- Download the CTRE Phenox Library (tested 5.21) link
- Copy the java libraries "mavin" to the wpi library dir wpilib/2022
- Add to your java project:
- Copy the RobotBuilder to the RobotBuilder extensions directory.
- Open Robot Builder.
- Create a swerve module subsystem.
- Add a SparkMax controller for the turn motor
- Add a SparkMax controller for the drive motor
- Add a Cancoder
Add SparkMaxCan Robot Builder Extension
public void initSendable(SendableBuilder builder) {
builder.addDoubleProperty("cancoder_abs_position", this::getCancoderAbsPosition, null);
builder.addDoubleProperty("cancoder_id", this::getCancoderDeviceId, null);
builder.addDoubleProperty("cancoder_position", this::getCancoderPosition, null);
builder.addDoubleProperty("cancoder_velocity", this::getCancoderVelocity, null);
builder.addDoubleProperty("turn_value", this::getTurnMotorValue, null);
builder.addDoubleProperty("drive_value", this::getDriveMotorValue, null);