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File metadata and controls

303 lines (228 loc) · 10.8 KB


Our main style in C++ is to follow every style rule in PHP. This document only describes styles specific to C++. If you can't find something in here, it means you need to refer to our PHP style.

The only notable difference with the PHP style is that concatenation operators must be surrounded by spaces.


  • Docs for functions, params and return values should be omitted, unless they add useful additional information (eg, @param reportID in the code below is useless because because both the type and the name of the param are in the signature).
  • Docs for methods must be in the header files.
  • Each parameter must be documented using the following format: * @param paramName description. The description is required, otherwise it's just redundant information.
  • Return values must be documented using the following format: * @return description. Similarly, the description is required, otherwise the docs are pointless.
  • All exceptions thrown by a method must be documented using the following format: * @throws InvalidJSONException [description]. The description is required if it is not obvious why this exception can be thrown.

Thus, a doc block for a method must look like this:

// Good
 * Gets a reportNameValuePair's value
 * @param name The name of the reportNameValuePair
 * @return the rNVP's value
static string getValue(SQLite& db, uint64_t reportID, const string& name);

// Bad
 * Gets a reportNameValuePair's value
 * @param db
 * @param reportID
 * @param name     The name of the reportNameValuePair
 * @return the rNVP's value
static string getValue(SQLite& db, uint64_t reportID, const string& name);

// Good
static bool isDeleted(SQLite& db, const int64_t receiptID);

// Bad (unnecessary)
 * Checks if a receipt is deleted
 * @param db
 * @param receiptID
 * @return whether or not the receipt is deleted
static bool isDeleted(SQLite& db, const int64_t receiptID);


The using namespace statement is only allowed on the std namespace. That means std:: does not have to be prefixed everywhere.

How to define constants / Use of inline declaration

Define the constant variable in the header file without the inline keyword. There may be cases where using the inline specifier is needed but these should be rare and used sparingly. If you're adding inline "just so we can define and set the variable in the header file" you are holding it wrong.

The reason to follow standard cpp practice of declaring the variable in the header file and assigning it in the source file (.cpp) is to avoid unnecessary recompilation if the varible changes. You can see the discussion here

Pointers and references

The & and * must stick to the type, like this: const string& var, Command* cmd.

When using these on variables, they must stick to the variable name.

When to Use References

In general, use references to complex datatypes (including strings!) everywhere that you can. This avoids expensive memory allocations and copy operations. This is widely done already for strings passed to methods, with const string& being a very commonly used data type. In fact const parameters should almost always be passed as references, unless they may be deleted or changed by another thread while the function they've been passed to is running.

This extends beyond method parameters, though. Another common practice is to do something like:

SQResult result;"SELECT some data FROM some table...");

const string& particularField = result.rows[0][1];

This uses a reference to assign a convenient name to an existing piece of data. The compiler can actually optimize this entire line away, so this adds no performance overhead whatsoever. On the other hand:

SQResult result;"SELECT some data FROM some table...");

string particularField = result.rows[0][1];

This doesn't assign a name to result.rows[0][1] but rather, duplicates the data stored there. This requires a memory allocation and a copy operation to initialize the new string, which can be expensive, particularly if the string is large. This is generally to be avoided, unless you specifically need two copies of them (for instance, because you're going to modify one but need to keep the original, or because one of them might get deleted outside of your control).

There are, of course, specific reasons to either use, or not use references. For instance, consider the following function:

void getEmailName(string& email) {
    size_t offset = email.find_first_of('@');

This takes an existing email address, and chops off everything after (and including) the @. This is fast, it requires no copy nor initialization, but it requires passing email by reference, so you can operate on the original object, not a copy.

On the other hand, you're likely to want to keep the whole email and also want the username, in which case, you might write:

string getEmailName(string email) {
    size_t offset = email.find_first_of('@');
    return email;

This passes a copy of email to getEmailName, modifies the copy, and returns the modified value, thus preserving the original for the caller (this is not the best way to do this particular operation, but illustrates a case for not using a reference parameter). Which of the above functions you might write depends on what you're trying to accomplish, but in general, use references for large objects if you can, for performance reasons. On the other hand, when passing around primitives, like integers, there's no performance benefit to using references, because a reference itself takes up the same amount of memory as the original datatype. In this case, use a reference if you need to modify the original, or use a copy if you don't.

On const references to temporary objects:

The C++ standard allows this slightly weird behavior:

string myFunctionThatMakesAString()
    return string("abc123");

const string& whatDoesThisReferenceReferTo = myFunctionThatMakesAString();

Even though this looks like it refers to an object that should have been destroyed when myFunctionThatMakesAString returned, the compiler allows this, and extends the lifetime of this object to the life of the reference that it's assigned to. If you're wondering why the compiler does that, it's because old compilers used this as an optimization trick to avoid copying the return value from myFunctionThatMakesAString. However, new compilers don't need to do this, because they use a technique called "return value optimization" to do the same thing without the weird "reference to nothing".

Please don't use this mechanism in new code, just create a plain non-reference variable if you're creating a temporary object in this manner. The compiler will handle the optimization for you.


const should be used to achieve specific objectives, generally to avoid extraneous copies. A key scenario would be when passing an object by pointer or reference that shouldn't be modified, rather than by copy. Example:

string foo(const string& dontChangeThis)
    return dontChangeThis + "bar";

In this case, the const reference in the parameter to foo() assures the caller that this function won't modify the object being passed in.

Generally it is advised that you prefer to use const when creating variables unless you need to modify them, see for more info.

Default Params vs Function Overloading

When deciding whether to give a method a default param or to instead implement function overloading you should use default params when the types for the method will be the same and a default is easily set. If you need to allow or use different types then using function overloading should be preferred.

Ex: Bad Function Overloading

const string myMethod(const string& myParam);

const string myMethod(const string& myParam, const string& anotherParam);

Instead in the above case we should prefer a default param like so:

const string myMethod(const string& myParam, const string& anotherParam = "");

Good Function Overloading

string quotedString(int i)
    return "\"" + to_string(i) + "\"";
string quotedString(string s)
    return "\"" + s "\"";

Querying SQL data

When querying data from SQL using DB::read, for all new code always access the columns by their names (as opposed to by their indexes).

Ex: Bad

SQResult result;"SELECT name, value FROM nameValuePairs;", result);
auto name = result[0][0];
auto value = result[0][1];

Ex: Good

SQResult result;"SELECT name, value FROM nameValuePairs;", result);
auto name = result[0]["name"];
auto value = result[0]["value"];

Unpacking optionals

When unpacking an optional value, you should use the .value() method or .value_or() rather than directly dereferencing with *

const optional<string> myOptional = optional{"Hello world!"};

// Good
const string good = myOptional.value();

// Bad
const string bad = *myOptional;

When making assertions about whether or not an optional has a value, use .has_value() rather than relying on its implicit truthiness.

const optional<string> myOptional = optional{"Hello world!"};

// Bad - implicit conversion of optional to boolean
if (myOptional) {

// Good - clear unpacking of optional
if (myOptional.has_value()) {

// Bad - implicit conversion of optional to boolean

// Good - clear unpacking of optional

Prefer early returns

Just like in E/App, we should prefer early returns when it's feasible to do so:

void myGoodFunction(const string& name)
    // Good, early return
    if (name.empty()) {

void myBadFunction(const string& name)
    // Bad, nested functionality
    if (!myStr.empty()) {

Using assertions in tests

You should prefer using EXPECT_ over ASSERT_ in tests, given that when EXPECT_ assertion fails the execution of the test doesn't stop. This is useful when working on tests because you don't have to get one working in order to get the next one to run. Moreover, when assertions fail using EXPECT_ they output shows the assertion that failed with its line number.

You should use ASSERT_ for assertions that need to pass before the next assertions in the test are run. Said differently, if one assertion depends on another one succeeding, you should use ASSERT_ on the first one because there's no point in continuing to run the test if the ASSERT_ fails

// Good

// Bad