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MIT License GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases) GitHub issues DOI Website Userguide Ubuntu Windows Lint Docs

FLAME GPU is a GPU accelerated agent-based simulation library for domain independent complex systems simulations. Version 2 is a complete re-write of the existing library offering greater flexibility, an improved interface for agent scripting and better research software engineering, with CUDA/C++ and Python interfaces.

FLAME GPU provides a mapping between a formal agent specifications with C++ based scripting and optimised CUDA code. This includes a number of key Agent-based Modelling (ABM) building blocks such as multiple agent types, agent communication and birth and death allocation.

  • Agent-based (AB) modellers are able to focus on specifying agent behaviour and run simulations without explicit understanding of CUDA programming or GPU optimisation strategies.
  • Simulation performance is significantly increased in comparison with CPU alternatives. This allows simulation of far larger model sizes with high performance at a fraction of the cost of grid based alternatives.
  • Massive agent populations can be visualised in real time as agent data is already located on the GPU hardware.

Project Status

FLAME GPU 2 is currently in an pre-release (release candidate) state, and although we hope there will not be significant changes to the API prior to a stable release there may be breaking changes as we fix issues, adjust the API and improve performance. The use of native Python agent functions (agent functions expressed as Python syntax which are transpiled to C++) is currently supported (see examples) but classed as an experimental feature.

If you encounter issues while using FLAME GPU, please provide bug reports, feedback or ask questions via GitHub Issues and Discussions.

Documentation and Support


Pre-compiled python wheels are available for installation from Releases, and can also be installed via pip via Wheels are not currently manylinux compliant. Please see the latest release for more information on the available wheels and installation instructions.

C++/CUDA installation is not currently available. Please refer to the section on Building FLAME GPU.

Creating your own FLAME GPU Model

Template repositories are provided as a simple starting point for your own FLAME GPU models, with separate template repositories for the CUDA C++ and Python interfaces. See the template repositories for further information on their use.

Building FLAME GPU

FLAME GPU 2 uses CMake, as a cross-platform process, for configuring and generating build directives, e.g. Makefile or .vcxproj. This is used to build the FLAMEGPU2 library, examples, tests and documentation.


Building FLAME GPU has the following requirements. There are also optional dependencies which are required for some components, such as Documentation or Python bindings.


  • cpplint for linting code
  • Doxygen to build the documentation
  • Python >= 3.8 for python integration
    • With setuptools, wheel, build and optionally venv python packages installed
  • swig >= 4.0.2 for python integration
    • Swig 4.x will be automatically downloaded by CMake if not provided (if possible).
  • MPI (e.g. MPICH, OpenMPI) for distributed ensemble support
    • MPI 3.0+ tested, older MPIs may work but not tested.
    • CMake >= 3.20.1 may be required for some MPI libraries / platforms.
  • FLAMEGPU2-visualiser dependencies
    • SDL
    • GLM (consistent C++/GLSL vector maths functionality)
    • GLEW (GL extension loader)
    • FreeType (font loading)
    • DevIL (image loading)
    • Fontconfig (Linux only, font detection)

Building with CMake

Building via CMake is a three step process, with slight differences depending on your platform.

  1. Create a build directory for an out-of tree build
  2. Configure CMake into the build directory
    • Using the CMake GUI or CLI tools
    • Specifying build options such as the CUDA Compute Capabilities to target, the inclusion of Visualisation or Python components, or performance impacting features such as FLAMEGPU_SEATBELTS. See CMake Configuration Options for details of the available configuration options
    • CMake will automatically find and select compilers, libraries and python interpreters based on current environmental variables and default locations. See Mastering CMake for more information.
      • Python dependencies must be installed in the selected python environment. If needed you can instruct CMake to use a specific python implementation using the Python_ROOT_DIR and Python_Executable CMake options at configure time.
  3. Build compilation targets using the configured build system


To build under Linux using the command line, you can perform the following steps.

For example, to configure CMake for Release builds, for consumer Pascal GPUs (Compute Capability 61), with python bindings enabled, producing the static library and boids_bruteforce example binary.

# Create the build directory and change into it
mkdir -p build && cd build

# Configure CMake from the command line passing configure-time options. 

# Build the required targets. In this case all targets
cmake --build . --target flamegpu boids_bruteforce -j 8

# Alternatively make can be invoked directly
make flamegpu boids_bruteforce -j8


Under Windows, you must instruct CMake on which Visual Studio and architecture to build for, using the CMake -A and -G options. This can be done through the GUI or the CLI.

I.e. to configure CMake for consumer Pascal GPUs (Compute Capability 61), with python bindings enabled, and build the producing the static library and boids_bruteforce example binary in the Release configuration:

REM Create the build directory 
mkdir build
cd build

REM Configure CMake from the command line, specifying the -A and -G options. Alternatively use the GUI
cmake .. -A x64 -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=61 -DFLAMEGPU_BUILD_PYTHON=ON

REM You can then open Visual Studio manually from the .sln file, or via:
cmake --open . 
REM Alternatively, build from the command line specifying the build configuration
cmake --build . --config Release --target flamegpu boids_bruteforce --verbose

Configuring and Building a single example

It is also possible to configure and build individual examples as standalone CMake projects.

I.e. to configure and build game_of_life example in release mode from the command line, using linux as an example:

cd examples/game_of_life
mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake --build . --target all

CMake Configuration Options

Option Value Description
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release / Debug / MinSizeRel / RelWithDebInfo Select the build configuration for single-target generators such as make
CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES e.g 60, "60;70" CUDA Compute Capabilities to build/optimise for, as a ; separated list. See CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES. Defaults to all-major or equivalent. Alternatively use the CUDAARCHS environment variable.
FLAMEGPU_SEATBELTS ON/OFF Enable / Disable additional runtime checks which harm performance but increase usability. Default ON
FLAMEGPU_BUILD_PYTHON ON/OFF Enable Python target pyflamegpu via Swig. Default OFF. Python packages setuptools, build & wheel required
FLAMEGPU_BUILD_PYTHON_VENV ON/OFF Use a python venv when building the python Swig target. Default ON. Python package venv required
FLAMEGPU_BUILD_TESTS ON/OFF Build the C++/CUDA test suite. Default OFF.
FLAMEGPU_BUILD_TESTS_DEV ON/OFF Build the reduced-scope development test suite. Default OFF
FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_GTEST_DISCOVER ON/OFF Run individual CUDA C++ tests as independent ctest tests. This dramatically increases test suite runtime. Default OFF.
FLAMEGPU_VISUALISATION ON/OFF Enable Visualisation. Default OFF.
FLAMEGPU_VISUALISATION_ROOT path/to/vis Provide a path to a local copy of the visualisation repository.
FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_NVTX ON/OFF Enable NVTX markers for improved profiling. Default OFF
FLAMEGPU_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS ON/OFF Promote compiler/tool warnings to errors are build time. Default OFF
FLAMEGPU_RTC_EXPORT_SOURCES ON/OFF At runtime, export dynamic RTC files to disk. Useful for debugging RTC models. Default OFF
FLAMEGPU_RTC_DISK_CACHE ON/OFF Enable/Disable caching of RTC functions to disk. Default ON.
FLAMEGPU_VERBOSE_PTXAS ON/OFF Enable verbose PTXAS output during compilation. Default OFF.
FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_GLM ON/OFF Experimental feature for GLM type support within models. Default OFF.
FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_MPI ON/OFF Enable MPI support for distributed CUDAEnsembles, each MPI worker should have exclusive access to it's GPUs e.g. 1 MPI worker per node. Default OFF.
FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_ADVANCED_API ON/OFF Enable advanced API functionality (C++ only), providing access to internal sim components for high-performance extensions. No stability guarantees are provided around this interface and the returned objects. Documentation is limited to that found in the source. Default OFF.
FLAMEGPU_SHARE_USAGE_STATISTICS ON/OFF Share usage statistics (telemetry) to support evidencing usage/impact of the software. Default ON.
FLAMEGPU_TELEMETRY_SUPPRESS_NOTICE ON/OFF Suppress notice encouraging telemetry to be enabled, which is emitted once per binary execution if telemetry is disabled. Defaults to OFF, or the value of a system environment variable of the same name.
FLAMEGPU_TELEMETRY_TEST_MODE ON/OFF Submit telemetry values to the test mode of TelemetryDeck. Intended for use during development of FLAMEGPU rather than use. Defaults to OFF, or the value of a system environment variable of the same name.
FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_LINT_FLAMEGPU ON/OFF Enable/Disable creation of the lint_flamegpu target. Default ON if this repository is the root CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR, otherwise OFF

For a list of available CMake configuration options, run the following from the build directory:

cmake -LH ..

Available Targets

Target Description
all Linux target containing default set of targets, including everything but the documentation and lint targets
ALL_BUILD The windows equivalent of all
all_lint Run all available Linter targets
flamegpu Build FLAME GPU static library
pyflamegpu Build the python bindings for FLAME GPU
docs The FLAME GPU API documentation (if available)
tests Build the CUDA C++ test suite, if enabled by FLAMEGPU_BUILD_TESTS=ON
tests_dev Build the CUDA C++ test suite, if enabled by FLAMEGPU_BUILD_TESTS_DEV=ON
<example> Each individual model has it's own target. I.e. boids_bruteforce corresponds to examples/boids_bruteforce
lint_<other> Lint the <other> target. I.e. lint_flamegpu will lint the flamegpu target

For a full list of available targets, run the following after configuring CMake:

cmake --build . --target help


Once compiled individual models can be executed from the command line, with a range of default command line arguments depending on whether the model implements a single Simulation, or an Ensemble of simulations.

To see the available command line arguments use the -h or --help options, for either C++ or python models.

I.e. for a Release build of the game_of_life model, run:

./bin/Release/game_of_life --help

Visual Studio

If wishing to run examples within Visual Studio it is necessary to right click the desired example in the Solution Explorer and select Debug > Start New Instance. Alternatively, if Set as StartUp Project is selected, the main debugging menus can be used to initiate execution. To configure command line argument for execution within Visual Studio, right click the desired example in the Solution Explorer and select Properties, in this dialog select Debugging in the left hand menu to display the entry field for command arguments. Note, it may be necessary to change the configuration as the properties dialog may be targeting a different configuration to the current build configuration.

Environment Variables

Several environmental variables are used or required by FLAME GPU 2.

Environment Variable Description
CUDA_PATH Required when using RunTime Compilation (RTC), pointing to the root of the CUDA Toolkit where NVRTC resides.
i.e. /usr/local/cuda-11.0/ or C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v11.0.
Alternatively CUDA_HOME may be used if CUDA_PATH was not set.
FLAMEGPU_INC_DIR When RTC compilation is required, if the location of the include directory cannot be found it must be specified using the FLAMEGPU_INC_DIR environment variable.
FLAMEGPU_TMP_DIR FLAME GPU may cache some files to a temporary directory on the system, using the temporary directory returned by std::filesystem::temp_directory_path. The location can optionally be overridden using the FLAMEGPU_TMP_DIR environment variable.
FLAMEGPU_RTC_INCLUDE_DIRS A list of include directories that should be provided to the RTC compiler, these should be separated using ; (Windows) or : (Linux). If this variable is not found, the working directory will be used as a default.
FLAMEGPU_SHARE_USAGE_STATISTICS Enable / Disable sending of telemetry data, when set to ON or OFF respectively.
FLAMEGPU_TELEMETRY_SUPPRESS_NOTICE Enable / Disable a once per execution notice encouraging the use of telemetry, if telemetry is disabled, when set to ON or OFF respectively.
FLAMEGPU_TELEMETRY_TEST_MODE Enable / Disable sending telemetry data to a test endpoint, for FLAMEGPU development to separate user statistics from developer statistics. Set to ON or OFF.
FLAMEGPU_GLM_INC_DIR When RTC compilation is required and GLM support has been enabled, if the location of the GLM include directory cannot be found it must be specified using the FLAMEGPU_GLM_INC_DIR environment variable.

Running the Test Suite(s)

CUDA C++ Test Suites

The test suite for the CUDA/C++ library can be executed using CTest, or by manually running the test executable(s).

can be used to orchestrate running multiple test suites for different aspects of FLAME GPU 2.

The test suite can be executed using CTest by running ctest, or ctest -VV for verbose output of sub-tests, from the the build directory.

More verbose CTest output for the GoogleTest based CUDA C++ test suite(s) can be enabled by configuring CMake with FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_GTEST_DISCOVER set to ON. This however will dramatically increase test suite execution time.

  1. Configure CMake to build the desired tests suites as desired, using FLAMEGPU_BUILD_TESTS=ON, FLAMEGPU_BUILD_TESTS_DEV=ON and optionally FLAMEGPU_ENABLE_GTEST_DISCOVER=ON.

  2. Build the tests, tests_dev targets as required

  3. Run the test suites via ctest, using -vv for more-verbose output. Multiple tests can be ran concurrently using -j <jobs>. Use -R <regex> to only run matching tests.

    ctest -vv -j 8

To run the CUDA/C++ test suite(s) manually, which allows use of --gtest_filter:

  1. Configure CMake with FLAMEGPU_BUILD_TESTS=ON

  2. Build the tests target

  3. Run the test suite executable for the selected configuration i.e.


Python Testing via pytest

To run the python test suite:

  1. Configure CMake with FLAMEGPU_BUILD_PYTHON=ON

  2. Build the pyflamegpu target

  3. Activate the generated python venv for the selected configuration, which has pyflamegpu and pytest installed

    If using Bash (linux, bash for windows)

    source lib/Release/python/venv/bin/activate

    If using cmd:

    call lib\Release\python\venv\Scripts\activate.bat

    Or if using Powershell:

    . lib\Release\python\venv\Scripts\activate.ps1
  4. Run pytest on the tests/python directory. This may take some time.

    python3 -m pytest ../tests/python

Usage Statistics (Telemetry)

Support for academic software is dependant on evidence of impact. Without evidence it is difficult/impossible to justify investment to add features and provide maintenance. We collect a minimal amount of anonymous usage data so that we can gather usage statistics that enable us to continue to develop the software under a free and permissible licence.

Information is collected when a simulation, ensemble or test suite run have completed.

The TelemetryDeck service is used to store telemetry data. All data is sent to their API endpoint of via https. For more details please review the TelmetryDeck privacy policy.

We do not collect any personal data such as usernames, email addresses or machine identifiers.

More information can be found in the FLAMEGPU documentation.

Telemetry is enabled by default, but can be opted out by:

  • Setting an environment variable FLAMEGPU_SHARE_USAGE_STATISTICS to OFF, false or 0 (case insensitive).
    • If this is set during the first CMake configuration it will be used for all subsequent CMake configurations until the CMake Cache is cleared, or it is manually changed.
    • If this is set during simulation, ensemble or test execution (i.e. runtime) it will also be respected
  • Setting the FLAMEGPU_SHARE_USAGE_STATISTICS CMake option to OFF or another false-like CMake value, which will default telemetry to be off for executions.
  • Programmatically overriding the default value by:
    • Calling flamegpu::io::Telemetry::disable() or pyflamegpu.Telemetry.disable() prior to the construction of any Simulation, CUDASimulation or CUDAEnsemble objects.
    • Setting the telemetry config property of a Simulation.Config, CUDASimulation.SimulationConfig or CUDAEnsemble.EnsembleConfig to false.


Feel free to submit Pull Requests, create Issues or open Discussions.

See for more detailed information on how to contribute to FLAME GPU.

Authors and Acknowledgment

See Contributors for a list of contributors towards this project.

If you refer to the technical, algorithmic or performance aspects of FLAME GPU then please cite "FLAME GPU 2: A framework for flexible and performant agent based simulation on GPUs" (DOI: If you use this software in your work, please cite DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5428984. Release specific DOI are also provided via Zenodo.

Alternatively, CITATION.cff provides citation metadata, which can also be accessed from GitHub.


FLAME GPU is distributed under the MIT Licence.

Known issues

There are currently several known issues which will be fixed in future releases (where possible). For a full list of known issues pleases see the Issue Tracker.

  • Warnings and a loss of performance due to hash collisions in device code (#356)
  • Multiple known areas where performance can be improved (e.g. #449, #402)
  • Windows/MSVC builds using CUDA 11.0 may encounter errors when performing incremental builds if the static library has been recompiled. If this presents itself, re-save any .cu file in your executable producing project and re-trigger the build.
  • Debug builds under linux with CUDA 11.0 may encounter cuda errors during validateIDCollisions. Consider using an alternate CUDA version if this is required (#569).
  • CUDA 11.0 with GCC 9 may encounter a segmentation fault during compilation of the test suite. Consider using GCC 8 with CUDA 11.0.
  • CUDA 12.2+ suffers from poor RTC compilation times, to be fixed in a future release. (#1118).