This is a Fullstack Blog Website built using Nodejs, ReactJs, ExpressJs, deployed on and AWS using EC2, leverage DocumentDB as a NoSQL database, and optimize performance and costs with CloudFront.
- User Account Creation (Optional)
- Post Categories
- Pagination with Page Numbers
- Commenting on Posts (Only Available to Signed-in Users)
- Dark and Light Theme Settings
- Account Creation
- Email Verification with OTP
- Create Posts, Delete Posts, Enable or Disable Posts
- Dashboard Analytics
- Content and Views Analytics (7 days, 28 days, 900 days & 365 days)
- Ability to delete user comments on a blog post
- Dark and Light Theme Settings
- Nodejs, ReactJs, ExpressJs
- AWS DocumentDB (MongoDB)
- AWS S3
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd workshop-deploy-blog-website