtension.ExtendEmbeddedAtTo, 1.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);

// EmbeddedAtFrom, distanceAlongCurve = -0.2
poly_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(polyline, SegmentExtension.ExtendEmbeddedAtFrom, -0.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);
seg_normal = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryNormal(arc, SegmentExtension.ExtendEmbeddedAtFrom, -0.2, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1000);


SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

// Horizontal line segment
Coordinate2D start = new Coordinate2D(1, 1);
Coordinate2D end = new Coordinate2D(11, 1);
LineSegment line = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(start, end, sr);

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(line);

// Don't extend the segment

MapPoint outPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryPoint(polyline, SegmentExtension.NoExtension, 1.0, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength);
// outPoint = (2, 1)

// or the segment
MapPoint outPoint_seg = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryPoint(line, SegmentExtension.NoExtension, 1.0, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength);
// outPoint_seg = (2, 1)

// Extend infinitely in both directions
outPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryPoint(polyline, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangents, 1.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio);
// outPoint = (16, 1)
outPoint_seg = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryPoint(line, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangents, 1.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio);
// outPoint_seg = (16, 1)


// Horizontal line segment
List<MapPoint> linePts = new List<MapPoint>();
linePts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
linePts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(11.0, 1.0, SpatialReferences.WGS84));
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(linePts);
bool isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polyline);

// Don't extent the segment
SegmentExtension extension = SegmentExtension.NoExtension;

// A point on the line segment
MapPoint inPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

double distanceAlongCurve, distanceFromCurve;
LeftOrRightSide whichSide;
AsRatioOrLength asRatioOrLength = AsRatioOrLength.AsLength;

MapPoint outPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryPointAndDistance(polyline, extension, inPoint, asRatioOrLength, out distanceAlongCurve, out distanceFromCurve, out whichSide);
// outPoint = 2, 1
// distanceAlongCurve = 1
// distanceFromCurve = 0
// whichSide = GeometryEngine.Instance.LeftOrRightSide.LeftSide

// Extend infinitely in both directions
extension = SegmentExtension.ExtendTangents;

// A point on the left side
inPoint = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(16, 6, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
asRatioOrLength = AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio;

outPoint = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryPointAndDistance(polyline, extension, inPoint, asRatioOrLength, out distanceAlongCurve, out distanceFromCurve, out whichSide);
// outPoint = 16, 1
// distanceAlongCurve = 1.5
// distanceFromCurve = 5
// whichSide = GeometryEngine.Instance.LeftOrRightSide.LeftSide


LineSegment line = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(0, 0), new Coordinate2D(1, 0));

// No extension, distanceAlongCurve = 0.5
LineSegment tangent = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryTangent(line, SegmentExtension.NoExtension, 0.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1);
// tangent.StartCoordinate = (0.5, 0.0)
// tangent.EndCoordinate = (1.5, 0.0)

tangent = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryTangent(line, SegmentExtension.NoExtension, 1.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength, 1);
// tangent.StartCoordinate = (1.0, 0.0)
// tangent.EndCoordinate = (2.0, 0.0)

tangent = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryTangent(line, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtTo, 1.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength, 1);
// tangent.StartCoordinate = (1.5, 0.0)
// tangent.EndCoordinate = (2.5, 0.0)

tangent = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryTangent(line, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtFrom, -1.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsLength, 1);
// tangent.StartCoordinate = (-1.5, 0.0)
// tangent.EndCoordinate = (-0.5, 0.0)

tangent = GeometryEngine.Instance.QueryTangent(line, SegmentExtension.ExtendTangentAtFrom, -0.5, AsRatioOrLength.AsRatio, 1);
// tangent.StartCoordinate = (-0.5, 0.0)
// tangent.EndCoordinate = (0.5, 0.0)

Reflect a polygon about a line

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

Coordinate2D start = new Coordinate2D(0, 0);
Coordinate2D end = new Coordinate2D(4, 4);
LineSegment line = LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(start, end, sr);

Coordinate2D[] coords = new Coordinate2D[]
  new Coordinate2D(-1, 2),
  new Coordinate2D(-1, 4),
  new Coordinate2D(1, 4),
  new Coordinate2D(-1, 2)

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(coords, sr);

// reflect a polygon about the line
Polygon reflectedPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.ReflectAboutLine(polygon, line) as Polygon;

// reflectedPolygon points are 
//    (2, -1), (4, -1), (4, 1), (2, -1)

Determine relationship between two geometries

// set up some geometries

// points
MapPoint point0 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint point1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
MapPoint point2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(-5, 5, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// multipoint
List<MapPoint> points = new List<MapPoint>() { point0, point1, point2 };
Multipoint multipoint = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(points, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// polygon 
List<Coordinate2D> polygonCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
    new Coordinate2D(-10, 0),
    new Coordinate2D(0, 10),
    new Coordinate2D(10, 0),
    new Coordinate2D(-10, 0)
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(polygonCoords, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// polylines
Polyline polyline1 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(-9.1, 0.1), new Coordinate2D(0, 9)), SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Polyline polyline2 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(-5, 5), new Coordinate2D(0, 5)), SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Polyline polyline3 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(2.09, -2.04), new Coordinate2D(5, 10)), SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Polyline polyline4 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(10, -5), new Coordinate2D(10, 5)), SpatialReferences.WGS84);

List<Segment> segments = new List<Segment>()
    LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(5.05, -2.87), new Coordinate2D(6.35, 1.57)),
    LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(6.35, 1.57), new Coordinate2D(4.13, 2.59)),
    LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(4.13, 2.59), new Coordinate2D(5, 5))
Polyline polyline5 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(segments, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

segments.Add(LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(5, 5), new Coordinate2D(10, 10)));

Polyline polyline6 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(segments, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
Polyline polyline7 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(polyline5);
Polyline polyline8 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(5, 5), new Coordinate2D(10, 10)), SpatialReferences.WGS84);

segments.Add(LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(0.6, 3.5), new Coordinate2D(0.7, 7)));
segments.Add(LineBuilder.CreateLineSegment(new Coordinate2D(0.7, 7), new Coordinate2D(3, 9)));

Polyline polyline9 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(segments, SpatialReferences.WGS84);

// now do the Related tests

// Interior/Interior Intersects
string scl = "T********";
bool related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polygon, polyline1, scl);     // related = true
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(point0, point1, scl);              // related = false
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(point0, multipoint, scl);          // related = true
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(multipoint, polygon, scl);         // related = true
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(multipoint, polyline1, scl);       // related = false
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polyline2, point2, scl);           // related = false
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(point1, polygon, scl);             // related = true

// Interior/Boundary Intersects
scl = "*T*******";
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polygon, polyline2, scl);          // related = true
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polygon, polyline3, scl);          // related = false
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(point1, polygon, scl);             // related = false

// Boundary/Boundary Interior intersects
scl = "***T*****";
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polygon, polyline4, scl);          // related = true

// Overlaps Dim1
scl = "1*T***T**";
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polygon, polyline5, scl);          // related = true

// Crosses Area/Line (LineB crosses PolygonA)
scl = "1020F1102";
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polygon, polyline6, scl);          // related = false
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polygon, polyline9, scl);          // related = true

// Boundary/Boundary Touches
scl = "F***T****";
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polygon, polyline7, scl);          // related = false
related = GeometryEngine.Instance.Relate(polygon, polyline8, scl);          // related = true

Replace NaN Zs in a polygon

List<Coordinate3D> coordsZ = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(1, 2, double.NaN),
  new Coordinate3D(4, 5, 3),
  new Coordinate3D(7, 8, double.NaN)

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(coordsZ);
// polygon.HasZ = true

Polygon polygonZReplaced = GeometryEngine.Instance.ReplaceNaNZs(polygon, -1) as Polygon;

// polygonZReplaced.Points[0].Z = -1
// polygonZReplaced.Points[1].Z = 3
// polygonZReplaced.Points[2].Z = -1

Reshape a polygon

List<Coordinate2D> polygon1Coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(0, -11000),
  new Coordinate2D(1000, -11000),
  new Coordinate2D(1000, -12000),
  new Coordinate2D(0, -12000),
  new Coordinate2D(0, -11000)

// reshaper coordinates intersect the polygon
List<Coordinate2D> reshaperCoords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(1500, -11800),
  new Coordinate2D(-2600, -11800)

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(102010);
Polygon polygon1 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(polygon1Coords, sr);
Polyline reshaper = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(reshaperCoords, sr);

Polygon outPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.Reshape(polygon1, reshaper) as Polygon;
// outPolygon.PartCount = 1

ReadOnlySegmentCollection segments = outPolygon.Parts[0];
// segments.Count = 4
// outPolygon.PointCount = 5

string json = GeometryEngine.Instance.ExportToJSON(JSONExportFlags.jsonExportSkipCRS, outPolygon);
// json = "{\"rings\":[[[0,-11800],[0,-11000],[1000,-11000],[1000,-11800],[0,-11800]]]}";

// example where the Reshaper polyline doesn't intersect the input

reshaperCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(1000, 1000));
reshaperCoords.Add(new Coordinate2D(2000, 1000));

reshaper = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(reshaperCoords, sr);

outPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.Reshape(polygon1, reshaper) as Polygon;
// outPolygon = null

Reverse the order of points in a Polygon

List<Coordinate2D> list2D = new List<Coordinate2D>();
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 1.0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 2.0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.0, 2.0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.0, 1.0));

Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list2D);

Geometry g = GeometryEngine.Instance.ReverseOrientation(polygon);
Polygon gPolygon = g as Polygon;

// gPolygon.Points[0] = 1.0, 1.0
// gPolygon.Points[1] = 2.0, 1.0
// gPolygon.Points[2] = 2.0, 2.0
// gPolygon.Points[3] = 1.0, 2.0
// gPolygon.Points[4] = 1.0, 1.0
// gPolygon.Area = -1 * polygon.Area

Rotate a MapPoint

MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0);
MapPoint rotatePt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 3.0);

Geometry result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Rotate(pt, rotatePt, Math.PI / 2);
// result point is (3, 1)

Rotate a Polyline

// rotate a polyline

MapPoint fixedPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 3.0);

List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 5.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5, 5));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 1.0));
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts);

Polyline rotated = GeometryEngine.Instance.Rotate(polyline, fixedPt, Math.PI / 4) as Polyline;  // rotate 45 deg

Scale a geometry

List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 3, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 1.0, 3.0));

MapPoint midPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.5, 1.5);

// polyline
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts);
// polyline.Length = 6
// polyline.Length3D = 0
Geometry g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Scale(polyline, midPt, 0.5, 0.5);
Polyline resultPolyline = g as Polyline;
// resultPolyline.length  = 3
// resultPolyline.Points[0] = 1.25, 1.25, 3
// resultPolyline.Points[1] = 1.25, 2.25, 3
// resultPolyline.Points[2] = 2.25, 2.25, 3
// resultPolyline.Points[3] = 2.25, 1.25, 3

// 3D point - scale in 3d
MapPoint midPtZ = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.5, 1.5, 1);
g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Scale(polyline, midPtZ, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25);
resultPolyline = g as Polyline;
// resultPolyline.Points[0] = 1.25, 1.25, 1.5
// resultPolyline.Points[1] = 1.25, 2.25, 1.5
// resultPolyline.Points[2] = 2.25, 2.25, 1.5
// resultPolyline.Points[3] = 2.25, 1.25, 1.5

Set all Zs in a polyline

List<Coordinate3D> coordsZ = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(1, 2, 3),
  new Coordinate3D(4, 5, 6),
  new Coordinate3D(7, 8, double.NaN)

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coordsZ);
// polyline.HasZ = true

Polyline polylineSetZ = GeometryEngine.Instance.SetConstantZ(polyline, -1) as Polyline;
// polylineSetZ.Points[0].Z = -1
// polylineSetZ.Points[1].Z = -1
// polylineSetZ.Points[2].Z = -1

polylineSetZ = GeometryEngine.Instance.SetConstantZ(polyline, double.NaN) as Polyline;
// polyline.HasZ = true
// polylineSetZ.Points[0].HasZ = true
// polylineSetZ.Points[0].Z = NaN
// polylineSetZ.Points[1].HasZ = true
// polylineSetZ.Points[1].Z = NaN
// polylineSetZ.Points[2].HasZ = true
// polylineSetZ.Points[2].Z = NaN

polylineSetZ = GeometryEngine.Instance.SetConstantZ(polyline, double.PositiveInfinity) as Polyline;
// polyline.HasZ = true
// polylineSetZ.Points[0].HasZ = true
// polylineSetZ.Points[0].Z = double.PositiveInfinity
// polylineSetZ.Points[1].HasZ = true
// polylineSetZ.Points[1].Z = double.PositiveInfinity
// polylineSetZ.Points[2].HasZ = true
// polylineSetZ.Points[2].Z = double.PositiveInfinity

Calculate area of geometry on surface of Earth's ellipsoid - ShapePreservingArea

// pt
MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
double area = GeometryEngine.Instance.ShapePreservingArea(pt);         // area = 0

List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 3, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 1.0, 3.0));

// multipoint
Multipoint mPt = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(pts);
area = GeometryEngine.Instance.ShapePreservingArea(mPt);               // area = 0

// polyline
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts);
area = GeometryEngine.Instance.ShapePreservingArea(polyline);          // area = 0

// polygon
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(pts, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
area = GeometryEngine.Instance.ShapePreservingArea(polygon);

polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(pts, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
area = GeometryEngine.Instance.ShapePreservingArea(polygon);

Calculate length of geometry on surface of Earth's ellipsoid - ShapePreservingLength

// pt
MapPoint pt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
double len = GeometryEngine.Instance.ShapePreservingLength(pt);          // len = 0

List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 3.0, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 3, 3.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 1.0, 3.0));

// multipoint
Multipoint mPt = MultipointBuilder.CreateMultipoint(pts);
len = GeometryEngine.Instance.ShapePreservingLength(mPt);                // len = 0

// polyline
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(pts, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
len = GeometryEngine.Instance.ShapePreservingLength(polyline);

// polygon
Polygon polygon = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(pts, SpatialReferences.WGS84);
len = GeometryEngine.Instance.ShapePreservingLength(polygon);


// right side, round caps
SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(102010);
List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(1200, 5800),
  new Coordinate2D(1400, 5800),
  new Coordinate2D(1400, 6000),
  new Coordinate2D(1300, 6000),
  new Coordinate2D(1300, 5700)

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords, sr);
Polygon output = GeometryEngine.Instance.SideBuffer(polyline, 20, LeftOrRightSide.RightSide, LineCapType.Round) as Polygon;

SideBuffer Many

SpatialReference spatialReference = SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(102010);
List<Coordinate2D> coordinates = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(1200, 5800),
  new Coordinate2D(1400, 5800),
  new Coordinate2D(1400, 6000),
  new Coordinate2D(1300, 6000),
  new Coordinate2D(1300, 5700)

Polyline polyline1 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coordinates, spatialReference);

coordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(1400, 6050));
coordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(1600, 6150));
coordinates.Add(new Coordinate2D(1800, 6050));

Polyline polyline2 = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coordinates, spatialReference);
List<Polyline> polylines = new List<Polyline>() { polyline1, polyline2 };
IReadOnlyList<Geometry> outGeometries = GeometryEngine.Instance.SideBuffer(polylines, 10, LeftOrRightSide.RightSide, LineCapType.Round);

Simplify a polygon

var g1 = PolygonBuilder.FromJson("{\"rings\": [ [ [0, 0], [10, 0], [10, 10], [0, 10] ] ] }");
var result = GeometryEngine.Instance.Area(g1);      // result = -100.0   - negative due to wrong ring orientation
                                                    // simplify it
var result2 = GeometryEngine.Instance.Area(GeometryEngine.Instance.SimplifyAsFeature(g1, true));
// result2 = 100.0  - positive due to correct ring orientation (clockwise)

Simplify a polyline with intersections, overlaps

List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(8, 0),
  new Coordinate2D(8, 4),
  new Coordinate2D(6, 4),
  new Coordinate2D(8, 4),
  new Coordinate2D(10, 4),
  new Coordinate2D(8, 4)

SpatialReference sr = SpatialReferences.WGS84;

// build a line that has segments that cross over each other
Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(coords, sr);
// polyline.PartCount = 1
ReadOnlyPartCollection parts = polyline.Parts;
ReadOnlySegmentCollection segments = parts[0];
// segments.Count = 5

//  note there is a difference between SimpleAsFeature (doesn't detect intersections and overlaps, determines if it's simple enough for gdb storage)
//  and SimplifyPolyline  (does detect intersections etc)
bool isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(polyline, false);
// isSimple = true

// simplify it (with force = false)
// because it has already been deemed 'simple' (previous IsSimpleAsFeature call) no detection of intersections, overlaps occur
Polyline simplePolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SimplifyPolyline(polyline, SimplifyType.Planar, false);
// simplePolyline.PartCount = 1
ReadOnlyPartCollection simpleParts = simplePolyline.Parts;
ReadOnlySegmentCollection simpleSegments = simpleParts[0];
// simpleSegments.Count = 5

// simplify it (with force = true)
// detection of intersections, overlaps occur 
simplePolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SimplifyPolyline(polyline, SimplifyType.Planar, true);
// simplePolyline.PartCount = 3
simpleParts = simplePolyline.Parts;
simpleSegments = simpleParts[0];
// simpleSegments.Count = 1

Slice a Polygon into equal parts

var slices = GeometryEngine.Instance.SlicePolygonIntoEqualParts(polygon, 3, 0, SliceType.Blocks);
// slices.Count = 3

// simple polygon
List<Coordinate2D> list2D = new List<Coordinate2D>();
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 1.0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(1.0, 2.0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.0, 2.0));
list2D.Add(new Coordinate2D(2.0, 1.0));

Polygon p = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(list2D);
slices = GeometryEngine.Instance.SlicePolygonIntoEqualParts(p, 2, 0, SliceType.Strips);

// slice[0] coordinates - (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.5), (2.0, 1.5), (2.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0) 
// slice[1] coordinates - (1.0, 1.5), (1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 2.0), (2.0, 1.5), (1.0, 1.5)

slices = GeometryEngine.Instance.SlicePolygonIntoEqualParts(p, 2, Math.PI / 4, SliceType.Strips);

// slice[0] coordinates - (1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)
// slice[1] coordinates - (1.0, 2.0), (2.0, 2.0), (2.0, 1.0), (1.0, 2.0)

Split multipart at point

// define a polyline
MapPoint startPointZ = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1, 1, 5);
MapPoint endPointZ = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(20, 1, 5);

Polyline polylineZ = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List<MapPoint>() { startPointZ, endPointZ });

// define a split point
MapPoint splitPointAboveLine = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(10, 10, 10);

bool splitOccurred;
int partIndex;
int segmentIndex;

// split the polyline at the point.  dont project the split point onto the line, don't create a new part
var splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, splitPointAboveLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);

// splitOccurred = true
// partIndex = 0
// segmentIndex = 1
// splitPolyline.PointCount = 3
// splitPolyline.PartCount = 1
// splitPolyline coordinates are (1, 1, 5), (10, 10, 10), (20, 1, 5)

// split the polyline at the point.  dont project the split point onto the line, do create a new part
splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, splitPointAboveLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);

// splitOccurred = true
// partIndex = 1
// segmentIndex = 0
// splitPolyline.PointCount = 4
// splitPolyline.PartCount = 2
// splitPolyline first part coordinates are (1, 1, 5), (10, 10, 10)
// splitPolyline second part coordinates are (10, 10, 10), (20, 1, 5)

// split the polyline at the point.  do project the split point onto the line, don't create a new part
splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, splitPointAboveLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);

// splitOccurred = true
// partIndex = 0
// segmentIndex = 1
// splitPolyline.PointCount = 3
// splitPolyline.PartCount = 1
// splitPolyline coordinates are (1, 1, 5), (10, 10, 5), (20, 1, 5)

// split the polyline at the point.  do project the split point onto the line, do create a new part
splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, splitPointAboveLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);

// splitOccurred = true
// partIndex = 1
// segmentIndex = 0
// splitPolyline.PointCount = 4
// splitPolyline.PartCount = 2
// splitPolyline first part coordinates are (1, 1, 5), (10, 10, 5)
// splitPolyline second part coordinates are (10, 10, 5), (20, 1, 5)

// try to split with a point that won't split the line  - pt extends beyond the line

var pointAfterLine = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(50, 1, 10);
splitPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(polylineZ, pointAfterLine, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);

// splitOccurred = false
// ignore partIndex, sgementIndex
// splitPolyline is the same as polylineZ

///  multipart polygon
List<Coordinate3D> coordsZ = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(10,10,5),
  new Coordinate3D(10,20,5),
  new Coordinate3D(20,20,5),
  new Coordinate3D(20,10,5)

List<Coordinate3D> coordsZ_2ndPart = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(30,20,10),
  new Coordinate3D(30,30,10),
  new Coordinate3D(35,28,10),
  new Coordinate3D(40,30,10),
  new Coordinate3D(40,20,10),

Polygon multipart = null;

// Builder constructors need to run on the MCT.
ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  var builder = new PolygonBuilder();
  builder.HasZ = true;

  multipart = builder.ToGeometry();

// pointA is closer to the first part of the multipart - the split occurs in the first part
var pointA = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(22, 18, 7);
var splitPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(multipart, pointA, false, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);

// splitPolygon.PointCount = 12
// splitPolygon.PartCount = 2
// splitPolygon first part coordinates  (10, 10, 5), (10, 20, 5), (20, 20, 5), (22, 18, 7), (20, 10, 5), (10, 10, 5)

// pointB is midPoint between the 2 parts - no split will occur
var pointB = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(25, 20, 7);
splitPolygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.SplitAtPoint(multipart, pointB, true, false, out splitOccurred, out partIndex, out segmentIndex);

// splitOccurred = false
// ignore partIndex, sgementIndex
// splitPolyline is the same as polylineZ

Polygon touches another Polygon

// two disjoint polygons
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4.0, 4.0), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(8, 8));
Polygon poly1 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env);

Envelope env2 = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(5, 5));
Polygon poly2 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env2);

bool touches = GeometryEngine.Instance.Touches(poly1, poly2);    // touches = false

// another polygon that touches the first
Envelope env3 = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4, 4));
Polygon poly3 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env3);

touches = GeometryEngine.Instance.Touches(poly1, poly3);         // touches = true


// Not all of the input points are transformed as some of them are outside of the GCS horizon.
Coordinate2D[] inCoords2D = new Coordinate2D[]
  new Coordinate2D(-1, -1),
  new Coordinate2D(-2, -5),
  new Coordinate2D(-5, -11),
  new Coordinate2D(-10, -19),
  new Coordinate2D(-17, -29),
  new Coordinate2D(-26, -41),
  new Coordinate2D(-37, -5),
  new Coordinate2D(-50, -21),
  new Coordinate2D(-65, -39),
  new Coordinate2D(-82, -9)

int arraySize = inCoords2D.Length;

ProjectionTransformation projTrans = ProjectionTransformation.Create(SpatialReferences.WGS84, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(24891));

Coordinate2D[] outCoords2D = new Coordinate2D[arraySize];

// transform and choose to remove the clipped coordinates
int numPointsTransformed = GeometryEngine.Instance.Transform2D(inCoords2D, projTrans, ref outCoords2D, true);

// numPointsTransformed = 4
// outCoords2D.Length = 4

// outCoords2D[0] = {5580417.6876455201, 1328841.2376554986}
// outCoords2D[1] = {3508774.290814558, -568027.23444226268}
// outCoords2D[2] = {1568096.0886155984, -2343435.4394415971}
// outCoords2D[3] = {57325.827391741652, 1095146.8917508761}

// transform and don't remove the clipped coordinates
numPointsTransformed = GeometryEngine.Instance.Transform2D(inCoords2D, projTrans, ref outCoords2D, false);

// numPointsTransformed = 4
// outCoords2D.Length = 10

// outCoords2D[0] = {double.Nan, double.Nan}
// outCoords2D[1] = {double.Nan, double.Nan}
// outCoords2D[2] = {double.Nan, double.Nan}
// outCoords2D[3] = {double.Nan, double.Nan}
// outCoords2D[4] = {double.Nan, double.Nan}
// outCoords2D[5] = {double.Nan, double.Nan}
// outCoords2D[6] = {5580417.6876455201, 1328841.2376554986}
// outCoords2D[7] = {3508774.290814558, -568027.23444226268}
// outCoords2D[8] = {1568096.0886155984, -2343435.4394415971}
// outCoords2D[9] = {57325.827391741652, 1095146.8917508761}


// Not all of the input points are transformed as some of them are outside of the GCS horizon.
Coordinate3D[] inCoords3D = new Coordinate3D[]
  new Coordinate3D(-1, -1, 0),
  new Coordinate3D(-2, -5, 1),
  new Coordinate3D(-5, -11, 2),
  new Coordinate3D(-10, -19, 3),
  new Coordinate3D(-17, -29, 4),
  new Coordinate3D(-26, -41, 5),
  new Coordinate3D(-37, -5, 6),
  new Coordinate3D(-50, -21, 7),
  new Coordinate3D(-65, -39, 8),
  new Coordinate3D(-82, -9, 9)

int arraySize = inCoords3D.Length;

ProjectionTransformation projTrans = ProjectionTransformation.Create(SpatialReferences.WGS84, SpatialReferenceBuilder.CreateSpatialReference(24891));

Coordinate3D[] outCoords3D = new Coordinate3D[arraySize];

// transform and choose to remove the clipped coordinates
int numPointsTransformed = GeometryEngine.Instance.Transform3D(inCoords3D, projTrans, ref outCoords3D);

// numPointsTransformed = 4
// outCoords2D.Length = 4

// outCoords2D[0] = {5580417.6876455201, 1328841.2376554986, 7}
// outCoords2D[1] = {3508774.290814558, -568027.23444226268, 8}
// outCoords2D[2] = {1568096.0886155984, -2343435.4394415971, 9}
// outCoords2D[3] = {57325.827391741652, 1095146.8917508761, 10}

Union two MapPoints - creates a Multipoint

MapPoint pt1 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0);
MapPoint pt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.5);

Geometry geometry = GeometryEngine.Instance.Union(pt1, pt2);
Multipoint multipoint = geometry as Multipoint;   // multipoint has point count of 2

Union two Polygons

// union two polygons

List<MapPoint> polyPts = new List<MapPoint>();
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 2.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 6.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 6.0));
polyPts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(6.0, 2.0));

Polygon poly1 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(polyPts);
bool isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(poly1);

Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(4.0, 4.0), MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(8, 8));
Polygon poly2 = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(env);
isSimple = GeometryEngine.Instance.IsSimpleAsFeature(poly2);

Geometry g = GeometryEngine.Instance.Union(poly1, poly2);
Polygon polyResult = g as Polygon;

Union many Polylines

// union many polylines

List<Coordinate2D> coords = new List<Coordinate2D>()
  new Coordinate2D(1, 2), new Coordinate2D(3, 4), new Coordinate2D(4, 2),
  new Coordinate2D(5, 6), new Coordinate2D(7, 8), new Coordinate2D(8, 4),
  new Coordinate2D(9, 10), new Coordinate2D(11, 12), new Coordinate2D(12, 8),
  new Coordinate2D(10, 8), new Coordinate2D(12, 12), new Coordinate2D(14, 10)

// create Disjoint lines
List<Polyline> manyLines = new List<Polyline>
  PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List<Coordinate2D>(){coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]}, SpatialReferences.WGS84),
  PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List<Coordinate2D>(){coords[3], coords[4], coords[5]}),
  PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(new List<Coordinate2D>(){coords[6], coords[7], coords[8]})

Polyline polyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.Union(manyLines) as Polyline;

Union many Polygons

// union many polygons

List<Coordinate3D> coordsZ = new List<Coordinate3D>()
  new Coordinate3D(1, 2, 0), new Coordinate3D(3, 4, 1), new Coordinate3D(4, 2, 2),
  new Coordinate3D(5, 6, 3), new Coordinate3D(7, 8, 4), new Coordinate3D(8, 4, 5),
  new Coordinate3D(9, 10, 6), new Coordinate3D(11, 12, 7), new Coordinate3D(12, 8, 8),
  new Coordinate3D(10, 8, 9), new Coordinate3D(12, 12, 10), new Coordinate3D(14, 10, 11)

// create polygons
List<Polygon> manyPolygonsZ = new List<Polygon>
  PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(new List<Coordinate3D>(){coordsZ[0], coordsZ[1], coordsZ[2]}, SpatialReferences.WGS84),
  PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(new List<Coordinate3D>(){coordsZ[3], coordsZ[4], coordsZ[5]}),
  PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(new List<Coordinate3D>(){coordsZ[6], coordsZ[7], coordsZ[8]})

Polygon polygon = GeometryEngine.Instance.Union(manyPolygonsZ) as Polygon;

MapPoints, Polylines, Polygons within Polygon

// build a polygon      
List<MapPoint> pts = new List<MapPoint>();
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 2.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 2.0));
pts.Add(MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(2.0, 1.0));

Polygon poly = PolygonBuilder.CreatePolygon(pts);

// an inner point
MapPoint innerPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.5, 1.5);
bool within = GeometryEngine.Instance.Within(innerPt, poly);   // within = true

// point on a boundary
within = GeometryEngine.Instance.Within(pts[0], poly);     // within = false

// an interior line
MapPoint innerPt2 = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(1.25, 1.75);
List<MapPoint> innerLinePts = new List<MapPoint>();

Polyline polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(innerLinePts);
within = GeometryEngine.Instance.Within(polyline, poly);   // within = true

// a line that crosses the boundary
MapPoint outerPt = MapPointBuilder.CreateMapPoint(3, 1.5);
List<MapPoint> crossingLinePts = new List<MapPoint>();

polyline = PolylineBuilder.CreatePolyline(crossingLinePts);
within = GeometryEngine.Instance.Within(polyline, poly);     // within = false

// polygon in polygon
Envelope env = EnvelopeBuilder.CreateEnvelope(innerPt, innerPt2);
within = GeometryEngine.Instance.Within(env, poly);      // within = true


ProSnippets: GeometryEngine

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