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mil2525d schema



This folder contains the Military Features Core Geodatabase Schema format and an empty geodatabase (in .zip format) and layer packages conforming to the current Military Features schema.

Schema Information

The following information is intended to capture the format of the Military Overlay Schema for other applications that may depend upon this format.

Graphic Display Amplifiers

The following fields control the display of symbols.

Attribute Name 2525 D Field ID Data Type Range of Values Default Value/Meaning Sample Name Sample Value/Meaning Explanatory Notes
symbolset A/E/AC short int 00-99 (per feature class) "Air" 01 ("air") REQUIRED
entity A long int N/A (per feature class) "Military (Air) : Fixed-Wing" "110100" REQUIRED
modifier1 A long int 00-99 00 (None) "Mobility : Air Mobile/Air Assault" Modifier "01" for Modifier 1 Optional
modifier2 A long int 00-99 00 (None) "Close Range and Support : Casualty Staging" Modifier "05" for Modifier 2 Optional
echelon B long int 0-26 0 (None) Squad Squad=12 Optional
indicator D/S/AB long int 0-7 0 (None) Headquarters Headquarters=2 Optional (="HQ/TF/FD")
identity E long int 0-9 1 (Unknown) "Friend" 3 ("friend") REQUIRED
context E short int 0-2 0 (Reality) "Reality" 0 ("reality") Optional
mobility R long int 0,31-52 (None) 0 Rail Rail=36 Optional
array AG long int 0,61-62 0 (None) Short Towed Array Short Towed Array=61 Optional
operationalcondition AL long int 0-5 0 (Present) Planned Planned=1 Optional
sidc string/TEXT string length(8 or 20) N/A "01100110" SymbolSet:"Air"/"01" + Entity:"100110" Optional-allows len=20 or len=8(identity=unknown) SIDC format

Text Amplifiers

The following table lists the Modifier definitions from 2525D and their corresponding attributes in the symbol dictionary.

Attribute Name 2525 D Field ID Field Title Notes
quantity C Quantity
reinforced F Reinforced or Reduced
staffcomment G Staff Comments
additionalinformation H Additional Information
additionalinformation2 H1 Additional Information 2 Used in the Convoys and Airspace Coordination Area tactical graphics.
credibility J Evaluation Rating Credibility rating is second character of Evaluation Rating (J) field.
reliability J1 Evaluation Rating Reliability rating is first character of Evaluation Rating (J) field.
combateffectiveness K Combat Effectiveness
signatureequipment L Signature Equipment
higherformation M Higher Formation
hostile N Hostile
idmode P IFF/SIF/AIS
direction Q Direction of Movement Indicator
sigintmobility R2 SIGINT Mobility Indicator
uniquedesignation T Unique Designation
uniquedesignation2 T1 Unique Designation 2 Used as an additional field for Fire Support Lines tactical graphics.
type V Type
datetimevalid W Date-Time Group (DTG) First half of Date-Time Group (DTG) (W) field.
datetimeexpired W1 Date-Time Group (DTG) Second half of Date-Time Group (DTG) (W) field. Many systems use W1 as a trigger to delete symbol from map.
z X Altitude/Depth Maximum altitude for aviation tactical graphics.
z2 X1 Altitude/Depth 2 Minimum altitude for aviation tactical graphics.
x Y Location Longitude in degrees.
x2 Y1 Location Longitude in degrees 2.
y Y Location Latitude in degrees.
y2 Y1 Location Latitude in degrees 2.
speed Z Speed
specialheadquarters AA Special C2 Headquarters
platformtype AD Platform Type
equipmentteardowntime AE Equipment Teardown Time
commonidentifier AF Common Identifier
distance AM Distance
distance2 AM1 Distance 2
azimuth AN Azimuth
targetdesignator AP Target Designator
guardedunit AQ Guarded Unit
specialdesignator AR Special Designator
country AS Country Code

Other/Special Cases

Attribute Name 2525 D Field ID Field Title Notes
radius AM Distance For special polygon symbols defined by attributes
length AM1 Length For special polygon symbols defined by attributes
width AM Width For special polygon symbols defined by attributes
orientation AN Azimuth/Attitude For special polygon symbols defined by attributes