Douban, Yet Another.
Yet another Material Design Android app for Douban.
- Material Design
- Start time optimization
- Lollipop shared element transition
- Screen rotation support.
- Staggered grid layout for tablet.
- Custom Tabs support.
Most data are fetched from network while some of them are cached for offline.
- Account system based on Android
. - Retrofit with custom extensions for network requests.
- Gson for data model.
- Glide for image loading.
- DiskLRUCache with custom extensions for caching.
- EventBus for state synchronization across Activities.
- Material Design implemented with AppCompat, Design, CardView and RecyclerView from support library and some customization.
- Animation implemented with shared element transition on Lollipop and above.
- MaterialColdStart,800+ Stars
- MaterialProgressBar,500+ Stars
- CustomTabsHelper,200+ Stars
- MaterialEditText
- SystemUiHelper
- PhotoView
- Glide
- Gson
- ButterKnife
- DiskLruCache
- ThreeTenABP
- Retrofit
- EventBus
- CustomTabsHelper
- EffortlessPermissions
- MaterialEditText
- MaterialProgressBar
- SystemUiHelper
- MaterialColdStart
You can download the APK file from releases of this project.
For building this project yourself:
- Create
- Execute
./gradlew build
After installation, please install Douya API Key to set up API key for this app.
Please don't install APKs from untrusted sources, so that you won't leak your username and password.