Monokai-Flat theme for VSCode based on Material Theme, currently tested for C#, Java, Python, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON, YAML, Markdown which Markdown, CSS, YAML need update
- Install Material Theme extension
- Select
Material Theme
theme (Command Palette > Preferences: Color Theme > Material Theme) - Open settings json file (Command Palette > Preferences: Open Settings (JSON))
- Copy and paste the content of Monokai-Flat.jsonc without the first
scope - You can now customise the theme colors as you please
You can change each color by changing the appropriate property in the JSON config. Workbench colors are after // Workbench Theme
and language specific syntax after // Syntax Theme
All properties are grouped so you can easily select what you want to modify and do a Replace
on one color.
You can find all used colors in the main README and in the color palette.
Cursor color (orange) is defined by the property "editorCursor.foreground": "#FD971F"
in // Editor Colors
You can change the purple separation color using the following properties:
"activityBar.border": "#B287FF",
"sideBar.border": "#B287FF",
"editorGroup.border": "#B287FF",
"panel.border": "#B287FF",
"panelTitle.activeBorder": "#B287FF",
"statusBar.border": "#B287FF",
"statusBarItem.prominentBackground": "#B287FFDD",
Changing accent color using Material Theme command override this theme settings (you can recover from it easily by doing an Undo
in the settings file).
To change accent color, find // Accent color
in the settings, select all accent color properties and do a Replace
This theme has not been tested on Community Material Theme but it should work by just changing
// Workbench Theme
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Material Theme]": {
// Workbench Theme
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"[Community Material Theme]": {