The first thing a language teacher tells you is that you shouldn't translate word for word from your mother tongue; you must think in the new language.
Fully agree, but this list will be a good starting point for that new way of thinking.
Windows Batch | PowerShell |
HELP | Get-Help |
ASSOC | Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts" |
ATTRIB | (Get-ChildItem).Attributes = 'ReadOnly, Hidden' |
CACLS | Set-Acl |
CALL | function |
CD | Set-Location -Path C:\Temp |
CLS | Clear-Host |
COLOR | $Host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor / $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor |
COMP | Get-FileHash |
COMPACT | (Get-ChildItem).Attributes = 'Compressed' |
COPY | Copy-Item |
DATE | Get-Date |
DEL | Remove-Item |
DIR | Get-ChildItem |
ECHO | Write-Host |
EXIT | exit |
FINDSTR | Select-String |
FOR | For-Each |
GPRESULT | Get-GPResultantSetOfPolicy |
ICACLS | Set-Acl |
IF | if |
LABEL | Set-Volume |
MD | New-Item -ItemType Directory |
MKLINK | New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink |
MORE | Out-Host -Paging |
MOVE | Move-Item |
OPENFILES | Get-SmbOpenFile |
PATH | Set-Item -Path Env:Path |
PAUSE | Start-Sleep |
PING | Test-Connection |
POPD | Pop-Location |
Out-Printer | |
PROMPT | function prompt {} |
PUSHD | Push-Location |
RD | Remove-Item |
REM | # |
REN | Rename-Item |
REPLACE | Copy-Item |
ROBOCOPY | Copy-Item |
SET | Get-Item -Path Env:* |
SETLOCAL | $script:VariableName |
SC | Get-Service |
SCHTASKS | New-ScheduledTaskAction |
SHUTDOWN | Stop-Computer |
SORT | Sort-Object |
START | Start-Process |
SUBST | New-PSDrive |
SYSTEMINFO | Get-ComputerInfo |
TASKLIST | Get-Process |
TASKKILL | Stop-Process |
TIME | Get-Date |
TITLE | $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle |
TREE | Get-ChildItem |
TYPE | Get-Content |
VER | $Host.Version.ToString() |
VOL | Get-Volume |
XCOPY | Copy-Item |
WMIC | Get-WmiObject |
%~d0 | Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath -Qualifier |
%~p0 | (Get-Item $PSCommandPath ).Directory.Name |
%~n0 | (Get-Item $PSCommandPath ).Basename |
%~x0 | (Get-Item $PSCommandPath ).Extension |
%CD% | Get-Location |
%DATE% | Get-Date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd" |
%TIME% | Get-Date -Format "HH::mm:ss" |
%TEMP% | $env:TEMP |
%RANDOM% | Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 32767 |
%USERDOMAIN% | (Get-ADDomain -Current LoggedOnUser).NetBIOSName |
%USERNAME% | [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name |
%COMPUTERNAME% | Get-ComputerInfo -Property CSName |