Route Monitor ArcGIS 10.2.1 GeoEvent Extension server components
- Download the source code.
- Make sure Maven and Java SDK are installed on your machine.
- Create a new distribution folder that will contain all compiled jar files. For example, create a folder c:\routemonitor\jars
- Run 'mvn clean install\routemonitor\jars' in the GEP-components folder
- When maven finishes compiling the jar files, all jar files and the parent pom files are copied to the distribution folder. If you don't specify a distribution folder when running maven, you will have to find the jar files in the target folder of each indivicual project.
- Copy the *.jar files under the distribution folder into the [ArcGIS-GeoEvent-Extension-Install-Directory]/deploy folder.
- Follow the Route Monitor Installation Guide (downloadable from Gallery) to set up the server components of the Route Monitor.
- ArcGIS Server version 10.2.1
- ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server version 10.2.1.
- ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension SDK version 10.2.1.
- Java JDK 1.7 or greater.
- Apache Maven 3.0.3 and above.